p. 1


would Later WAS cittae.
As to The reply Labourers Sent Off To Will Again Visit The IsthBocas on Monday.
mus of Panama.
In Colon Newspaper Refuted By on Monday last, 50 labourers lett Panama for Bicas del Toro, that the Hon. Thoe Wint.
We are able to stato definitely Bodies Of Two Girl Babies Found Hon. and Rev. Young on the United Fruit Company M. LO, who visited Panama in steamer Turrialba. The economic August along with others will Drowned In Bath.
conditions on the Isthmus must return here about the 11th Oct.
In a most excellent and satis published in Colon called the undoubtedly force the larga Me, Wiat is a politician who has. The following pathetic story is went to pick up Lily, but a frefactory manner. Hon and Rev. Independent dated 9th August, number of unemployed to made a name in Jamaica on You:g, th Jamaican Puli in which certain statements are other tields of labour, however count of bis criticism of ac taken from Lloyd Weekly of man took ber and tried artificil tician who visited the Isthmus alleged to have been made by uninvitlog the the 16th inst:conditions tbe respiration, without avail.
San may Government chiefly in connec Women witnesses and the It was at this stage that Mos.
recently, has refuted certain me at a publle meeting held in bz Panama is at present abso tion with its dealing with the woman in the dock were in tears Harnden became much affected dead.
Independent published in the city August last, and certain con concerned and paraong ho tive Council in January 1920 as court bearing at Stratford Mrs. ing salts by a wardres who was sented with ber in the dock.
it is reported were made by Mr. headlines of the paragraph read they are permanently employed Garden Parish of Jamaica, which nins, wite of bus Constable Bassett said that Young at a meeting held at the Ing. Jamaican Politicians. or are engaged in business is the largest of the fourteen, recently unemployed, of Ripple he was called to the Wesleyan Methodist Church in score British Legation. should be warned not to return he at once went to the front, road, Barking, was committed it was full of smoke and there that city prior to the return of the Party might not have troubled to to this country as they wil When the Elected Members for trial at the Central Criminal was a strong smell of to Jamaica!
notice this unfortunate reter experience a great deal of hard. dsolded to press for a change Court, charged with the murder Going into the kitchen he saw paradin.
The published statements in once, which (to use the language ships and sofferings Another in the Constitution he was one of her two children, zilian, aged the two children, fully dressed ferred, discourteous treatment of the writer. Is the only ripple batch of labourers will be sent of the central figures, and be four, and Violet, aged two. lying on the table, In the bedto the Party by. Constan. of fine Graham Courgé enjoyable tema verte probe to bilo off on xonday the 2nd October. anne Secretary of the Electora The two girls were found room he found that the bedding, Members Committee with the drowned in a bath in their home bed clothes and some furniture Ataires at the Legation, and as time which we spent during Hon. Simpson a on August 28, and at the inquest had been destroyed by fire.
was to be expected brought brief visit to the Isthmua, but WEST INDIAN BAND Chairman. verdict of Wiltul murder was about some regrettable irritating for the fact that in fairness to Get My Childran Mr. Wint is anxious that West returned against the mother unpleasantness which has hap: you, to the West Indian CommitAnnie Atkin, fourteen, of Mrs. Harnden sat between two in to and We are pleased to notifiy she Indians and particularly JamaiRomford street, Barking, said vindication of Mc. Graham I cannot allow such a statement public that the recently organs cada abroad should be linked up the prodorning the earlier pent that at 9:30 pon the morning and to go uncorrected ed West Indian Band in Guacha. and that a machinery should be to be calm, but she broke dowa Aug. 28. she met Mrs. Harnden of. The unpleasant circumstance from the pall. has, ob ained permission sotto ensure Lof the Wor who said: Go home and tell my of of 26th August, trough the West Indian Com looking after. To this end he is the we ought to the attention Indian Committee who remarks of Mr, Wyot authorities to render Band he comes out in Oot, he will go heighbour, said that at 9:15 on from the Panamanian working and it is expected when The first witness, Mrs. West a mother to go and get my two children acted promptly in bringing for refutation wel weated the matter to Mr. Young referred to in the Independen, Concerts in the De Lessed Park eu a visit to Bocas and Costa gaw mers, maar de reste des the the morning of the tragedy Wough she did she look?
was afraid attention. We therefore give but as Mr. Wynter was not, on Sunday nights between the Rica.
house, and shortly afterwards publicity to the letter which was think, present at the meeting in hours of 8:30 and 9:30.
she crying? Yes; and by rds the look of her eyes thought Council of sent to the Legation and which Colon. bis comment cannot be Tais is welcome news and we Jamaica ho native determined the abtamo ka naming through she wanted to tell me something upstairs window. went speaks for itself:admitted in evidence. will however, before explain enjɔy these concerts and show the government has to give way seeing Harnden standing in his down and tears fell down her feel sure that the public will ighter and moreoyer very often to the front of her house wand else, and did nt like to.
again broke (Copy)
ing to you what said which appreciation for tbis uplque doorway, spoke to him and he cheeks.
HON Rev. GL YOUNG gave rise to this uufortunate entertainment. Continued on Page 4) can through ber house and got for St. Catherine, paraphrase of my remarks, into his own yard.
Dr. Fenton, of Linton road, Member of Board of Educa quote from an account of our Father Grief.
Barking, the police surgeon, sald tion, etc.
that when he arrived at 11 viait contained in the Gleaner of ANOTHER CRUEL MURDER RE29th Aagust, and presumably She heard smashing of glass, o clock the children had been Brown Hall Post Office, by one who was present. PORTED FROM COLON.
and next saw Harnden, who had dead about two hours. Later he Jamaica, This article under the called for help, being brought made a post mortem examination out of the front of his house and found a bruise at the top of 9th September, 1922 Jamaicans on these fibtions and dated) Cristobal August Man Kills His Father In Law By Cutting Off His Head Prostrate with grief. Lily head, evidently caused by SON. CONSTANTINE GRAHAM Esq 17th following alia, Grace Blunden, another neigh a violent biow. B. Chargé Affaires, in reference to my remarks And Throw It Into The Mindi River.
in bour, said that she saw Harnden beavy hammer was shown British Logation, the toast visitors in his passage, running up and We have met Mr. Grabam the Panana City, de a Chargé Adaires. and he has sends us the following report its apparently hasty burial place, in and she went into the soul. The lungs he added, contained correspondent missing man was removed from down like mad. He called her to the doctor who said that such Sir: In a communtcation re been very kind to us! of another cruel murder perpe. when the body proved to be lery and the two children water, and death was due to cently received from the Secre The above, which is correct, is trated in the Mindi district that of the missing man. lying in the bath, which was hall drowning while the child was tarve of the Republic of Panas porta or the Indepandent and master seems to be kept quiet further investigation. arrested were asleep. Our both their hoads which bald probably be a caused West Indian Com certainly in conflict with during the police of water stunned, looked as though they ama, my attention has been the inference which understand by the police authorities per the son in law who Violet head was a bruise called to a paragraph appearing under the water. She by a hammer. He came to the denied everything in connection were in a copy of a weekly jurnal (Continued On Page 8)
pleting their investigation.
baps for tho purpose of compith the crime, but as murder picked Violet out of the bath, We have not as yet been able will out, there appeared an and handed her to a man. She (Continued On Pays 8)
JAMAICA PEOPLE SOCIETY DEATH OF MR. to get the names of the par other man on the scene who was by be OʻREILLY.
Spaniards. The aim or formato erted that he was present HORSE RACING AT JUAN Brilish Consulate Notice band is that the murdered man the jungle and saw the son in The St. Lucia Voice of the 30th and his a98assin were father low sever the man head from The Acting British Consul at cutlass and FRANGO, Colon would be glad of informeOn Friday 22nd last, a meet. August announces the death of in law and son in law. There his body with tion as to the present whereing of the Jamaica People Mr. Samuel Arthur Francis seems to have been some deep throw the head into the river, that the assassin immediately Society was held at Geddes Ball Reilly who died at his resi seated hatred between both of abouts of one Mare DƏMeza, who Anderson, Chairman of dence No. 18 High Street these men due to the father called on him to assist in bury. Definitely Fixed For Octo has been resident in Colon for ber 15th, son in law for ing the body, threatening him some 25 years, It is also under.
the local Committee presided. Castries on the 29th of August. dislike of the Among those present were marrying his daughter. Some with says: Mr. Reilly like fate in case stood that he has been employed Messrs La Beach, cretary, was born in the island of day last week father of refusal. They imme: Finzi, Russel Phillips; Dr, Antigua he came to this colony left home and went in the Mindi diately scratched a hole and Club has definitely decided to At last the Panama Jockey as a clerk at Balboa. Connell members of the about 42 years ago as one of the jungle; he did not return for buried the headless body, bring og a trial Race Meeting of the habitable globe. For is it Committee; Commander Morris Mico Teachers who were at that three days and this wife got but there Army of the Island, alarmed and went in search of earth to cover the exposed arm was not sufficient and the date is fixed for Sunday not true that Mr. Allan and one of the pioneers of October, 15, 1922. Race fans bate Secretary of the Arcadia educa him; failing to find her husband and that was left out. After this generally and hard back turfites, Racing Association of Jamaica Dr. Anderson in opening the tion in the colony, and laid the she reported the matter to the was done, it is reported that the particularly, will now heave a basebarge of the entire manage; explained fully the alms foundation of today enlight police authorities and the latter murderer further threatened his sigh of relief and get down And of the and objects of the Association, ment. He became the Town immediately despatched sleuths assistant with decapitation in making preparations and laying there is in the racing game that And is it also true that what and the manner in which one Clerk when the Castries Town to find out the trouble. case he ever revealed what had plans for the date long looked could become a shareholder and Board was instituted in 1890 and Allan dosn know is not They had not been long in the bappened. We understand that for.
assist in the development of this filled that office to the day of his both worth knowing then gentle race these men and the wife of great work which is intended to they highly jungle before death. Mr. Reilly The Jockey Club has every can why worry? Jast be at the assassin are now held in the thing looking spiek and span Juan Franco on the 15th proxihand projecting make its members industrially respected by every member Cristobal Jail, Town earth rest independent for this grand meet at Juan mo and see for yourself.
We hope to give more definite Franco. The Grand Stand, Dr. Connell, was the next Board can ill adord to lose his the body was buried in a hole, speaker and he emphasised that organising capacities just now. The ball seina mediately clear detalls of this hideous atrocity Judge Box and Paddock are all grammed including two races for There.
the society was of a completed and are a credit to native bred horses one for twofold He leaves a sorrowing widowed and the headless body of the in another issue.
nature; Political and Commercial, lour sons and two danghters to sooooo the ambition and energies of the Ecuadorian horses extend our It was one wbich ofered favour all of whom QUIET WEDDING where an informal reception was finished and only awaits the imported horses and selling Jockey Club. The track is all Jamaica bred horses two for able opportunities to investors sympathetic condolences.
beld, until p when the party prowess of the feety thorough race confined to borses owned and was sure means in making Among the sons are Mr.
the humbler people owners of Lenox P, Reilly Bar Catholic Church, Colon was the Last Saturday St. Joseph Panama. Oa arrival at this city beautiful horso shoe circum These various races carry cash left on the evening train for breds to boof it around the by the Panama Jockey Club only.
rister at Law. and Mr. Guy the scene of a very quiet wedding was held at the home reception Cerence that now adorns the old prase varying from 550. 00, ta wedding Mr. Phillips in his usual em. Reiily Barrister at Law phatic way addressed the meet. present practising in the island when Mr.
Ernest George bride and groom at No. 181 curves that were once the pride and sharp 150 00.
ing stating that a plan of the of Trinidad to sled Rothery and Mies Daisy Wilson Central Avenue, where quite of local turfites in the days gone The purses for this meet 11 shows the unselfishness of the entire family the Workman Father Barns. At the close of speed on their newly married horca racing in Panama. And it to follow, and at the same time kind which was being considered aspiring young men and to the were joined together in the holy select gathering was present to b5 20 off along the right wish Mr, and Mrs. Rothery promoters to benefit the small tenders sincere condolence in ta new era has dawned for lines anticipated should auguras a strong pioneer for other meets settlers and make Jamaica a their sad bereavement.
the wedding ceremony which itte, while partaicing of the gloe is optimistically anticipated that it forcibly shows up the willingplace worth while to live in and, was very simple and impressiva viands provided for the occasion; with the trial meet on Sunday ness of the Jockey Club to.
the bridal party proceeded to Several other speakers ad Panama and its surroundings the Home of Mr. and Mrs. tripping the light fantastic toe can look forward to a system of fans notwithstanding any finan The party then indulged in the 15th October. racing fans satisfy the racing thirst of local dressed the meeting, and after the meeting was brought to a Wignall the adopted father and and a very merry time Was horse racing as modern, and upcial benefit that may result making plans for a canvasa of close.
mosher respectively of the bride spent to date as any ran in other parts the Club, 82 after a little full was so in Dr.
The Voice the of Mr.
was BRW from of the one for we the land, Palled sor But ne to to


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