
PAGE TWO TEE WORKLAN FATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands straight line is The shortest and quich smoke you will enjoy LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE yesterday.
monument to Barbador toll. bez obawhile the report is car and tre It (toasted LABOURERS WANTED Europeans, Ono Sale New Governor For edhe shume educated Ceylonese.
JAMAICA, the kequel will be decided in the Agares. In the end. however, the Meanwhile there is to be seen on law courts.
ventures had to be abandoned. the beach of the Lanatic Asylum It is rumoured that an enterthe hull of the boat that the late has FACT DOPING PLOT IS prising business. Succeeded in purchasing this The Government Rallway bad bolle for the diversion of 16.
REVEALED BY property and will shortly sell Inmates, which is being allowed out in lots to tondants and would real effort is evidently being to go to pieces. Thus each inbe settlers. FREE FIGHT made to convert the railway into coming Head of our institution the shortest distance.
Undoubtedly these schemes an undoubted public ofility and has bis peculiar fad, and con.
tre calculated to benefit the in future a daily train service will demns bis predecessor and thus between two points.
Altercation after Race people, socially and economically be ran. Apart from the fact publle money is wasted, and in the making of more special reduced fares aro belog. THEREFORE.
les ting Furnishes Pollco prosperous and contented com. offered for certain days and with Clue to Work on munity.
week ends and. In a word averyoll At Turner Hall.
The districts of Clarendon. thing is being done to popularise situated on the slopes of the the railway as a link of internal see it al nounc that the est way to obtain the AND MAY PROSECUTE Locho Mountains overlooking communication.
British Union Oil Co. bas struck the Rio Niobo Volley tre Another gush of oil in the Terms His Excellency the Governor considered to rank imong the or Hall oil field, sincerely bope is to ask for the has given his aszent to the Lar most fertile in the parish. Des Empire Theatre Completed that this is true and that the yield making it an ocence to deal with pite their natural advantages, may prove continuous after the the Doping of race horses and they have never received justice from what reporter of the from expense which the company has the Government with The Empire Theatre, which is undergon. in exploiting the Gleaner beard wanid not be surprising the spect to transportation facillnearing completion is another Island and the many failures Sir Sidney Olivier conceived first case under the Law were Thanks. to be instltuted by the st the construction of the summer what promise to form in yesoreront the Trinidad fields are being Andrew Polic Geld Thompson Town main road has been converted into an orna played out and the company Following a recent race meet with a view to fucilitating the ment to the city. The internal there is drawn out.
ing it is learned that there was a trade between Chapelton Alght amongst three or four Thompson Town by obviatipelag are very Artistic and no! Il true, this is bad news for the expontes seems to have been West Indias.
young men who usually frequent the burdensome trafic over the spared to secure the comfort of some racing stables and are to Mount Moses Hul between its occupants and to prodade the be seen at most, it not all, big Thompson Town and the four best effort.
Income Tax Inlqultous.
Tbe once negations on to how certain work proceeded a Intermittingely Lunatics to Play Cricket, will take its blows lying down race. Station, It is not every community that borses were doped at the tor nearly a decade but meeting, and the result was never been completed.
and the sister Island of St. Kitts that there was a big crimmage noticed recently that the has just given evidence of this in and now the matter will be taken to the law courts.
prosent Medical Superintendent the strong agitation that has been of the Lunatic Asylum In the meantime the police is ap set on foot there is a protest pealing for gitts of cricket gear agaiost the imposition of an In pot heard about the stories of At about nine o clock on Satur. to start a club for the inmates come Tax. While other colonies doping, and it positive day night last, a boatman at the evidence can be obtained, then Victoria Market Pier reported criminal proceedings will be to the Water police that he saw laptched against the parties be lifeless body of a man floatconcerned.
ing in the sea, in front of the are taking step to rid themselves of the Executive Council, lour doping, it is an offence to give Actile Fruit Company Wbart Under the Law dealing with of this iniquitous form of taxa otner office holders and six Corporal Bunsy and tion the British Government are nominated and four elected una horse anything that will some other men left in the still found imposing it on the ofticial members. Of the elected accelerate its cbarces in a race Water police boat for the scene, West Indians.
members two represented the and the essential part of the on their arrival, the body of FOR UNITED FRUIT COMPANY FARMS Where one elected by evidence is to establish that a the deceased was taken up and the urban residents and dope was administercd. conveyed ono to the DEMERARA public mortuary.
elected by the residents in where it was identified as that of Edward Randall, who was At Bocas del Toro and towns. One member was electcountry districts and SCHOOL BOY INJURED. residing at Laws Street, From what could be gathered, Costa Rica other than Burghers or the deceased, a man of about 50 ARRA The Colony Of peans, and one by the Burgher class. In 1921 the number of Fingers Blown Off By Ex years of age and had been out of employment for some time.
unofficial APPLY EARLY members in the plosive Dynamite Cap.
He left Friday Legislature was increased to 16.
evening and did not return home SIR GRAEME THOMSON WILL Sir Graeme is at present in Nazareth, Maidstone Fridy night. The deceased London and will probably Only Farm Hands Required, Others PROBABLY TAKE UP REINS August 15. very sad incl. wife reported the matter to the return to Ceylon. It is not: general.
morning OF OFFICE BEFORE NEW YEAR ly felt that British Guiana has dent occurred here to day when police on Need Not Apply little Florize! Morris, a pupil of He did not go home on Saturday been honoured thagas by the selection School CAPABLE OFFICIAL. of of such an able Administrator had dynamite cap bad body was found in the sea on beard of him until his lifeless For further particulars apply to and his one of his hands appointment is regarded the first frults of the Three of the fingers were shat Saturday night.
Yesterday British Guiana Feels Hon Colonial Offica mission to the WYNTER tered in fragments, and the morning Dr. Lawson Gifford, Workman Printery oured by His Selection West Indies. Sir Graeme is a palm badly mutilated for Kingston, performed As Administrator.
keen debator and a far sighted From could be gathered the post mortem examination.
official and may be trusted to another pupil school had The police have taken stateconduct the Government with found and kept secretly a dyna ments in connection with the The following is taken from the energy and ability.
mite cap picked up on premises matter, and a coroner inquest Port of Spain Gazette here a few chains from the will be held in due ceurse.
August 19:The little tellow took Sir Graeme Thomson, the DEMERARA RAILWAY the dangerous article home BARBADOS newly appointed Governor of Innocently without showing it to Demerara, who is forty seven ACCIDENT.
any one, and returned with it to years of age, is the son of the school on the following day.
late John Thomson of Beech Claims To Be Arbitrata: Lattle Florizel, who saw him CRICKET Bank, Bowden. He was educatwith it. desired to have it in Why throw away your old, but no ed at Winchester and at New In connection with the Demoorder to have a close examination College, Oxford, and qualified as rara Railway accident whicb of the strange shing. On doing Brilliant weather and iron bond doubt interesting, books when you a barrister. He entered the occurred in November last as so a terrible explosion was wickets favoured cricket on Home Civil Service at the age of the result of which 24 actions for heard in ae The whole Sunday, August 12th thus giving 25. In 1917 he was created school was thrown into a panic pre eminence to the bat over the can have them neatly bound at Commander a compensation for injuries receivof the Bath and in ed are pending against the from the noise of the explosion, ball. At Bank where the the screams of the pupils and Wanderers first Septembelebt Commander. In Company, Mr. Hector Josephu, the volume of smoke which fillede pire and met, the home team THE WORKMAN was appointed Colonial Secre will bit as arbitrator.
the school room.
was fortunate in wintary of Ceylon and administered Rev. Swaby, the manager, ning the to88, Mr. Josephs will deal with and thanks to the Government from March to twenty two of the actions while and Mrs. Swaby came over steady and consistent batting by September, 1920, in the absence it has been decided that the after hearing the sad accident, his men, the team was enabled to of Sir William Manning and with the help of the teach aggregate the very creditable other two, affecting the engine Sir rendered to the injored boy. He about 6;45. A, Myles played ers of the school first aid was total of 366. The innings closed Class Order of St. Stanielus, tested in Court. This procedure Russia. Order of the Crown will be adopted with a view to was subsequently taken to the a free and easy game for 87 and CENTRAL AVENUE o, in Mandeville to be had the misfortune to be run out Belgium, Order of the Crown, ascertaining the liability or treated and is now a patient when approaching at rapid pace Italy, and Order of the Rising otherwise of the Government to Sun, Japan.
in the public hospital.
indemnly the Demerara Railway and No. G Street towarrds his centuary.
Inniss 47 Trotman 46, Fields 32, and Demerara His appointment, says the Company Argosy, came as a sur Several lawyers 3mong them Morris 24 also assisted towards EXHUMATION the prise Inas much as Sir Wilfred belng Messrs Fredericks; piling of the respectable Collet is not due to leave the P. Bruyning, Samptotal. Wanderers will commence OF BODY.
colony before March, 1923. son and Fraser Will their first innings to day, is now probable that Sir Wilfred represent the injured persons.
At Kingston, Spart also show.
will go on leave earlier than ed up to At least three medical men the well that date and Sir Graeme will will take part Dr. Clavier for Beckfor Kraal, September prepared turf. osing wickets take up the reins of office before the Railway Co. and Drs. J!
12. Considerable importance is for under 50, Moe and SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR New Year. Though little is Stephen Ned and Nichols attached to the exhumation of King settled down and changed known of Sir Graeme in British for the injured persons.
the mortal remains of Col. the conplexion of the game by a Infants, Invalids and the Aged Gulana it is generally recognised Henry Dawkins from the Daw masterly exposition of cricket.
that his career is a distinguished kins Estate where he had been Moe was out at 89, a well cominterred for nearly two hundred piled contribution and King Every tin contains an interesting leaflet of the one and that his services to DIAMOND BUYER AR the Admiralty and the Minismarvellous use of this great Food, RESTED.
years, and it is regarded as stumped at 42. E, Ward 87, try of shipping during the war being the prelude to the land Chairmonte 29, Clarke 27 not entitled him to be censidered settlement scheme in these parts out and Roberts 27, were Purely An English Preparation. a first class administrator and or. Alleged Conversion of 23, 6504 as far as the Dawkins property others who entered the double ganiser. In Ceylon he was con is concerned.
gures list. The score at call of sidered a very abla official and sensation was created in Recently, the whole property time was 277 for wickets, MANUFACTURED BY rendered signal service during Georgetown on Saturday after.
Owing to very heavy and contin a period when the island under noon last says the Daily Argose recoverine veyed with a view to BENGER FOOD, LTD acreage which was tinuous rahafali during Friday alleged to be in the possession of night and on Saturday 26th very MANCHESTER; ENGLAND went considerable changes. Up when on the information of Mrs to last year the Governor and Jacob Ralpb, a diamond seeker adjacent settiers. Certain por cricket was played. The Executive an FOR SALE AT Council recovered but, in Brst eleven games was not proof of Buxton, Russian Pole and a seven members (of whom Sir diamond buyer, was arrested on consequence, caveats were ceeded with at all; but heroic Graeme lodged, thus impeding registra attempts were The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN was one) and a Leg. a warrant. The charge is one of made to carry islative Council of 21 members the unlawful conversion of six tion, and it is not unlikely that through the second eleven including the ex officio members (Continued On Paye 3)
on Saturday ing with as one what of School Book Binding!
واقع the school.
Hall 1919 elevens skipper Book Binding Department advance on BENGER FOOD Wag S little tions were


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