
Sel 08 NE S 32 WORKHAN SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 1922 TAE PAGE THREE International Banking Corporation aud which to plain sight CRILE PERU it.
is variously kaktor kukini.
wakonda HAVE YOU TRIED You will find relat to ha photographs of Leave to from Secretiry, when higher West Indian News.
HIDDEN FORCE (Coumel fom page Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 900 AND THOUGHT.
bund ed and eleven and dve engths carats of diamonds Interesting Lecture To The Vided at 223 630.
Mr. Frist fixed ball League of Colleglans and in the sum 6000 25. 000 in Prospective Colleglans eeused aud Liety in a similar Of Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York Oex Owned by THE NATIONAL Crry BANK OF NEW YORK By NOVILLE (Presidents The Georgetown Town Council has grand an excess yote of Brethereo, my intention is to 1, 000 to enable the Medical address you this evening on the Odi er of Health to carry out subject Depository of the PANAMA CANAL Aidden force Wa ns extermination against the mo quito in certain defined areas Thought. Practical ocultism in the city. The campaiga is the art of controlling and opend on tbe 1st instant, directing mysterious force Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of yet bidd, bough it is occult, it is This The Wilberforce Industrial THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in is no figure of sight, everything School of Demerara, was for o see is. manifestation of mally opened on the 20 h, ultimo ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM that force, which is occult only The institution is described by. CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES because we are unable to grasp section of the press of that its principle of operation until colons as a miniature Tuskegee.
ARGENTINE BRAZIL CUBA PORTO RICO we have been taught to look for The school was opened by the What is hidden is URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA is Dot 30 Hon. McArthur. and supmuch the force is the secret of porting him on the platform its mastery. Nothing could be where clergymen and others farther from the truth than the interested in social work, Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World supposition that the Great Magical Agent is unknown to science that it is peculiar SIR WILFRED power as yet undiscovered by anybody but occultists. At the COLLET RE ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE same time, the Hidden force to precisely what less enlighten1 TIREMENT.
ed races conceive to a distinct INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ADOOINTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM agency, unrelated to natural forces Asks For Permission To Among savago racen, belief in Leave In October peculiar magical force, by means of which the miracles TMR. HAMPDEN KING TO ADMIN the purpose of revising it witch doctor are performed. of the medicine man of the ISTER GOVERNMENT, pecessary, the above prices a common. The Africans call it Exclusively Colonial Adminisremuneration for their labour. term it kutchl, in the North tration.
Tho above prices will hold good American Indian dialects it for at least three months when.
The Demerara Chronicle of the the Committee will meet again orenda or manitou and Polyne 3rd instant says. Speaking in for the purpose of revising it siano call it mans. It may be the Combiped Court on Thurs Friends necessary, the above scales that the American manitou and day Sir Wilfred Ollet in dicated Thereafter their meeting for the Polynesians are that he had asked the Colonial regulating the scale of prices the Sanskrit manas, the Greek Office permission to retire from if a series of a be hold quarterly Government in October, in menos and the Latin mens, all beh ale Ar, of meaning mind. It may be Messrs. Wm. Fogarty Ltd. also of interest to us, to note over the Annual Session of the you want Combined Court.
greed to increase the price paid that our English word money any even by the factory which is run by which designates the visable tuality, whenever Sir Wilfred of this force on the bio firm to the extent of which tertene, QUALITY 120 MOVING PICTURE Mr Hampden King, who per cont so as to be as to be in agreeis closely akin it is known is the most likely ment with the increased rules, the candidate to succeed Mr. Cle STARS because it is at menti A8 Colonial An effort is being made by and admonie monition Messrs. Sandbach, Parker Co. derived the Latin will at once succeed to create a market in canad for Moneta, surname of Juno to the office; for the grapefruit from Damerara. at wbose temple in Rome time in a decade, the a one Two trial shipments administration of the were made resently. The principals of the the consort of Jupiter the money was coined. Juno colɔny will be entrusted to a Reasonable firm believe that with careful of wisdom.
god According to hisborn of the colony. The signifi selection it is quite possible to tors. She was identified with cance of such an open up a large trade. The firm, the goddes Hera. sister and an appointment bo more fully Price understood wbich recently sent a trial ship wife of Zeus, to whom the when it is noted that under men of mangrove bark to London, Opithet ox eyed was applied.
such circumstances. the Gov has celyed a communication Tous she was most likely ernor of the colony as well as Your chance from their agents acknowledg Cow goddess, like the Egyptian the Colonial Secretary will be ng ceipt and the result of the Hathor. It will ba noted that creoles Whether Mr. George proposed test of the bark for Juno, Hera and Hathor were all Ball Greanu tills the latter office, has arrived series tanning purposes are expected feminine As in lotin shortly.
in case his substaative apof, in cas the energy aspect of the deity pointment cannot be filled con FIVE CENTS is represented as feminine, so it three principle offices viz. TRINIDAD is in the mythologist of Egypt and Greece Moneta the Colonial Secretariat, Treafor fore, which most people regard sury and Customs will then be WEST INDIAN AGRIas the greatest power on earth, by creoles axelu symbol for an energy sively; while bile the high office of FIFTEEN CIGARETTES FREE CULTURAL COLLEGE whose source is in Attorney General is belog filled the sky. Here we touch the by a distinguished Jamaican.
At least in British an overwhel Studentship Appliɔation In ancient secret doctrine that the or word to the vited Great Magical Agent is a power ming case is made out of the that we on earth receive from fitness of the colony to take an the sky. Modern scientists have Increasingly large share in guid THREE FOR ONE CENT wise.
Applications are being invited been obliged to accept practica ing its political affairs. In from persons over 17 years 2of ly the doctrine.
Their investiaddition ago, engaged in, or desirous of Eations leave them no alternato the offices already mentioned, the following depart.
entering upon Agricultural work tive, More and more it for six studentships to be award perceived by the patient workers is bein being ments are now being administra ted by sons of the soil; Lands ed by the Trinidad Governm ant in our chemical and phy and Mines, Immigration, Police and to be held at the West laboratories that all forms of Persons, Transport, Indian Agricultural College. The however studentships Zone 5c.
Receive, Registrar and ComS. CHENALLOY, Agent diverse they will entitle the Republic 12.
bolders to free tuition for a unlike the properties, are really appear to be. however missaries Dapartment, sulficient ly proud record indeed.
three ስምጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥመለመለ minnan years in the Diploma Course of but different manifestations (t the and a single energy. Tae atom, so holdecs DEMERARA NEEDLEWO.
satisfy the examic must long supposed to be the smallest examiners in the possible unit of matter, is now subjects MEN WAGES.
of the Entrance Examination held to be made up of micute awards will be made Increased Scale Fixed.
of negative electricity, on the moving around a positive parresults obtained by the accepted tiele at candidates in that examination. speed, and tremendous rate of The Committee representing separate from each the firms in Demerara which other by distances, which in employ needlewomen regularly Money Granted for Draining proportion to their size are Lands for the making of garments held to the distances between the stars there first meeting in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce on The sum of 1, 000 pounds stsrl in nature which is far more No doubt, there exists a force Friday last.
ing is proposed to be spent, on powerful than steam, by means After careful consideration of the drainage of certain laads of which a single man, who can the subject from the merchants Wrighton Road. This stand point the needlewomen, and amount will be taken from the master it and knows how to the consumers the following scale of prices were agreed apon 80, 000 pounds sterling allocated direct it might throw the world from Lou Funds, for improve race.
into confusion and transform its as being the minimum payment ments at the mouths of tidal att for making It is diffused throughout the andermentioned and other sanitary garments Shirts, previously 4s.
infinity; it is the subsance of works.
heaven and earth, for it is either to 43. 6d. new scale 53.
or volatile according to its en: Drawers, previously to 33. new scale 3s. 6d. per dczTo Abolish Examiner of degrees of polarization. When it produces radiance it is called en and Trousers, previously 4s.
Animals British Consulate Notice.
to 13, 61. new scale 5s.
NOTICE per ANNOUNCEMENT light. It is the substance which was created by God before all The Government intend abolish else when he said, Let there he It is agreed to fix the price of DR. HUBERT EDWARDS Campbell of Santo Tomas The Acting Brush Consul ating the existing post of Govern light. It is substance and motion pajamas at 10 shillings per dozBegs to notify his clients that Hospital, begs to inform the Colon would be glad of informa ment Veterinary Surgeon and at one and the same time; it is eu saits. The average price per he has removed his residence Public that his wife is not con tion as to the present where Examiner of Antmals, Dapart fluid and a perpetual vibration.
dozen for boy shirts was fixed from 4th Street to 8sh and nected in the Lottery ticket abouts of one Campbell, a ment of Agriculture with a The inherent force by which it et 80.
It pas dorepresented to the Streets Colon. Deveando Builds the worlde neither does the cow de damnece ning teen plated salary of 100 pounds sterling is put into activity is called Committee will meet again fo: Louis.
called The said (Mrs. Campbell con have recently employed (8)
at the Universal Store, Colon. Continued on Page 6)
was creole, in each package Will DELOJOU When you complete this aspects.
we give you an Album therea administered is really in heiven or CIGARETTES physical Official matter, the may period not 80 College, prescribed The beld!
particles ORDER BOOKS comparable For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY near rivers per doz 28, 6d.
fixed of dron


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