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BRITISH NATIONALITY STATUS OF ALIEN AGT BRILLIANT JAMAICA FUNCTION POLITICIANS GANAL ZONE GOVERNOR TAKES ACTION AGAINST The day anniversary mus: this. and in the Williams was vessel he distinguished nationality rem, tions to in which mambers Cases of 22 would ar that At Gatun When Lock Entertained By West InGates were Opened, dian Committee Our Gatun Regulating the British Nationality correspondent oa Tuesday evening last the Ships Trading In Narcotic Drugs writes that a most brillant scene delegation of politicians and of Persons Born out of His was seen yesterday morning the Justicas of the Peace from 27th inst at Gatun when saven Jamaica who are on a visit to And Smuggling Same Into Majesty Dominions.
gates of the Dams and Spilways the Isthmus, met the members were opened.
being the Canal Zone.
sixty fourth of the ki a special conyoned meeting the West Indian Committee By the request for the British Consulate before Augual ho lave Teddy Roosevelty the Carianter for health pur poco aid Governor of the Canal Zone is great statesman and politician in the otice of Attorney purpose of The following letter received Legation we publish the Collow 1st, 1923 in this office from the Acting Roosevelt Birthday Fitturn out Military aad ing for the General Information considering Children registered in of British subjects on the Isth manner become British Sub most gala functions ever wit stillation of the Jamaica People this ceyic populace was one of the be adopted for the political published for general informa tingly Celebrated, tion: jects immediately on regis nessed in the great lock city, Oo oparative Society with the All British Sabjects who live tration, and remain so until Balboa Heights, The sixty fourth anniversary West Indian Club.
Precisely at 45 the seva abroad should make themselves they attain the age of 21, when October 23, 1922 of the late President Roosevelt was observed in otines circles familiar they make an both ality Act of August 4ih, 1922, sortion of their British nation efficient electrical control, under were the distinguished visitors. TO ALL CONCERNED The following section of the Zone yesterday by the closing of in Panama and the Canal which contains an important ality, and to this and it 13 the management of Bre, Geler Han. and Rev. Barclay nationality of the children of that in the case of those children delight of the vast grote from Council; Hon. Theo port Act, approved May 26, 1922. afternoon and also by all promiprovision with regard to the curther provided by the Act. assisted by Mr, E, M, Lockwood nominated member of the Legis Narcotic Drugo Import and Ex. all publicerola by during the were throwa open, much to the British Subjects born abroad, deM. pendent on such registration. cant, while the sweet music from Rev. Nightangale, Chair1. Makarlare le aree indator: your fatormation nont com nercial houses JP; Jones, and in pent guidance Previous to January 1st. 1915, they shall cease to b: British roin Fart Davis enlivened the man of the West Indian Com drug that is found upon a vessel on the Zone including aquatic city the Bec. Thet narcotic band of 14th There were divers amusements all persons born out of His Subjects unless, within one year Majesty Dominions, whose attor attaining the aga of 21, air and mingling with the roar mittee; Dr. Carrington. arriving at a port of the United oports in fathers or grandfathers on the (1) They assert their na impressions that were wont to Connell, F, Anderson, control or jurisdiction and is now am flowing water created Attorney at Law Dr. States or territory, under its ment was created. The bise ball paternal line were natural bora tionality by a declaration transpose tae soul to regions. Rev. Kissock Bra sbowa apod landed from any various other forms of al game between the Army the vessel mani Sritish Bubjects were entitled nanl Navy drew large crowds and the of retention of British ni sublime claim British nationality, tionality, registered in ham, Messrs. Degatest, or that is Fair weather, vessel without permit ments planned to amuseThe British Nationality and such a manner as may be celebrate the The occasion was one that B. Wynter, Babington Simons first obtained from the collector day were well carried prescribed by regulations, not likely to be soon forgotten. Lampe Status of Aliens Act of 1914, Fairweather. of customs that parpose Kings westher which prevailand however, which came into force about two thousand soldiers in of shall be seized, forfelted, on January 1st. 1915, laid down anded throughout the day.
the manner proin shat person born out of His (2) If they are subjacts or uniform lined up to attention MesarsS. Final; Revived of in sabdivision (d) of section Majesty Dominions NOTICE. 2, the master of the natural born British Subject pro ting of morbi che sobrevincantei of officers made a picture that seating the Star de Herald, and shall be liable (1) it the narcotic the time of assertingibele would cormmand attention any. Walrond, the Workman. drug is smoking opiumino (2)
vided only that his father was Brities nationality, divest whore.
Correspondents are requested. British aubject at the time of nationof 25 an ounce, and (2) to send in their contributions his birth by virtue of his birth Among AL 620p. the meeting was the ality of that foreign coun.
other narcotic drag, to a not later than Thursday eveniags ou British soil; and, by this Act, try by making a declara. personages present tion of alien age or other Acting Military and Civil 06 duced.
were the called to order and the visitors liqual to the value of the to ensure publication.
from Jamaica formally intro narcotic drug. v. Nightengale de. Such penalty shall con requested to use every effort 1916, who derived his wise, themalong the livered from the fact that his paternal Neliver the you divortionality Canal Zone Ware present with anored the comelusion of a bril: stitute alien upon the vessel and to take all possible precauaddress grandfather was born on British accordingly.
families and friends and ably liant and explanatory exposition Who which soil, lost his claim to British may by co operate with the nationality No question of such declara: en on me kind oss e function on West Tadian uralty, he re proceedings on the bed den tion can arise until 1936, but the turned out to be.
the brilliant succoss which authorities of the Cana! Z100 from all (Continued On Page 8)
of the rearates may tratil The new Act amends the Act importaace of the provisions of port of the Uaited in breaking up this pernicious be withheld until of 1914 and restores the right to this Act being as widely known habit forming the penalty is drags.
or until there paid, or From is deposited the nuto ber of British nationality to theses possible among British Sub children of the second genera icts resiu a: abroad will be with the collector of custom at nuggling tion born abroaj, that is, whose apparent.
port, a bond in in penal sum of vessels have beers father double the amo It will be seen that the fore.
appear wa were born abroad but amount of the penalty implicatad, it Peter steps have with Sureties whose grandfathers were born not been approved by the proper born Boing applies only to children within His Majesty Dominions, whose fathers were born abroad The Creditors of the Panama Banking Company under certain conditions. These The vast majority of Britisha collector, and conditioned on the taken by the masters of the vesare hereby notified that a second dividend of twenty payment of the penalty (or no sela to preven: such smuggling provisions of the Act are, that Members of the who have not, Subjects the Isthmus of such children shall have the Panama per cent (20. has been declared by the Receiver. by the Secretary of the Trea baen caught smuggling narcotis ware born within the right to British nationality British Dominions.
kn sury) and of all cost and othår ers in nareotic drugs should ba be dealCheques corresponding to this dividend will be wing only provided, bere since Construction days, delivered by the Judge of the Third Circuit Court, expences to the Government in (1) That their births are and consequently their children between the hours of and p. on the following of discharged and should not be proceedings for the recovery of brought to the Canal Zone registered at the British are British Subjects wherever dates: the penalty, in case the master application for remission of the either as members of the crew Consulate within one year, born; but their children childBeginning with October 30th Letters and penalty denied in whole or in or passengers.
or, in special circumstan ren it born here must be regisIn the future, in addition to ces, within two years after tered in accordanca with the Act 31st and part by the Secretary of the Treasury the precaution of the smugglers, its occurrence.
or they will lose their British November 1st and With reference to the fore it may be necessary to (2 In the case of a child of nationality.
action against the vessels conG and going, on account of the smug: cerned in accordanca with the 6th the second generation born Illegitimats children into the born abroad between Jan. abroad are not British Subjects 7th J and Canal Zone by members of the law quoted above.
uary lat, 1915, and August under any conditions.
8th and crews of Vessels using the. M, WALKER, 4th. 1922, that its birth is British Consulate, Canal and Canal ports, you are 1egistered at a Beiush and Acting Governor.
Colon, Octobar 19th, 1932 10th Q and 11th and HORSE RACING AT JUAN FRANCO ECHOES OF THE INTERCOLONIAL 13th and y TO MORROW CRICKET MATCH 14th Y and This notice refers to cheques for Current and Non Co operation Cause of Failure Says Savings Deposits Accounts. Notice will be issued Tomorrow (Sunday) another itself beyond any ground for Trinidad Captain.
later in respect of cheques for Drafts, etc. claims.
grand race meet will take place suspicion or unjust dealing.
at Juan Franco. The Panama The Judge will be given the EDWIN CHANDECK, Jockey Club, has completed ali prerogative of selecting tha In an interview with a Daily opinion is that your four best Secretary, Court of the Third Circuit.
arrangements to make this event riders in those events in which surpass the opening meet wbich the Jockey Club horses are Argosy reporter, Mr. Nelson batsmen are Bunter, Fernandes, Panama, October 28, 1922.
was pulled ot with well merited entered, and the pre 28 are Betancourt skipper of the Phillips, and Dais. consider success on the 15th instante invited to see that a square Trinidad team which played in Dále a very pretty little bat.
Many Improvements have been deal is givene the intercolonial match at Deme In the bowling Browne is made which will add considerThen there is to be a small rara during the latter part of in a class by himself. There is last month, gave out bis im no doubt about it that he is the the want of confidence. The the time and admired very ably to the comfort and conve: extra charge for the first four the turfites, and nience rows of seats in the grand stand pressions as follows:in of best amateur bowler the West consciousness of impending vic much indeed the manner Asked his opinion of the cause up Indies and if he had been backed tory seemed to unnerved the which the batsmen got the ball anticipated that the inconvenien. this is apparently a necessity to the inaugural between the fieldsmen. There ces experienced prevent some of the unpleasantof the failure of the Demerara up by better fielding we would batsmen. have nothing else but praite have witnessed the finest exhible but unstinting Congress. To this there can BEST TEAM WON is no doubt about it that from a meeting will be significantly nes which are usually provided team, Mr. Betancourt replied: bave had a diferent tale to tell to day. Whybrew against in all large social gather oricket standpoint the people absent tomorrow, and is very personally believe your be tallure peras due to lack of co good fast bowler; he certainly for the Barbadians. have ad. tion of cricket they have ever will be clipet e nere, alho they have no extended the reasonable objection, operation among the players. got the ball to come off the pitch mired them at every stroke, and seen in the West That is what struck me. They very fast and he has a very am thoroughly convinced that have seen batting, bowling and demonstrate cacing public that events are satisfactorily placed, by their desire to The entrance to the various did not appear to be working nice action.
the best team of the three fielding of a very bigh together as a team. It must Did you feel at time during colonies has won. Barbados has and am confident that are in the game for bat it is doubtful if some of the contestants will be able to make have struck you that my team the match with Demerara that won parely on the strength of people of Demerara do not only her batting, and at no time dia compliment the winners of the good with the weights allotted worked together as a machine. you were not wigning? Ince Tarilton and Challoor Another commendable feature them. However, winners of past There was also a lack of conti certainly felt 80 at the appear to be getting out. trophy bat all three teams from of the racing tomorrow will be events must show their in those raca in which the periority, and at the same time dence in your batsmen. Your luncheon Interval on Monday thought they were going to bat the standpoint of good cricket.
Jockey Club horses will com give the non wianers an opporbatting certainly failed and your when the score was 95 for two forty days. They took absolute Asked whether he could in any pete, the Club has signifiled a tunity so that the game will ba fielding well, of course, the wickets, and what caused the ly no risk at any stage of the way account for the failure of fair indication of clean gentle encouraged, least said of it, the better. My tean to fall, in my opinion, was came. We were up against it all (Continued on page 8)
manlysport. It has placed (Continued on Page 8)
on come 79 take 10 19 9)
91 99 90 9)
99 99 19 99 9th 19 99 92 99 91 99 9)
19 9)
37 fo Indies.
the they business 80


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