
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN BATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 192 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands LYNTON MAGNUMS. The ago the Valuable Coupon ING BEE MAGNUMS money fertile CIGAR Extra ild TES BENGER FOOD 15 GOLD or 20 CIGARETTES cused, Book Binding!
some wile French Book Binding Department JAMAICA the fertile Rio Grande Valley of Poland have come forward and signified their intention of taking up lands for Agricultural purpeDEATH SENTENCE IS ses under scheme which has WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT received the sanction of the PASSED UPON Colonial Government No. 78, New Market Street As previously announced in Herald Government MURDERERS RETAIL DEPARTMENT Roma time notified the Hon. Ffrench, wbo bas been the No. 107, Bolivar Street prime mover in the matter, that CASH Se quel to Death of a Mar.
ried Woman in the ParTHE PEOPLE COMMISSARY expressed desire to take up landa, tive acres of which will be Ish OF Westmoreland.
granted to each man free of cost, FULL SUPPLY OF proposal would be brought for TRIAL AT SAV LA MAR.
ward for consideration by tho Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, Legislature whereby would be advanced to this class Husband Induced Wife To Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, of settlers to establish them Go Out with Him; She selves in the Rio Grande Valley ves ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES where thousands of Never Return.
acres of lands are available for cultivation. Under the scheme Sav la Mar, October 10. In it will be practicable for each the Westmoreland Circuit Court Call and see us before purchasing man to acquire additional lands here to day before his Honour provided be is able to turn his Mr. Justice Brown, elsewhere.
holding to good account. The IN EACH with Mr. St. John Yates, State, in addition to providing an Acting Assistant to the AttorAgricultural Instructor for the PACKAGE ney General, prosecuting for the district, will make loans for the Crown, Adolphus Edwards, building of cottages and to emAlfred Kelly, and Joseph Tomil ploy labour for the first 15 son, were placed on trial for the months, it this latter is necces: murder of Whilelmina Kelly wife.
of Alfred Kelly one of the acSPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR amounts loaned to settlers must be repaid within ten years.
The evidence for the prosecu.
Infants, Invalids and the Aged It is gratifying to learn that tion showed that Kelly and his the 50 individuals who havo elfe, who were residents at Cold Spring, in Westmoreland, Every tin contains an Interesting leaflet of the expressed their desire to join the scheme have called for 5, 000 had not been living together for marvellous use of this great Food, acros land, which means that time and the man was each man allotment will be 100 beard on more than one occasion to threaten to take the woman Purely An English Preparation.
acres, And this journal has it on excellent authority that other life. On the night of September sons of the colony who saw ser1st last Kelly called at his MANUFACTURED BY vice home, and she went away with in the great war are send.
ing their names BENGER FOOD, LTD to the secretary Why throw away your old, but no him leaving her six children in the house. She did not return MANCHESTER; ENGLAND of a small committee which has been formed in connection with and a search was made for her.
doubt interesting, books when you On men the 4th her body was found FOR SALE AT the matter. The first fifty near a pond. The other two whose names have been forward.
ed to the Hon, can have them neatly bound at accused were seen to follow the The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN include men of intelligence and woman when she went away industry. men who were among with her husband, and it proved the senior non commissioned THE WORKMAN that Kelly bad said he would officers of the British West pay to kill her.
Ltd. of Halifax, has decidDental Notice Indies Regiment, and that they The jury returned a verdicted to accept the conditions im will make excellent pioneers 10 of guilty of murder against all posed by the Government in this most desirable moment of three men, and they were sen connection with the extension settling ex fighters on the land tenced to death of the railway line from Chapel.
goes without saying. The Herald ton to Frankfield.
Having received a rge con Exhibition Idea As exclusively stated by the signment of dental supplies from CENTRAL AVENUE Herald last Saturday, the Gov the United States during the ernment, during the previous BARBADOS and No. GjStreet AN IMPORTANT PROPOSAL BEING week, agreed to award the con week, at a greatly reduced price CONSIDERED BY LOCAL tract for the extension of the desire my patients and the COMMITTEE Finlay to the Halifax arm praw public to know that my fees for The Western Telegraph mr.
vided the to abide dental by certain stipulations which while these supplies last. proposal for a Jamaica Ex the State felt should be imposCompany Ltd.
tion by the Company of its cable commercial element who will as hibition bas been placed before ed. The Bedford Co, has Dr. JOHNSON monopoly in Argentine, and the result, be spared the not info the local exhibitions committee accepted the conitionn; but the TO ESTABLISH OFFICE IN CITY the Argentine Government.
acceptance of the renyaciation by which dorming results of delaying the order by Mr. Soutar, and from Government has since District Dentist the head of the wbat a representative of this By the breaking dowa of the 03 every hand we hear the journal has been able to gather, Airm that owing to the serious La Boca, The office of the Western Tele barrier, this colony now occupies Western Telegraph Company the matter is illness of the junior member of 179 Central Avenue graph Co. Ltd. which is at the unique West Indian position praise as the most reliable comme sideration at the hands of certain the who had been be big present established on the Dover of baing in direct communication cern; and there should members of the committee detailed to come down to Jamai Opposite P, Station Coast, Ch. Church, will shortly with the two Americas. Rio de businesses for them in the mele Mr. Soutar proposal is that ca to direct the work, it will be Panama.
transferred to the City. This Janiero in the Southern Coati futura the exhibition like the impossible to make any imme is due to the fact that the ddiffi nent and the Washington in one which was held here 1891 diate start with the construcculties which had hitherto North are thus only two and An Abundance of Pure shortly after Sir Henry Blake tion work. The company has confronted the Company with halt minute separated by cable Water had assumed the post of Gover requested the Government to Creolino straightens and respect to the landing of their Barbados is about a minute and a shor of the island, be an interna agree to a short postponement cable at Miami, Florida, have half away from either end and tional acair. It should be held as of the work during which time beautifles the hair and pro been removed by the American this fact should be of immense We understand that as a result early as possible after the (Continued on Page 7)
the arrangement will be made to fill duces hair on bald heads. Government, owing to renuncia interest and satisfaction to the Teppire Exhibition in London in the place of the partner who is 1924, BO an opportunity could be afforded countries It is likely that the local auwhich will participate in that thorities will agree to the re.
display to transport some of quest; but in the event of Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 their exbibits to Jamaica. It is the company not being able learnt provides for the erection of the to commence the work a few that Mr. Soutar Scheme to make final arrangements exhibition the weeks bence, the Government Palisadoes, rapid transport fact will call for fresh tenders, not lities being provided to take only locally, but in Canada, the lesen pleasure seekers aand across the barbour and by way for the extension, of the Windward Road to and Two Permanent Way EnginHead Office: 60 WALL STRERT, New YORK CITY Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK from the show Αι the eers have come out to serve the same time it is felt that the Government in connection buildings should be erected with with building of the Chapel a view to their being concerted, ton Frankfield fine. They are later on, into an hotel which Mr. Nathan, who Depository of the PANAMA CANAL could be sold to a company, with was connected with the Burmah the hope of devoloping the railway, and Mr. Wilkie. who tourist traffic to this part of the has experience in railway work in South America, Among Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of Several members of the ex those who are engaged in surhibition committee are likely to vey and other work on the proTHE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in support the proposal for they posed line are Mr. Streadwick ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM feel that the time has come engineer; Mr. McGann, survey.
Jamaica CHINA JAPAN INDIA should hold or; Mr. Junor, who is directing JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES another exhibition. But whether the pegging out of track, and AROBTINE BRAZIL CHILE PORTO RICO or not the Government would be Mr. Roberts, bis principal asinclined to touch the project, it sistant.
URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA is not possible for this journal to say, seeing that the idea is merely being discussed by Plants Developing few individuale.
Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World Railway Project FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF EX.
FIGHTERS UPON LANDS IM RIO ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE BEDFORD ENGINEERING CO. OF GRANDE VAQTEY KHALIFAX; ACCEPTS CONDITIONS IMPOSED BY GOVERNMENT the establishment of the settleThe first fifty men required for INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM ment of exmembers the The Bedford Engineering Co. British West Indian Regiment in been imformed by be on International Banking Corporation trom local tonth the world.
when CUBA PERU of


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