
Stevo TASUT AT TH WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 1922 PAGB SLX When Pascall Bowled LOMBARDO CIGARETTES Agresor James Blake being DO Reminiscene of the 1924 Tournament. Clip:ed from the Trinidad Sporting Chronicle of September 17. 0, 1922.
Come Chabrol, Nurse and Browa, Mes of great lame and tried roawa, To gain new laur. Is for their sem And via their country los ing isme But Pacall bowlad.
Barbados brought a great array Or batmen who bold stay all day They had dolence, soald force the game wled foot or slow, wat all the same But Pacall bowled.
B: ng Hendren, Hybbs and Kaight ok Horno to bowl and C, White And Brown of Han a to keep the wokeb Let them all come, the king of cricket And bring Australians if you care.
What o er the test, we have no fon, Put Bardsley down in your siluetion.
To Arosirong we re no objection. Just let Pascall bowl. And when to Eaglead back they reach And read the ads of Dover b:ach.
And ople crowd around to know The reason or their wretched abow. tear will abino ia Hendra eye Juek Herpe will have a bitter sigh And Hobbs wil abske his head and cry Well, friends, we made deont try Hendren and Armstrong, Hearne and Bat Pacall bowled. LR REMINISCENCE OF THE 1922 TOURNAMENT 20 CIGARETTES. 7ịc. The Pan American Tobacco Co The American Foreign Banking Corporation ber Skipper Cries as He LODGE NOTICE Tells of Terrible James Blak. Dobarred Trip On Saturday the 14th Inst the AMERICAN RELATES STORY OF Officers and members of the Isthmian Star Lodge No: 13, TURKISH ATROCITIES IN THE IUO duly assembled at the NEAR EAST.
lodge room in San Miguel, and acting on the decision of salt HOW WATER IS SCLD. for embezzlement of Lodge Funds against Bro, James Young Girls Stripped and the banded down at the Balbos MagBlake. PIG of the said Lodge, Mon ara Shot Down Istrate Court, it was generally Like Dogs.
by the Lodge that said brother New York, October Moro Isthmiad Star Lodge, he could unfinancial on on the books of the borrible than the solure of sth. Babine women by Roman in 290 not be dealt with by the laws of Will soon be on sale in every establishment C, were the stories of Tark the order but was by a Resoluisb atrocities told to night by on regularly moved, seconded throughout the Republic Captain John Walters of the and unanimously carried that his Winona, which is the first ship membership be not renewed for to reach here from Smyrna period of 99 years.
since that city was destroyed by guided accordingly, Bister Lodges are asked to be INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF fire.
Captain Walters actually wept By order, as he described the 24 bour run un oynato Pires, Greece, OLIVIER YEARWOOD, as a trip to hell. He said: Secty. Dead bodies of naked men and women floating in the bay NOTICE MANUFACTURED BY were too numerous to count. As we touched Smyrna we were almost swamped with refugees 248 of whom we took on to send in their contributions Correspondents are requestes board.
not la ter than Thursday evening, Sold Drinking Water.
to ensure publication. Turkish soldiers went among the refuge us stripping many of them of their clothing and teunting them when they could not pay for water wbich the Turk soldiers were selling for 30 cents swallow.
ce The Turke segregated the refugees according to sex and went among the women, select ing the younger and good looking ones whom they carried Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY back into town. One girl WAS carried aboard our ship naked, her condition being such that during DEPOSITORY OF the voyage to Pireaus she could sive no account of experiерсе. The Turks also had a habit of seizing the clothes of the men and leaving them naked or with scant attire, Many of them came aboard in that CODdition. do not think there was any question that the Turks were responsible for burning Smyrna, the fire started in the Greek and Armenian sections. Several American relief workers told me that they saw the Turks entered bouses and left them burning, Turks Horrors. saw Turks chase six men from a bouge top and kill three of them, afterwards jumping on their bodies. The American destroyer Litchfield did valiant work in evacuating the refugees. The blu juckets performed valiant service in relief work, but there was so much to be done that it seemed like hopeless Henry Lehman purser of the Winona, was ashore on the morning of September 9, when the Turks entered Smyrna. He said. The horror of the populace Go To The increased as the Turks approach.
ed. Someone threw a hand gren ade at the officer at the head of the Turkish column. The officer was injured but the column oceeded. Finally when the looted the city, they were not satisfied with killing the men, but they hacked their bodies afterwards with vielous SPORTS looking swords.
and pretty women were taken to to a place of safety All who want to be properly dressed for this in the center of the town. With occasion should just have a look in at few exceptions, the other women were not harmed.
Get your ticket at the Shot Like Dogs was told by work.
mers tbat number of refuges were taken to the American Greek college. Later the college PEREIRA, Proprietor was entered by the Turks and In Exchange for Labels of believe those within were shot dow a like dogs, CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA The Winona, incidentally was NESTLES CONDENSED MILK the target of the first dry raid following the recent ruling of WHERE YOU WILL SEE FINE SELECTION OF or ST. CHARLES CREAM Attorney General Daugherty BS English White Flannel Pants, to the application of the Voistead act to American and foreign EXCHANGE YOUR LABELS AT THE Light and Dark Grey Flannel. shipping board vessel, was boarded by customs and Blue Serge Suits.
several cases of liquor were reNESTLE MILK CO.
noved. No arrests were made. Gleaner.
134 BOLIVAR STREET, COLON Best assortment of English Woollens In town and other men furnishings.
DR. HUBERT EDWARDS Begs to notify his clients that he has removed his residence from 4th Street to 8th and Streets Colon. Deveaux Build ing) Com roonly called The Louis.
AS (The Reply By G)
Went Pascall, Wilon and Bstaneurt.
With Aodre, 8mall and Hill too, Men who shone on the crishet sagt Stans of the Chroniclo Sporting page, And Pascall bowled, But Pascall in the Laod of Mud Me: Tim and face Barbadian blood; And Griffith be ww also there, We foored 700 very bear Though Pascall bowled.
And Pascall esbirt and paste were wok, Each over mw quart more sweat; Those Budians made a perfect tor Of por old Iere boy No Hodren, White, nor Hornos appeared But Psoall bowled and Mudbeads shared, And Dillon Inoe alone be made More runs thap lere whole Brigade.
Yet Putoall bowled The Mudheads threw away their bate, And oulogised Barbados bata, Goveis bad to seek a hole And did not see his Idol bowl, Put there, upon the Burda ground, Bottle and sticks were knocking roun: And had be crossed the hotel door.
No more he call out Leg before.
Nor see Pascall bowl.
And now the innings all are done, Trinidad lost Barbados von; wonder how those boasters stick it, Now that they ve provod they know no cricket.
Next time we ll meet them fair and The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional CRISTOBAL PANAMA square task, By sending boys from Comb smoro Then if we beat them one to two.
Intercolonial Cricket through, Parcall must bowl.
And when to Trinidad they reach, Ard swim to Point Ouwens. beack And people take the Four Roads ante To meet those noted cricket stars, St. Hill will shake bio bend and gria And Wiles some foolieb yarn will spin, Saya Betancourt to save his skin Boys twero it bone dire we would wis Black Jack, all fours or Old Tom Gia But our Umpire could pol got in And Pascall bowled.
GRATIS The young Smoke 111 One Eleven)
Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents Incomparable Smiles For Hard Times Nestle Milk Co. THE PALAIS ROYAL (By A Lawyer to Prisoner. Now Man Why did you hit hita with your hoe?
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ing the heatOb! We haven heard from him yet ho has only been dead and buried three days.
Ho hugged her tightly in his arms She was his life his queen He did not know her bimo and to be called ber MARGARINE Of course this gave her quite a start. it csued ber heart to futter and then to smooth the matter off He said he Loved NONE But her. officials and OR Advertise in the Workman.
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