
Different AIU years ago DI the most JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Weert thai ALETTA The Lindo Bargain House They Satisfy Chesterfield Shoes. Shirts. Hats credit Real Help For Sick People THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY (NOVEMBER 1922 PAGE SEVEN awarded to Negro, Rene Maran th. Prix Goncourt, the bigbest award which can fall to writer The best Tonic in the World outside the French Academy, The prias is named after two young writers of VIGOR TONIC who demanded originality in You know literature. They blased the way This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend what you ve for Independent thinking and ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, always wanted bad large following. Rene Maran is claimed to to have written Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a cigarette to do.
il book of the a run down constitution.
Chesterfields year and although he is only It promotes digestion, improves the appedo it.
thirty four years of age, he is at They not only present employed by the French tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
government as administrator la please your taste the district of Lake Tebad in DOSE: One small Wine glass before each moal or (other cigarettes Central Africa, and has publish times a day.
do that) but they ed two books of verse.
do more.
Some day the white man of the New World may learn from bis They give European neighbours that it is wwwww to your smoking not the color of the man skin an enjoyment that makes him what he is, but the soul that dwells inside 80 complete skin.
so full He is most helping great JUST OPEN so entirely different national problem in this country that there only who gives every encouragement one way to the Negro to become a comto describe itpetant, as virtuous, and as selfrespecting as bis own natural Ability, plus our schools and square deal, can make him. The AT Target No. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon Born With Teeth Where you can secure at the lowest The latest child marvel is possible prices everything to solve Louie Flores, of Colony Island, who was born with 12 well deveyour millinery needs loped teeth six front teeth and six molars. In every other Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes CIGARETTES respect the child is said to be normal.
from 50 to 10. 00 of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, Incomparable.
YOUR INSPECTION INVITED (Continued from page 2)
Open from a. to 12 noon and from p. to p.
000 from the surplus, there remained 583, 108 from the previLOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
ous year record transactions.
Exper diture from January to July amornting to 166, 918 and BO, even if the balance at from the urinvested Burplus fund of 538, 108 were applied to this figure, there would be an adverse balance of 321, 047.
The Combination Court ha: The Three Most Prominent Why suffer to become Medicine bardened or Drug proof?
passed a resolation to levy a sur Whon your Health can be restored and maintained through tax at the rate of ten per centos Items In Man Dress an inexpensive method.
on duties enumerated in the first schedule of the Customs Law, Simple Scientific Self Treatment.
excluding matches, rold bullion rubber and other sub BY JUST USING of a like nature from Venezuela, and Surtay of ZODIACAL CELL. FOODS twenty per centum on duties eumerated in the secord They are the Builders the body years for, many schedule of the Law, except long years.
and tobacco, it is estimated that It 80 pleasant and convenient to take, trial is the surtax will yield 84, 000 for convincing of their value.
the remainder of the year, by wbich time the deficit will be at CAN BE HAD ALWAYS IN OUR STORES Price per Box 50 Post paid to any address.
least 1, 000, 000. The Herald. Write for free descriptive circular about Biochemic Cell. Foods.
Colored Lords SOLD BY BRODIE (Agent. By NEIL)
Box 1817, Cristobal, In the United States the Negro. because of his color, is deprived of many privileges Panama Colon granted blm abroad. The prePleased With Boy 197 86. asked him how did sence of Negro peoretses at a manage coronation in England is conmand, he said that the only Institute.
SISIKA sidered a matter of course, and support he got is by selling well bred English peoples are TY papers and it don take a man to welcome to their tables that is looking after his own Negroes of education, such as Interest to do this work. While Bishops and men of the type of Creoline Hair Preparations Sir, Please permit me space speaking to Cammander Watson Booker T, Washington.
woman Positively Superior to all others on earth.
brought a a little child, in your most valuable paper to told Mr. Watson that she The British crown does not commend Commander Watson asks him to take the boy over Try them and be convinced, hesitate to confer a title upon for the valuable work that be One of the colored race who has They are the Master Preparations of the World, is doing in the city of colon. Sir and not to allow him to come Different from all Others have read in your paper some the by law was read to her the home to Justly won it, and the title of house at all, after my Jord or my lady is the time ago a letter written by one the official destination of Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. many Mr, Burke commending boy name was taken and he all Foreign countries, 60c, Negro people.
Mr. Watson for bis good work was received in the Institution amount Once Queen Victoria heard of Creoline Halr Producer but was not satisfied until this boy make the total of 46 Mr. Watson the arrival in London of an old Straightens rough, barsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, We are hoping that some oc must need confess to the He told me that he expects the have seen the fact for myselt. be the support that can be given.
Negro woman who had saved and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 ber money farthing by farthing percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation casion will bring you to our public that Mr. Watson of Colbe help of the Government Ho of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevent baldaess, until she had accumulated funds.
halt sack of rice In ounce tins, sbowed me a from do come be assured that it will to the boys and their parents and another of flour, then the state of Liberia with the Creolina Day Dandruff Remedy As a West Indian must say that he uses lesin svowed purpose of interviewing very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter England splendid The and Eczema, It is antiseptie. Grows bair. koeps the scalp healthy.
you, and that our pleasure in done to Mr. Watson for what he sack of rice every week.
In ounce bottles.
Queen Victor la not only in invited serving you will make your visit bas been doing for the future Streets of Colon are in perfect As quielness you cannot find so to our store even more, enjoy benefit of our children.
the old mammy to Windsor Jackson Manufacturing Co.
castle, but sat beside her on the 456 West Tenth St, Manufacturers and Exporters Indianapolis Ind. jable for yourself.
examine truly the work of many idle boys knocking about All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline, sofa during this inter view. This Commander Watson can see Colon is now looking as one of was distinction England S. FULLER that it is not for his own benefit the cities in the West. ask Mr. Grand Old Woman accorded to JEWELLER but for the downtrodden Watson why he did not open a cbildren and the welfare of this branch in Panama, he said that very few; for even the greatest statesmen and ladies of the British Consulate Notice FOR SALE 122 CENTRAL AVENUE republic. Mr.
Watson told me he expects to go over in the realm were always required to that he organized this institution The Acting British Consul at stand in her presence from May 1920, and the only near future some time next year Colon be glad of Informasupport that was a In. ed not only in England. but abouts of one Maro De Meva, who ested folks.
in 1 Condition cause.
throngbout Europe. Queen Pla, has been resident in Colon for Attorney. at. Law The Governor of Colon has Yours, of Portugal. had as her principal some 25 years, It is also under: No reasonablą offer turned No. 44 Central Avenue donated 116. 60 but the amount EDWARD SIMPSON.
old Negress, and it has been the stood that he has been employed down.
was expended in buying the qustom at this court to invest as a clerk at Balboa.
TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 home dress for the boys, he also with Knighthood those among For particulars apply at showed me his rent bills for the Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Practices. in all Courts of the black race wbo have proyed WORKMAN PRINTERY house, light, and phone, for this themselves worthy of such If you like beautiful hair use Central Ave Street Panama, month which amounted to 52; Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents honour.
Panama City English Spoken Fluently total expenses for the month Incomparable In January, 1922, Frano Creolino Hak Producon.
balata, stances Large and Choice Assortment American Bazaar Stores glad EUTELRY RARGANYS To the Editor of The Workman.
her need all be a pleasure for us to serve to in the cannot be maid and back Bovereign However, Negroes are honour to home would the present in there One Stuvessant Piano JUAN ILLUECA es donation from a few inter public to support this noble


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