p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1922 Cred to the risk of exting, and or le throa COWOK Inden mer Erur body You Want to Know It!
id the con (NOSTROLINE at unemployment If there any way of Saving MONEY on your smokes and still have a good smoke to There is no any man will after the of best sod WO Try 16 NEW YORK CIGARETTES To Day bed fun! is very SURPRISINGLY GOOD Sympathetic Judge This Is What. EVERYBODY ORDERS CLOTHES TO BE BOUGHT (Contigues From Page 5)
FOR DESTITUTE FAMILIES loent unless, it is deliber SHOULD USE ate intention to detrast from the. NOSTROLINE Malarly nicht and more woman told pitiful story merits of what has bien unsellores y Cpplied plans to wben she was sued at the Bouthshly accomplished.
Perfectly cale for persoal de wark Country Court for the posdomite reghorn, po true Ladres asks: Where then session of rooms in Janaway e guarantee that we will Harold Matthews Co. Clition, Bristol street Bermondeay.
get value for our money not to She admitted owning 14 78 mention a legitimate Interest on Tent, and told the judge that ber Dome bad been obtained on the the amount invested. He is in same position of the market hire purchase system, and there woman who buys oranges for was still a balance of owing speculation, but to be sure of a Sold by all Drug Stores She bad twelve children, only two of whom were profit, because she is unable to work, and her husband was calculate the results, she thinks it a Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
and she was unable to find business to steal from the seller Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents boots or clothes for the children.
Sir Thomas Granger, the judge Rod bide under her clothes; or, be is better in the position of a the Incomparable.
arreed to pay the balance for usurer who leeds you 100, but furniture from the poor box and deduct 10. as the interest for provide boots and cloibes for the first month.
CRICKET the children. The application practica of the for possession was adjsurned.
kind in a corporation The only Lloyds Weekly Neug guarantee is the laws of the SURREY DEFEATS country under which the society JAMAICA.
La Boca Silver City Band ie incorporated and the reput:tion of the men who constitute Van Horn bowls we for Jausies, GT3 TO PALO SECO its Managing Directors, Now it while Sidney Archer an! Som soka Tonight (Saturday) The La after going over batted wonderfully for Surrey.
Surrey play. her last watch of Boca Silver City Band will enter the list of the officers and direcFOR YOUR MONEY tain, the inmates of Palo Seco tors of the Jamaica People measca last Sunday at Isthmise Park and romped.
Leper Asylum, the large bearted bandsmen are endeavouring to they are not worthy of being. un good order and the day an ideal the eclipse all their previous sucSuche Santors of the honest and one for cricket. Jsmsios von the lone workings this and elected to bat, and. Surrey did Cesses, and they feel confident venture, then he may AS well not hava ber team, Elock that even the most fastidious say that there is no business Teach Thomu being off will be satisfied at the varied Integrity in Jamaica, and thought that Jamaica would give bu Programme MUSIO AND DIE that commercial and industrial lading. It ww Blackman day at the Ruccess is an uo known factor in brunt of the bowling fell on hina and he Demerara Prison Rioters.
that country. That people are demonerated what stuff bo is made of.
so badly off there, that they have Bowling 13 overa bo osptured wiel organized a company and sent kota for 26 runs and we still fresh representatives down to the enough to make top scare for bis sida. Continued from page 1)
Isthmus of Panama to exploita Cook played beautifully far Jamaier fact that they had no intention few of going to town.
ignorant making some great on drives and labourers, and to further engage deserved every one of the 34 Three Years For Ringleader.
the assistance of some old time made. Mille runs be Miller also batted well rogues residing here to carry Jamaica and his 26 runs were made in for Addressing Doanes His Honour told him tbat he was the faulties ryle. He has sound defence the picture which Ludres has and a very beautiful lato eat. Jamies riogleader in the matter and was responsible for the other men reflected on the unsullied and made 85 ruas for her untarnished name being in Court that day. The of my country one tine wich 60 ruan for har innings although at up for sentence upon him was three in a a foreign land.
care wicken it seemed as if sbe would easily Dəaling with the scheme pro have years penal servitude to take eflect at the expiration of the pounded by the Hon. bave passed the century mark but efter Peterson, who captained Surrey for the sentence he was then serving.
French, for Portland, it day are Donnes: Three more years?
good, but it will not ane day rain put on Holder and Backmann liorate the industrial needs of tailed to or. Holder captured the remaining wickets of Jstosios His Honour: Yes, The Most For Your Money Doanes: But am serving ten the It is intended wieksts for 27 runs.
whole island.
to benefit those who served the years now.
Empire in the late War, Bat as After the wual recae John and wird His Honour: do not mind. It commendable as the scheme Hora nad Barnatt. Vaa e bowling was ing went out to face the bowling of Van it were twenty. would still may appear it is not intended to give you the three years in be take away private iniciative and wory deadly and in quick time he had independence from individuals Holder and Jahn brek to the pavilion.
addition Harding, Desous, Chsllenor, Doanes: Wha you say, man?
It is a measure of assistance but could never become general.
Three years more? Oh Christ!
The only man to stem the tide Why all you na kill me and done?
Besides, there are people whosha, and when he was well out, he Oh, Carist, man. Ha! It going would like to develop themselves allowed, probably the only loose ball be trouble, It going be trouble in the immediate Parish of of their bad bow. ed up to the one to get birth. According to L:dres sia Without doub, bə batted weil.
and By this time Doanes bad e Jamaica People Cooperative hard earned 18 sured should be complimented Society is asked to establish the bowling good, but Jamaica filding worked himself up into not only frenzy. He turned around in the policy which will remove the wa dock and with his back to the energy of sell help. or bring playing cake om Fitterson who had been Judge thundered out some of about another form of Bolshe playing cautiously was given cut B.
his opinions of life in forcible vike goveramant where the rich and this brought Archer and Blackmust pool their wealth, bay hands, mal together, and the stand of the His Honour: Remove that man then come to the prodigawem. de. With wickets do va far 46 exiles as we are, and say come but these two boys put th it shsulders runs, txingo did not look rosy for Surrey, from the dock. Take him down The recent improvement we have made in our establlshment is a strong home.
Several policemen rushed to conviction that we have also improved that prompt and reliable service fair to a large numbər of gen the score had been wiped of. Both Ledres has been very un to the broach, and refused the deck but before they could which has kept our customers together for the past three years tlemen. here who have all played woad atally, poking, but bard lay hands on Doans he opened along done their best to assist driving, cutting, and gliding by bob the dcor leading from the dock and ameliorate the sufferings of kep: the crowd in a roar all the tims, with his manucled hands and West Iadians on the Isthmus, bowled by Walkor, bu: Blackman con88 of with the sore at 93 We have just added another shipment of stepped out. He was immediate and those gentleman are more ly surrounded by policemen but out of pocket in extending as tinued, and at the end of the gauw be assuming a definite attitude he sistacce than any benefit they ww still unconquered, bringing wis bat blurted out: Don touch me, Ah you kill me first. Ob, Christ, have personally derived. It Le out for 10 runs dress is in a position to state Surroy in ings closed for 124 runs it going be trouble.
Including the famous here rushed out a specific case and not in Blackman 40 not oul, Archer 30, Joha fine assortment of Court down dulge in wanton and sweeping 13, Harding 11 and Pittarsa 11, to the cells.
Dunlop generalities, then, he be the principal scorers, Van Hora bowled Leonard Gaskin, John Gilbert Fitzgerald Seals, and David of English and Road Racers manly enough to do so, and best for Jamaica and bagged wickets atfix his signature, or remain as for 27 rune. This game closes the Sports Edwards were sentenced to as a coward and ba silent for man League for this season. We would undergu 12 American months hard labour Warrick ever, liko to see a good tam selected to play each at the expiration of his pre. Conclusion the presentation, as we believe that sent sentence. When the same BICYCLE Speed Racers Surrey at present can give very good sentence was imposed account of herself against any cabinon Alphonso Allicock alias Percy if you like beautiful hair use on.
PARTS Cambridge and Bennett, there was.
Creoline hair producer.
Another Scene.
Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
and United States Allicock Oh Christ! After Jockey Club Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent gle meself up at the Station you Non Skids Incomparable gle TIRES.
me twelve months more!
That aint right: Dam it(Conlinued from page 1)
His Honour: Remove him.
Pool paid 50. Time 56 min, Sixth The Police: Come come.
Race: Juan Franco per cent discount on cash sales for members of the Unique Cycle Association Handicap fur. 230. 000 to the was trainer of three of the winOr the seven races, Mr. Allen Allicock: Don talk to and Cyclone Cycle Athletic Club. CALL ON US.
Twelve months more, and gie winner, and 20 to the second Ders, Takeaway 3, and Brown meself up! don care now.
horse. Niagara 122 lbs. Valencia Western Auto Supply Co.
1st Waterboy 105 lbs; Schultz, Samuel Martin alias Martin Yesterday Race Meet 2nd, Long Shot; 126 lbs Aranguez Lather was next sentenced to STREET ANCON AVENUE PHONE 85, PANAMA 3rd. Pool paid 40. Time 30 Yesterday. Friday) at Juan undergo twelve months; to This race would have been the Franco race track, a grand 3rd.
be concurrent with the sentence cao su banner event of the day, but it Nov. race meet was condacted.
which he is at present underwas an unfortunate circumstance; Seven fine purses were on the going.
for the second time Mr, Towie program. In the early part of Martin smiled and gingerly get off cheap.
in boisterous behaviour: and prison officer away from him, horse was left standing at the the day rain fell and damped the rabbed his hands. He was epi Rupert Hunte received with Allicock attempted to kick out Donnes, from within the van release of the barrier, Water track which was previously predently satisfied.
calm his sentence of 12 months of the van the police oficer, who shouted Oh, Christ. it going to boy ridden by Schultz made a pared in very fine condition Alleyno and Ammar to run concurrently with bis was looking after the disposition be trouble. We going kill! We gallant effort to get even with Daspite the muddy were each given 12 months hard present sentence, He, too, bad of Sharbinis When he approached make them spend a thousand Ing Long Shot, but the distance through to its entirety, and those in we do! his field, and succeeded program was. carried labour to take effect after the.
expiration of their present sen When the police attempted to the van tebaved in more when from Niagara was too much and wo were out to bave a fine time be failed after having secured enjoyed themselves to the full.
tepcente Watts was given six up of the Court to the prisen van he had behaved in Court; He 20 back to the settlement, get the convicts from the rock opposite manner to that insties polio, faollars second. The came to the van was got away from the Seventh Race. Panama Har expectations and some of publice head whilst he was being cara Shouted at the top of their voices bis manacled hands on the steps Court yard under strong police dicap far. Purse 3125 00 to races were full of lively interest ried out of Court and leaning they kicked up a sbindy and of the van. He toward the Press table he whis wrestled with the police; Allicock is no justice for black man in swearing lustils and banging 1st: Dəlka, 12) ib3, Bilac 2nd, Pari Matãel. full report with guard with the prisoners in it winner. Lord. 115 lbs, Blank. to the crowd that thronged the pered confidently got luck, and Doanes vied with each other this land; and he hurled the away at the walls. Exchange, Inglaterra, 81 lbs, James Brd. appear next week, how, for bis 18. rugs, Good Service Reflection larguage kond day and alone!
quit until Archer was Whiz Auto Products He was were should me.
appearanca which


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