
EREN OY AL TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 19 PAGE THREB REAL ECONOMY When you buy a package of has dad 111 ordart)
to per pers You are making a wise investment You are getting the biggest and best Cigarette value on the Isthmus.
While We know the Quality Donovan BUY PACKAGE TO DAY 15 111 for 10c.
mode refused When Pascall West Indian Kows. BOOST Bowled (Continued from page. EMU GRENADA The rotorious War Telegram (From the West Indian) CIGARETTES which was circulated around and eagerly devoured by local cricket enthus aste during the progress Little Tribute. Lest on the Market of B radi Trinidad match ums 81 the erara and Trini en represuced in thelUnder the above, caption our ASK FOR THEM parers. The Argosy also reprints the familiar verses from cotem, of The Federalist and the Trinidad Sporting Coroniel FOR Grenada People, Mr. Gal ELIAS PRETO, Agent which gained such popularity FIFTEEN wey Donovan, says: on the (ccasion of the previous 10 CENTS Grenada newspaper editors tournament, with the following have been most unfortunate in Catholic Church and people of sequtro tributed by the poprefusing offers made to them this Island, The worthy Vicar started by ular esa Martin:to conduct journals in other West Indian Colonies, in Great Britain recalling to mind the persecution There come to this dear mud land, CIGARETTS and in the United States. They Saviour, St. Paul and others be which John the Baptist, the Two cricket teams. migh y band have ever remained true andato cup to win, and to hold the way Iaithful to Grenada, which the suttered during their ministry in But, Oh, alss, that memorable day consider the hub of the West show that they (the Wben Pascall bowled.
Indies. Hitherto Grenada Las priests) must also expect not responded very cordially to suffer persecution in the Foel Bejon was a jolly lad the services of her jurnalistic formance of theira.
of regs, ysma, ruckuo land shad sons. She has proved They lod defence, could bat. mon b, un. H: then referred, in very grateful days Trinidad did leather bunt in this respect We strong terms to the usefulness hope Wben Paseal bowled that in Mr. Albert and popularity of the English Marryshow case gratitude will laugiaga arislag from its world Two Challeuor, Tariltun and left be shown. He has raised the wide usaga, not only by Great superstructure of Representa Britain and har Dominions, but hand Incs, tive Government laboriously re by the people of the Uaited That made Betancourt and his med wince; built by Mr. Galwey Donovan Sistes of America which latter alter a lite time labour. country embraced da population e weary Dewburet behind the wicket Only then know what was really good Though it is too much to expect of one hundred and nine million that the country will show Mr. souls. These were facts which cricket.
They Do Australians, the Bims hard, any gratitude for his contributed to a large extent to trying and bitter struggle make the English language know the game, All o er the world you ll hear of their in the cause, yet. we hope, Gren universal AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW IT ada will not continue to prove so It is, he said, a serious matter, fame, ungrateful as to fail to accord which brings sadness to all lovers Brom noble country, true patriotic con, Mr. Marryshow the substantial of Education, t? contemplate the And you like to see a thood runs wreath of honour which he fact that this island, which. Just let Pascall bowl.
by deserves.
Like Mr. Donovan. Mr. Marry 139 years ago, definitely bucame the over And when they tread on the apbalt ebore show bas refused tempting a British possession, has made THEY ARE INCOMPARABLE Feeling weary, ed, and sore, offers abroad. Is he acting wise o little progress with the use of Obeer ved on each and every face ky in emulating Mr. Donovan by the English language during all those refusals. forlorn lock of sbeer diagraon.
Mr. Donovan these long years It may be The welcome crowd will be sont and refused an an offer on the start of alle true that the patois; which few, Westminster Gazette being generally used by the Cause Trinidad mourning and badly under the great William Stead. people of the island, is a too.
He twice refused the offer of the picturesque language (or rather editorialsblp For her star bata all bsva vanished from of the Demerara of it view.
remembered that we can got Daly Chronicle when controlle berry ne a broad with us CIGARETTES by Three days in the run wbat a terrible of The Port ot.
stew, control Spain Gazette, and he refused tor classes of the people speaks Ia Roseau, we find that the bet Gawbloin mud, Griffuth ogged dum ful true the offer from Jamaica we think the Weekly Deb. peaking, it is used chiefly for English very well. but strictly Though Pascall bowled. West Indian Exchange. he believed Grenada was the atheir homes they descend to hub of the British West Indies patois. and could guide and control the convenient to them.
It belog considered more destinies of these islands.
The Charge Of The In that he has not been mistaken. Church to which he belonge Coming to English in the Mr. Marryshow, carrying on Father DeVos sald, upon his first Song Brigade the movement stated by bls old arrival here, twenty years ago chiet, in achieving success. He he found that confessions were bas stripped the West Indies to be nou OR THE VILLAGE CHOIR their very depths. He has re taught for the most part in and catechism The recent improvement we have made in our establishment is a strong which was kindled by Mr. Dono in Trinidad, French, and the ser nons were Half bat, half. bar, ball bar conviction that we have also improved that prompt and reliable service and has since been baing preached in Freach and Onward, which has kept our customers together for the past three years Into an awful diteh, choir and preces English alternately, in the low Now, with the and high masses; but today, grant of the measure of Repro, thanks tor pitch to sentative Government, the period th present day Loto m a of pitch, that led the old French was entirely bundred of agitation is past and the works eliminated from she ermons and We have just added another shipment of Trebes to the right of them, tenors of constructive statesmansbip the cau to the left of them, basses in front begins. Let us hope those who the catechisms; the same being aspire to be leaders will be imparted entirely in English, of them equal to the solemn occasion, whilst only 50 50 par cent of the Bollowed and thundered, oh, that people had recourse to French ia precentor look the confessionals Including the famous When the sopranos took their own fine assortment Non could continued th: Vicar Developments Schemes. General, the time and book from the old bun sime prseedare dred.
Dunlop does not obtain in the country of English and Government in Grenada has Sareech all the trebles hero, Road Racers closed down all public works that only per ceat of the counBoggled the tenore there, owing to fioancial stringency, try people can understand American Raising the person hair Warrick and by doing so bas made de English intelligentis. Now he While his mind wandered: Their not matters worse. In times of askad, wao se tault was it for the reason why, BICYCLE Speed Racers financial stringency Government such a sad condition of affairs!
This pealm wa pitoh too high should do its best t) improve the Surely not tha piests, wh) are Out the old hundred, Tenors to the right circulation PARTS of them, Cambridge and of money in the belog wrong is charged th the colony for the general good, blamos. Patolis hus bean Im Tenors to the left of them, Basses in The whole has no need to the planted in Donia ca by th: oarly front of them United States physican. The colony is sick Frecc ttlers who brought Bellowed and thundered, stormed they now, and Government should with them their nativa slaves with sbout and yell, TIRES.
step in with its remedy, Non Skids Not while they sur g, nor swell, Dr wing from the French Islan is of Martialque and Guadeloupe, and the the sexton bell, The Agricultural and Com these slares knew and spoke is so language or dialect, which While all the church wandered, per cent discount on cash sales for members of the Unique Cycle Association mercial Society has appointed a much reflected in the homes of Dire the precentor glare, flashed his and Cyclone Cycle Athletic Club.
pitehfork in air, CALL ON US.
Committe to report whether, in their descendants that it cannot its opinion, the establishment of be easily e radiosted.
Sounding the free keys to boar, out the an Agricultural Loan Bank Western Auto Supply Co.
old buudred, in It is plainly not the duty of the Grenada, along the lines laid priests he argued, to undertake Swiftly be turned his back, reached he STREET ANCON AVENUE s hat from rack, PHONE 85, PANAMA down in the report of the Com to remoye this evil. They were mittee which has recently been not sent Then from the screaming pack bimself out bore to teach 150X50 investigating the matter he sundered.
Trinidad, would at the present the Sunday schools; to language. either in the pulplt or Tenors to the right of him tenors to the time be advisable.
do 50 would not be carering out the left of bim missien for which they Discords behind him bellowed and thuo were were dered, sent; as they were definitely DOMINICA Ob the wild bowls they wrought!
instructed; Go ye forth and teach all nations Right to the end they fought, some tune teaca whatsoever (From The Guardian)
they sung, but not bave commanded you, etc. 80 therefore it was obviously their Not the old hundred FOR FRIENDLY COMFORT The Vicar General duty to preach in any language in which the people could underKept in stock at the stand thom Give ther, he said, Fearful Crime.
AND ENGLISH IN THE English speaking congrega CHURCH and they will at once speak in English, but it would be cable despatch from Berlin mockery for dated Otober 20, states that On Sunday evening. the 1st do so under asem to attempt to exisung conditions.
another shocking cannibalistic instant, a most eloquent and it was quite true, he went on to crime. similar to those of NOTICE NOTICE JUAN ILLUECA highly interesting address of say, that the people did not Buteer Grossman was reveal.
ed to day with the arrest of Attorne y. at. Law All members of the Royal which previous notice had been understand French quite well.
Correspondents are requested Primrose Lodge No, 10106, GU, given, was delivered at the but they understood EaglishAlfred Obendroft the murder of his sweetheart 21 No. 44 Central Avenue to send to their contributions 0. F, are asked attendre et Roseau Cathedral to a crowded if at all fer the Very He to yesr old Anna Wrobel. Accord. TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX NO. 76 noten Sater than Chursday evəning ing on Tuesday evening 14th inst, Father Davos, Ss. Ni Vica: during the mission conducted ensure publication.
ing to the police, Obendrof in a as very important business will General and Parish Priest. for here, some time ago, by the Rev.
Practices in all Courts of be traneacted. of jealous rage cut her body Roseau. The subject of the Father Roelandts and himself in if you like beautiful hair use Panama RALLU BUCHNER to pieces ate some and sold part discourse was the English lao which they preached in French as veal.
English Spoken Fluently Creoline Hair Producer.
Per, Secy, guage as it affects the Roman (Continued page 7)
Good Service Reflection re being made lighted the van smouldering Whiz Auto Products and in ORDER BOOKS SOCIETIES WORKMAN PRINTERY charged wità


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