
THE WORKLAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1922, PAGE FIVE The Gillette Safety Razor BEACON (GOLD. 25 to mort delighted to tastefully that might be found to rest some one.
the all all space STROLLERS STROLLERS Odie, opening meeting, the was he plare. Moot NATURAL LEAF CIGARETTES yapampaamopananananananananaand children and which CIGARETTES Pan. American Export Corporation ATLANTIC SIDE Canal Zone Notes NOTICE OFFICERS GATUN An Shepherd Lodge, are here by notified that Bro. Paisley Road To Bachelor Quar Cor, Socretary of the above, has REARRESTED ON OTHER CHARters Granted been removed from said office, GES AT COLON at an Executive meeting on the 22od of Nov. 1922.
AS last; the occupants of The Colon Independent of the bouses and 67 is feeling com All communications for sald 18th is responsible for the fortable in their minds, they District must be forwarded to having succeeded cllowing with the Rugless, asst. Sectry, No District Quartermaster in get 2071 Ancon Z. who bas been On the 8th of this month var ting the long asked for road appointed to act as CORrants were issued for the arrest leading to their quarters. The RESPONDING SECRETARY.
of Brooks Job Pilgrims, Nathaniel Willis, new path way will now be effective from the above date.
and Eddy.
namees living in house and after one of the oldest New cbarges of mie appropria. Is the Biggest Value you can obtain for your Money whose Welcome and Retion of funds were laid by As he recently returned from the another group of dissatisfied Isle of Sprine, Jamaica, Morris ception Service.
members of the Colon Branch of Avenue is of the paththe Universal Negro Improveway, and many thaoks to the ment Association, and the arrests ware affected of all but On Sunday the 19th of th month Willis wbo. it is rumored, has FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. Welcome and Reception Service was pone to Jamaica, Successful Thanksglving held at the Ebenrzet Christian Churob The first three mentioned were, Calidonis Rad, Panama, in b:nour of YOU Services at St. George the Rev Wilkins, was pub ou bail pending the trial of tbe ribed in last turday y isaws, and we first set of charges laid against hem. Eddy was not among that May also obtain one gratis by mailing 250 empty packages of The Harvest festival services remont ated to state that a very ur held at St. George Church, gratifsins. and enjoyable time to group.
High Street, on last Sunday was joyed by all present.
The Church The law governing bail of perannaqualified success. The wearowded to its Bons awaiting trial probibits a crowded to its greatest expat, and sacred edifice was chairs were utilised to fill up second bail. That is, i? one is out decorated for the occasion.
on bail for some alleged offence, The morning service was taken the yard also wae occupied by a numbt and is arrested on some other by Venerable Archdeacon person. The platform wore oorucharge, no bail is allowed. hence Carson, Bishop elect of Hayti pied by the Rev. Wilkics, tev.
Brooks and Pilgrim will lot Toe sermon for the day was Beegle, Supt. of the fra obtain bail.
the close of the service, it was. Rov. Alleyne, Rev.
practical and instructive, and at Methodist Chureb. work on this generally expressed that the Barclay. Rev, Neil, Rev SACRED CONCERT.
Church would be losing a friend Pastor of the Church, Mr. Rigby in the removal of Archdeacon of the Baptist Church. At the of the The Carson.
th Pastor of the The Pleasant Sunday evening Natural At p. there was a flower Church introdued the chairm sa to tho meeting at the 7th Street Bap Mellow service. Mr. Isaac Taylor. Super audience, the Rev. Barolay, who list Church, Colou Nov, 12 was a Smoke inteodent of the Sunday School ww ibe right man in the Meet success.
assisted by Messrs, E, Brossarding opened up wita Hymn 837, tha Mr. Morrison bad charge of and Woodman, Commanders prayer by v Niel. followed by the choir and Mr. T. Smith of the Baden Powell Boy Scout Hymn 211, then le son by Rev Alasan assembled bad charge of the recitations.
the counted 103 numbered about 50 in de the called upon to xivo the Welcoano Ad.
tbs Pactor of the Church was Mr. Cunningham acted as Chairman.
At marched to the church commencement of the service the dress which was very stirring, rna The following is a copy of the children handed in their thanks appropriate for the occasion. The Dee programme: piving offerings; which was fol item was ananthem by thech Nyon 706 lowed musical program sram How Brauiful Upon the Mountain Introduction of Chairman Mr. Webster was the chair which deserves great credit for the love. Chairman remarka rendered Anthem by the Choir charged the important position followed an address by the RV. FR. Address by Moster Cockburn BEAD OFFICE BRANCH with credit and satisfaction.
The Wilkins, who is an able, clear and ovec Recitation Drifter. Mis Bruno program was a very lengthy one manner ou lind bis visit to the United Bravery, Miss A, BelColon, various items were states, ite pros, sim, and object, bis Panama City.
grava Corner of Broadway 11 Street satislactorily rendered. The worde were Istened to with to with profound Kecitation, Sunshine, Mine gifts consisted of pumpkins, interest and in all of his Butherland Telephone, Colon No. 468, Calle 12 Esto.
yams, potatoes eddoes, sorel, osn me that God has been with Anthem by Choir 10 Reo Character, Mix Dutton Bor, No. 1322, sugar canes, bread and cakes him from first to last. Ho give a briel 11 Ree Work nad Play. Mueber Cristobal, CZ Telephone, Panama No. 728, pleasant and enjoyable and Christian Chuab, its origin, and foundaBruno Mr. o. Laurie, Cathecist. the tion which facte were very cloir to be 12 Reo Beds. Mise Green Box, No. 156. Colon, Box, No. 397, Ancon choir, and all those who assisted understood. Owing to pace we must 13 Duet Mieres Riley and foot them deseryes a meed of praise sum up by stating that all of thy 14 Reo Kinda Thoughts Min and a vote of thanks for the speakers gave very interesting Bennett MammaMammaMamma Mia!
splendid success achieved. bolpful talk which was much appro 18 Rec Aims Master W, Lord ciated by the audience. Solo wa 16 Ree Birds tell Master Airall 16 the Gabriel Union Lodgo Hall, Fire Extinguished sung by Min Lucile Murray, for which 17 Anthem by Choir she deserve grost crudit, slo Mine 18 Addrets Master Anderson corner of b Street and Hudson Lane, Albertha Thomas, who is to be con 10 Reo Birds tell Miss V, Hondley on 20th and 30th November, 1922, at few days ago, very much to arstulated During the osllection Miss 30 Reo Hope Miss Hunt 8pm the good fortune of this town, a Wilkins rendered Pisao Anibec by Others and members of winter lodge conflagration was avoided through which vary fitting for the oceani ya 22 Addrene Meter 7, Lord BY TAKING ara all cordially invited to attend, the ready assistance of Mr. and beautifully bundled. The pres Reo Hope Mincer Small Webster, teacher of the Silver suce of of the Rv. Rea Crying Mine Newland schools, instructive talk was passing one of well bie Anthem by eboir Favourite Concert At the Colored family quarters and greatly enjoyed by the congre29 Dial by Mimes. Doria. Edna, LinClubhouse.
saw an excessive amount of gation, who listened with kaen interes, nett, Viola, Mildred, Sylvia. Olga, WONDERFUL CURE FOR smoke which created a suspicion and we would like him to know that Lilian and Carmen in bis mind, this caused him to there is always a hearty welcome and we 27 Duet BLADDER IRRITATION Cristobal; go up into the building, and on open door both in the borrt well as 28 Addres, Master Reece Nov. 20, 1922 reaching the entrance he dis the churchor of the colored people, 20 Reo Draivo Miss Belgrave 38 Reo Advice, Edwurde covered that a small fire had any time, and any ocenion. We viska It Contains East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood The following is the pro taken possession of one of the bima prosperity in blu work.
31 Anthem by Choir.
gramme for the Fayourite rooms. with the assistance of 32 Dial by Masters Stephensen, Cyril, and other ingredients Another sothen was rendered by the Concert held the Bilver the other parties on the spot the Choir. ho poth of the just. and we are George Joseph. Lionel Osbourne Clubhouse, Cristobal:fire was speedily extinfaished.
supposed to giva gresto edit to the 13 Reo Gather Miss Avis Jareti Chairman Mr. Jilkse.
MON Gives Positiye Relief in 24 hours Choir muster Mr. Springer, who 34 Anthem by choir prepared Opening Song them for this ooreion, along with Mrs.
35 Cosing remarks by Chairman Introduction of Chairman by Mr.
Song Service To morrow 36 Closing song by choir. Smith man vell versed in Vocal Munio, hense 37 Doxclogy.
BUY BOX TO DAY Song concert tonizbt, Silver City Song Service for to morrow he reason of the success of the choir.
Speech By AT THE Zone evening will be conducted by Mr The Pastor of the Churchrung Bong Colon Webster, and all the school (Abide with me. which was acompanited Boys Institute CHORRILLO DRUG STORE Rec.
Silver City children under his care during by Mias. Wilkins at the piano which No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
the weekly day school are re also met the appreciation of the entire Song Zone quested to turn out, also as muy the chairman brought the meeting to audience, and after a fow other iterug AT CRISTOBAL CLUBHOUSE, Color adults and visitors of our usual 10 Hop Drill Bilver evening services close with a fow helpful words and ea11 Roe.
Zon 30 couraging remarks, the Ror. Wilkins On Sunday 19th Inst. at the be saw on a dark night, and he the manner Dr. Fisher addressed 12 Dia.
Bilver City pronouncing th Banodiction Cristobal Colored Clabhall, was able to conduct his path the boys and wished sincerly 13 Ro.
on half of the Colon Boys Institute way to his home through the that they will keep up and be a 14 Song Silver City Reprehensible Conduct Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
brightness of the star, and that credit to the Institution, 15 Rec.
Zune At p. m, the boys in marching all the boys could be stars to 16 Cornet Solo Comdt. Mond Med Commander Watson read the 17 Ree.
order arrived at the Clubhouse guide some one.
Quite an ugly shadow passed Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents financial report for May 19 to 18 Ree Silver City over two of our employees here Among those who took part in Dr. Fisher was ask to speak October 20th which showed 19 Son Silver City in this town on Monday night Incomparable the exercises for the day were Song Zoo Nov. 20th inst, Rev. Dr. Fisher of the Cristo which be did readily. He stated 83. 000 C. had been collected 20 bine It appears that. Colon Gristoba on Friday night Nov. 17th while bal Union Church, Mr. Neely that he was more than pleased and expanded on behalf of the 21 Date Colon Secretary Waller of the Silver Secretary of the Clubhouse, Mr. to be present to give a word of institution.
Dr. Fisher decided BOOST 22 Rro.
Silver. City Clubhouse was giving out the Zone various notices of the activities Clubbouse, and Prof. Parker of his watch and said want you to the upkeep of the lnstitution. 21 24 Sing the Cristobal Colored School boys to be like this watch. Mr.
Walker and Mr.
Neely. Done Colon for the week and month ending 25 Dis After the oth the subscribe a 26 Vilia Solo singing Culon Nov, Knight, employee of the Comdt. MendLocks, opening hymn, CIGARETTES COM. er Watch your hands, watch your corresponding sum.
Mond Locks, and Kerr, in a most un watch your com Watson called upon Mr.
27 Ree.
Silver City called for The meeting was brought to 28 Res. can and impolite manner to address the meeting. The Fisher elucidated the various panions. For minates Dr.
a close, Zone shouted to him, shut up we speaker took for subject the Silver City don want to hear foolishness Best on the Market phases of his subject closing 30 Pisno Balo words of the bymn which was with a sincere appeal to the boys Silver City ran the picture. Zone uncalled for and it made New Samaritan Lodge. Hold the Fort. His sung our words of advice, exhortation and to watch their conduct.
33 Piano Solo Calon Secretary look upon these ASK FOR THEM encouragement were forceful Prof. Parker was the last Zone young men as untrained and Silver City coarse. We won spare them as and interesting and the boys speaker and although he ex and of under Charter granted by 36 Sang The Sunflower Lodge, of 35 Dia, Calon Cristobal its becoming an habitual practise ELIAS PRETO. Agent listened with fapt attention. pressed some amount of sure the Supreme Court of Kingston Jamai 27 Dis.
Zone of most young men here of late Mr. Walker the following prise on hearing of the meeting as will be organised at Calon by Bro. 38 Band Selection Colon to be calling down a speak. Secretary Waller gave the two speaker. In the very rosy and he was pleased to be present Jurns, Distriot Supremo Deputy 39 Drill Calon Cristobal er before he finishes his aboye mentioned and know happy speech made by the Colon sentence. We trust for the that when any one is placed genial Gatun Club Secretary he In continuing be said, that be of the Order in this provinos, 40 Closing remarks Capt. Perry future untrained young men and in authority he must be treated told the boys of a bright star was very much impressed with The initiation ceremony will be held Song Good Night boys will take the lesson which courteously and respectfully.
movemento aat Treat Yourself Berlo Choir Boogle, He wa DR. SANGER CAPSULES 11 Reo, Rre City Sunday at 11 Color 10 01 EMU hearts and 29 Dis.
This was BL 81. Rec.
32 Reơ.
Colon Sac 83 be two 34 Drill and very 10 was


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