
SODA CAPTAST 230 LOMBARDO RO CIGARETTES instruc20 CIGARETTES. 7c. is The American Foreign Banking Corporation this PAGE SIZ THB WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 25 1922.
British Finance And. DISTRICT COURT FOR Boy Scout Activities THE CANAL ZONE AT Economics.
CRISTOBAL Determiced to put into the oto BERTHA WARNIR card the former record of 11 (By LEONARD REID. bours, micutes establi bed ve over two years BRINTON LWARNER by tha Panama Star Att let e Cin, Asa London, Nov. 1922. Through Civil No. 392.
Scoutsasters Bidda Nimble.
most of last week confidence of the Papama Buy Scy. Cro. wus growing in the financial worla owing to the arrival of a the Notice.
Country Team rive at Panama Railroad Station period of cheap money and the in Colon apparent dispersal of war clouds on Thursday morning in the Near East. But towards 2nd inst, at 6:14 a. making To Brinton Warder, Defendant: the end of the week the bitch in You are required to enter your appearthe jcurley to 12 hours, it the Mudanis Conference renew ance in the Clerk iflice of the above minutes. This is a record for ed anxiety. It the two Scouts, as it is undernow appears named Court, at Cristobal, in Action that new danger has been tood that the time of 11 for Divorce brought against you by averted, but the business world plaintiff herein, ard to enswer complaint nours, minutes was made with the Scouts pace. a part of the on or before the 19th day of by such crises which emphasise February 1923, journey. walking 20 pace and bue unsettled condition in Europe And you are further notified that if Will soon be on sale in every establishment irotting 20)
In this respect a phrase used the other day by an expert in you fail to appear and answer mid come throughout the Republic The fifteen walkers left the plaint above required, plaintiff will Panama Railroad Station. Pana bbe cotton industry is ma at p. in, Wednesday.
tive, There is a disposition, sake judgement ageinst you by default and deoand from the Court the relief in November 1st, accompanied by he writes, INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF some quarters to prayed for in her said complaint.
members of the 1st. Panama reduce forecasts of the consump Dated this first day of November 19 22 Troop and other Scout Officers tion (of cotton) this season in as far as Corczal. Assistant view of the S, CAMPBELL.
unsettled conditions Scoutmasters Budd and Nimbley throughout Europe. This view Aset Cler District Court by no took the lead from the start keel06 well abead of the other ouer Les peculiar bine cotton until they reached industry. In all branches of For Sale.
the economic life the resumption Monte Lirio, where they made a MANUFACTURED BY suort stop, fioally striving at et active consumption pro.
Colon one hour ahead of Wynter duetion awaits the re. establish For sale one toom cottage The Pan American Tobacco Co and Matterson, who came in ment of peace and security, with 2000 Eq, M, of land located second and third respectively.
which, nearly four years after on the Babar as Main road at The judges were on the main the war, is still so conspicuously reasonable price, Apply at this from Gatun to Colon, and on the lacking. The problem of German office or call phone 438, Balboa qui vive for the walkers, but the reparations still hangs like a Scouts walked in on tbe track cloud over the European econoand were not seen by the judges.
mic outlook. Business men are discrepancy arose as to very well aware that the recent whether Buda or Nimbley agreement only means a respite reached first, and after a discusof a few months, and that a further disturbing crisis will sion, the judges decided to develop give at the beginning of next two prizes for first place. Both year unless some sound econo boss are to receive a mio settlement of question will reWynter and Malte Bold medal.
Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CTY is reached in the meanwhile. If a ceive a allver and bronz9 medat sound settlement could be reach respectively. The Unique Cycle. ed and greater degree of Clab has agreed to include the delivery of these prisss on their security achieved in Europe, there are signs that vigorous DEPOSITORY OF program at the Isthmian Park improvement in industry, and on the 30th inst.
commerce would follow. On the Among the unfortunates on whole business centres report ibe route was Troop Leader more activity, but real satisHarris, 1st Panama Troop.
factory development is impeded whose right knee has an odd by political uncertainty, and in trick of leaving the socket. He the sphere of international trade reached the Oristobal machine the new bigh protective tarif shops, when the knee decided which has just been introduced that the distance was so far as in the United States introduces he should go He was driven to a further unfavourable element, Colon on RR. hand car The general feeling here is that Rover Rose reached soon after the introduction of this new Matterson in a very exhausted American tarid will make it condition and restoratives had to more difficult than eyer for be administered.
Europe to pay ber huge debts to Patrol Leader Nimbly, the United States.
famous strong man and athelete, Great Britian certainly will got as far as Gamboa, when he and can discbarge the enormous was attracted by some crabs, debt which bas been incurred and Indulged in a little crabtowards that country. The catching for about an hours British Chancellor of the Ex continuing the pilgrimage, after ehequer, accompanied by the Governor of the Bank of England and rescued him, This scout leaves for Washington next made another stop at Darien and Tuesday to arrange for a scheme arrived at about 10 o clock of of this shall without a record as Atherto have more to say in future Troop Leader letters. But even Pu. George, Scouts Kelly and scheme the new American tarif Mowatt, on seeing the morning will make repayment more diffi train from Panama boarded it enit it would have othertook a cool ride into Colon.
bave As regards British Ship BuildScout Mowatt and a few others the rest of the debts of Europe Creoline Hair Preparations had the novel experience of ing Industry.
towards America Mr. McKenna, walking of their boots, making the chairman of our largest Positively Superior to all others on earth.
the better part of their journey British Joint Stock bank, has Returns are now available, Try them and be convinced.
bare foot just been telling the Ameri: complied by Lloyds Register of the can Bankers Convention that position of ihe British Shipbuild They are the Master Preparations of the World.
The rumour that a number of these obligations are beyond Different from all Others scouts were in the Colon Hostheir power to meet Your ing Industry at the close of the pital was unfounded. The only September.
Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. McKenna in a serious mishaps of the trip was Jucu date the merchant tonnas economic plead construction in the all Foreign countries, 60c, exposition the fainting of scout Kelly, of the 2nd Panama Troop, at ed for a settlement of the dom was returned as 1, 617, 045 Creoline Hair Producer Gamboa, and the uiter exhausReparation question on the lines tons, which is 302. 000 tons Straightens rough, barsh, kinky hair with or without hot combs, tion of Rover Ross.
of hard economic fact and as than at the close of the previous and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 We are hoping that some acregards inter Allied debts, for a quart od quarter. The total sigbt percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation reconsideration looks fairly satisfactory, The scouts did not like their business like casion will bring you to our of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevent baldness, predecessors, encounter In ougee tias, between creditors and any debtors sidering the general depression store shortly. And when you lions, snakes, alligators or wild Berlicens debt to America, which, so very of course in the case of in trade conditions, for it is not Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy do come be assured that it will cats far short of the average very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandrufr, Tetter 29 Mr. McKenna said, will be be a pleasure for us to serve Everyone spoke of the kind tonnage the under and Eczema, it is antiseptic. Grows hair, keeps the scalp healthy.
paja. In broad outline construction duryou, and that our pleasure in reception given them by the Mr McKenna in ounce bottles.
the twelve months preceed steps advocated serving you will make your visit Colon Scout Officers, who took Jackson Manufacturing Co.
those which experts here believe ing the great war, which was 1, 890, 000 tons.
But unfortunate 466 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Exporters to our store even more enjoy care of them upon their arrival to be essential to the recupera liy All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
able for yourself.
and did everything to make them comfortable, tion of European prosperity and good positionkis. notbingolike so as latest the of total includes 419, 000 tons on FULLER Commodity prices are still which work has been for some Wants To Meet Siki tending downwards in this long time discontinuede fact WILKINSON JEWELLER Notice country. Acording to the latest which reduces to 1, 198, 000 tors 122 CENTRAL AVENUE calculation of the London Eco toe merchant tonnage on which Oxford, October 14 begins on nomists the general level of work is actually proceeding. Contractor Colon, R, Monday has brought to Oxford wholesale commodity prices at Ibis, it will be seen is nearly and Builder Members and friends of the Nov. 8th, 1922 FOR SALE the end af September was 63. 700, 000 tons below the average University a boxer who wants to meet Siki, He is Eddie Eagan a about the level current in July for the last pre war year and 1914. as compared with 66. per gives an adequate idea of the 15th STREET, WEST Barbados Overseas Relief and One Stuvessant Piano residence at New College to day.
the industry cent at the end of August. The depression Travelling Society, are hereby However in the matter of reHouse No. 90 notified that hereinafter this Siki is not a real boxer, he corded since March 1916. The launchings and new tonnage on Society sball hold its meetings In 1 Condition told me, He doesn know increases over the pre war level which work has been commenced Box 411, Panama, P at Victory Hall between 10 11 the first principles of boxing Streets Hudson Lane No. 165, No resasonable offer turned His one great qualification is of prices. shown by the past quarter shows some First meeting takes place Tuesgroups of leading commodities considerable improvement over down.
that he tough and can take a sre as follows. Cereal and meat its predecessor. The total, which Plans and Specifications Free ingo stall be on Monday night. For particulars apoly at day 14th inst.
51 per cent; other foodstuffs 94 of 890, 000 per centtextiles 81 per cent; tons of merchant shipping under Eagan who scales 12st. 5lbs, First class Workmanship GIBSON WORKMAN PRINTERY and ia Bt. 101 ins. tall will minerals (coal, iron, steel, copper construction in British yards be a Central Ave Street big asset to university boxing.
Cor, Secy.
MC) 50 per ceo and miscellage compares with 1, 085. 511 tone Guaranteed.
Panama City He won the middle weight cham: ous (timber, leather, oil, oilseeds, under construction abroad. So pionship of the American yubber etc. 48 per cent. From that, depressed though condi.
April to July prices showed tions may be, the British yards Creoline straightens and Rent eceipt Books in SpanExpeditionary Force a amateur Smoke 111 (One Eleven) heavy weight champion signs of recovery, but in each of are holding on to their supreme beautifies the hair and pre Ish and English for sale at the Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents America and won the amateur the past three months a fall has position in the world shipbuilding been recorded.
duces hair on bald heads. Workman Printiy.
ilght heavy weight champion at Incomparable the Olympic Game in Antwerp.
The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy Agents for the Banco Nacional CRISTOBAL PANAMA some sca scouts in the rear came up payment of for this than and wise been.
LEWELRYBARGAINS long and lucid under Kingo less at first ing Indianapolis Ind.
in puncb.


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