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PRICE Cis, Cy.
EX WAR ICUBAN PREMIER of France Blames United Charged Army Officer MasStates For Troubles Now Sacred Seventeen Jamalin Europe cans At Camaguey Jamaican Ship Owners Will Run Infant Seized While Mother Was Direct West Indian Cable Havane, Nov. 11. Havana Steamer Between Colon And Engaged in Washing Clothes November 22, states that Gaor Hars afternoon newspaper Cuba Taking Labourers. ges Clemenceau to day l«id a printed in English. was not the door of the United States, publisbed yesterday due to an Heart Taken Out.
Unemployed West Indians and island of Barbados en Cuba to Europa en Chiheter Speedometente stand on belo teoretici Perancisco Sala PSD sulm May tron Manuela Gon blame for all the unrest in which atrale which occured when a the rowdy before tha Chamber of Com is others desirious of trying their the above named centrals. Caba, Nov. the secret policy, took luck in the Cuban labour fields Messrs. Webster Sons murce of the Sate, the French bis way into the plant at Laina great sensation has baan caused zules, mother of tha viction, and should communicate with Mr. guarantee that ang number of America left Franca in the things in such War Premier declared that paritlo 57 and, after terring up here by discovery of the body sha ravaalad tu oa tra mora. Cambridge, 11 Bolivar labourers from Panama and Pilar to the girl Street, Colon, and learn al Colon will find ready employ larch. after the war. It was prevent publication of the edition, Gonzales, kaown as Cage. went i) the colony sugar house particulars in connection with ment on these centrals. It is a great mistake to leave without attacked D. Roberts, owner who disappeared on Novembar waich is abou: a 100 yards from migration to place. further ht. Went that someo alipowo. pole enam temulent from our Youtube to to decide di mantenendo con van guaranteed that no any proposal foc an adjustment and editor of the Evening News, trom tha home of her parents her hat, to get soms groc aries.
econot damale si le contemplate passengers to land in Cuba norite the greatest mistake and protect his property al sought in the Waga aiv clony, tho ba (Sacred the world an liet buving since than prevailed Nagro, Aristides ris, whon running one of their passenger other source of all evil that is boats between Foog While Mr. Roberts would give that she had baaa kidaappad by she knew, as he had bought The unemployed labourers for work the Chapara Co. and from there do? he continued. answer: publication in the news of an the shipping port of me, what do occasions, gəioz the opposite you wante wete and that the affair arose from sanguinary rites: and have appolated Mr. H7 they will be sent to the estates do not know what want you article several days previous guasin. and was in an advane Tao bɔiy was founi under al way. No suspicion was arou sed, at the Company expense, if the to do. want you to interfere reck b) wavor, as he was often 8930 around tha plac. golaz Oambridge as their agent at men so elect.
in Europe because you left it too se balling that a cortain formerly of decon position, Colon in to Mr.
Cambridge of present co soon.
officer wbohad though apparantly sha had been back sho natleed ho naar It is want you to come been obtaining at Cuba be under no obligation whatever: ke a little new lip to Europe Dental poln led to a high govern dead only four or are days the enclosure of her house peace saying weli mental position was the same having been kept by her kid andia gentlemen, man who in 1917 was alleged to napr now gathering weeds.
Webster Sons states that two they will be at liberty to go what the matter with wherever they like.
haye seventeen nappars since the day of her Manuela added she eatarsi her eentral factories capable of employing over ten something gone wrong! will Jamaican negroes at Camaguey bar sacrifice. Tant sha was killed in about half an hour later.
een capture until a propitious day for bouza and bag an to do the washThe Wanderer give you some help, and best by ordering machine gun by voodooists is evident from a che wants to the room where tha thousand men during the which expected at Colon use? Guarded by double trained on the defenceless men wound under the lett arm pit cloth as Ware buns to dry land crop season and that a large percent shortly is caurped to accommo corce of motorcycles policie bei under the pretenca of taking through which the heart and than har two year old daughtar.
age will tind permanent employ date 250 third class passengers. cause some one ment throughout the entire year There are no accommodations World War Veteran had sent a bimself ome one signing langs extraszel, according Aagales came to her and wate Former These Central factories it is for tirst class passengers.
tha Tiger Lleutenant Cadenas, to a certificate given by Da Colaown thay ware taking stated turn out 800, 000 sacks in accompanied by another man, is Francisco 8084 Manuel The above are the facts as rodo to the lower building said to bare entered the piaa ostated the aorts artery showed 959 meant Caca. had gone for in which it is or 260, 000 tons of sugar.
The senior partner of the firm Bons and all three desirous of Metropolitan Opera oled to upset type, tear up form temporal bone was almost byen doing some picking. ther into a yuca fiald, where she a big cheering aftecaon, and Cadenas proceed sharp Instrument, on the when she last saw her. Bat as ed from states that while at once.
at the latter place be interviewed in the to the administrator of two of the that Oda hudb390 stick, thus indicating there is a desire by labour em.
largest centrals. Delicias and ployers at Cuba to contract West Olemenceau declared be alleatba newspaperman is said to bave greater 033e, extracting the foc balp, though noly 13 war 10 may here be etated that stormy outspoken oid States. Rɔberts, acording to witnesses hemists killed her first to Drae taken away. Maou want out closing his speech, ordered the intruder out, and Chapara, who solicited, bis all in Indians in preference to Euro selt his self imposing mission to when the latter refused to rites on the body with towards the yusa 1sid, swat ng farnishing men for the coming crop which begins this month.
od, pean labour watch it is claimed glves better result while at the America, success It istrucs him, whereupon the other heart, which is to be eaten by returned the patient to be cured and Apparantly the kidnapper, Already one of the steamers of same time it effects a great sav. were to go home to morow, he It is expected The Evening drawing out the blood in which 39919x the mother coning out would tell my friends Messrs. Webster Co. is engaging to the estates in the cost of quiet out don know how News will be published as usual baths must be taken. through the kitchen dyr, took ed in takirg labourers from the transportation.
th y will do it, but be sure the to day and proper measures will Sr. Juan Dalane, sub Inspec. Continued on Page 4)
Yaokees will do it once more. be taken to assure punishment of the intruder.
BRITISH PARLIAMENT OPENS NEW REPUBLIC IN SOUTH AFRICA Lecture Concert At Excelsior WITH IMPOSING CEREMONY Theatra RESULT OF LATE WAR The International Bible SPEECH BY HIS MAJESTY THE KING Student Association will feature Don forget the grand concert JOHN H, HARRIS IN WESTMINSTER GAZETTE an extraordinary Bible lecture to be rendered by the Primrose tomorrow The late London despatch etates force by December next, have will be seen advertised White and Mr. Bylor Choral UnionLilly, Blue In November 1917 the West retreat, and tha Bargher Army that the first session of the New summoned you to meet in order another column of this paper is Choirs, at the Excelsior Theatre minster Gazette published one of of 2, 003 waz savad tron dastrac.
Parliament opened on the 23rd, that legislation, necessary to SATAN EMPIRE FALLING. to morrow evening, Sunday the the most remarkable stories of toy Taxt briedy was the story November with all the pomp and give effect to that constitution Millions Now Living Will Never 10th. Lovers of good musio are the war overseas from Garman told by ceremony attendant upon this and to make provisions conse Die. Mr. Louis St. Hill will be asked to be on time as quite a South West Africa. It was then Gustta in Novembar 1917.
ancient formality.
quental the establishment of the speaker at Chorillo Lodge large crowd is expected to hear discovered that eatirely unknown Political Status.
Driving with the Queen in the the frieh Free State, may at Hall, while Mr. Boyce will the spiey programme in store for to the outside world a little sellbe Doors will be governing state com posed of Whit is to be tha political State oriche and attended by a prop de submits dates your head conduct Laidinio a service at Court le who attend.
opened precisely at 80 of Wallace Hall.
less than 5, 000 souls had receive status of this Rapubilo o 10.
of Life Guards, ed an ultimatum from the Gar bothy Tie tercibey is an enpassed from Buckingham Palace and employment continues to man Administration giving it clava in the late Protectorate of through streets lined with troops forstimo deep concern. Amermeasures, prepared tha choica to Westminster Palace: wbere he no of GIVE SQUARE DEAL against Germany and how in the and is thus within the mandate üghting for or Grman Spath Wast Africa, followed the old custom of by my late Government are Parliament of this little States area, bus daring the thirty yasrs donning the gorgeous Royal being examined afresh and you Robes.
will be asked to make provision (By WYNTER)
and, in spite of isolation and of Grman occipation of Suta for their continuance and territo odds, decided to fight West Africa not only was the still accompanied by the tension and to guarantee a loan Queen, the King then walked in in accordance with the League of among the civilized and advane of servitude; am at a loss to It is an undisputed fact, that this is a wəakness or an admise against Gərmanv.
of the ball custa iadepan den 39 procession to the House of nations scheme, for the restora. ed races inhabiting the various and out.
sion of superiority as the result The facts showed that the Caristia Bargaars of Banath Lords attended by numerous tion of Australia. Negotiations parts of the world to day, the valiant President. Harmin dos recoz aiz ad by Gərmany, but Court OfficialsOfficers and Geralds. Arriving at the Upped for a settiement of dificulties in Negroes who have come under Van Wyk, bad fought repeated sadar a Tresty with the kisar the Near East subj asis of the Ripublic Negroes are not sympathisars battles and then are proceeding the infuences of the the ethical with any form of organized Army of the Rapublic bad been British subjects, with their own were deinitaly Chamber. he read his speech and it is now my bope that the teachings of civilization have Lawlessness, declared to be from the Throne to the Peers and Conference at Lausanne and the demonstrated a higher respect Red.
They are not isolated apon a mountain with Parliament, and its right to as many Commoners as were No human pollution its ammunition exhausted.
able to crowd into the small Sorts of my Ministers acting in for law and order than any of such whole hearted co operation Klux Van Wyk and his sited impusa its own taxition, and space available.
the representatives of our with the other races undar similar holds any attraction for the to surrender and loops refused wild up its ow. Sastute book, conditions.
class and intelliannihillations.
Thaly awaited sarvisu.
may result ia the reestablish home The King Speech Tas Kuiser als) agraal ra ment of peace and the restoraIt is a problem to determine gent type of the race, and this became an epic of the war: in spact all existing traaties made of the Riad and other asked to continue and extend the tants of regions which have higher aptitude to assimilate made to suffer Harder economical first took and destroyed the sovereiga States The new Parliament will be tion of security to the inhabi whether this is the result of an in the 109 of the most hostile are rendar. The Gərman Commander batwaan ameliorative ceasures prepared recently been Scene of so the ideals in such teachings and social indignittes.
Nono farms of by the Lloyd George Ministry, much suffering, and pray that referred to incite cardicorer has striven harder to show that murdered the thrae children of month now invited the Roho The South African GovernBurghars, then of Almighty God lack of ment and also to guarantee a may rest upon your deliberate required to make other men juse they are worthy of the con. Van Wyk, his aunt aged 70, and both Road to enter into treaty restoration of tions.
and Selberones de their dvalire those who are in power. being nursed at the time by the ele fetare relationships. and tha sideration and kind treatment his immediate brother and a baby sprang amants for tha control Australia, said the King to day with of in his speech from the Throne, Stormy Scenes Mark First Ses races, in the administration of or residents in a foreign coun: care for the farm Bat the still in Negroes as subjects, citizens, mother these had been left to Burghers tha the right officially opening the Session sion In House Of Common, social, political, The King speech follows:economical affairs of this life.
try, have at all times shown beleaguered force refused to title to existing London Nov, 23. Special cable equal and sometimes more loyal. surrender, and as by Divine secondly, the application of the The Constitution for the Irish to the Herald. storm of haters of any race. They show reignty than those who consti seen early one morning gallon but any fatare laws passed by not the ty for a ration ideal and sove interposition a British force was laws of their own Statute book; Free State, having been passed criticism, ralllery and threats of some antipatby when any one of tate the nation.
by the House of Parliament, revolution, disturbed the tranqui. their number is anjastly treated.
ing hard toward Gibson. The tha Rud must be submited for established under the Free State lity of the new Government at Although an allen to every cross the rear of the Garman missioner to be appointed to sight of this force which would approval of the Resident Consending as a constituent assem Houses. celkein ons taaja the injury and show an inclination to Boca of Western civilizat on the Army (which had been reinfores Rehoboth. This oftar admitted of the first working session in Bat bly, and it is being required by newnem bera quickly asserted be kind to the people of the willingness t) take ip arins in final assault) forced the German liberty of the Burghers, who, in, always led the previous evening for the terms of that Act that the Constitution should come into who wants, Continued On Page 2)
danger, or suffering. Whether Continued o: Tage 8) Commander to beat a basly (Continued on page The liorative 1982 the With little ba BS Klu Klu But Allies batter.
first place, and the sod

    FranceGermanyKidnappingWorld War

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