
PAGC TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 192 Interesting News from The West from The West Indian Islands LYNTON MAGNUMS Valuable CASH Coupon BEET The the approval State for the of the Secrebe but an lary of privilegiend ward Islands, and its man, Extra CIGAP TES PIL PACKAGE 15 GOLD To BENGER FOOD aspire to RexecBook Binding! public to Book Binding Department GRENADA sure of is that mind, public mind, sbal begin to express iteel in the new constitutional en there Islands.
Windward Islands MediWHOLESALE DEPARTMENT cal Committee.
Representative GovNo. 78. New Market Street RETAIL DEPARTMENT ernment. From The West Indian 12th ato. No. 107, Bolivar Street The first sitting of the WindWe are on record against the ward Island Medical Committee THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY form of Representative Gov.
was opened by His Excellency ernment which Major Wood has the Governor at York House at recommended. It will not be 10. 30 on the 10th November, Representative Government at FULL SUPPLY OF 1922. Addressing the meeting, all. Legislative Covncil will His Excellency said that with Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, oligarchical assembly represer tative of but one class Dette for the Colonies he had appointed a of the community. It will be Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, a Committee che narrowest most reactionary to enquire io and report on the ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES and incapable body of men that salaries, emoluments and other Grenada bas ever been curred ured matters incidental to the conwith. It represent only the ditions of service, duties and of Medical Officers in Call and see us before purchasing pride. the passion and intelerance of the leading colored tbe Major Wood has taken to advisability and practicability elsewhere.
IN EACH good care that it should be so.
al amalgamating the Medical Election will not take plare for Services of the Windward Representatives of the People Islands with that of Trinidad.
of Grenada They will be held and to make recommendations in favour only of the parish or In regard thereto.
district. The welfare of the enIt would be unbecoming, he said, to make any remarks or tire colony will be subordinated to the the interest of a district or to in any way attempt to guide pari: and bar 20 CIGARETTES budding Lloyd or lead the Committee as re SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR Georges need not gard its terms of reference.
cise influence in the new Repre He was privileged to know each Infants, Invalids and the Aged sentative Legislative Council wember of the Committee per None who ardentiy desire the sunally and he was confident Every tin contains an Interesting leaflet of the that they would go thorougbly concession of a thorough system marvellous use of this great Food, representative responsible into tpatters brought before government can cheerfully acthem and report according to cept Major Wood concession.
their conscience and findings. Purely An English Preparation.
It is a ridiculous travesty of Toard Islands were closely Medical Services of the true representanve government. trap for the awary. The wrapped up with the interests MANUFACTURED BY Federalist, Why throw away your old, but no of the public and he therefore BENGER FOOD, LTD wished to invite come before doubt interesting, books when you the MANCHESTER; ENGLAND Committee and BARBADOS give evidence regarding the FOR SALE AT working of the Medical service can have them neatly bound at of the Island and to make any suggestions they The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN Last Saturday may think advisable for the future good Cricket THE WORKMAN working of the Medical Depart ment. Such evidence and suggestions world be of assis. That the Travelling Allow: will have their ex officio mem Empire gained a fine victory tance not only to the Committee ance of Medical Officers should bers on the Council, and a over Harrison College on Saturbut to the Government and be represent the average actual Governor will also have power day last in the first eleven help to the poorer and unsopbis cost of travelling on official to nominate members, which ixture then in progress between Licated classes of the Island who duties.
The rest should be laf obtaia ou bard and of safe. them. The College with 119 to were unwilling to give evidence It was decided to sit at the guard.
CENTRAL AVENUE perfect themselves.
Court House at Greenville at 10 to the wishes and desires, and wicket were skrittled out by As regards evidence he beg on Wednesday the 15to the commonsense of ordinary Gridita and likes for 49. toe and No. G Street ged to assure the Chairman tbat any public officer was available medical to enquire into the people. In a certain neighbouring former obia niag wickets for ad cinistration of 8t Colony there is to for and that any document (except Andrew District and to return select electorate and to pro 17 rugs and tha latter confidential correspondence)
to St. George via the Western vide for yet more sale capot The game was noteworthy for dates for Coast road. If time permitted.
trund would be produced if required.
the success or Gri election, la tbe The Committee resumed in seems unfortunato Pressed by captured 12 wickets at a cost of weather conditions. King, and 292 for wickets, fooings be the entire day under trying. Spartin 102 and 460; Pickwick Regarding finance, the Colonial any appreciable section of the 40 Treasurer would appear before public session at p.
on ruos.
people to make liberable the Olark, were the heroes of the Dr. Dumbar Hughes gave the colonial konice risale sure to college siden Pickwick obtained points for reached double occasion the former reaching first innings lead.
Committee when required the Oproduce statements and evidence on behalf of the Medi decide in favour of an elastic Tae match as a whole was undis latter failing short of three figures the second Inningo. bis century and two and the statistics in that connection, and cal Officers.
The Committee adjourned at cerned.
the trusted that the Committee franchise in the Colony con tinguished by any sound batting figures by seven runsato anchet would receive all the assistance 80 and will resumo its open session at 10 a. on MonAn elective scheme worthy of the greated ordered color bowwighet Repatriates From Cuba that desired.
who Should the Committee desire day next the 16th November.
ahe name means leaving to Enpire so cand venture. The event food and the bowling of excellent length, but the patience as many of the people as pos respective scores were Empire ot Job exhibited by King wore outdistricts, sible, We live in a democratic 93 and 135; Harrison College 110 out the trundlers and tired the port arrangements would be Leaving it to the age Many shop clerk is and 41.
Sald, and acorded Clarke, a of the Webster Line, bas Since September the Remeik assistance given.
more fitted to cast an intelligent At Queen Park on Saturday vigorous batsman, zull opor made three trips from Cuba to He would be pleased to do all in People vote in the interest of his coun. last, the Spartan eleven exhibit tunity of painting every loose one Barbados and brought to the his power to help the Chairman whom he had specially chosen try than Cleon with his millioned brilliant batting form, and sent him, The total raised was (Continued on page 5)
and who he knew would be From The West Indian of 3rd inst, acres. What we want to make kept Pickwick on the hustle for 860. The respective scores were thorough in his work.
St Vincent and Grenada bato conclusion be said that recommended an income qualifSmith had invited the people of the elective scheme and St Lucia sbe Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Island to meet the Chairman 50 pouads sterling. The GoverUndivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 and Members of the Committee por bas promised to support the at the At Home at Govern majority recommendation of 30 ment House on Saturday and pounds sterling. This is good that it would give them great news for us. It we are to have pleasure to welcome them there. an elective scheme at all, as replying said that on bebait of allowed the exercise of The Chairman, Mr. Lobb, in many people. as may be includwithin should his colleagues he begged to chise, Persons therefore who of the fran Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY Owned by THE NATIONAL Crry BANK OF NEW YORK thank His Excellency for his earn 10. vote, or who pay kind assurances of assistance from pound sterling a month The Committee, would, he said. upwards a bouse sconduct the enquiry in the the interest of the Medical Staf and years old, and in the case of men from twenty one Depository of the PANAMA CANAL the taxpayers alike and record their findings on the basis of women from thirty. This will go the evidence adduced and on the a long way to prevent oligarchical domination of the electorate, case.
for it will Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of The Committee sat from 10. 45 draw on wide sources of voting be to candidates to up THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in m, to p. and deliberated in me private. After deciding on its will always be able to upset all in power which, properly done, ENGLAND ITALY procedure the Committee con the calculations of any oligarchy.
sidered two questions of prinCHINA JAPAN JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES ciple in regard to salary and We are in a position to state travelling allowance.
that the Colonial Office is in The favour of such a low following Rosolation was URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA consistent with reasonable abili qualification.
musniinously adopted;ty on the part of electors to That this Committee is of choose thelr representatives, or hopinion that there should be a will give large numbers of the Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World noiform minimum salary, re people of the West Indies full presenting a living wage, for chance to elect their leaders.
Medical Officers in the Wind Our representatives were told ward Islands based solely on the in the Coloniki Ofice that of value of such services as they cials there were not in favour ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE shall be required to render to of any high franchise which the public, without regard to say will have the effect of putting other consideration.
INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM ang large mass of the common The following Resolution was people beyond the pale of direct adopted by a majority representation Government This Grillith No batsman International Banking Corporation he be rent, in case of merits of the BELGIUM FRANCE SPAIN INDIA BRAZIL CHILE CUBA ARGENTINB PERU PORTO RICO


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