
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAYDECEMBER 1922 PAGE TIRER CHRISTMAS Only the Best Men Furnishings OF carried in stock IS FAST APPROACHING osc Do your shopping early and you will get the best Bargains be fine Selection of West Indian News. Continued from page 9)
Colony 563 Barbadian Immi grants who bad been under contract with the Chaparra Estate Ltd. Pbe batch of 110 evidently closed the list of con tracted labourers for which Chaparra is responsible, as we learn the Remelik will not be returning before early in December to continue ber fortnightly service between the two countries. The Cuban crop BORBOn begins in December and in the interim the Remelik will ply between Cuba and Jamaica from which colony large numbers emigrato annually to Cuba to work on the plantations. The Jamaica Gevernment does not encourage contracted labour, but beyond calling upon each make a deposit sufficient for repatriaoutgoing labourer to tion, places no barrier in the way of emigration. Of course, Jamaica is a close neighbour of Cuba and mailing opportunities are many and frequent. Thus it is that Jamaicans are in ss Deed of agreements than labourers coming from further afield and are embarassed by lack of transport connection between there and Cuba. Barbados Herald English Woolens AND White Linen Drills Walk Over Shoes JUST RECEIVED ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied with less than the best ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY SHIRT TIES. COLLARS ETC. BTC. BTC, AT THE PALAIS ROYAL PERREIRA CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA Motor Cars Will Park At Jubilee Garden.
American Bazaar Stores Panama REAL ECONOMY When you buy a package of be railed off 455 West Tenth St.
Manufacturers and Exporters Indianapolis Ind.
111 credited the ball the ho Botere was then aganoe te past associa drought and devasting dira, trebut You are making a wise investment You are getting the biggest and Cigarette value on the Isthmus.
WAS an The Sanitary Commissioners of St. Michael considered a letter last Monday from the Colo Colon nial Secretary informing the Board that the Governor in Ex Creoline Hair Preparations ecutive Committee bad decided Positively Superior to all others on earth.
to place the eastern portion of Try them and be convinced.
the Jubilee Gardens at their disposal for the purpose of Parking They are the Master Preparations of the World.
motor cars on the condition that proper regulations were made Different from all Others by them for parking the cars in Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. such portions that they could all Foreign Gountries, 60c, be easily obtained by their ownCreoline Hair Producer ers if desired at any time withha out it being necessary to have Straightens rough, barsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 other cars moved. The Execu percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation tive Committee retain the right of its kind in toe world. Patches thin places and prevent baldness, to withdraw the permission Io ounce tins, should they consider it desirable Creolina Day Dandruff Remedy as any time. The part given up must be from the very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter Garden. The Superintendent of and Eczema. It is antiseptic. Grows hair. keeps the scalp healthy In ounce bottles.
FOR Public Works had been instructed to hand over the part of the Jackson Manufacturing Co.
FIFTEEN Garden referred to as soon as All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
10 CENTS the Board was ready to take possession of it. The Board accepted the proposal.
letter was also received The amalgamation of Tobago through the Agricultural Society CIGARETTES from the Barbados Co operative with Trinidad seemed to have and the Loan Bank, the one by Cotton Factory ottering the worked satisfactorily for both the liberal supply of seed, the Board a strip of their land a few places and why may not the other by loans, have made heroic feet wide in White Park Road on sama result be obtained in the efforts to improve the condition that re instance?
situation by disastrous accepted. The cost of erecting tions of the two placas ought to alas! they find themselves fair best the wall is estimated at 350.
count for much in perhaps ailemma for a plague of caterly paled on the horns of a Report 01 Resident Surgeon. desiring a further reunion.
pillars, such as has not been seen for many a day, has oome The Report of the Senior October excep down upon the young sprouting Resident Surgeon for the past tionally dry month and the vegetation, and bas almost month was read and disclosed latter half of it counteracted to wiped out every vestiga of the following. Admissions 284, great extent the good effects growing crop. To day Mr. d3 discharges 245, deaths 23, post that September had produced Oardwick, together with Mr. mortems paying patients 17, on the local crops, especially the Thompson, chairman of the patient treated in the casuality provision ones.
Loan Bank, visited the area in 901, number returning from sub November also epened very and which loans bave been made, sequent treatment 905, those ary and hot and for the first state of affairs, in so much they they are appalled at the AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW IT treated by the Visiting Surgeons week there had been an absence have recommended that no furon Mondays 400, making a total of raio except in a few favoured ther loan be made except in of 3, 400 and a daily resident of 201. There were 106 where some local rains occurred available. The question is what average spots principally to Lee wardoperations of which 45 were but during this week there were will the poor people do?
ophthalmic. During the month showers which seem to have there were 18 cases of typhoid been more general The Government has, in the discharged as cured and THEY ARE INCOMPARABLE most commendable manner come deaths, to the rescue of the unfortunate Barbados Races. people as above stated, but it can be truly said what the fire Suggested Amalgaleft, the caterpillar bas The Provisional Programme taken away.
mation Between of the Barbados races has been printed and circulated. February No Work Available BARBADOS AND ST. LUCIA. 21 and 22 are the dates fixed There is no work of any kind upon for the meeting and there available, CIGARETTES Writing in the Weekly Illustrat are eight rases down for each shut down all work. The next the estates having ed, Strolling Scribbler says day. The prizes are all liberal step the Government will have inter alic:in value and provision has again to take, therefore, is to comply Weekly Herald under the caption The programme should attract inhabitants of some of the disup Notes from St. Lucia, a recom good fields from the colonies tricts in the devastated area, and mendation for the amalgamation around since horses will be run find relief work at the earliest of St, Lubia with Barbados on their merits.
possible date.
The digging of which think 18 a very feasible suggestion and one that should the canal for the projcted irri gation scheme would afford FOR FRIENDLY SOCETIES prove of mutus! benefit to the JAMAICA some relief work, and the irriga two islands. Of course know tion would provide a permanent Kept in stock at the there are many of my readers, guarantee against recurrence who at first glance would treat of Wipe Out things among the Taboaring Caterpillars the idea as preposterous and serions of be ready to assert that Barbaclasses of the community.
dos would have nothing to gain, The Growing Crops everything to lose from such a Alleged Murder.
NOTICE transaction. But when it is case of murder is reported NOTICE JUAN ILLUECA remembered that we bave ON THE FIRE BURNT AREA IN from the Milk River district redundant population for whom THE FOUR PATHS DISTRICT Cecil France is the victim and Attorney. at. Law All members of the Royal we should be only ton glad to Wilfred Goode, who is now being OP CLARENDON.
Correspondents are requested Primrose Lodge No, 10106, G, And employment, which is what looked for by the Police is the to send in heir contributions 0, F, are asked to attend meet St. Lucia is suffering for the No. 44 Central Avenue alleged perpetrator of the foul not later than Thursday evening ing on Tuesday evening 14th inst, want of, while she has soil and May Pen, Monday. Since the deed.
TELEPHONE NO. 64. BOX No. 76 to ensure publication.
as very important business will fertile too, with her large ra middle of October the burnt out be transacted.
Practices in Il Courts of From what can be gathered of fall, waiting to be tilled, think area of the parish has had a fair Panama If you like beautiful hair use A, RALLU BUCHNER it will be agreed that the idea amount of rain, and the people, the alleged facts of the case, it is worthy oc proper considera by means of the ready help would appear that the accused Creoline Hair Producer.
English Spotten Fluently Per, Secy, tlon, distributed by the Government. Continued on Page 8)
We know the Quality BUY PACKAGE TO DAY bas 15 111 for 10c.


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