
Ce sas TAUTAS 1903 THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DI CEMBER 1922 AGE SIX Treat Yourself fatal DR. SANGER CAPSULES counted from Club LOMBARDO CIGARETTES committed George 20 CIGARETTES. 71c. Batay while St Queen Cake Interesting West Indian Nesw Save That Tooth! WILKINSON Walk Continued from page 3)
Do not extract an aching tooth, Contractor and the deceased had an alterca. decayed tooth if it has at least The above entertainment will tion, after which the former two good walls can be saved to BY TAKING and Builder de beld by the Silver City deliberately stabbed France Nomination at La Boca Club inflicting wound that proved give you good service for many 15th STREET, WEST house on December 21st, 1922.
Deceased is 22 years of years.
Nomination for queen opens De age and was living at Cherry If your teeth are loose with House No. 90 cember 5th, closes December 15th Hill. On receiving the fatal blow, pus seeping around the neck of WONDERFUL CURE FOR Box 411, Panama, RP The names of nomineus must be be was burried op to the doctor, the teeth, giving your breata an forwarded to Mr. Thomas and thence to the hospital. but offensive odor you are suffering the Association be Vorest will be sold at Locle Boca Boursaceno prisoner is still can be cured. Do not have them be succuz bed This withlo three from Pyhorrea Alveolaris.
BLADDER IRRITATION Plans and Specifications Fre Clubhouse by the members of fugitive, the police not yet fid extracted unless there is very the Association, votes wil being any trace of bis whereabouts, little connection between the It Contains East dian Oil of Sandal Wood First Class Workmanshlp every three days and (Gleaner. bony tissue alveolar and the tooth.
and other ingredients Guaranteed, results announced. Polls will boat La Boca Clubhouse and Death Of Mr. John Henry It you are interested in saving Workman Printery Panama, Barnes your teeth see faal count will take place at LA Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours TRINIDAD Boca Clubhouse on the night of DR. JOHNSON the 15th inst.
The Gleaner reports the death Surgeon Dentist The programme will be as fol of Mr. John Henry Barnes 139 Central Avenue UY BOX TO AY Playing Cricket.
lowo which took place on Norember Over City Pharmacy AT THE 7:30 Crowning of Queen 22nd at his late residence Egns8:00 General Dancing mont House, 87, Duke Street, Smoke 111 (One Eleven CHORRILLO DRUG STORE The Trinidad Sporting Chronicle 9:00 Cake Walk (Ye la For some time now. the deceased had not been in the best of health. Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent)
No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave. of October 29th continues its Virgine)
Last year be took a trip to Engexplanation of the causes of the 10:00. General dance until land Incomparable defeat of the Trinidad team, as therce to the well as its criticisms and cont midnight Continent, all for the benefit of clusions on Intercolonial Cricket Susto large cakes (the real his health, and returned after generally.
plum cake) will be given to the three months abroad looking the three best dancers of the special picture of health. But short strong appeal is made for darce. Three competent judges time after his return, he was the inclusion of professionals in will be on band to give their de suddenly stricken down and bad the tournament, it being absurd cision. Their names will be been ailing eve since.
The end the Chronicle avers to bar Georg John and play Small sod announced later. Special seats came, as already started, yester Rodgers.
will be arranged to accommodate day morning. Mr, Barnes was The Queens Park is subjected to strene the numerous spectators. a very popular member of the criticism. This Club, it is said, People have walked miles to be at community and his death will be controls cricket in Trinidad a Cake Walk but on this oc deplored by one and all with casion nobody need walk as the whom he came in contact. He simply from the point of view of tramway Company will accomo. leaves a son, Dr Barnes.
of its own interest and so damdate all and sundry from Pana. for Falmouth, a mother, aging bas its influence been ma City. The Silver City Ass several sisters and other rethat gentlemen of standing in the community have ceased to will also be placing on the Pana latives to whom the Gleaner be interested in the ma trail to La Boca twenty five tender its sincere condolence.
busses and jitneys on that night The funeral took place yesterA correspondent also gives bis 80 as to aid the transportation day afternoon.
views. After repeating most of of people coming to this great The deceased Mr. John Henry the statements that have already danciog pageant.
been made in the Sporting Chroni.
Barns was popularly known on the Isthmus and at Bocas del cle, be says among other things that Will soon be on sale in every establishment The Fall of Trini Toro. His son Dr. Barnes the president of the Georgetown Cc, is a brother spent some years on the isthmus dad XI alsn, The Workman join in the throughout the Republic of Mr. Austin the BarCendolence to the bereaved bados captain, and blood will tell; Mr Browne commitfamily.
AT BOURDA IN 2nd INNINGS, INTRODUCTORY PRICE PER PACKAGE OF ted perjury, the Demerara press was hostile; Mr. Austin also Amid loud cheers they bodly came, Mr. Justice DeFreitas perjury, Challenor picked up a piece of Those jolly boasters of the game; protruding earth of the pitch To pay Barbados what they owed and threw it away HUI Aud venture to release the loadHOPE EXPRESSED THAT HIS was batting and shortly after But Griffith bowed.
St. Hill was out; the umpiring HONOUR WILL NOT LEAVE was disgraceful, and so Trinidad Now Pasca who escaped his duck, THE COLONY MANUFACTURED BY And played with such a lump of luck can never bɔpe to win matches abroad Was not allowed to get a abot, Ha stumpe were shaken from the spot that the Secretary of State for The Gleaner says it is learot The Pan American Tobacco Co We think it fair however to slate that both the captain and By Gaiffish ball.
the Colon es now has before bim the manager of the Trinidad And Fraser who bod played so brave, be question of the appointmen!
team while deploring the umpirWee bexi seot in, his team to save; ing unpleasantness of the first But 1000 he started off to roam, match have no excuses to offer And then he could not get back home for the Trinidad defeat and state To save his balls.
plainly that the better team won.
DeG dnes with thirty runs was set, And his admirers began to bet; But lo! with sorrows what they behold! Tricentrol.
Their chum DeGannes was nicely bowled With Griffith ball.
Then followed Jair Constantine, Head Office: 56 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY TRINIDAD CENTRAL ENThe baby that did field so fine; TERPRISE.
He added thirteen to th score, Apd wa di patobe for leg before new chapter in the history To Griffith ball DEPOSITORY OF of Trinidad cil industry wa Alas! the Trinidad fame ar.
opened on October 5th, when St. Hill the Mercury and Wiles the what is believed is the first and only tank steamer to be built Ere they began to shine too bright, specially for Trinidad trade was cloud o er shadowed their beaming successfully launched at New lightcastle, from the yard of Sir Twas Hond and Pilgrim balls, Armstrong, Whith Limping and lame Small be come Co. Ltd. to the order of the Trinidad Central Oilfield, Ltd.
To change the feature of the game; The launching was performed But fate was creeping on and on, And when he looked his atumps were by Mrs, Duckbam, wife of the (gone Oltields, who named the vessel chairman of the Trinidad Central With Teddy ball Tricentrol. The tanker is a steel Next came the skipper Betancourt, single screw steamer of the two good old cap. a jolly sport; deck type. With a length over While striving gliding, plying bard.
of 420 feet. in. her speed itonster broke bs limber yardon trial Twas Griffith ball, the draft being ilt knots.
The oil is carried in Brive Ardre came to do bis best.
double compartments, having And he was greeted as the rest; pump room amidships But thinking how to stop the rot, from side extending His wickat danced a fine fcx trot to side of the vessel.
There are three cargo oil pumps.
At Teddy ball, which are intended to deal with And then the Veteran came to greet, various classes of oil, The bowlers that were thought so CRISTOBAL The Trinidad Central Oilfields loweet; He made a run, yes, only one, 110. which was registered in The next he touch, lol he was gone is an amalgamation of Of Teddy ball company of the same of a successor to Sir Col loss to the Supreme Court of the parishes, and the such a station but the votel Syndicate. Ltd, Gil Concession registered in 1911, the Ortoire And so the Trinidadiens fell, as Chief Justice of Jamaica, and Bench of the colony. The learn Kingston General Commis lapsed. We believe that it was of Mayaro (Trinidad. Ltd. and The team that boasts to do 80 well; it was expected that an oficial ed judge is not only an erudite sioners have issued notices contended at the time that Cruse Syndicate, Ltd. The area With Ince and Austin, men of vim announcement on the subject lawyer but is firm and impartial, Ithak ihe sopply will be lockador suitable site. could not be secur under its control cover 25, 729 And Griff and Houd and George and will shortly be made.
and the in Kingston and of both branches of the legal from p. until a. daily Cross Roads require extra police of Montserrat; Andrew ed. The growing importrnce of acres at Tabaquite, in the ward We fear no foe.
Widespread interest has been profession as an upright judge. Juntil further notice.
4, 548 taken in legal circles at the an.
supervision. The present station po, 799 acres at Barrackpore, at Mayaro, It is sincerely hoped that the 483 And now, a very good excuse acres at Gus To give when they are atked the news Wednesday Gleaner that the of Mr. Justice DeFreitas.
nouncement which was made in colony will not lose the services has been found quite unsuitable 974 acres at Lizard Springs and We were excited by the score, New Police Station At and so another effort is to be made 42, 216 acres cres round Mayaro was likely to lose the And what prevented us still the more colony services of Justice Anthony Cross Roads to put up a new station. The site and to the north and north east Hond and Guifith bowled, De Freitas, Acting Chief Justice, as the learned Judge bad applied Water Supply and building will cost about of it, making a tolal of 73, 000 500.
acres. It has pipeline 18 miles for a position elsewhere. Speaka The Government have got in length, which extends from Smoke 111 (One Eleven) the latter informed ing The October season to prominent lawyer having under consideration proposal Tabaquite to Claxton Bay. The re failed the flow in the sivers has to erect a new Police Station at reoliro traightens and ot which 575, 840 shares at authorised capital is 1, 350, 000, Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cents presentative journal again to a point Cross Roads, couple of years that the departure of Mr. Jas where they cannot yield suffici ago provision was made on the beautifies the hair and pro each have been issued. 18 Incomparable tice DeFreitas would be a great ſent for the requirements Estimates for the erection of a uces hair on bald heads.
Continued on Poge 7)
The American Foreign Banking Corporation Marz, worth The United States Treasury Panama Railroad The Panama Canal Panama Government United States Army and Navy When loaded eight Agents for the Banco Nacional PANAMA name Tim acres


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