
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 1922 PAGE SEVEN Tha phenomenal success we have had in the sale of KAL MOL GEHE More Mani From JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
KAL. MOL GEHE at the The Lindo Bargain House again found KAL. MOL GEHE localits.
You Can Lose It!
Interesting West Indian Rows.
The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page6)
ST. LUCIA VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up St. Lucia.
a run down constitution.
shows that the public knows when they are getting the right kind of It promotes digestion, improves the appemedicine, the pure, unadulterated ACETLY SALICYLIC ACID From some notes on the geotite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
logy of St. Lucia by Dr. E, which is a German discovery, as the original formula was first Beausoleil, publisbed in the DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or discovered by the German chemist, and the manufacture of Vorice of September 20th. it times a day.
same is protected by patent.
would appear that the pbenomeDon of Mani to the appearance of which off Dominica re erence was made in the Circalır of April 27th, is also witnassed at St. Lucia. From time immemorial with is the original Gərman preparation and only the purest Acetyl Salicylic In the memory of its natives. Acid is used in its composition, therefore, if you are suffering from writes Dr, Beausoleil, Mani JUST OPEN or Manjak has been found on Headache. Toothache. Neuralgia the littoral, and Boating and drifting on the sea within a mile OL sbore during the hot ses Rheumatism. Cold. Influenza son, in Marcb and April. and in August and September.
Grippe Alcoholic Intoxication It occurs at Dauphin, Petict Trou, Trou Pruneau. Anes AT Menstrual Colic Gout Etc.
Mena. Esperance, and it is в ге No. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon ported as far east as Anes la Chaloupe, The The manjak is floating in a viscous seml liquid Where you can secure at the lowest It is to your benefit, for the protection and condition, surrounded with a possible prices everything to solve the conservation of your health to use only buls of iridescence. When your millinery needs shed ashore and exposed to the air and sun it hardens to the 99 cinsistency of a soft solld, Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes Explanations have not been wanting as to the source and from 50 to 10. 00 and refuse all other substitutes cause of this periodic pbepome.
non, many of them indeed absurd Manjak washed from FLOWERS, BRAIDS, NETS, WIRE, CREPE, KAL MOL GEHE Barbados. from Trinidad, from STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, the coast of America. These Are at par with the theory of of an THREAD THE BEST FOR HIEMSTITCHING is put up in tubes of 20 tablets and is retailed at a price of 40c. r tube ag native of Anse la Chaloque INSIST ON GETTING THE ORIGINAL who conjures up as the peren YOUR INSPECTION INVITED ntal source of the Manjaka ON SALE AT ALL DRUG STORES mythical vessel laden with Open from 8am to 12 noon and from p. to p.
pitch that foundered off the FREE SAMPLES GIVEN AWAY ciast in the age of legends. The tact is that St. Lucia bas always LOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
ECSTACE LEE, Sole Agent been up to now the Cinderella of le sister islands, still awaitCOLON, R, ing her fairy godmother. It is significant that those who have It is indeed highly probable Mr. Sydney Dasont Promoted KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS boxsexe esias hanjak have never visited the phenomenon anotededy all off been about this that we are faced here with a To German East Africa.
the coasts of oll bearing regions, It is a seasonal occurrence re Mr. Nydney Dasenta native ported from Tobago and Trini of St. Vincent, and a Ravenue dad; it was familiar in the Officer of the Windward District Caspian Sea long before the rich of that Colony at a salary of 150 oil wells of Baku were suspected per annum, was the recipient a and tapped. Mr. Cunning fortnight ago of an official letter bam Craig. B, A, 8. draws from the Secretary of State for attention to these facts in his the Colonies, through the Gov.
Opens annual in 1912 on oil Finding. ernor, offering him the pst of The Manjak comes from vents Supervisor of Customs in the This in submarine rocks around the Tanganyika Territory (formerly North eastern coast of the German East Africa) at a saluty island of St. Lucia, of 400 per annum rising to 600 confirmation of the with free quarters or an equivaNorthern region points to this. It lent allowance. The office is a is series of anticlines od pensionable one.
symmetrical and asymmetrical; it is made up of sand, clays coralline limestones, marle, The Truth Real sbales These are conditions associated Truth.
with some primeval delta or estuary perhaps coeval with the conditions littoral and estaria! The Earth has never been populated then existing in Barbados and by KINGS and WARRERS, each in his Trinidad when the enormous way supreme. Their Rulership consisted masses of vegetable in the power of their right hand.
were buried and stored to give By MIGHT, they got posteunion of rise to the Manjak and petro and were always scheming to TAKE and leum beds of to day.
to GET, but never to give 86 they have The velns of Manjak are perished from this earth, and the ia do stored in the series of anticlines memorial of their names, They only lived which are characteristic of the to satisfy their GREED and LUST, and Northern portion of St. Lucia blite odly the only evidence of their lives in the TAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of The intense best of the sun pile of ruine strewn aloog the highway, rays bearing on these parts where they and their meroen sy Armion about the period when the sun bod.
away in the sleeping car or hid under the washcrosses the meridian brings The men who inherited ETERNITY; stand at home?
about changes in the consistency GAVE, They gave of themself without and volume of the subterranean STINT, Thon few of them who had Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capManjak, and it finds an outlet at earthly gooda, GAVE of them in FULL tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure the points of least resistance. MEASURE. until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the The sum total of the indica But THE GREATEST GIFT bo tube.
tions of the presence of petro quenthed by the great Luminaries leum is such that it is to be wus of the SPIRIT of the HEART, and We now furnish you with a package of the same hoped with confidence that of the MIND.
high standard as its contents.
careful geological survey of the In other trathful worde, the men who district will reveal areas which THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
may be bored for oil. to some bave MOST effectually shaped in course prot (WIC)
of Human Events, Were DOMINATED by the true spirit of RELIGION That TRUE RELIGION which he its beLievers all over this world of ST. VINCENT ALL that we have and ALL that wo hold mɔt DEAR is but LENT to us indead a trust for which we must render an account on the DAY JUDGMENT Merchants Petition Against and the day of JUDGEMENT, is not Hucksters Discarded. at some remote period. For it is written, Every MAN should REPENT, ONE wbs In re the notes published last mun kuwa which is to be the DAY DAY before his DEATH, And week with regard to the trade HIS DEATA? So that we are called oi war in St. Vincent between the hucksters and itinerant traders have spent our GIFTS and our SUBder soods merchant and the pond to explain what use we have made of every hour of our lives, We now learn from the St. Vin STANCES, cent Times that the Government have refused to acquiece in the And ths is the real truth of ou lives.
suggestion of the merchants that CL, A, trade tax of should be placed on the itinerant traders And that hucksters licenses be Smoke 111 One Eleven increased from ten shillings to Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent. and they be excluded from the market Incomparablo KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE Way The sandstones, slates, BAO CAPTIVE INCH ON CAP matter KOV DE today KOLYNOS DENTAL CREAM


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