
Christmas New Year GIFTS on 9)
10 3)
99 90 99 re9 93 efforts to Dalns Pan. American Export Corporation and venient STROLLERS ጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥጥመው indiri season, STROLLERS The NATURAL LEAF CIGARETTES THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1922, PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Canal Zone Notes. NIGHT RACE Variety Concert GATUN AT ISTHMIAN PARK BY 2ND COLON TROOP BADEN Gatun Colored Clubhouse Trenty five Miles Bicycle Race POWELL BOY SCOUT.
Song Service last Sunday was of the many attractions for conducted by Mr. Hunt. The FRIDAY NIGHT Sunday afternoon one that stands program was made very laterost DECEMBER 22nd.
paramount in the minds of the ing by those who voluntered COLONITES is the GRAND their service.
VARIETY CONCERT of the SECOND COLON TROOP, to be The practice for the Christmas Other Attractions beld Sunday afternoob, 17th inprogtam is progressing with stant, at p. a1 Cristobal Silver the greatest satisfaction, The Boxing Bouts Clubbouse Sacred Concertas pm rom December Ist to December 31st 1922, inclusive, we offer Sanday the 24th consists of the AND DANCING One of the outstanding features of this Grand Concert is the one you FREE tha Gillette Safety Razor, in exchange for STROLLERS Latest Caristmas music and recitations. The secretary and his BRIGHT ILLUMINATION Act Play entitled COUPLE OF Empty paper packages at the following rate: wite is driving hard make this BCAMÉS, the Casze coueisting Quantity of Empty Package. PREMIUMS: of Commistlaner Barham, Cub exercise one of the best of its kind. Admission free. BETERAL ADMISSION. 25 CENTS master Abraham Miss Dolores Pearson, BUSTER 1, 000 Gillette Safety Razors, Milady Decoltes On Tuesday the 28th, real Clark, Mr. Abraham and Cbristmas Cantata Ia Santa 1, 000 Aristocrat. Ompbroy, and from recent Claus Land will be given. This District Court Of rehearsals the play is gradually 800 Bostonian Play will be staged by adults working op to the stage of per and children and will be well The Canal Zone fection and the audience will be 800 Tuckaway Silver worth your patronage. The In for a great little surprise.
children trent will also take 1, 000 Gold.
place on Tuesday night. Admis BLIZABETH DURHAM, EXIt is quite a few years since 250 Beacon Gold sion, adalu 25 cents with BROSE DURHAM, No. 401 our local talents have not had the freshments. Children of Gatun opportunity of asserting their 200 Brownie Silver FREE talents in a play and the dramatic NOTICE 100 loving public will no doubt be ont Song Seavico next Sunday at Dz. pkgs, Blades 6:20 as usual All are invited, for a good treas in this ure act To Enbroe Durham.
play. It is boped that wboleAll Empty Packages to be malled to Box 1322, Cristobal, bearted support will be accorded Commissary Manager Con. Datendant: Your are required The Second Colon Troop in its MANS SMOKE COMBINEED WITH MAN SHAVE to enter your appearance in the gratulated.
to promote this concert, Clerk Office at the above Es the Management is sparing no named Court at Cristobal, Oral and money to have the Commissary Manager Metzar Zone. in an action for Divorce must be congratulated for the therela pending brought against concert properly advertised and brilliant way in which the various you by the plaintiff above named, Jendered.
sections on the Silver side of the and to answer the complaint This is an appeal from tho Commissary in this town are therein, a copy thereof attached Scoutmaster and Cubmaster of decorated for the Xmas, never to a copy of the sum nons the rethe Troop in solicitation of con before was there so many Xmas in having been mailed to you at bined assietance and patronage stockings seen hanging on the your residence, No. 259 Court from the Scout Movement Silver side; we also have to Street Brooklyn, on or the Public in general.
congratulate him for the con before March 22nd 1923, The program for this concert way in which the And you are further noticed is something out of the ordinary counters are widened, and we that if you fail to appar and and will be ublished Saturday trust there will be more assist answer the said com tantas sue of this paper, and it is HEAD OFFICE BRANCH ance given during the present above gaired, the plaintiff will anticpated a more pleasant Suntake judy neat against you by day alternoon could not be spent Colon, delul and damaud from the to more advantage.
Panama City.
Manicipal Offica Removed Court the relief prayed for in Corner of Broadway 11 Street her said coupraia: Chrisimas Message Telephone, folen No. 468, Caile 12 Este.
We have to chronicle Dated at Cristobal. Oagal Zoas, Bor, No. 1322, very this 15th day of December, 1922, much the latest removal of our J, S, CAMPBELL, Municipal Office the place where Natural Telephone, Panama No. 726, Cristobal, C, Nellow THE COLON BOYS INSTITUTE.
we have to depend on for water Asst, Clerk District Court, and where one of the best Dec, 16 23 30 Box, No. 156, Colon, Smoke, Box, No. 397, Ancon colored employee in person Greetings of the season to of Mr. Butcher is employed Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
citizens and residerts of this as clerk. This old time ofiice is city and to the Workman.
now located near the aqueduct Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents We the officers and members Mr. Butcher will be greatly Incomparable.
missed by bis passeng friends.
of the Institute. take the great pleasure in extending to our numerous friends and sympath.
Death of Laurio Mother. Englishmen Must.
Isere, and especially to Governor Arose mena and other Panama mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm J, Laurie Catchist and em. Continued from Page 1)
nians and to the Workman the ployee of the Locks as timekeep, articles, the name the season er has received the sad news a or bonoes and take the opportunity of James, PDG few days ago of the death of his and business integrity built up wiebing that they will enjoy mother Mrs. Cecilia Laurle age after hundred of years, tout Merry Christmas After the reception, the acting This 68 years wbich and event took these were sufficient to ensure Is season the District Master informed the With these excellent place at Georgetown Demerara sales of British goods at any whole buman family is brought Mustrated Grand that he could little Stoves, Supplied British Guiana. We tender our time and anywhere. This is Into ore common community. proceed with his ager da of busi. condolence to both Mr Laurle merely commercial hallucina Tbe crly time in the long aal ness, while the officere would family and himsell.
tion. America and Germany home watch tbe free to those having vadid not follow such lendar of the year when some chlmereal cant Gas Installat ons Samaritans and Mechanics their took They eur men and women are disposed Breatest interest to go with the as it by consent to open their After a certain portion of the wares to other peoples homes To Meet.
hearts freely to the poor: This had been gone through. and agenda In thelr kitchens.
explained its usefuisess, is the season for kindling the the Executive Officers examined and gradually Great Britaia was fire of hospitality, and the grand the books of the Secretary, Sunday Dec. 27th will be known ousted from many markets, and Aame of Charity. Wears tbank Treasurer and Senior Deacon of as a day set apart for the in others she sold only what ful to the Workman for the the Lodge, and with the excep Samaritans of Crystal Paradise could not be bought Germany WE HAVE PROVED TO THE DOUBTFUL kind manner in wbich it has vion of a few changes, expressed Lodge and Bethel Lodge when and the United States.
assisted this institution from their satisfaction on finding the they will ontertain the Fraterbal time to time by publishing a booke kept in such an excellent That GAS is the Best Fuel The British Colonies were Brothers of the Independent appealing to menner.
Order of Mechanics better exploited more so the smaller the public on our behalf.
Bro MacCormack, G; and known as St Bernard in this ones, as the English manufacturtown. The fonction will take ers Ignored the value of smali Trusting that this institute several other brothers expressed is UNTIL THE 31st OF THE PRESENT MONTH the Gatun units; and Cricket Oval to day there will in the near future demon the pleasure it gave them to scarcely and in a friendly game of Cricket, Indies Island strate its usefulness in the com the Isthmian District amongst in tha West bave the Executive Oficers of We will continue giving away the balance of these where more foreign munity.
Stoves where there is a vacant Gas Installation 12 goods being sharp so all players are ssked to than what is bought from Eng. WATSON, them in their official capacity and hoped that these visits in the Kitchen, Commander, would conticus as ofta ng pos be on the ground precisely at ush, Or we will sell them at 10. 00 each and make the 11, 45 a Following is the linesh macufacturers. It English that the District up which will represent the when would lock around to this distant wovld live and carry on its good Installation FRFE OG. D. of Small (Cap. 16 Isthmian District work until ulme shall be no more.
tain)J Roberts. Holder Jones. Eagland would develope her. Hall Husbands Internal trade, she would bless PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY The acting District Master and Grand Lodge Husband Staf in replying lectured the Brathwaite Europe, and the bringing baca PANAMA OFFICE. members of Unity Lodge to be AT COLON OFFICE: Cordoe Rorrell with Williams of Germany into commercial and Warton as extras. to the Order and law abidcompetition as one of the means PAID OFFICIAL VISIT TO ing Cathedral Plaza to the Rules governing the YOUR 93 Bo ivar St.
which may bring about the disRecovered From Late Illness. integration of the Empire, This UNITY LODGE. Institution, and wisbed the Tel. 798 lodge the success it 50 Tel. 364 well SERVICE shortsighted policy or agitation erits.
The many young friends and of German resuscitation shoela As was announced the Execu At the close of the meeting acqunintances of Miss Matilda not have been on the pig.
tive Oficers of the Isthmian the District officers and mem better known as (Cas) and one gramme of our politice.
District Grand Lodge No. 4, of bera repaired to the banquet han comecettes will be in attendance Further Details of the worshipers of St George the Independent United Order and were refreshed, thus ter. to receive them.
Church Highst will be glad to of Mechanics Friendly Society mieating a most enjoyable time. services and the result from the Tha collections at the several hear of her recovery from a long La Boca Clubhouse paid an official visit to the Unity (Conlinued from page 1)
eickness, we now wisb Mis BenLodge No. 3, working under its sale of the offerings, which takes nett the best of health and trust To morrow afternoon at 4:00.
jurisdiction on Tuesday, Decem HARVEST FESTIVAL place on Monday night 18th inst. qer son, but was unable to prove to see her out again in the good Mr. Boyce of the Interneber 12, at St. Charles Lodge will be devoted to the Chapel her whereabouts during the six work which she is accustomed tional Bitle Students Associs.
corner of tenth and Colon Wesleyan Church.
Building Fund.
days between November wud to perform.
tion, will deliver an address on Streets.
12. It is expected thas she will the subject Satan. Empire NOTICE break down and tell the truth After the usual preliminaries Now Living LODGE NOTIE, Failing, Millions the District Grand Officers under the strain of the third Never Die. This is said to ba a Tomorrow, Sunday the 17th, entered and were escorted by promises to be a red letter day degree: Members of the Green Bud of All members of the Royal very interesting subject; and as B108 Bsquie and Williams, at the Colon Wesleyan Church. Panama Lodge No. 7779 Manolo le corroborated, In case the store told by Iittle Primrose Lodge No, 10106, G, Mr. Boyce is known to posess a the 0. F, are asked to attend meet peculiar knack in presenting his of the Lodge; and given Special sermons will be preached are requested to be present at group of voodon worshippers ar. ing on Tuesday evening 14th inst, Biblical views, of which he is the horors to which they were by the Superintendent of the their next General Meeting rested last week and set at li ber as very important business will very resourceful. those who Circuit, Rev. Kiasoek Brabam, which will take place on Satur ty a couple of days ago will be transacted.
BIO E Nelson, Grand Mas BD. at 11 a. and 20 day night the 23rd Inst. Among ausiu ve arresied.
attend will be treated to much ter, being absent in Pavama on and at p. m, a Sacred Concert the Business of Importance will RALLU BUCHNER food for thought. Mr. Boyce special business Bro S Alimen, will be rendered by the Chofr. be the Nomination and Election Smoko 1ll One Eleven Per, Secy.
purposes to entertain questions on the subject at the end of bis It is requested that all boer of Omers for the ensuing term.
DDM, acted in his stead. acdiscourse.
companied by Bros W Ward, inga reach the Mission House Meeting starts at 7:30 sharp cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent)
If you like beautiful hair us DE; A Allman, DT; and Won Saturday evening when a Members are asked to be on time incomparable All seats are free. No collec Creoline hair producer.
tion will be taken.
the CIGARETTES compliments of ot.
the when policy.
place on sible, and debe Empire Ricbarde dependent on Continental loyal to room, wal entitled.


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