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MAN Nothing?
bring home at word of Rod.
inctly Christmas Messages The Poet and Peasang Daval to ap British Home Secretary By Captain Burnett of SteamMeans Of Poisoned er Inca Shoots Himself Chocolate.
In Stateroom Wireless Telephone Across AtlanA Direct West India Cable des of the 4th ult, says On Sunday The Turks Island Chronicle patch from London dated the tic Appears to be an Accom11th ins: states that an attempt steamer Ines came into port morning October 22, the Clyde has been made to assassinate the plished Fact.
Home Secretary bs means of pols Soon it was learned that the sud of pol with her ensiga set at halfmast soned chocolates sent through den death of her master. which late London despatch dated phrase; Napoleon was a great London, November 15 That European military and dayal the mail. The candy arrived at cecurred on the day previous. November 23, states that wire warrior. It was a man voice, the United States War Depart establishments.
Home Office yesterday, ment is engaged in a deliberate In regards to gland accord the police found in contained and Saturday was the cause of the less talephone from America to followed by woman She begiete: signal of mourniog.
American Ing to the magazine, the informa sonic.
attempt to emplos condent totion required was stated to be: England appears to be an ac At an American wass. Then the newspaper It is understood the police atcoroner inquiry was bela complished fact for messages wave was broken and came in foreign countries as spies, in In respect to submarines, tributed the act to the sa me before the Honble. Lea Smith, were received at widely sepatas badly. When it became sudible grave charge made in the inquest it developed that the from New York and Newark weled thrine night again heard a sermon in which stated that be desir widely circulated British weekl belsures to counteract activities Sir Horwood, bead of Soot loca had sailed from Ban concert, religious cerem ale of submarines or serial attacke land Yard in the same manner.
dourage. caught The periodical gives details of At sea such sermon were heard Domingo, Dominican Republic, Persons securing Investigations, it elly by two listeners at Holy phrases as, The Israelites pass was said on the 19th of Octobor, and after the two circulars sent out at information are required to the instance of the American exercir e discretio neda obtaining conclusion that the work was homeward voyage about 150 shire and by another at Croydon, land. courage.
ing to day have led the police to the passing these Islands on her head, by one at Wigan Lanca ed through the Red Sex on dry They went confidential answers to a numb their or other be authorities woman who has some real or Long. 68 28 the dead body) Oficials at the Marconi house courage, Secretary of War, requesting by lebte their motible lead uthorities probably that of an unbalanced miles ern, in Lat. 20 59 surburb of London. through milk and honeyber of ominously significant likely to prejudice their as newspaper corresponddons ancied grievance against Scot lof the Captain was discovered cared the reports from the Nearly a. God made questions, land Yard and the Home Office. lying in his state room.
likely to excite auspicion of there wrong The cording to John Ball included against the United States For Carerament have been warned Thomas M, Burnett. 39 years when broadcasting from conti All the other ministers of the It appoars that Captain were strikingly similar, and said with anything that God made the orament.
far distant Goodnight. Had the correspondent war to be on guard against similar Williams stated that there were experience. John Bull bitterly declares attempts. Gleaner. Continued on page 8)
nent to continent would become interruptions to this programme What did he know of military America is the same as that of that this action on the part of an accomplished fact and that at o clock in the and naval matters?
The most astonisbing results morning be caught the signal Germany, whose spies were What were recorded by Williams WJG and heard the overture of languages was be executed in wartimes for doing familiar with exactly wbat America requires Road What countries had he first now. The article ends: Willia ne, Tata Sunday night given by an organ company in turned up bis wireless telephone New York, and that was had knowledge of. We venture to say that the The paper declares that a collection of such information is (By the Rev NIGHTENGALE. By Rov. MULCARB Restor of and caught a strange wave which remarkably plain and so loud mystified him. The second be that the music could be followed second Communication was not usually regarded as a friend.
Each year, ai Christmas comes St. Peter Church Ls Boon) came more audible after mid with the telephone on the table received by a few correspon 17. set by our country, and it the usual grestiags are sent To play the Church universal tu echoed alght. At 1;30 he recognized the and the listener two feet away, dents inviting them to state in she United States War Depart. around to our relatives and the song of the heavenly hosts, while signal as coming from America William said that at 55 be confidence whether they were ment has any excuse to offer, friends. We do this because we who keeps the birtb day of her Lord, and could actually distinguish beard a clock tick which coincidin a a position to undertake in we would be glad to hear it. feel knit together by the bonds and, in honour of the locarpation, tun who was speaking. He kept Annapolis, the American accent of the cauſed with the system used at volving the collection of accurate Charge Danial of LOVE which found its sim her loftiest strains of information regarding develope ment in military, Washington, November 15. plest token in the rude Cradle then, to day coatemplate, and mediato record which reads: Another listener at Holyhead and Emphatic denial of the charg: of Bethlehem and its greatest upon the joyful, yet soleno thoughts. 11 40 not readable. 11. 55 the was Coursey, a leading aviation matters pertaining to that the War Dapartment is seek expression on the Cross Calvary. which the Angels song suggest, We signal Pız which means a bar English wireless amateur who warfare generally with a view to ing enlist American Our hearts are moved with are reminded of the myserious way in woona station. Distinctly heard has been attempting to catch keeping the intelligence branch spies WAS tenderness towards our fellow which God works out his wonders. We a spesch wbich apparently was a transatlantic radio communicaof the War Dagartment advised correspondents as of the latest developement in all Continued on Pageligt mən. It is the spirit of the are carried away from the open fields, history lesson for caught the tions for some time.
season that gives tone and vigor and go with the shopherds to the stable to our sentiments, and why and to the mang r, cradlinz the VirgioHOMICIDE BY MISADVENTURE should it be otherwise? Did not have mind with the shepherds, film and FEARFUL ACCIDENT AT CUBAN the breathe thou with Eastern. we AND WOUNDING this same spirit into the sons of adors. The birth of Jesus Christ is the SUAGR MILL men when they made the heavens turning int in the worid his ring with their Gloria in excel rules the life of men. Whether ycu On Monday last Poz then left and rode to the sis which sent the shepherds accept His claim and obey His words, Havana, Dec. 12. Je hundred workmen were killed or injured an exciting tragedy occur. Cathedral Park, and there he with hurrying feet to adore or disbelieve the one and reject the other to day in a boilər explosion; which wreckad the Estrella Sugar red at Cathedral Plaza in front met Simons and some other the Gul Incarnate saying one to this is He rules life of the National Post Ofice, The friends standing: The Legan to another: Lət us now geven men today. For the civilized native of Mill near Camaguay. Thirteen bodies had baro recovered up to sequel to this drama is, that the relate to them the conduct of unto Bethlenen, and soe the the world the years are reckoned o clock this evening, and forty injured persons were being cared priocipals are Maria Pareja, Pareja, who at the same momen thing which is come to pass. from His Advent. The events of for in Camaguay. Most of the victims are Spaniards. Exchange)
Daniel Parej. and Pablo Paz jardrove up in a car and beckoned The era of good will came with ancient hisory are recorded by the The information gathered is as to him. He dismounted and was the announcement of the list bistrica, Laving taking place so many follows. Toat Paz was engaged walking towards the Mr. Vecker Returns Pleasant Evening.
car in Christin is, yasro before the birth of Christ; and the though the to Miss Pareja for over two which Pareja and immeome world has not al ways our modern life are years of our Lord years, and that marital relation diately Pareji fired a shot from fall and apprecia The tall appropriation Mr P, Vecker General On Sunday evening last there between them a revolver wounding Paz in the tion of the resulting in the young woman right arm. Finding himself bad yet in every aeration there on Master, not only the commamara Gas Company who had been residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Christmas is not only the birth of Manager of the Papama Colon was a pleasant time spent at the the of a Son.
becoming enciente. She conlessly wounded be drew his gun hava been ki tion of en great spiritual away from the.
ed her condition to her mother with his left arm and fired at women wa, bara takən the In. foros into the world; it is the memorial three months vacation retarned entertained a number of their and brother who are residing at Pareja who was running towards fan: Carise in their hearts and of the visitation of God. It was God during the week, Mr. Vecker friends the Post on was decided that Paz should be this time an innocent man, enthronem re has been pers day the word bearna hett; that is visited many states of the Union The occasion was, the celebracalled upon to make good bis Senor Juan Mas was struck with fect and complete.
the centre of the Christian areede, while on vacation and we under tion of the Baptism of their promise of marriage. a bullet which entered his We mire gifts to our friends Christmas callous to Boihlehem, but it stand combined a little business Nathaniel. After the address at. Daniel Pareja had an interview intestine and from which effect anu lɔved ones.
with her relative to a decision of the later died at the Saato Tomas familia de beses siele WE WISH OUR READERS will be of greet bereit to the guests retired to the reception The scattered call us also to a great consecration, with his pleasure trip the ex the various speakers on the perience of which it is felt sure beball of little Nathaniel, the marriage and Pareja states. hospital, not did Pez refused to give the je Shane Pareja in an interview stat season any.
Those far MERRY CHRISTMAS Gas Company, satisfactory reply, but he made ed beautifully was impossible insulting and degrading remarks the bullet from his gun to have of tenderest and deepast affec for away are remembered by words decorated for the occasion and a about his sister which borted struck Juan Mas. as be discharg tion How we reflect the good, Love Dream fine time was enjoyed by all, Pic nic at Old Panama no ed one and Among those present were Mr.
sonablu settlement could be got the bullet which wounded Paz. Father gave the Son Ramsay, Mr. Cox. Mr.
Oh breatha not a word of our LOVE, from Poz, Pareja decided that he He further claims that he fired He assembles his scattered and Pierre, Mrs. Lord, Mr. Ianis and Nor believa that it evar his barn, Pleasure lovers are hereby Mre. Foster. The former was would defend his sister bonour twice after, but the gun would wandering children and alla Twas BEAUTIFUL DREAM from notified of the Grand Pic nic to appointed Chairman not discharge; and not wanting them with hops and comfort of the At about mid day on Mon to give his opponent any chance as they meet around the altar of and has flown back to HEAVEN again. Year Day, the proceeds from with much applause to his credit. ABOVE, be held at Old Panama on New evening which was performed day Paz called at Simon real they was his reason for runnins His Flory upon which har limparte present, when away.
love and peace. To Yet Would could call the my own, which will go towards the pur.
How e er undeserving be, chasing of instruments for the he was sends seen by Pareja who far After Wereded to he light on the went to the Central Police words of consolation and love so a live far THER, LOVE, Thee alone, West Indian Band, the Pic nic GORGONA STAR LODGE No would thus and is liko bude been planned street; but that Paz him DREAM under the mapagement of the he hid not want to haye a street selt The choler was arrested ander the shelter of His ever.
scandal, but that they could get as having some guilty knowledge lasting wings.
LIKE DREAM popular Sam Goodiog, Director of the Band who is lesving oo Members of the above named a car and drive outside the city but on Tuesday after the pre With tbis sentiment permeatC. A, D, stone unturned to make the Lodge will please be informed limits and there settle the dis liminary investigation he was ting your hvarts let the best outing an enjoyable one for all that Saturday night 23 ed instant pute. Pareja did not accept the at wishes of the season be yours. WE WISH OUR READERS who attend. Dancing and numer is assigned to us in exchange for challenge and (Paz rode away on Mas leaves bis motorcycle Some minutes four children, and two brothers privations through which hun MERRY CHRISTMAS one other diversions will be our fourth Thursday night, indulged. The price of 75 members and visitors are asked he was informed that to mourn their loss, This dreds passing. for round trip. veis had secured a gun and is sad and regrettable and with faith UNDERSTANDING may keep a very populated one and it is evening will be Initiation of hope was looking for him. On receiv incident that an innocent man tbat relief and amelioration our bearts and minds in the thas quite a large candidates Election of fog this information be went should have been the victim of will come soon, let us try to knowledge and love of God the number will tura ont to assist officers for the ensuing teru, and as a precaution armed him. the lawlessness of irresponsible make ourselves cheerful and Father and ot His Son Jesus this deserving cause. So don you are further remiaded thas self and reported to the Police narsons, discharging fire arms happy on Christmas Day, pray Christ, Our Lord. HAPPY CHRISPNAS TO (New Year Day) and the boar, Service, friends also are invited forget the date. January 11, the right of toe 21th. Xmas department the information he in one of the most popular ing that THE PEACE OF GOD will be our regular. Warch Nigha got in regards to Parejai resort of the city, WHICH PASSETE ALL ALL!
tirst telp leaves Panama at a.
hisory and was shown its Year years of love and online it enthe Eternal witb a gun.
ра by, and the set liberty Jaan of us are and expected aad


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