
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATUKDAY, DECEMBER 23 192: Interesting News from The West Indian Islands MAGNUMS LYNTON CASH Holt the two ING BEE MAGNUMS CIGAR Extra PI.
TES 1a is to 15 GOLD FOR BENGER FOOD And the site stain could Book Binding!
Book Binding Department JAMAICA That colony we understand, will pay up its qasta only on condition that its repistulation in the team is Tue onable. We suspect Jamaica Woman Struck by will also be making sizilar Mail Cart Loses in WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT reservation, for whilst wa, these parts, think very lule of No. 78, New Market Street cricket Jstsica, there are Her Life.
in the Isle of Springs thosu. Valuable RETAIL DEPARTMENT who entertain some doubt as to whether a combined eieren of DORCAS WILLIAMS DIES IN THE No. 107, Bolivar Street the colontes at this end could do MANDEVILLE HOSPITAL, AND very much against her! Messrs JOS, ROBINSON ARRESTED. THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY and Morrison are are cricketers usual y Coupon Mandeville, December 4, As a mentioned by us. waenevu.
Tesult of an unfortunate accident FULL SUPPLY OF the question of represectation which took place at Williarscomes up. But there are others field ou Saturday night last, Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, since their day wbo bave a taia.
Joseph Robinson, the Governed to all cricket stature in meni Postal Mail Carrier, was Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, Jamaica, aod this very imporarrested yesterday (Sunday) on ant colony of the West Indian a charge of manslaughter, for ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES group will, we think, want more the alleged killing of Dorcas that one or even two representa: Williams, an old woman of 60 tives ca years.
team. The question of appor The woman, it is said, went to Call and see us before purchasing tionments is likely to present the Mandeville Market to sell elsewhere.
greater difficulties on this occat IN EACH sion toan hitherto. Each the ground provisions and was run.
ning to her home at Cumberland tour colonies is going to want six pluces out of sixteen and if PACKAGE in this parish.
the toar to become un fait She seemed to have rested at accompli it will not be due to the williamsfield. The last train lack of unanimity on the quesfrom Kingston arrived, the car tion of its desirability, but rier took up the mails and drove rather to the manner of the disthe van, drawn by mules, to the tribution of the loaves and 20 CIGARETTES local post office at Williamsfield, SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR fishes. It is difficult to judge of After delivering mails, it is alleged that the carrier. in an Infants, Invalids and the Aged Jamaica cricket from this end, though we, over here, entertain attempt to pass a motor van, that was standing in the way, Every tin contains an interesting leaflet of the our opiniones get tea in to turned bis reins and one of the tremendously it marvellous use of this great Food.
Jamaica single trees attached to the these Colonies eari early next year, vehicle struck the old woman, as is desired. But the question and she fell.
Purely An English Preparation. of tinancing two proj. cts in such The driver, so it is said, enclose succession presents an undeavoured to come to a standstill doubted difticulty.
which he did a short distance MANUFACTURED BY Why throw away your old, but no For the future of West Indian away. The woman who com BENGER FOOD, LTD we are hoping that the question plained for injuries to her head, MANCHESTER; ENGLAND of allotment will by haruoniousdoubt interesting, books when you was taken up by the police, who bastened her ott to the hospital ly setiled. We do not know on here, where she was treated by FOR SALE AT what basis it is worked out, or can have them neatly bound at Dr. Hargreaves, She remained in an unconscious state The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN what person or Committee is the allocating authority, but there and died early in the forenoon.
will be at least a couple of ques THE WORKMAN Robinson was arrested by tions to be decided and they detective Rayson, on the charge, by the Cricket Council of Ja performed the post are. How many places must be but later in the day he was taken maica to the Cricket Committee examination. Coroner et she is reasonably represented. mortem given Demerara to convince her before a Justice of the Peace, of Barbados, which has charge quiry will be held in dua course. And who will get the place and bailed to appear before the filled by St. Vincent in the 1906 Resident Magistrate at the next of the arrangements connected tour. sitting of the Resident Magie with the visit of a West Indian trate Court team to England next year, that BARBADOS SFO CENTRAL AVENUE instead of proceeding direct from Barbados to England, the The report of the Secretaries The Status of Teachers and, and British Guiana shonia players from the colony. Icinia West Indian Cricket Schools Erimination Board gives the Oxford and Cambridge and No. G Street come on to Jamaica, to play LATEST CIRCULAR SENT OUT BY Jamaican combination; and least two matches there against Team For Englınd en del en blot of Barbados candidates who obtained Certificates. Archer, EDUCATION DEPARTMENT then the whole team would sail B Brownp. Chenery, regret that the House of Assemb Mr. Kolshall man iger of As a result of diligent search AHSR Jordan aud Agbad from Kingston during April for not Sexempted His the All Trinidad team which CAUSES IRRITATION.
ing of our intercolonial R, Nawsam, all of Harrison Excellency the Governor from recenály visited Demerara in the paying Income Tax.
Inter colonial Cricket Tourna Elementary school teachers It is hoped that the Elders Ghanson Windbreakere da shehere lege.
to u.
ment. is in receipt of a letter somewhat perturbed over a cir anda boleto odlablekelepecial the trend of afairs in regard to School Certificates were obfrom Mr. George Challenor, of cular which has been issued by to travel to Jamaica on one of Indian cricket team to Ingland W. Dobridge, arrangements to enable the tea or the proposed visit of a West ta in debyoMaladieu cand TRINIDAD the Wanderers and All Education Department to their steamers. Members of the next Prescod, of Harrison College; Barbados team on the question Emtage, teachers and the question of have seen, appears that wicket at the Queen Park remuneration in respect of their that such a visit will be practi four colonies Demerara, Trini of the Lodge School; work in the schoolroom will be dad, Jamaica, and Barbados Bond Eliteschi che Girls Codring TO REMEDY TRINIDAD DIS grounds at the Oval.
decided by the uumber of candiHigh School.
ADVANTAGE IN INTER It will be remembered that: dates forward at have each agreed to pupil teachers examinations and Falls Off Wharf 200 towards the expenses de In passing a bill to amend the COLONIAL COMPETITION, within the past few years AD the number of passes.
is Income Act, the Legislative experiment was made by the be appears that the educational And Loses Life In evidently subject to cancellation Council on Tuesday expressed Trinidad exchange BRYS: (Continued On Page 3)
authorities are not satisfied with the number of students that The Harbour exams. and the pass lists, hence SAD FATE WHICH BEFELL LOUIS come forward for pupil teachers the circular which has been sent Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 7 out. On the other hand teachers ATHERTON, LABOURER, are wondering what is behind YESTERDAY MORNING.
the latest move by the department to assail the posi tion. They say that it is impos. FATAL BACK JSTEP.
sible for them to force pupils to take the examinations, neither Water Police Recovered the can they be held blameworthy it Some Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Body Whichiwas Taken some of those who go up fail to Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK Or New YORK pass the test, To City Mortuary.
It is known that the Executive of the Jamaica Union of Teachers The Gleaner of the 8th Inst. intend to take up the matter; states that Kingston barbour Depository of the PANAMA CANAL and at the annual conference of claimed another victim yesterthe Union next month a resolu: day morning when Louis Athertion or two on the subject will ton, a labourer. about 32 be discussed.
of age, lost his life at Mr.
Teachers are very much con Leonard de Cordova whart in Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of cerned over the matter coming Temple Lane.
THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in ss it does 80 early after many teachers have been deprived of collected by the police, the deAccording to the statements ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY their increment because they ceased was employed at Mr.
CHINA JAPAN JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES have not been able to establish de Cordova wharf where the schools gardens, some for want Lake Fair Port was dis ARGENTINE BRAZIL CUBA PERU of lands and others for want.
charging umber It appeared water. The Herald.
URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA that Atherton was on the dock and was watching the landing Team To of a draft of lumber from the ship, and while stepping back Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World England wards he fell into the sea and was drowned. The and JAMAICA HOPE IS THAT THE ICorpora! Gordon and some other ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE COMBINATION WILL ASSEMBLE mer, went on the scene, and the body of the unfortuate man was AT KINGSTON. found. The deceased was taken INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM to the Public Mortuary, where The Herald understands later in the day Dr. Lawson that a suggestion has been made Gifford, for Kingston the effect that there was seen onderdelen ou corabe optar porting on a while the PBA plantas, de The For Turf Wicket of the establishment of a turt financial International Banking Corporation Jeans BELGIUM INDIA CHILE PORTO RICO to the the matter was waterpolice


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