
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 23 1922 PAGE THRE CHRISTMAS Only the Best Men Furnishings OF IS FAST APPROACHING carried in stock fine Selection of Do your shopping early and you will get the best Bargains English Woolens AND Walk Over Shoes White Linen Drills JUST RECEIVED Interesting wast ladian News Continued from page 2)
Queen Park authoriti to lay dowo a certain area with Barba dos turf with the orderstanding that if the same were successful, the pitch at the Oval would be convert into a turf wicket, It is bistory thas that attempt proved a failure, but it was lelt in many quarters that this was rather due to unfavourable conditions and methods employed.
Mr. Kelsball, one of the Joters of turf wicket cricket is convinced that a proper turt wicket can be made at the Oval and during the last trip to Demerara he got into communi.
cation with Mr. Challenor. Chailenor has 1urnisned bin with quotations as to the st savados turf of the quality usted for the experiment; but It is understood that no definite ein will be taken until further mm colars are received If the quotation is favourable Mr.
Kisball intends to convert one of the present practice pitches at the Oval into unten and if the experiment is successful, it will then be decidLa to convert the Queen Park match pitch into a surf wicket pitch. The scheme at present is the outcome of the enterprise of Mr. Kelshall, but it is understood that the Queen Park Club will undertake the work finally, if the experiment proves to be a success There is no gainsaying the fact that this colony is at a disadvantage in Intercolonial Cricket by reason of the fact that our cricketers play twice in every three occasions on turf to which they are unaccustomed, and while it will be conceded that Barbados and British Guiana are at a disadvantage on matting wickets, it would be better for all concerned if the tournament games were to be contested on torf wickets in three colonies. Jumaica Herald. a turf wicket ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied With less than the best ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY SHIRTS TIES COLLARS ETC. BTC. BTC.
AT THE PALAIS ROYAL S, PERREIRA CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA American Bazaar Stores Panama Colon the SIMPLE PROBLEM Creoline Hair Preparations Positively Superior to all others on earth.
Try them and be convinced.
They are the Master priphrations of the world.
Different from all Others Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50e. all Foreign countries, 60.
Creoline Hair Producer Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation of its kind in the world. Patches thin places and prevent baldness, In ounce tins, Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruft, Tetter and Eczema, It is antiseptic. Grows hair. koeps the scalp healthy In ounce bottles.
Jackson Manufacturing Co.
Manufacturers and Exporters Indiana polis Ind. All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline, Wost Indian Produce Association 455 West Tenth St, The Director of Agriculture has received a communication from the West Indian Produce Association Ltd. London in which it is stated that they had interviewed Mr. Nowell (who is now on leave in England) in con nection with a supply of West Indian vegetables. They have sent a small order for sweet potatoes, fams, and eddoes as an experiment to try and popu larise these products in England.
There is a ready Answer to the Cigarette Question Waiting for you in every Store. The Answer is Convincing Evedence That you get Most for Your Money in The Trinidad Income Tax for 1922 has been estimated to yield 200, 000 says the Trinidad Guardian. 160, 000 has already been collected.
Trinidad Government Whi Purchase Argosy Printery NEW YORK CIGARETTES ER FRA ZOB to vote of 700 was recently passed by the Trinidad Legisla ture for the purcbase of three Monotype machines and their equipment from the Argosy Publishing Co. Ltd. of British Guiana for use lo the Trinidad Government Printing Office, The Trinidad Government have already in use at their office monotype machines. Oaly last year a vote of 2, 200 was passed for the purchase of of one of these, and it has proved a great labour saver. The machines offered by the Argosy were purchased ten years ago. but were put aside after being in Use for two re Year years their discontinuance beof ing due to the lack nert expert operators and Trini dad bas the necessary experts and the Government will have made a big bargain when they acquire the Argosy stock.
MADOZDHZOAA Suggested Abolition of West Your Edcellency amend this with the colony.
to the CITRETTES DEMERARA No local Ordinances can go against an order of the King in Council.
West Indian Court Drawbeck To The Colony Mr. Dias: The appeals are Of Appeal. held up months and months and if it is that appeals are only to SUGGESTED ABOLITION IN year then it is no use having it.
be taken by that Court once a DEMERARA. am sure that it is a drawback on the colony to have one of our DRAW BACK TO THE COLONY Judges called away frequently from here. It seems to be of very all.
Governor Says, Local Judges little service to anybody at His Excellency: My impression Are As Good As Any of this Court of Appeal is that Other Combination, the lawyers of this colony thrust it down my throat, The following interesting dis Mr. Dias; Your Dxcellency cussion took place in the think you are right. The idea, Demerara Legislature on Wed however, did not emanate desday last (23rd Instant) dur. from the lawyers in the ing consideration of the Esti colory, but from the lawyer of mates of Revenue and Expondi the Government. It anything ture for 1923.
can be assístance 11 Indian Court of Appaal.
shrould be done. don think it At item Expenses in con have heard lawyers as well as is of any benetit nection with the West Indian persons who have cases pending Court of Appeal. 1, 200. Mr. declare that it is no use having a Brassington said he would like West Indian Court of Appeal to to know when the Was sit locally once a year.
to be amended and the West Indian Court of Appeal dono deal with this is by petition to His Excellency: The way to away with In theory it perfectly right, but was not so the Crown. am of opinion that in practice. He rather had the our three Judges together form idea that His Excellency was not as good a Court of Appeal as bad no authority for saying the ho was on although he sny combination from elsewhere, Mr.
Woolford remarked that but somehow or in favour of the thought that was His Exeel Indian Court of Appeal being lency view and he would not permanent, but the objectionable be surprised if that was the feature of the matter personal view of some of the Judges too. 15, was that it was composed of He was going to move that it the Chief Justlees of the various be deleted.
colonies. He thought the origiThe Legal Members in chorus: nal idea was that the President You cannot do that, of that body should be appointed from England, and would Mr. Dias: In order to pat Mat suggest that some such appointters in order am going to second me ment should be made whenever that motion. think something the vacancy occurred.
should be done in the matter, think we can withdraw from the ment and fansability for the charge would make for improve agreement either by Ordinance holding of the Court at the varior by giving notice. am not ous colonies more frequently. It certain which. At any rate we wenld also effect savior o can pass an Ordinance reestab expenses.
lishing our Full Court.
Mr. Woolford: It is an Imperial delay and will be a very great His Excellency: It will save Bill.
His Excellency: It is by order will have ample improvement as the one Judge time to of the King in Gouncil which was round to each colony, and witb not issued until the Colontes had adopted the Act in respect to it. Continued on page 6)
law was Was too keen adjusters.
of the West THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY SURPRISINGLY GOOD Mr. Gaston Made Mayor of Port of Spain The Mr. Gaston Johnson, a prominent barrister at Law of Trinidad has been appointed Mayor of Port of Spain for 1928.
Dr. McShine the retiring Mayor Vas elected Deputy Mayor.
GRENADA ORDER BOOKS FOR FRIENDLY SOCETIES Kept in stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY go In the draft bill in connection with the new elected scheme thi Grenada all women who have attained the age of thirty years and have the necessary qualifications are entitled to vote.


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