
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 30 1922 PAGE THREE laia estinzijdesi indian News tow inuet frow page 2)
Do your shopping early and you will get the best Bargains Government Requested To Ask Lord Devonshire to Act in the Matter. fine Selection of English Woolens AND FOR ARMY PURPOSES.
White Linen Drills JUST RECEIVED Walk Over Shoes ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied with less than the best ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY SHIRTS. TIES COLLARS ETC. ETC. ETC.
AT THE PALAIS ROYAL PERREIRA CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA American Bazaar Stores Colon Says the Gleaner of the 18th instan. The Kingston General Commissioners are by Do meacs satisfied at the delay which bas taken place in con nection with the siguing of the.
ecotract to supply the military stations at Up Park Camp and The Port Royal with a water supply.
the Wes Fact has been before Office authorities for some time now, but it has not LO beca ratitied. committee of the Commis sioners bas been appointed to deal with the matter so as to get an early and final ratiticauon of the contract, Tbe Hermitage Scheme.
Another matter which the Commissioners bave been urging is the approval of the Government of the commencement of the Hermitage scheme, Engineer in connection with the to import a Resident project, but wbile plans of the Commissioners have been held ap on account of the fact that the scheme has not been finally ratified by the Secretary of State for the Colonies; and the Government have been requested to the Duke of Devon shire and impress on His Lord the urgency of the matter.
At present many of the town ships of of Kingston and St Andrew an adequate water supply and owing to the comparatively small quantity of water available from the Wag Water and Hope Rivers, pumpiog, at considerable cost, has got to be carried on at the Perry, It is proposed to Treat Yourself cable ears.
ship lower cannot obtain TRINIDAD Coming Tour Of Cricketers In Homeland.
quota in entere in the projected INVITATION SENT.
or none at Text of an Article Recentty Published in a Trinidad Newspaper.
Padama Creoline Hair Preparations Positively Superior to all others on earth.
Try them and be convinced.
They are the Master Preparations of the World.
Different from all Others Save That Tooth!
Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. all Foreign countries, 60c.
Do not extract an aching tooth, Creoline Hair Producer decayed tooth if it has at least Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, BY TAKING two good walls can be saved to and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 give you good service for many percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation of its kind in toe world. Patches thin places and prevent baldness, DR. SANGER CAPSULES In ounce tins, If your teeth are loose with pus seeping around the neck of Creoline Day Dandruff Remedy WONDERFUL CURE FOR the teeth, giving your breath an very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter offensive odor you are suffering and Eczema. It is antiseptic. Grows hair. keeps the scalp healthy BLADDER IRRITATION from Pyhorrea Alveolaris.
This In ounce bottles.
can be cured. Do not have them Jackson Merulee Co.
extracted unless there is very West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Earorters Indianapolis Ind. the little connection between It Contains East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creo ille, bony tiesue alveolar and the and other ingredients tooth, If you are interested in saving Grant who sailed last evening taking up of schemes for street your teeth see Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours for Barbados on commercial repair and the sewering of DR. JOHNSON affairs is authorised to confer Georgetown, British Guiana.
Surgeon Dentist with the Bridgetown Cricket The suggestion came from tte BUY BOX TO DAY 139 Central Avenue Club to reach a final settlement Town Council, the expenditures Over City Pharmacy particulars as to date of with the object of telefon involved being about two million AT THE dollars.
and several points bearing on Smoke 111 (One Eleven the game. As for arrangements a letter to be sent to the Govero.
Mr. Winston Churchill caused CHORRILLO DRUG STORE No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave. Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent) on the other side, the West ment of the Colony before he Incomparable Indian Club bave entire control. went out of odrice of Colonial The who, so to speak, Minister, approving of the started the ball a rolling giving sawerage scheme, and directing a helping hand and primarily ou that the road building scheme be drawing up fixtures with the eliminated from the Trinidad un enterprise, interest of players will surely be numerical, economy. The Town Council ly the same as that of Burbados reply to the decision of the but as to the personnel rests Colonial Office is that it must dormant for the moments have the two schemes or has all.
asked the requested to practice with a view new Secretary of State to review of selection, nevertheless recent the decision of his predecessor.
intercolonial cricket must play it points out that if both schemes an important part when the are taken up together, there will time comes for business. Keen. be ness seems to prevail amongst whereas if they are to be proeen: be great saving in expenditure.
likely DONE WITH NEATNESS AND ever since the ceeded with separately, the publication first appeared in the expenditure will be abnormal. It Gazette and though no speciis pointed out that the CounDESPATCH fic month is arrived at, sailing, cil is in a position to finance no time will be spared in putting both schemes at the same time.
in practice required. Georgetown ratepayers Invited To Come Here. Association has, says It can be stated that the tous Governor Chronicle called upon the bas been definitely arranged and the organi pote the fact that Birthday Cards and Ball Cards that Jamaica has sent a cordial the organization has, in solemn invitation to the other islands meetings, entered a that their representatives should adopted by the Mayor and Town.
protest against the procedure by this island spending fortnight with the schemes and that the Council of in dealing here before proceeding to the Governor te asked with the most Good Assortment thus be made up in tion that His Excellency deal Associa: Jamaica, and have the chance with the disquieting of getting fully acquainted with which has arisen in the promises situation TO SELECT FROM AT THE each other before crossing the made by the Town Council; and Atlantic. Gleaner.
if it is incompetent for His Excellency so to do that Elis the Governor be DEMERARA respectfully requested to ward the resolution to His Majesty principal Secretary of Parties Are At Va humble petition of this AssociaState for tion that the said Secretary of riance.
State will refuse to sanction the guarantee by the Colonial GovFOR FRIENDLY SOCETIES ON SUBJECT OF IMPROVEMENT ernment of the proposed loan SCHEMES FOR THE CAPITAL uoless the Council proceed Kept in stock at the OF BRITISH GUIANA.
the lines which the said combined Court resolution and the Some months ago a proposal letter of the Council above was submitted to the Secretary mentioned indicated.
of State for the Colonies for the (Continued on Page 6)
JOB PRINTING of every description aspirants Year The The Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, to public despatched a would prayer of the The Port of Spain Gazette. Trini dad, in recent issues, published the following:Arrangements in connection with the proposed visit of a West Indian cricket team to England in the spring of next are said to be taking definite shape. The recently received a telegram from the Barbados Cricket Committee intimating that the West India Club will assist the tour Enancially and and suggesting that Each of the four colonies Jamaiea, Barbados, Irinidad, and British contriGuiana towards the bute a sum of 200 tour. The telegram in reply guaranteeing the colony contribution of 200 provided its representation in the team was reasonable The West Indian Tour In response to an invitation notice circulated between Triol.
dad, Barbados, Jamaica and Demerara for an all West Indian cricket team visiting England 1923 we learn the first three colonies have expressed them.
selves willing to contribute. 200 part funds towards the upkeep of the tour, Demerera as usual stil holds out according to odicial reports, though we hope by this time definitely expressed views have changed official cpinion.
We know for a fact Queen Park the local governing cricket body 31 a hald during the week agreed to put up Nr. Fred WORKMAN PRINTERY.


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