
91 15. 00 25, 00 19 19 The. PI CREW LIQUE CARTET transport CARTERS Tak Eraser KYRKER NKS. PASTES MUCILAGES tatables.
PANAMA place Wedding Bells.
THE WORKMAN This Advertisement Is Worth PRESCOTT ALLEYNE. One of the prettiest weddings witnessed recealy in this City oblished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on spplies MONEY took place s: Paul Church WALBOND, at the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters on Sunday Decembar 24. 1922.
aus Add corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
wben Miss Elith Wilhelmina de All copy for publication must be Box 74, Panama Iona Alleybe, daughter of Mr.
written on one side of paper only, and Bring it to our office on or before and Mrs. Frederick Alləyir, RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX must be accompanied by the name of January 15th and we wil allow you Taels San McDonald Preschi to NBTER Oce Year 40 9. Cy. the writer, Dot Dotarlly for publie Months Red Tank CZ residents of 20 ton as mark of good with wº do not undertake to return 00 on all Salos of 10. 00 and under 15 00 The charming young bride Ohe 350. erejected orrespondence.
was beautitally atured, and at 00 25. 00 30 tn. eclicly watered the Church leaning on the arın of The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS 00 40. 00 father. The Certy was perSATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1922 00 43. 00 60. 00 10, med by mu Nga. eucale.
Church chuir also was iu attendance 00. 60. 00 over After the ceremony, the Rouple proceeded tu the resiA PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO depos of the bride parents in Red Tank, to spend the remains ALL!
der of the day.
PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY total of 21 automobiles were necessary to PANAMA OFFICE. the Toe AT COLON OFFICE: Kuests.
procession along the bighway Another year will have gone when, to morrow night, Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bo ivar St.
irom Papama to Red Tenk DE sented mot imposing at twelve, the whistles of the factories and Church bells Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 spec. acle announce the passing moments of NINETEEN HUN Th: wedding bouse was bandDRED AND TWENTY TWO. And with it will go the sowely decorated for the occa Bion and the table records of events, happy and unfortunate alike, which waica spread for gu have either gladdened life or made it miserable.
was elaborately Diepared with CARTER There have been occurences of very disastrous effects during the year.
man. It was a very impressive the chic. tropical fruits, ano Earthquakes, fires, floods, massacres, Panama Mourns. ceremony in membre du find good to eat was ou band and be Ererything what was Always in stock at mining disasters and other horrifying incidents that have (Conlinued from page 1)
service will BENEDETTI HERMANOS made our hearts melt with sympathy for their victims an imperishable racord in the lac. the entire function e ud be These occurences have left trails of discomfort and disminds of the young Panamanians equalled only in th: Wsi Ladie.
Central Ave 3rd. St.
Here was a doble example of a Mr. Prescott was toasttress which it will take long years to efface.
his; the Magletrates of the man who loved his country.
master, au apeecnes ant tasts Among ourselves here in this country, we have passed Supreme Court of Judicature; we u kept up until a lace bour, The economic the through another period of raking ordeals.
Municipal Corporation, With others, this journal ten and after all bad express u their National Institute, and several ders its condolence to the good wisbes and senunns on disaster has not been removed, even if it has been in a other representative organiza bereaved family and relatives beball of the bride and oridsway, relieved. The large army of the idle, conscripted by tions, Every class and condition with the hope that they will be groom, tae function was brought PRODUCTS the strong power of unemployment, remains at its camps residents on the Isthmus comforted in their sorrows and to a close and the couple retired of compulsion awaiting the first rumour that orders to urned out to render their lesi mourning. And to the nation their new bote.
change field or barracks is given.
tribute of respect to Don our sentiments are in harmony nesto T, Leterre who was sad with theirs while with reverence We have passed through heavy experiences, but in to beverybody friend end a we salate the honoured deud OBITUARY.
Dr. HOFFMANN them we have gained knowledge and wisdom. Many of sympathiser with the poor.
The many friends of Mr.
us have lived on through the providence of a hand uaseen, At the graveside, four funeral Smoke 111 One Eleven St. Lucia, will regret to Stephen John Desce, Native of h33 reopenei his clinic for but not unknown. We have trusted in the goodness of and each diseases of the blood, rheumathat hand and have been rewarded for our faith. dealt with the extremely com Cigarettes 15 For 10 Cent) Learn of his death which took on the 17th inst at bis tisto and urological cases in Others have doubted and lost hope and much more, bemendable virtues of the dail Incomparable home after an illoess of six days the upper floor of Al Place, sides. We felt the weight of the awful load of care that He has left a wife ar many children to mourn tbe loss of a Santa Ana Paz Street pressed hard upon us, but as we journeyed on amidst the Sesso selekss SSD SS deroted husband. and a loving ups and downs of life we felt sustained by an aid which No.
baffles human explanation.
It has pleased the Lord to reNow we are on the threshold of a new year. We will move him from our midst.
Poisoned Chocolate commence this year just as we entered the one that is now Ho is gone but not forgotten.
fading out. Its experiences and its history were all veiled May bio soul rest in perce Continued from page With his beavenly father, in mystery until. bit by bit, the wbole rollof events became Mro. THERESA J, DESCE matters of common place. We can now look upon the (St. Lucia Dupers Please copy)
looking package we delivered past twelve months and recall the various things that have by tua morning post addressed happened in our own personal experiences, and also the to: Ebene zer Christian Church general incidents that have occurred around us. Major Elliott and Bingban Anniversary Assistant Comurs. New Scot What will 1923 bring forth, or what is there in store land Yard. Westminister.
for us? Timidly, we step into the new year not knowing what the experiences will be. Strikes, political disturb The first Anniverury for the young Assistant Commissioners, and It was opened by one of the ances, social problems and economic depressions have all people of the EbrneRT Christian Church written their part in the history of the passing year.
contained a very tioe chocolata We IT TOASTED. held on the 28th of this month, and cake together with the in. crip ww greatly enjoyed by all present. The have stamped into the dying year our own marks of fail Cbureb ww filled to ita utmost capri tion, hearty lunch and good ures and errors, and we cannot erase them.
and too much praise. onnnot be given to. appetite Molly.
We are carrying forward into the new The recipients of that very the young people for the excellent way unfinished business of the Lusanne Conference, This in which they delivered themselves. The choice delicacy might weil havo abairmon y cne of the buye elected been excused if they had eatea whole affair may take the world in another outbreak of It toasted. This from the day tehool, Master Newton it without inquiry, seeing that a war, It may cause another military tempest, another ono extra procoss How near But long Wray, who after being introduced to the box was expected.
frighful holocaust, another scene of carnage.
glves a rare and audience by the Pastor, delivered a bratalog as a detective officer able address the outburst is may be calculated from the tone of the delightful quality wander befitting the makes suspicion almost second despatches that come from the conference itself. If war Impossible to by the congregation, and we must stale, occasion, which greatly applaudeil nature, and stead of gracing. that cake comes, beaven help us!
that altbough it was the first time for was sent to an analyst for invesWhat outlook is there for improved conditions for the ruch you habe is to fill such a posi tigation Guaranteed by working man? For him who is working for small wages, tion, yet, be determia great credit for Ualortunately, because there and for him who is not working, at all?
How much the masterly way in which he executed was no urgency about the mat2. Sezon bis task. Owing to the lack of space, ter, the analyst report bad not longer will our people have to remain with idle bands and we cannot publish all the Dame of thore been received when the second sorrowing hearts? Is there not a gleam of hope or echo who took part in this program, but parcel arrived add ressed to Sir of promise anywhere?
mention must yet be made of Miss William Horwood, Commissioner Certainly there is. The fleets of the Atlantic and Richards, who performed dislogue.
Rosmond Bartley, and Mine Evelyn New Scotland Yard, WestPacific will meet in our waters in February. They will miaster. The mistress and the Servant. Miss bring 25, 000 men to our cities to stay, off and on, for mis SSSSSSSS Charles, and Miss Edas Morrison Both From One Area six weeks or more, This will bring business to Panama, who also performed a dislogue, Miss As matter of fact, Sir Colon and the Canal Zone, Everybody in the commercial Violet Draks, ni Miss Agatha Francin, William had not even line is already forgetting the Christmas buzz and is pre investors and tourists from abroad. Financial magnates and in Evelyn Richards, a dialogue, arst packet, otherwise he might dialogue ale, Mies Josephine Roach, informed of the arrival of the paring for the fleets.
Hope is burning brightly in the are casting eager eyes upon the possibilities and future of sleo, Master Alwin Od e, od Mis bave been struck by the stoister breasts of merchants and hawker, cocheros and jitney. the Isthmus and financiers are weighing the probabilities Capdeee Ode, who performed a beauti similarity it bore to that which drivers. The cabarets are waiting for the trade, botels of advantageous investment bere, ful Duet on the organ, also Misses he himselt received.
and restaurants are putting in extra stock, idle waiters NINETEEN TWENTY THREE will be brighter while Master Alwia acompanied them attempted poisoning Candace and Elsie Odle duet These are not only cases of and helpers are awaiting engagements, while photogra: than its predecessor. The outlook is great, and it is on the organ, Miss Rosmond Bartley recent months, phers are expecting a bite of the business to come their necessary for the working man to wait for the hum of delivered the opening address which was actually been Others have way.
industrial life after the fleet business is over.
brought to the Let the greatly enjoyed, there was beautiful notice of the police, and still Practically, every feature of local business is expect warmest hope inspire your sentiments as the new year and a doll dril by diferent girls, all of altogether, because the anodige six girls, fan drill more have escaped public notice irg to benefit by the coming of the fleets, and this creates approaches. Let the past, with its disappointments, mis twee went actually over the top, and mous gilt: bave been throwa hope and a bright ou tlock for the beginning of the incom ortunes and distress go into its grave unlamented. Let us deserves great praise for the exo tient a way sitply because they were ing year.
Business will, no doubt, be bright while the try to retrieve our errors and make the new year one of way in which their tasks were perform anonymous, without being sub gone? What will be done with the money wbich will be depend more upon the help of Heaven and less upon our done by soother, and in short there that the Commissioner had been ships remain, but what will conditions be when they are improved living, morally, socially and industrially. Let us ed. Miss Frances Bowen delivered the mitted to analysis.
closing address which could not be better made by the firms and individuals after the trade?
individual ability and strength. Let us try to cultivate no one who went up on the platfort The moment it became known.
The future of the country business life will depend better habits and more conscientious rslationships one who did not give entire weiblacion poisoned, the Yard Big Four?
upon the use of the economic opportunity offered by the with another. Let us seek to be sincere, reliable and Many of the piece were racored, and got to work, and within hour and flying vieits of the two fleets of the United States Navy. The trustworthy land as the day, sol hormowe shall find life or delete the entire una series Sprinter to every part of the weet ropins lighter and fuller of true happiness and.
to Mrs. Stanley Mr. The begun.
ment, and it would be a disaster if the business gained We thank our patrons for their support and aid dur 161, to make this program such a for their untiring efforts along with Mr.
during the stay of the fleets were allowed to simmer down ing 1922 and we solicit a continuance of their patronage brilliset sucous. On tne following even inquiry is Sir Borlase Childs, The officer responsible for this and fall back into industrial and commercial inactivity. the coming year. We wish that all the goodness which sing, the young people were at the Chief of the Criminal investigaThe Panoma boost is now on for good heart. The lies enfolded in the new year may be theirs to receive, and church, and bed a very merev tim. tion Department and Assistant enjoying a io eske.
Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary Club and the Carnival that the evil days might not come niga them!
Committees of Panama and Colon are pushing the adverWE WISH, ONE AND ALL; BRIGHT AND If you like beautitul halr use very minute investigation, for South London came in for tisement of Panama into the faces of the business men, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.
olins dair Producer. Continued in our next issue. LUCKY STRIKE year the Cigarette Enid Cho been during dumb bell drill, by six.


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