
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 30 1922 PAGE SEVEN REAL ECONOMY When you buy a package of 111 was raised Mejor You are making a wise investment You are getting the biggest and best Cigarette value on the Isthmus.
to The Lindo Bargain House We know the Quality 00:00 BUY PACKAGE TO DAY THEY ARE INCOMPARABLE 15 111 for 100.
You Can Lose it. S00 ssssc OSSSSSSSSSSSSS Interesting West Indian News.
The best Tonic in the World (Continuei from page 6)
GRENADA VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend Death By Drowning ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up From The West Indian ef the 17th ulto a run down constitution, body was seen floating off It promotes digestion, improves the appethe Go Wash at the Queen FOR Park end o Nel ile Street about tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. a.
the ormans an alarm FIFTEEN Aida DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or are crowd 10 CENTS times a day.
so assem Constable Phillip who wis on binh Macket went to thu spt where the crowd JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
was and requisition three men CIGARETTES to go out in a bato pick up the body and take it to the Emboucherie. Dr. Mitchell and Sergt Lloyd Oaide on the scene and viewed the body which uroed JUST OPEN out to be a Birbrdiaa manan ed Hallam Parson. Then the body was ordered by the Doctor to be taken the Hospital mortuary.
This man was an ia mate of the poor Asylum and it or left the institation through some AT misunderstanding with some one there. He used to be seen No. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon about town in a sickly condition.
It is said that he tried to regain Where you can secura at the lowest admision but was refused and possible prices everything to solve 10 sati would drown nimselt.
your millinery needs The Grenada Scholarship AND WE WANT YOU TO KNOW IT Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes There are many ideas current from 50 to 10. 00 around the question of the Island Scholarship. Some persons want to see it ab lished altogether; FLOWERS, BRAIDS, NETS, WIRE, CREPE, some want to limit its usefulness; sone want to nail down students STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, to take up THREAD THE BEST FOR HEMSTITCHING Sme, again, do no know what u particular professions.
they wint; taey simply criticise and seam to delight in maki YOUR INSPECTION INVITED. ps Toe Grea ada Scholarship Open from a. to 12 noon and from 2p. to p.
should stay, is a great thing, If we want to sive money, and LOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
CIGARETTES ure serious about it. We will uai a hundred wys of doing so before we arrive at the Grenada Sexs Xos SsKOSSSS OS OSS Solarship alizing the sons of well to do District Court Of Wa are not in favour of pen men. All boys of the Grenada Boy School should have the The Canal Zone same chances. The records read that boys whose parents are not in a financial position to give them a profession have so far, ELIZABETH DURHAM, vs. EMheld their own creditably, BROSE DURHAM, No. 401 As the Governor has said over and over again, the value of the NOTICE Opens Scholarship does not reside in the victory of the Scholarship This winner, but in the high quality of To Enbrose Darhat, effort on the part of all thoae Defendant: Your are regard whu seriously aim at the prize to enter your appearance tu ti In many cases we will find that Clerk Office at the abcy while one boy wins, several boys. named Court at Cristobal, Canal by trying to win thereby become Zone, in an action for Divorce worthy of the honour.
therein pending brought against Instead of discussing whether you by the plaintiff above named, we should abolieb the Scholar and to answer the complaint ship. or limit its usefulness, we to a copy of the summons there therein, a thereof attached should be discussing, as a people, in having been mailed to yon at ways and means for providing a your residence, No. 259 Court People Scholarship in the wake Street Brooklyn, o or of the good work of Government before March 22nd 1923, in this direction.
Why are some people so much that it you fail to appear and And you are further notified in a hurry to abolish measures answer the said complaint. as which do good to bumbly folks above required, the plaintiff will of the colony?
take judgment against you by default and demand from the Court the relief prayed for in Woman Lawyer her said complaint.
Pleads Case Dated at Cristobal. Canal Z370, TAVE this 15th day of December, 1922, dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled J, S, CAMPBELL, away in the sleeping car or hid under the washFOR FIRST TIME IN ENGLAND Asst, Clerk District Court, stand at home? N Dec, 16 23 30 Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capLondon, December For the tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure first time in the history of England a woman advocate ap EARLY until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the peared to day in court to plead.
This memorable occasion was at the BUYERS Birmingham Assizes and the We now furnish you with a package of the same honour of being the first English high standard as its contents.
woman to to address the court belongs to Miss Cobb. She THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
prosecutad a man for bigamy and won her case, the man being sentenced to six months hard Big Bargains for you In Jewellabour.
ry and other items suitable as Miss Monica Cobb was Gifts for the coming season.
called to the bar at Middletowne Special selection of Ladies on November 17. She bad. there Wrist Watches, in a variety of fore. being qualified exactly a fortnight wensehegreceived her cases, that are priced at a brief.
figure which will clo e them out in a jiffy. Guaranteed Death List in Cuban Ex Watches for Men, that fit any plosion Is Over Thirty.
Wrist or Pocket, also any Pocket Book. Direct West India cable des.
Our supply is limited, SOpatch from Havana dated Decem HURRY! HURRY!
ber 13, states that deaths from FULLER the boiler explosion which wreck ed the Estrella Sugar Central, at JEWELER Cespedes, Camaguey Province, 122 Central Ave.
yesterday, may exceed thirty, according to press reports received here to day from Camau Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
guey and Cespedes and official Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents reports to the Department of the Interior Incomparable.


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