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PRICE CT3. Cy EL TIEMPO COMMENTS PANAMA PROPOSED GUBANS ARE SCARED MINISTER REFORM EDITORIALLY ON RECENT OF PRESENT IMMIGRATION Case Against Our Editor Just De His Excellency Ricardo london daspatch dated Call Øn Secretary of Agriculture cided By The Supreme Court.
To See Law Strictly Enforced.
Presents Memorandum To In Constitution of British Secretary Hughes. Wast Indian Islands.
must (Underwa majority of than tbe narrow Mrs.
be magician wand.
Alfaro, Envoy Extraordinary Decennbar 7th states that in the and Minister Plenipoteniary of British House of Commons on this Republic to the Washington Tuesday Mr. Hard asked the Guernment of the United Under Sacretary of State for the We take this opportunity a West Indian newspaper States, prend to Sec: Colonias whether he could an. Havana Decornber 16 Diario nation with other costone and II 1413 of expressing apprecitioa to all published in this city and which retary frant Oriant nounca the decision of the de la Marina says under the titla babits not in ko ping to our our local coatemporaries which enjoys grast circulation porodin of history of have though the medium of their amongst the numerous element the inhabitah verament in regard to enlarg saying the la migratioa Law. traditions and education.
both ed representative government in The cry of farm raised by No need of being a scientist cola ma expressed satisfaction whose interests it Safeguards countries, and the necessity for the British West Ladies following the Diario because of the big or at the decision rendered by the and defends.
she abrogation of the old treaty upon the report of the right Chinese, Hainan and Jamaican science of rac and their evobeing experienced in the Supreme Court in our recent The sait for slander instituted and the entering foto negotia. honourable gentleman the immigration has found a favour lution is necessary to see and case. Specially among these against Me Walrond on account tion for a new, Member for Ripon (Mr. Wood. Able echo throughout the island comprehend that we are going in be mentionour cotam of a news article publish in his Ia the memorandum it is The problem is now being studi straight and sure line to our Tiempo (The Times, which no wspapar relating to to: mur stated that when the public Secretary) replied: The observa ed with intereat and care and national dissolutiva and des in its issue of the 5th inst. der of De Guy has of Panam: sparated from tions of the Colonial Gavern, problem sees the importance it such im nigration and do not every body taking up this vital truction it continue with sonnents editorially, on the ben defnitely in Colombia, in 1993 and obtained nts of Jamaica. Trinidad and bas for our national develope pat 12 offsctive stop to this un setul!
Sarmination of the case (in official his favoar by the Streme racognition from the aited the Windward Island were asked translation from the Spanish) as Court, and this verdict whoe Sates and the other principal or in regard to tha Constitutional ment and future.
desirable current now entering tollows: text was published in our col nations of the world, the princi retorns proposed in the report The declaration made by the our republic. At present Iku in The sacred mission of journa. umas the day before yesterday, pal question thən, was the of my right honourable friend Asiatic Chinese Company declar. the days of Suco and Aldana lism amongst us brings no small comes to confirm us once more making of a treaty for the build President of the Board of Educa. Ing that 100, 000 China men are in fraud and thirst for money amount of bitterness. The Elitor in what we have alrendy said ing of the interocoauic canal, vion. No reply has yet been sion. This 1960s an average of ideals and sentiments of tradiCaba has made a strong impreso dr wo and destroy the bigla of a newspaper, besides having before, vz that am Ingst us the which treaty was refu ued to recived from the Government to carry on his shoulders a great nasion of a journaliat is open to ba ratified by Colombia, and of Jamaica, but, in tha cage of 23, 000 Chinamen every year, cioas.
What does it matter it load of responsiblitiesis in the all kinds of trouble and bitter which was the principal cause einidad and the Windward our country goes to ruin if our The Chinese is not the only baciendos and colonies bave la liable to ness, though at. erwards.
cases It was the Islands, replies have been receivimmigration not convenient and bourers at ha! the price incs as in of thy 9901 con become entangled in the webs of the present cise, everything general opinion that, as appearaad, which are now uneer 000 undesirable for our law suit on the were whim of should have turned out to bia the Press o: in United sideration, or form suhject of The Oficial statistics of the Republic oberwise would have to pay?
one of those mischiefmakers nothing more Inoke, States, that the treaty which further sussion withe Treasury department points to The immigration law of Jaly which always abound, and with smoke, and more smoke. wie calabrated with Colombia Governors, and in regard to the the immigration of 44 835 Haiti 1906 is still in force and has ar out even thinking it, finds him We, who on account of our would have been the treaty to be tare Windward Isiduus selt turned from an apostle into (Continuat on Page 5)
profession know the innermost Sre ans and Jamaicans in Cuba in ticles which protect us from all nearing completion.
1919 20 That means that the this undesirable immigration, a criminal lo king out on the details of this affair, as well as immigration world from within of the Judical proceedings, sro of andesirable but this law is not obeyed, either elements a year reaches the higbin its spirit nor form. Fraud on confines of a juil.
convined that it was nothing BRITISH ECONOMICS AND number of 12 855 persons. This one side and the opinion of the Nobody who has ever, it only more nor tess tina a pl secret number is bigger than the government on the other, which once travelled the path of jour ly hatched against Me. Walrond, FINANCE population of Santiago de Cubz, put the interest of the colonies nalism this sometime flowery and whose principal in over was a which alone counts 63, 000 in higher than those of the nation, path, bat which is more often Louise way, the plaintit babitants.
and make this law only a scrap ol thorny one cao fail to appre Tag charges and action of this (By LEONARD REID. To Judge better the enormons te Caban people and their scars oper, Sil Cuban Selaties and ciate the arduous task that a letter were thrown out by one journalist has to perform. That high3st tribunal o! jastica. London, December 1922. Any: in exchange for exports of manu: our Republic and the consequente indications and to of immigration entering the quantity bigh rostrum that up to yestar remaining stuialass and in use one commodities day considered Fourth Estate of Civilized No. Walroad to the great joy of his through the official as the late the reputation of Me time and patience to read right which that industry producerea co that are to be suffered somer steps ba taksu in this mattet af verbalin In other words, Great Britain is or later we only have to remark onca. This fraut and intring nent ol the law should tions, nearly 45 000 is see today turned by a nu inerous friends, and as a just reports of the proceedings o bighly industrialised; it lives by are born in Cuba thus leaving a stopped at once.
into the reparation to his honorability the House of Commons during producing manufactures for exCalvary General Pedro Bantacourt which there is which had been placed on the the past un days or so, would port in exchange for foodstutis difference of 27. 000 in favour of upon the foreign a Christ, and a Jula lory of public opinion during the find in theu a symposium on and raw materials.
always in migration of the scretary of Agriculture playing over newspaper with long year that this process last the econordic condition of Great Ch nese, Jamaicans and Haitians an illustrious general of Oaba But, however, clearly his thirty pieces of silver, the ed, and whose origin was nothing Britain, viewed from many differ, cne That means toat very soon tus et uggle for independence and pric of his treachery.
bata batred born of slimy ent angls and approached recognises that fact, the desir, immigration would represent an also chairman of the Veteran The toughts are suggested passions.
through a consideration of many ability of an official survey of important factor a Association should prove himself Inf by the almost daily prosecutious xibla aud sea that the law ig Whope that in all similar different aspects. Industry, ag agricultural conditions cannot be And Dacisiva Number ol disputed. During the war and stricly applied. This law is against dewapaper editors and cases waare trickery and craiti vicoltura trada transport, un for two reporters. Many are the cases De 38 have been used against the employment have been in farmers were rery prosperous. in our country. And as we all are gration we do not want. We do afterwards Citizens sufficient to keep out the immiof this sort that we could cite, poor juroalists, the spirit of one way or another. debated in some of the well founded, but justice and truth will continue the Now House of Conmons; and have been a prose two years they aware wa derive no benefits, but hot doubt that the General, with personal batred or rancur on the jaddas as in the present case, ing all the debat was one stance ex soldiers) have recentthe majority brought about by 13 illa ninate the consciences of the supie underlyinx and colour hity: hedabore reshing with ad ver lots of barm, from their stay bis love for Cuba and well known who (as for in. patriotism will see that the in the part of those unsatistied and in this wa at obviate the playmont, The debate on Beitish ly taken to the land have not got above mentioned figures shows wise be and the Governmentare the migration law is obeyed. Othermet mauya outrages com nitted on Agriculture was worses are the resources derived from the us what danger we are bringing this matter and are to be noia always with in the daily struggle for tae Itberty of the anybody else press, word respects of peculiae interest. Me existence. It is to one of this and conscienca, Oſten praised Lloyd George, speaking for the kid years to tide them over the upon ourselves. All this means responsible for the future evils latter kind thawa wish to refer and criticised by those who first time in the new Parliament an ecquiry may fruitful. It its national character and civil zy, titat may, befall Cuba on some respects simply that soon Onba will lose Wa man the case against Me, would see a crime in a misplaced urged broad this Walroad, journalist, and Editor: comma, and a mountain out of agricultural conditions. Tais Proprietor of the WORKMAN period.
plea was symusibatically rerei Do 805 for instance produce pro tion and become a very different lacent.
as regards the marketing ved by the verament.
of produce, as regards But and as regards credit arrangethe main is of his speech, ments, from waich the agricultransport) HEAVY SENTENCE Full Report of DiThanks nately the possiblity of a great tural community would benetit.
RACE MEETING We beg to record our apprecia: was count red by Mr. Bonar in the land can rural revival ta this country. But the idea that in Great Brl On Thursday before His Hon. cision by Supreme TO MORROW tion and thanks to the numerous persons who have extended con law with local arkament which large proportion of those whoin Cristobal District Court Ashton is Court.
gratulations both oral resist. Mr. Lloyd Blackwood The Duke of Balboa Cup wriden on the termination in our Georges de la presente artistic revival to employ does not find accep some months ago committed favor of the recrat case against in Germany in the last decades tus rural Lance with many experts. a brutal assault on a 19 year old At the request of many of our Will Be Chief Feature.
our editor for Blander.
of the nineteenth cntury, and At the beginning of his speech tried and found guilty and sen give full transcription of the girl, Eldreda Sylvester, was supporters and well wishers we showing how far the country Llordic George ained a tenced for seven years to Gam sentence bundel dowa by the Unique Call lags behind some other cua question which is of riceber pore boa penlateniars.
To morrow there will be seven tries of land whether the Honorable the Supreme Court races at the Juan Franco race Mr. Bar Laws reply was, in presente arge scale of fiend porn animal passion like man, while particulars of which our readers treck. The two most sensational All Atbietes residing in Panama effect, thus. that the amount of unemployment is temporary in a frenzied condition of love, are already acq asintad.
It will be remembersd that this in the case against our Elitor, will be the Cup Handicap in and the Canal Zone are requested land suitable for profitable agri phase, or whether it is permassaulted the unfortunate girl decision reads as follows:honour of the Duke of Balboa to attend a Special is In. and the Lila Lee Handicap. the Pacific Club on Monday the and, as soon as you go outside Britainover industrialized on while she was returning from As is seen from the above, These two races are giving no 15th inst, at 00 This call the most suitable land, protit this question he was inclined to an entertainment which was the libel waich the defendant end of concern and interest to is in connection with tbe Athletic abla industry cannot be maio retura to bald at the Cristobal Cölbred Walrond is charged, has been the elite of Panama and the and Cycle Meet scheduled for taimed except by protection of while the new Printa pesa astic answer. Clubhouse and would have no aliegad to consist, according to Minister Canal Zone. The friends and February 22nd when the repre. subsidy. Both protection and took more doubt committed another serious the indictment in his having stat.
optimiste ad pirers of Mr. Theodore Mc sentative team from Jamaica will aubsidy Ginnis One of Pananz most take part.
Bonar Law rules out definetly, pands, for the next decade at the vicinity where the crime last year, at abont six o clock for agriculture Mr. The real answer probably de ofence if it were not for timely ed, in his own printery on of twenty third of Jaanary of the popular business men will be out and the pronouncement is of any rate, In large numbers to do him the success of the was comunitted.
Thonor as an acknowledgement of winning post, every inch of the high Importance from several inter Allied efforts now going on On November It definitely with a view to reaching a settlein the evening, that the old last, lady Otway the plante vent a grand pɔpular fare well ovation, ground will be botly contested. points of view.
Cortez of ment of the two great problems Black Wood was called up for to the Fourth Circuit Court to Movie Star and the Ladies will turtites are of opinione ha reta taxes the basis of great problems is reached withio rea: man, and he was sent to Corozo efused to ascep her statement Miss Lila Loo is a reputed heavily backed, but some of the tood taxes by the party that of German reparations and later triedhbat behandera Wanking zive false testimony in the in.
to such allied debts. If solution of these ford doubtad tha sanity of the Dr. Lord, and that the Judge was. that restigation about tae marder of an allowance.
appreciation of her presence on boy will have a chance. First scheme of Imperial Prefer son will be started precise ential Tari(s. It implies, as a may perhaps look Asylum the Isthmus.
examination and because of its felsen ass waich The cup race will be over a dis wat 15 sm, and all the makers out. ng recogaition of the ab inancial sanitation of Europe, us was of sound mind both a leading financial paper points to the gradual economic and observations. The Superintend stateinant was heard by Sep jent of the Asylum de Coteau, Job of mile of will be on schedule time The nota bla West Indian Joc surdity of attempting to expand and to a gradual revival of world be time and folio ving the com Baptists and Phillips McDo 1ald.
hörses in this notable event are are trade, such as will slowly but mission of the crime. Oa chi this Court againg: the trang Noobjections would be tuken fit and la prime condition for the key Arcbat bean has arrived an industry whose costs the country can slowly absorb unemployed Beit report bis trial and conviction distarce, and it is said that from and it is expected he will ba seen high, when the rising of the barrier to the in action tomorrow.
obtain more cheaply from abroad. Continued on Page 3) was concluded on Thursday last. Continued on Page 8)
years persons who are bad period. la and TES the 15th Judga we for race forward


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