
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 13 1923 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands LYNON KING BEE MAGNUMS be lost.
Coupons Regardless of the BENGER FOOD Book Binding!
The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN Why throw away your old, but no to JAMAICA JUAN ILLUEGAF Attorney at. Law Drowned In HarTO THE SMOKERS No. 44 Central Avenue bour WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 No. 78, New Market Street OF Practices in all Courts of HOW JOSEPH FRANCIS LOST HIS Panama.
LIFE RETAIL DEPARTMENT English Spoken Fluently No. 107, Bolivar Street (Form The Gleaner)
On Saturday afternoon, a man THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY in Trinidad.
named Joseph Francis, of about Mr. C, Thorne thought that 85 years of age, and a rative of if the section was eliminated, a this land, lost his life in Kingston FULL SUPPLY OF foreign company would be able Harbour, From what could be to evade payment by having an gathered, the deceased was Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, Agent Instead of a branch.
steward on the United Fruit Mr. Haynes said that in We Will Continue to Cash the Company steamer Metapan, Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, the case of Trinidad the overseas which arrived here on Saturday companies had given out that it from Cristobal. Francis went ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES the tax was imposed in this way KING BEE MAGNUMS ashore, and it appeared that be they would stop doing business met some friends and was enjoyand their representatives would ing himself. On returning to Call and see us before purchasing be taken away, in the pier, the boat had just weighwhich case income tax on the representa ed anchor for New York. ves would Someone on board threw a line elsewhere.
Mr. Reece said that a foreign for bim to grasp, to go on board firm might have ita agent here the vessel, and to attempting to to sell its goods, but the goods krasp the rope, he fell over board.
never be stocked here. The ww. terpoliceman Wallace, wbo agen migot only be writing up was on duty at the wharf. jump.
business. As the law stood that ed to the assistance of the foreign Arm was not taxable deceased and held bim but Expiration Date on Coupon because the contract was not Francis grasped him while made in Barbados but in Engstruggling, and he had to let him SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR land or elsewhere. In that case go, and Francis got drowned.
Infants, Invalids and the Aged it was going out of the way to BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Co.
The waterpolice were communitax people when business was cated with, and the body of the not done here. It was not busi(Panama. Limited unfortunate man was found and Every tin contains an Interesting leaflet of the ness done locally and it was conveyed to the police mortuary.
marvellous use of this great Food.
unfait to tax that type of busi 2003 so se SOSSOWO where Dr Lawson Gifford held ness at all. Far from improving post mortem examioation.
business, it would have the effect Waterpoliceman Wallace is to Purely An English Preparation. of hampering business.
be commended on his pluck at Mr. на.
said that Yearwood tempt at rescue, handicapped as the dice he was by heavy boots and equal MANUFACTURED BY the distributor was the man who The was going to pay the tax.
ly heavy clothing. His conduct BENGER FOOD, LTD fact that the agent was going to deserves some recognition.
MANCHESTER; ENGLAND get the order did not mean that there was any difference in the FOR SALE AT Bonus Recently amount of tax to be paid waen the same quantity of goods was Granted To The imported ctrect from the same source. If the man was only doubt interesting, books when you getting the business the protit Civil Servants the Hermitage scheme, and the definition of cases where liability was not made there at all. The extension of the sewerage exist, non resident company profit was only made when the can have them neatly bound at EXPLANATION GIVEN AS TO System in Kingston and lower 8t being deemed to be trading business was being distributed Andrew within the Colony in every And in the result they would be THE MEANING OF PROTEST In this connectisn, it is interes case where his recognised agent actually losing the tax on the BY THE ELECTED MEMBERS ting to learn that enquiries have or other representative res dent commission here because the THE WORKMAN ceen made of the Colonial Office, in the Colony sells in the Colony firm would cease to employ the WHAT WAS INTENDED and the Crown Agents in London the goods ol such no resident agent and allow importations the by a couple of big contracting persons, whether the contract be made from them direct.
firms, as to whether the work for the sale of th goods, the Objection To The Form In will be given out by contract or delivery thereof, or the payment Which Matter Was Pre not. The total expenditure in thereof is made within or out TRINIDAD volved is fully 500, 000, and the of the Colony. Ordinance No.
CENTRAL AVENUE sented to Legislature. Commissioners have appointed a of 1922, Sections Nos, 24 26. committee to consider whether An attempt to introduce simt. West Indian Cusand No. G Street The Gleaner understands that the work should be given out by lar provisions into a Bill amend.
the Civil Service Association has locaily, contract, or should be done ing the Income Tax Law of tom Conference.
teken up the question of the Commissioners, from what can ed in Committee of the House TO INQURE INTO REGULATIONS The majority of the Barbados, was decisively reject bonus which the Legislative be gathered, favour the latter Council recently passed, pending FOR BETTER CONTROL regulations prepared by the the Conference, and the other the consideration of the Govern proposal and if this should ulti of Assembly of that Colony, on October 24th.
late Collector of Customs in participating colonies were Britment cheme for regrading dent engineer will be appoiated mately be decided, then a resiMr. Reece, C. the British Guiana. There was the ish Guiana represented by Mr.
the Salaries of the Public in connection with the construc. Acting Attorney General, who December 16. states that a to obtain as far as possible a Makie; and Grenada by The Port of Spain Gazetts of furtber object of endeavouring Davis; St. Lucia by Mr.
tion of the Hermitage dam.
piloting the measure As we bave already announced Amongst those who are anxious Carough the House, bimself West Indian Ooston Conference uniform code of regulations for Mr. Sharp with Mr.
His Excellency the Governor has to tender for the contract are proposed the omission of the was opened on Monday, 11th the despatch of Customs busiwithheld the payment of the two Canadian firms, one of whom obnoxious section on the grounds inst. in the office of the Collector ness throughout the colonies Littlepage as Secretary. St.
bonus pending a reply from the of Customs, Trinidad. for the concerned.
that it would not worth the purpose of inquiring into regu has headquarters at Halifax.
The Hon. Vincent although in sympathy Secretary of State for the Colotrouble working it, and that lations for the control of cus: Cutler, Acting Coilector of Cus with the object of the Confer.
nies to a despatch wbich he has sent embodying a protest signed Death Of Rev. Robert it was found very unsatistactory Itoms business, based on certain toms, Trinidad, was chairman of a (Continued On Pape 3)
by certain of the elected memson bers.
In conversation with an elected member on Saturday last, the The Grange Hill Correspondent Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 latter informed a reporter of this of the Jamaica Gleaner writing to Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000:17 journal that the protest of the to that paper on December 22nd was elected members did not have states that quite a gloom any reference to the payment of cost over this district and elsea bonus. The protest which was here, when the tolling handed in bad reference to the bell announced the death of the manner in which the regrading Manse, Grange Hill. a few days Rev. Robertson, ot Stirling proposal was submitted to the Council The President having som Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK ruled that the matter could be The Rev. gentleman was born considered in the form it was at Negril, Westmoreland. about presented, tne majority of the 40 years ago, and was the son of electod mem bars signed a pro the late William Robertson, test againsi the ruling. It was and Mrs. Catherice Robertson Depository of the PANAMA CANAL after this that the amendment of the hou. member for St BARBADOS Thomas, that a bonus be paid to the Public Officers mentioned in Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of tire report of the Regrading Commission, submitted. Barbados Income THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in accepted by the Government, ENGLAND and carried by a majority. The Tax FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM protest had no reference to the CHINA JAPAN JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENT3 THILLIPINES bonus. and some of the elected ARGENTINE TAXATION OF AGENTS members are wondering why BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO payment to the officers concernTURNOVER, URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA ed is being withheld.
The West India Committee CirRaising Of Loan cular of December 7th states Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World that the policy recently adopted WITH WHICH TO BUILD THE In Trinidad of assessing nonresidents companiea of income.
tax on the basis o: an assumed income on a part of their agent ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE The Gleaner learns that the of an amount not exceeding 10 Governor is now in communles per cent. of turnover, has causINTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM lion wlin the Secretary of State ed considerable dissatisfaction for the Colonies over the raising among British manufacturers, of a loan with which to carry out 16xproasis in ylew of the wide Book Binding Department was International Banking Corporation W33 INDIA


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