
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 13 1923 PAGE TUREE Interesting West Indian Rews Save That Tooth. Continue from page 2)
Only the Best Men Furnishings OF THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY years carried in stock ene for one reason or another did not send on its delegate in time for the Conference No dengate was sent from Bibdos. The British Gaiana del gale jined the Conference on in 150 ins ant following on the Brival the previous eveaing of the Dutch Mail mr Vernus nuatters affecting methods of general Customs procedure in keeping with Customs laws were discussed and the conference came to an end of its labours yesterday morning.
Pending the official report to be submitted to the governments of the respective colonies par ticipants, we are not in position give any definite statement of the tindings of the Conference; but we understand there is likely to be a satistactory result which will be beneficial to the colonies concerned. The Conference, it may be mentioned sat in private. fine Selection of English Woolens Do not extract an aching tooth, decayed tooth if it has at least to good walls can be saved to give you good service for many If your teeth are loose with pus seeping around the neck of the teeth, giving your breath an offensive odor you are suffering from Pyhorrea Alveolaris. This can be cured. Do not have them extracted unless there is very littls connection between the bony tissue alveolar and the tooth.
If you are interested in saving your leth see DR. JOHNSON Surgeon Dentist 139 Central Avenue Over City Pharmacy Electrical Work Done AND White Linen Drills JUST RECEIVED Trinidad Seeking Franchise ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY SHIRTS. TIES. COLLARS ETC. ETC. ETC.
AT THE PALAIS ROYAL PERREIRA CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA If you have any Electrical work such as installation, revairs, etc. ete, phure 570, Nimbley, 22nd Street Central Avenue.
Smoke 111 (One Eleven)
Cigarettes 15 for 10 cents Incomparable.
10 CIGARETTES ALBOA EST EER REWED SURPRISINGLY GOOD mental The Port of Spain Gazette publishes the following: An interesting document. evi dently compiled with great care, and after the most thorough investigation of the systems prevailing in various colonies, has been circulated to members of the Franchise Com mission now sitting, from which it is possible to get a compre bensive survey of the conditions of qualification, both for voters and councillors, in the constitutions of certain West Indian islands and in British Guiana.
The colonies dealt with are those of Jamaica, British Guiana; Bar bados, all of which have existing constitutions; and Grenada. Si.
Vincent and Trinidad, where constitutions are proposed to be granted. In Trinidad, it is un fortunate that what is given should be the conditions of quahtication for municipal voters and councillors in the city of Port of Spain, and not the proposed franchise for the Legislative Council, as advocated by the Reform Association, which is what is given for Greuada and Saint Vincent Broadly speaking, in the three colonies which have constitu tions, it is impossible to avoid being struck by the insistence earn worth placed on residence and upon to stand for in Council, an in 000 pounds sterling. We have GRENADA the ownership of real property: come of a certain stated amount suggested 500 pounds sterling thougb of course a bigb income by the exercise of his bodily or as in Barbados and British qualification is accepted as a substitute. Roughly stated the such a qualification. Both the Bat for powers bisa andare diy Guiana it it is to be actual value. Banana Industry.
conditions are as follows: Jamaica and the Barbados (ran advanced we consider it would Jamaica: chise recognize this principle. In be preferable to base it on the It seems to us that the time Ownersbip of land from which the former the limit is fixed at assessed rental or income valde has come for planters of the a clear income of at least 150 800 and in the latter at 200. of property rather than on the Colony to meet in conference to per annum is obtained; or, the The Trinidad reform Association owner or any assessor esti consider the advisabllity of enjoyment of a clear income of has suggested the Jamaica figure mate of its market value. staning Fruit Industry.
not less than 200 per annum we considering the actual exSoatches of talk over the meme lands and some freehold perience of the range of income: Mr Reiley Appointed anywhere; small experiments by pbone occupation or office or the pay to rinidad, have advocated 500 ment of at least 10 a year in and it is, as we have urged more! Nominated Member of an individual planter or two are direct taxation: or. the posses than once, to us strong arguuseless. Planters must organize Council sion of a clear income of at leastment in support of that figure and get down to solid business 300 per annum.
that 500 is by common consent in this matter. From documents British Guiana. in Trinidad limit below which no income is at Law has en appointed an as put to a representative of recognized as the Mr. Reiley Barrister. In our possession, and from what Wowqership of at least Shacras required to acting nominated member of this paper in England, we are of land than 40 acres is bona fide under cultiva. The adoption of this limit the Legislative Council of Trini convicced that if rigaily launchdad.
ed, there is a fine futuro for tion, or, ownership of immovable would therefore provide an ex property worth streas 87. 500; or tremely ready and efferneal imetop. We beartilyo, congratulate the Me. Marryshow was asked in banana industry ownership of huse and of arriving at the true list of Hon. P. London to attend a meeting to bringing in a clear annual rental qualified persons; and the income The Port of Spain zette discuss banana business with tax commissioners could supply of at least 1, 200 tinancial magnat, one Barbados: it with absolute accuracy every in severely criticising the anyear. With regard to the pro pointment says that Mr. o. Cohen, a Jew, who said he was Ownershop of 30 acres of lena perty qualification, Jamaica and Rilly is possessed of three great abla to interest Covent Garden with a dwelling house thereon of Barbados diller in principle, in disqualifications (He is not a in the matter. Mr. Westail from the value of not less than 300; that the former takes cognizance Trinidadian. 2) Being coursel St. Lucia was unable to attend or ownership of landed property of the net income derived from for many large concerns he wil but be supplied valuable dat 500; or, occupatio, as a terant on the gross value.
To use the wheh matters affec ing the show mentioned the idea to of a house rented at not leas than former seems preferable, sinco interest of his clients are before certain persons who should have 120 per annum; or, an income of the income deriyable is an easy the Council. 3) That Mr. been interested in the project, at least 200 per annum. provable thing in these days of Reills as a barrister must be but it was received We think that the British income tax returns; whereas regarded as signally failing to chronic Grenadian pessimis an Gulana qualification, wbicu is the gross actual market value come up to what might have which predicts all kinds of fauci frankly and unbesitatingly one is necessarily a matter of Indi been expected under existing ful didiculties in the way of any bssed absolutely on ownership of vidual opinion in the state conditions.
The Gazette gives change from our routine life.
real property and nothing else, of the property market at a list of names of those they Meanwhile Mr. Westall infor better mation fell on fruitful ground in may be ruled out as undesirable the moment, and is therefore think would have been In th suited for position.
St. Lucia and planters in Trinidad. While we hold that subject to dispute.
planning ahead in that colony.
the ownership of real property connection it is true that both It is interesting to rembm ber Our representative says that to does Grenada and St. Vincent have a reasonable extent undoubtedig atford an unques suggested the adoption of a real that Mr. Reilly, who is a st, that Banana Meeting e lashed Luciou esrly in his career in several bours, during which all tionable test of possession of property qualification based on Trinidad had, occasion to appear the details, cost, etc. were work such a stake in the colony as 500 pounds sterling of gross as bar sister for the complainant ed out.
entities a man to a controlling actual value. It is possible tuis in a belsuit against the voice in the management of the may be suitable there; but for Gazette.
Since that time, a young Grecolony affairs, yet we recognize Trinidad we are strongly of the nadian in England bas been also that there are other qualiti opinion that the basis should be interesting bimself in the matter exitos which ought to confer Income derived from real proIf you like beautiful hair use He has been in communication Bike priviledge. And the ability perly. The reform Association Creoline hair producer.
with leading planters in the Creoline Hair Preparations Positively Superior to all others on earth.
Try them and be convinced.
They are the Master Preparations of the World.
Different from all Others Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. all Foreign countries, 60c.
Creoline Hair Producer Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 percent more oil than is possibl to be put into any other preparation of its kind in the world. Patches in places and prevent baldness, In ounce tins, Creolina Day Dandruff Remedy very good scalp treatment positively renoves Dandruff, Tetter and Eczema. It is antiseptic. Grows hair koaps the scalp healthy.
In ounce bottles.
Jackson Manufacturing Co, 455 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Exores Indianapolis Ind. All Up to date Drug Stores carry stock of Creoline.
the teleto pay income tax.
Treat Yourself BY TAKING 17DR. SANGER CAPSULES WONDERFUL CURE FOR BLADDER IRRITATION It Contains East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood and other ingredients are Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours BUY BOX TO DAY AT THE CHORRILLO DRUG STORE No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.


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