
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 13 1992 85. Sostre XSSSSSS Photo Play Pic THE WORKMAN THE CARNAVAL OF NE ER DO TXEV REPE Walk Over Shoes ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied with less than the best Americn Bazaar Stores THE BEST 19 Brd 4th 12 50 11 On Monday, the first four scanes of the tree filn picudo Ti Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS IS FAST APPROACHING which is beica uk in this e ty by the Laske ID Manufacture in Connany. Was staged at SATURDAY, JANUARY 13, 1923, Cathedral Plazı, the tot the pleure na: Caut quite a sensasion and fron early morn large number of si Dritas and CHILD WELFARE WORK.
Do your shopping early and you will get American les could be seen grouping Arjand in 41CID wa the best Bargains of the day events.
The shoe shiners and others were uut la large nu u One of the most commendable movements among the they were interested ay tok part in the production of the thinkers and social leaders of the country is the work anbig picture. Very much curical counced by the Rotasy Club with regard to the welfara of ty and ki dly interest wa, centhe youth of the land. In other countries stress is now tered a oand Tom Meighan ve being laid on the physical fitness and mental development leading actor in the play. He of juveniles whose future as capable and practical citizens bas nonstrated that he har is being regarded as a problem of paramount importance.
the aptitu to ou a lading atar for bis compaay. The pic ure is Parama may justly feel a sense of complacency in the being continued til all the knowledge and recognition that there are here gentlemen scenes in the play are taken.
of such expansive vision and demonstrative unselfishness This will be the lar sod inost as the Rotarians who are alway looking out for opportuexpensive picture yet takes on the Isthmus of Panam, nities to advance the national consciousness of the people ard to aid in solving such semi political problems as come with in the purview of the community Ho Ro Co Products The Rotary Club has won for itself, through its Contest.
various activities here during the past year, a place in the estem of the nation and a name which will go down to pos erity. The Calidonia Road which was re surfaced 190. 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY ihrough the initiative of this club and supported by the IN PRIZES.
national government is one of the practical efforts of that organization wbich stamp it into the hearts of the Parama Colon January March 1923 Con.
This club is now sponsorirg an undertaking which test Ends March 31st, 1923.
will relieve the government of a work is peculiarily that De CSSS RICASOSX SOKOOKOOS Rules Guverning Contest.
of the community and which, by its very nature, is a social question. The Child Welfare Work, mention of which has CHURCH SERVICES.
been made several times during this week in the Star Eich purchaser of in Kerala, as been discussed at a meeting of the Rotary ses seioskas: 68XESI 22XS (Amoris Church Ho Uo Products will be giv.
Club a few days ago and plans have been made for the (Sacond Sunday After the Epiphany en a coupon.
pracial operation of a programme which will bear the Paul Church, Panaina Ai cu nust be placed in se denvelopa and sent to cha chor of advanced calisthenics in and out of the schools a. m, Holy Communion Alexsider Sinch General of the country.
10 am, The Litany it is appreciable to note that the government and Reter BR. Products, 2103). ca Hole Exclusrist sad sermo Po Box 679, An. Z. not IN THE WORLD pm Holy Baptism echool authorities are co operating with the Rotarians lacer than diaren 31st, 1923. pm Sunday Sanool in this new work. For several years, and especially for The cupacitors of the 30 Evensong sermon the last three years, the high grade and normal classes PERFECTLY BLENDED largest number of coupons will NIGHTENGALE Rector be awarded the prizes as Ollows.
have been given courses of physical training at the St. Alban s, Paraiso.
1st Priza 20 00 National Institute, the Normal School for girls and the OF COURSE IT 11 am Matins and addroan.
2nd 1750 schools managed by the Christian Brothers in Panama.
suoday Sobool pm 1500 And it is far to say that the reɛults have more than justi7, 30 Evensez ad armon fied the energy, atiention and time devoted to that class GOOD TO THE LAST PUFF NIGU TENGALE. Priset in chargo 51 са of work.
La Sabanas Missio. 7th This work is now to be extended to come within the p. Caurch School fcope and reach of every child in the community. Fino!
4;15 Evasjog and addres 9th A, NIGUTENGALE Priest in op and pley grounds are to be erected all over the country.
We have been writing on this subject, although from a Panama San Migual St Three competent judges will building 18 be appointed to view point different to that of the Rotarian plans, on check the coupons April 5th, und Ward several occasions, and we are glad to see that some thing Grepel Serm na 11, 30 sm 7, 80 the prizes to the is to be done even if we get no credit for bringing the Bunday Bebool p. BUCEOs sul winners. The names the win. Bailey Pstor matter to the attention of the leaders of the community.
ners will be published, The aims of the Rotarians and their supporters, as vn. IT TOASTED Church Of God G St Colon derstood, are to make strong and bealthy people out of the 11 30 7;30 Gospel Sermin VARYBODY youth of the country and to develop the mental capacity Sunday School p of coming generations, These aims are sound, practical sie. Brewster Pastor Evang.
and commendable, and deserve the co operation of every tough Infection rooibor nuotos person of thinking experience among us.
New Providence Physical and SisseeeSSSSSSSSS SHOULD USE Gospel Sermon 11 30 am 30 psychical development is a desideratum which all should visualize and energ se to establish sound body means duncay Scbool pm sis Elliot, Pastor.
a sound mind, una a sound mind preserves a sound body.
Gatunc. In the pursuit of these aims public play gronnds, and Ordinarily, crime and prostitution are evils to be Flaroid Matthews Gospel Sermon 11, 30 sm 7, 30 organized calisthenics will be the dominant interests. The deplored and corrected in any place and among any people; saudary School 00 government will contribute its quota in the form of funds but when the perpetrators and traders are, more or less, Georgs Griffith and lands for the purposes proposed, the school autborities juveniles the situation becomes alarming. The immediate will render their services in promoting a cause so distin degeneracy as seen in these classes of the commnnity is Seventh Day Adventist Church guished and worthy as this asserts its if to be, while the not the only matter of serious concere, at vis well within STREET CALIDONTA ROAD. Sold by all Drug Storas Rotary Club will remain the moving factor in the whole our civic and social range to seek the removal of such con(near Isthmina Park) PANAMA.
underiaking. Wi these contribuun elements of our ditions, but the sadder feature of the question lies in the Sabbath (Saturdy) 45. 8abnational life the problem is bound to be attacked with fact that these juvenile miscreants and reprobates will be the School; 11 15 am Ganoral Worabi Narzarane Christian Church assured success and gratifying results grow up into men and women with pernicious, seasoned 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm Yang People Meeting: 30 a.
Guachapall feature of the question which has always interested and well formed habite of crime and vice.
Pains Sunday 11:30 Morning Prayar us and which still stares at us as a compeiling necessity is clear minds as it is to create a pure and clean moral atmos com. All are welcome both young and Evanglistic Service 7:30 It is no more our duty to develop sound bodies and Veepers Sanday evening at a. Rosding. Sunday Subool 3:39 the estat lishment of a place where the effervescent animation of real boys might find regulated vent instead of being phere. If we attend to the one and neglect the other we sid. 39 m, Preachibe surprises Madry 7:30 lievers menting Junior voor directed against passers by, song birds, window panes and would be making one section of the community physically such orber urofending and harmless objects as they now strong and mentally sound only to be the prey and Christian Mission of Panama 50;n snor Christian Ende den moet doneday 7:30 Prayer tasting use as targets for their ruthless excitement. The contem. victims of ripened criminals and full grown vultures; for at Paasms 11 án C, Taylər7;30 CA, Cragwell Thursday 30 Chit practice plated play grounds would be the exact place for these the same time some of our boys and girls are being formed Chorito 11. am Rsw in 7;30 Friday 7:30 w Opoa sir zoeting into good citizens under the training of physical directors Barke Supt.
mischievous youngsters, as their activities will be controlled others will be left astray to develop into wild, diseased and Boon 11 amd. Burke Supt. 7, 30 There is als) a praver meeting held un hearty invitation is extended to all.
by proper and caretu direction.
depraved undesirables. Mosley Sunday morning at 58. 00 Then, while we are at it, it might just as well be sug But if attention is to be given to the matter of reformn Paraiso II 7;30 P. Bello Rev. ONeal Priest is charge gested to the Rotary Club that there is also need for insti lipstitations it must be recommended that the pen datun 11 am 7, 30 Dash Caloa 11 am Nobblest 7, 30 tutions of reform for the riffraff among the young people system le denounced, and that sensible institucions cora. Nicholia Salem Christian Church 3rd St.
of our community. It is well known that gangs of smali mensurate with the problem be inaugurated. The public Rev. W, BURKE Supt.
Colon boys rove about the city pilferings, scatching and swiuin jail is no place for a run away girl or an uncontrolable Sunday 11 30 ring Worship money and articles of viue from individuals who come boy. Such a place will only crystall ze their propeesides and Christian Church Servica Sunday Sebool pm wiibin tl eir reach. The case in which an America ledy qualify them as fit and eligible for the innumerable vuiga Edene Carlstica Church; Calidonia mediantes ooring Evangelistie 7, 30 was robbed or automobile recently in Color in one rities of mature degeneracy.
Road, Sunday 11 am morning vorabip Wednesday 7:30 Bible Reading of numerouances of discreditable juvenile activity. Reform institutions in which manual training, voca Bunday Babool p. Friday 7:30 Choir Practice There are also bands of giris between the ages of tentional and industrial occupation as well as educational Evangelistic service Monday 7;meeting cordial invitation is givia to all.
and twenty whose presence on the streets as der izens of opportunities might be given would be the right sort of a Tusday evening 30 pmCarmelo te. Rev. Wilciae Pastore in charge the ur der world has become a serious menace to the purity coral hospital for the social diseases under discussion.
and healthfulness of the country. Around Arcon Avenue The aim in correcting these evils should be the transform. Wedponday evening 1330 Gospel addrome leading from Bireet onto Tivoli Road, on and ation of character and tendency. It should not be a mat: Thursday essing pm Choir practics The Salvation Army L, Baca Guacha a Eadse Sanday m. Prayer me iba pali and Chorrillo these undesirable characters roversih wbich would change undorsirable youths into good and your, 7:30prsyer meting 11 am Sergeant Mayor Watley unchecked shamelesness and defiant boldress all day od rospecialio citizens who would take their right places in Red Toek, Sunday School pm All are cordially invited to attend pm grand lentera mureh 7; 40 Gospel weering Senj Ligbt night to the great disgust of the respectable people residing the community and all their proper spheres in lives of these service.
within these areas.
usefulr. 263, Rev. ODLE, pastor in earp. goneral publis. cordial invitation extraded to 10. 00 00 00 00 50 10. 2. 50 LUCKY STRIKE Et to the roof ontelunyoles, catar. her through cutitution WOSTROLINE larly bit and running, be use it is an actual realive wich It is my apple dont to Perteily we for persons of Algerente ed Our Eold by Chemists overywhere, pelo or 5 by put, direct from Co. Cuitoa, Bristol (NOSTROLINE


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