
La Boca Athenae DO YOU NEED THIMBLE. STROLLERS 71 250 90 singly. with dance resisting music Executlve Orders To Sanitary Inspectors STROLLERS STROLLERS Nüübimi witamini Wataral NATURAL LEAF CIGARETTES CIGARETTES prorum, TEE ORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUAUY 13, 1923, PAGE FIVE CANAL ZONE Sünden iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiistibiliticalist NOTES.
We are pleased to announce that we are HELD PLEASANT SOCIAL Red Tank Clubextending the time limit for the exchange The weekly business meeting house Health of the La Boca Albenaeum kave OF away last Tuesday night to a Activities. sucial for the members and their friende. The spacious hall of the Clubhouse was couloriaThe member of the Red Tonk Health ble crowded with what may and Athletic Club met at the Clubboure properly be called the elite of Good Sewing can hardly be on Sturday night the hist, and had our local society. The President. done without good Thimbles. we lively time. The programma Mr. W. Reynolds, after the formal opening followed by roli store you ll find a nice assortAmong other things at our ird one and ran in the fellowing empty paper packages until January 31. 1923 call. reading and confirmation of ment of Thimbles in Sterling 1st. The elasent through the Quantity of Empty Package. the minutes brietly outlined the Silver, Stersing wi a Gald Brad PREMIUMS: object for the social stating and 14k. Solld Gold.
meulat Dumb. ll dritle, acrid on 1, 000 tre preto by Mr. Thornhill. The munie that it forms a part of the yearly Gillette Safety Razors, Milady Decoltee working plan of the Athenaeun They are Heavy Waight and buiped wonderfully the dferent 1, 000 Aristocrat.
And is in landed primarly for the correctly designed.
the sarete a wire all roulated to promotion of pleasant social in 800 010. Spreial mention should be mad Bostonian of the fine mare played and the specta We also have Tolmbles for tercourse among the members Tailors in Sterling Silver that the clas presented while Bareb 800 Tuckaway Silver and their friends. Card ganes them at the around the bait.
1, 000 Gold were mostly indulged in The All Star Trio, the select three FULLER 2nd. Meeting called to order. Mr.
Beacon Gold piecus orchestra of La Boca Wyon websites and Mr. Bleven FIRE WATCH THE EBORATION AND REPULIT.
Lanaged by Messrs Clunis. cretary. The Chairman in die 200 Brownie Silver Rowe and Wood, was three and 122 Central Ave. xil addres spoke very bigbly of on the job, and so tbe surround 100 hi gizition and uphorised co Dz. pkgs, Blades ing air was charged intermitOD Tiin. He told be member that thu hbo mber bip of the Club was which the players large ibey whuld vot feel lified but All empty packagrs to be mailed to around the card tables coula not hud continue to COLTAR obere lo resist for they disappeared one PAN AMERICAN EXPORT CORPORATION by one during each selection and After some important busines was were found later mixing in the fine though, the folosing program terpsichorean exercises.
STORAGE OF BUILDING tiadered. Tbe juvenile members also MATERIALS Reading Show (Dr. Freak Crane)
took an active part and were By Mr. De B:ur.
given a generous sbare of every thing.
By Mr. Davis Balboa Heights, Bing Stumbling During a five minute intermis.
May 14, 1917 Address By Mr. Noel Hawkins HEAD OFFICE slon preceding the last waltz DISTRICT SANITARY INBRANCH Piano Selection. Miss Marie Wagon that ended the affair, Mrs. Olga SPECTOR AND OTHERS. Miss Ethel Joumis Celor, Kink, Vice President of tho CONCERNED: Paro Selection Mr. Thorbid Athenaeum, rendered a beauti. STORAGE OF BUILDING MAPanama City.
Corner of Broadway 11 Street tul vocal selection.
Rong by Mr. Thornhill. This rong was Refreshments were served by TERIAL; HAY. GRAINS accompanied the piano by Miss Telephone, Folon No. 458, Calle 12 Este.
Mis. Worsell, Chairman of the AND OTHER BULKY MA Marie Wasou.
The 36, No. 1322, Refreshment Committee, assist.
TERIALS ON ER IN Every item on the program well WAREHOUSES e el by Messrs Jump atd Pierre Telephone, Panama No. 726, rend rol. The mange by Mis: Jemison Mellor Cristobal, and the president Ro ring to Governor circeand Mr, Thorubini were recorded Too Bor, No. 397, Ancon forser replied with that popular melody Smoke, Her, 155. Coloa, Space will not allow mertoning lar 707, relative to storiage the names of all those who were building material. Bone Suube Day.
present, but among them were In the storage of lumber, hay. en interest and them in thow Mr. and Mrs. O, Bayne, Mr. and and other bulky materials, on by dhe member ild tisitors for this Mrs. Sinith Mr and Mrs. King plers and in warehouses, and renler Saturday night Ironam Mr, ond Mrs. Pierre, Mr. and particularly where such material The Chaitay in Yory Autopriato Mre. Worreil, Mr. and Mrs. is to be stored for an indefinite words thacker the Yarui ipars to the Harrison and Mr and Mrs Boyce length of time, such material the Misses Jump: Misses shall be elevated from the Cumberland, b. ppy and highly beneficil meeting Cunningham, os dock a minimum height of 12, brought to a love, the members pluyeu ammammamunuan nga naman magammmmm Bullen, Woodruff, Roberts the elevating material Ou su volley bail, ending up a 10. 00 pm.
and Williams; Mesdames arranged that observation of the Cumberlaand, Briggs, Elie, Carr underneath space will always be As the world knows what great neand Williams; Messrs Holder, possible. The minimun 12.
Resolution Of Con Orag well. Axird, Robertson, elevation will apply where the e are to be derived brough cultivating the playful spirit always, you are skid Hunter and Juinp.
piles of material stored are to join this club. Wednesday. Thur.
dolence. Unreserved expressions of ap relatively small in area. la cases day and Saturday for activities proval were given by all who where large floor space is to be attended, and the pleasant affair covered. provision shall be mado GATUN May be rest in peace ended witb National Anthems by for aisles between the tired the Band, during which rendition material for purposes of inspeeBro. James Pile who died at all parties stood at respectful tion rat trapping, etc. and an Gatun Colored Clubhouse Aacon Hospital on December 21. attention, elevation in excess of 12 may be 1922 at o clock in after a few neccessary to allow suitable weels illness Bring it to our office on or before Residants Roquests Better inspection and observation. In Bong Service last Sunday was WHEREAS it has pleased the streets and Modern Houses the sanitary inspector of the the application of those measures led by the Secretary who outline ed the difference between the January 15th and we wil allow you Almighty God in His divine wisdom to call from his ternporary district in qusetion shall be thougbis and actions of children The residents at High Street advised before storage is begon and those of the elder people. 00 on all Sales of 10. 00 and under 1500 existence to bis illustrious re would like to cal the attention Yet, he said, there are many ward, our well beloved Brother of the Chiet and District Quar eliminating shelter and bestion The above is for the purpose of who was a foundation 25. 00 older people bere in Gatun whose termasters to the condition of places for rats, and strict comof the Loyal Star of thoughts and actions would lead our children to utter distruction 00 25. 00 40. 00 Lodge No. 635 Ipproved Indece road in this vicinity and will pliance is enjoined.
should they be followed. The pendent Order of Oddfellows, request that they do their HOWARD 00 st 60. 00 in Landon Unity, whose remory we unfavourable conditions in this service was well attended, and improving the Cblet Health Olicar now cherish and many took part in rendering 60, 00 over place. The houses are also in Approved. solos and giving short talks on WHEREAS by bis death this very bad condition and the CHESTER HARDING he subject.
Lodge has lost one of its mem occupants would appreciata very Governor The two clubs of Girl Reserves bers who see progressive achieve much anything done in this will unite in conducting Song mect to the Order will be be direction and wbicb will Service Dext Sunday at 80 PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY forgotten, Keeping with the progress of If you Wko beautiful hair use sirp.
Creoline hair producer.
The officers of the Coy Scouts BE IT THEREFORE RESOLV. modern civilization.
PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: ani Girls Reserves met and ED this Lodge whilst in regular intend to pail off an entertainCathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bo ivar St.
session convey to his bereaved mint sometime in February.
wife our heartielt syrapathy and condcience in this her time of Tae date will be announced later.
Tel. 798 SERVICE TeL 364 trouble and BE IT FURTHER RESOLV Cricket Contest ED ia due respect of bis rank and in conformity with the regulation Tomorrow will be the grand of the Order that this Lodge be cr cket contest between the To My Friends. FRIENDSHIP LODGE No. 23. draped and remain in mourning Cornwall CC. and the Gamboa for fərty days, and that a copy of a All the fans will be prethe resolution be sent to his sent to witness this gigantic By this you will know that Order of Druids Friendly se bereaved wife, a copy be placed struggle on the Cornwall Oval. am ont of the Ancon Hospital ciety Installation of Officers on car micute; and a copy be. CONDENSED EVAPORATED)
NOT, Earle will Captain Corn where bave been laid aside for publisbed in each of the local wail and the other side will bave the past almost five months.
a good man who is equally a Is manufactured But the love and mercy of The Tostallation of Officers of the tne ian. The game will be start God, must have been with Friendelip Lodg No. 2349, Order of by 72, 000 Fared at 11.
others in the Great beyond. ID uida 8. tor the ensuing term, tock PANAMA MINISTER had a terrible accident but the placa at the. Druids Lodge Hall, 20 mers Nathaniel Price in Hospital Doctor care and skill got me up Strået Central, on the h January 1923, Leo about 1, 000 000 again so that am able to move The following in the Officere lostalld.
around, Sister Hilde Thomas, Eva (Continued from page 1)
ows which proThe many fraternal brothers Many thanks are due to the Johan G, CK Headley, ratified with Panama; an o Mz. Nathaniel Price of St. Drs. Durses, and attendants who A. Secretary, Re Eected. Elu Pas; which conform idea duce Bernard Lodge No. 15, did everything possible for us Theurer Re Eested, Brenetta Edwards principal sense of justice and with are hereby informed that he and the many maoy icieoda Who Couductress, Herminia Soluy, RB. which would obtain the best Sweetened Condensed ONLY 18 patient at the Arcon Hospi. have visited and cheered me to Alice Hall, LB. A, SUMAD Akins, cotdition in the opening of the and that his condition is ny affliction. We are thus B. VG Lorena Niblett grest maritine connection bee THE very serious. He is in ward 12 remiuded. Ia as much as ye Cassandra Gardon, Asst Secretary. tween the two oceans. 39. We hope for his speedy did it to one of the least of these Isidore Henry, 0, Zaids Buteber, BEST? covary Ye did it unto Me.
Dr. Alfaro bas suggested that Gratefully yrs Tho Installation Ceremony was per the old treaty has not that ab Try it and be Salvation Army La Boca HADLEY toimed by Brother Thomass Bosdley, quility of justice and suits Mr. Hegedles is expected to tienry o. Se ilias. G. M, Ofers the drafting of the new, be hopes G, DGS, assisted iy Bro, which was intended to benefit the both countries, and that in convinced To night (Saturday) there will preach yn pire to morrow.
of the Panama Cistrict sincerely and without any disap.
Agentes: FIDANQUE BROS, SONS be a grand Open Air demonstra tions Chorrillo given by our Rent Becalit Books in Spanpointment, that the highest ISAAC BRANDON BROS Sunday School children, wen a Creoline Hair Producer is the spirit of concord and justice will programace consisting of several ish and nglish fora le at the world best hair toric and will actuate the minds of those who L, TOLEDANO, Calon will be responsible for the mak.
interesting long will be render Worla Pantry. not soll or stain clothes. ing of permanent conditions.
This Advertisement Is Worth MONEY 00 15. 00 op. 40. 00 27 00. 91 9!
Do You Know That Dairymen League Creamy Milk DAIR MENS ownning DO CS all the MIL Gron in per re OOPS TICA, USA ina


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