
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 13 1923 West Indian News (Continued from Pag. 3)
that more like it!
island, but, we understand, no result.
There is no doubt, whatever, that banna is wanted; that Grenada famous fruit wil is able to produce banaua of thu rirbt zu and with excellent flavour; that ships will call almost anywhere for supplies.
What is necessary now is that anters get together for busions, and arrange with outside markets. With the necessary guarantee of developinent on this side there will be proper cachinery put at our disposal for the success of the scheme.
10 Co Operation.
POLO POLO Cigarettes The Quality Blend UBE Expected West In BOOST dian Cricket Tour EMU In England CIGARETTES TIXTURES MADE IN MOTHER.
BETTER ELIAS PRETO, Agent Selection Made At Meetcigarettes fing Held In Georgetown Early This Month, Another British Official. HOPE FOR GOOD TEAM.
in the Republic IS DONE TO DEATII IN EGYP lordon December CanaJuan Gazette West Indien cricket team will visit this coun Direct West India Cable try next summer and the follow despatch from Cairo Egypt dated ing in the list of the engage December 27 states that the ments arranged:fourteenth attack on Britth 23 Sus ex: 25. MCC 30 Hamp year took plac to day when Dr.
May 19, Cambridge University Officials in Egypt during the past the title. 6, Ox New by kobson, a lawyer buong ford Usersity: Ess x; 13 ing to the Law School bere was daye. Derbam; 15 (2 days. shot dead while riding a bicycle Nor humberland, 20. Derbyshire through the street. The shooting 23 Northamptonshire: 27. Lan. who made his escape. is be was done by an Egyptian Efendi cashire; 80, Cheshire. July lieved the crime was a politie Nottinghamshire; 7, Leicester sbire: 11. days. Wiltshire; 14 one.
Warwickshire; 20. days. Lord Harris XI; 28, Gloucestershire.
August 1, Surresi; Glamorgan; Diamonds Have Been Anmerset: 18, Kent; 22. Norgfolk: 29. Worcestershire.
Commenting on the coming Discovered In Dutch tour the London Times says:The programme for next sumGuiana Every cigarette full mer is a very crowded one, the weight and full size tour of a team from the West Indies supplementing the long list of county and other first late despatch by the Direct class watcher. It is hoped that West Iodia Cable Co Ltd. from Made by the West Indian side will be Paramaribc, Dutch Guiana dated Liggett Myers Tobacco Co.
27 strong enough to make a good December states. that means quality.
fight against even the best of diamonds have been discovered their opponents. The tour will at Brownsweg. ab ut 80 miles be opened at Cambridge May 19 from this city, according to the members of local syndica e Demerara Four.
whose prospectors have just. Demerara. December 12. brought in seven stones after a meeting of the Committee of the search of only a few weeks. The Georgetown Cricket Club was district in which the diamonds beld the pavilion at Bourds were uncovered has yielded gold on Friday afternoon last; Hon. for the last fortyseven years, but stin, President, pre to systematic search for precisiding Others present were fous stones bas heretofore been Messrs. Hunter. Captain. conducted. The place is easily Webber. Vice President. reached by rail from Paramaribo Shapkland, Bourne, and and a rush of diamond seekers B, Stokes, Hon. Secretary. is expected The meeting, considered two from Barbados Indian Cricket Team to England in the summer of 1923. one letter being from The Sun Flower Lodge BIO of GS the Barbados Cricket Committee and of under Charter granted by dated 16th November. The lat the Supreme Council of Kingston Jamsi ter pointed out that some few ca was banged at Colon by Bro.
mon. hs back, Jamaica invited James D.
Barbados to send a team over Sunday. Dec. 17th, 1922 the date to the island in January of next fixed for the dedicaion unveiling of year. It was not possible, how Charter and nstallation will lung be ever, to arrange this, as their remembered by those who witnessed the players bad to leave for the ceremony, tour in Demerara wbilst some of The dedication of th building and them still required further leave for the tour in England. Jamal ostallation were on ried) through in a ca was asked, however, to send of ceremony Bro, Ja nes assisted most impressive manner by the Master a side to Barbados in January by Bro. Cummings and Sir Good or February and if this visiting wto acted as conductors.
Good Assortment materialised, it appeared to their Committee that it would The Charter was unveiled by Mr be an excellent opportunity for Burrow and Miss Louise Powell and TO SELECT FROM AT THE the Colonies to meet and decide was read by Bro. Quallo on the side for England. They The following cfficers were installed had not up to then beard from to form the first administration :Jamaica whether they were coming or not, but suggested. Baxter, R. Joly Bros. Gordon, C;T. Wright, for consideration and approval, McCormack, that the Selection Committee for the side of England shouid Cheninis, WP. Rose. Con.
consist of two representatives Brown, W18. R, Beach, DISTINGUISHED VISIfrom each colony when the best PD; Jackson, of Font; Berry, Sisters Murray, composite side should be forth. Mangaroo, CR; Sitt peon, TORS Coming and the necessary dew. of Fin Levey, D, JUST OPEN tails in regard to the tour agreed Ricketts, of Lewis Marquis And Marchioness of Upon If Jamaica visited Bar.
badug the Committee woula Mi Hawkins of Mr. Hinkson W, D, of Con. Robinson, of Sligo Now Here.
consist of eight members, but if the visit of Jamaica fell through then other Much credit is due to the organizing thents would have to be made. Ofioer Bro. Jamos for the able the 27th ulko. the Marquis and According to They also considered it most manner in which everything was carried Marchioness of Sligo are on a AT im portant that tie piayers who through, short visit to Jamaica and are were to compose the side sbould The promoter of the New Lodge the guests of Sir Alexander and No. 105 Bolivar Street, Colon be given the longest notice pos Bro, Ernest Quallo beg to thank Lady Swettenham.
sible all who gave thell Support on the The Marquis of Sligo is a Where you can secura at the lowest It was decided by the o. ccseion.
grandson of the Marquis of Sligo possible prices everything to solve Committee to wait 200 Bee wbo was Governor of Jamaica in whether the Jamaica tean had your millinery needs WILKINSON he year 1834. His father was arranged to visit Barbados next and year, in which case they would for a few years before the family Ladies Hats in the Latest Modes send over their selecting repre Contractor went home, so that the present sentatives.
Marquis of Sligo is more than a from 50 to 10. 00 Messrs. Hunter and and Builder welcome visitor to our stores. Phillips, Browne and Fernandes, House No. 20 Speaking to a representative of the Gleaner aboard the PatuFLOWERS, BRAIDS, NETS, WIRE, CREPE, are the players selected 28th NOV. STREET, ca the Marquis expressed great STOCKINGS OF PURE ITALIAN SILKS, to represent Demerara, SAN MIGUEL pleasure in visiting Jamaica. He THREAD THE BEST FOR HEMSTITCHING was delighted with the picturesP. Box 411, Panama, P que view of the bills, which WANTED reminded him so much of his YOUR INSPECTION INVITED country, and both the Plans and Specifications Fraa marchioness and bimaele were Open from a. to 12 noon and from 2p. to p.
to pleasant Good general servant must le First Class Workmanship stay in Jamaica. They hope to a good cook, apply 317. 4th July weeks and LOUIS LINDO, Proprietor.
Avecve, atter p.
go scuth.
in connection with the properes New Lodge Organized.
JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEETNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards (From The West Indian of soth ulto)
Perhaps after all, when we get down to the last analysis, it will be find that Grenada is suffering from selfishness and that most of our anxieties and troubles should be branded hone wade, As a people we have never given serious thought to co operation in matter of agriculture and tr de, and have always been lfisbly opposed to any suge gestion of organized effort for the attainment of any Wirthy object or a common good.
Trouble and sorrow, from the very beginning of human society make all seltish people feel a spurious sense of kinship and comradship with others Mu.
Tual danger often Spurs men, with low ideas of public service, to heights of heroic endeavour for common protection. It is almost brute instincts at play under a feeling of panic, and is never co operation, that high Loral quality as it is known in the ordered conception of society.
Grenada must be saved industrially, economically financially but salvation shall come only through serious effort Co operation of all our fcrces, and never under pantoky policy of trying to save our individual skins by any temporary attempt of herding together for reducing causes of great fear.
The greatest of us, the proudest of us, 88 greatness and pride go in this little land of ours are under the shadow to day: ha shadow of an adverse turn of the times. What are we doing to adapt ourselves to the new circumstances, to re adjust our colonial life to the remorseless conditions of change! Few of us seem to understand that the world started another cycle, and that things are not goiog be what they were in the past Socially industrially, and politically, we simply bare to be a new people, or die: we are bound to cooperate inore, unite more, think less of self and less of immediate gain, or on the other band. make room for more civilized and energetic peoples.
The old happy go luck days are gone beyond recall; no more can we merely tickle the land to find it smiling a harvest to bring us abundant returns. These are fateful days days of economic stress, perhaps economic crisis when the foundation of our old prosperity are threatened. These are days in wbich should sound the clarion call to unity. The biggest of us today inay be the beggars of tonorrow compartivels speaking, if we are satisfied to drift along with folded bands. The most prosperous of us may bequeath sources of trouble to our children if we do not take care, Money is scares but with proper organization Agricultural Credit Societies can be started in Grenada. co operative Bank concern for the small msn, can be started here as it has beea started in Trinidad. The Gov.
ernment is well able to develop its savings Bank to serve the needs of the people, first by teaching thrift in practical way, and further by making it minister to the improvement of the colony. great deal can be (Continued on Page 7)
The Lindo Bargain House Creoline Hair Producer is the world best hair tonic and will not sell or stain clothes.
own Rent Receipt Books In Spas ish and English foralo at the Workman Printry.


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