
НЕ МОРКА TIRDY JANUARY 13 1923 PAGE SEVEN They Satisfy Chesterfield Incident In Legisla that the vote stand.
lateresting West Indian News.
The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 6)
VIGOR TONIC done by the paople of Grenada themselves for their own salva This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend.
tion, but we prefer to clasp our hands and pray. Perhaps we ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, pray to a God who has a perfect Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up right not to hear any thing from a run down constitution.
the abj. ct mendicancy of the utterly lazy.
It promotes digestion, improves the appeHaven we a Governor? haven tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
we a Legislature? Haven we an Attorney General? Ought not DOS. One small Wine glass before each meal or Bill: aming at improving condi4 times a day.
tions in tb. Colony to be introdu Chesterfields represent the JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
we not to support it, get behind highestquality possible in cigait, and bid it win for us? Why rettes. They contain the finest should a just God intervene if we cigarette tobaccos in the world are basely selish, if we prosti rich, aromatic Turkish and tute His image in us, deny His tural Department (Mr. Ward) Valerian will was in attendance at the request smooth, mellow American Grenada is not far from touch of the Governor to give an ex. Visits Cuba.
ing bottom. Co operation alone planation of the vote for Agricul.
You ll surely like Chestercan save us. We, so called high tural Exhibitions, etc.
and low, also so called rich and Mr. Brassington: rise to a Havada despatch, dated poor. have to get together or point of order, coald Mr. Wara December 16 states that RMS perish in ones, and in two or adjress the Court?
Valerian fast light cruiser atthrees, gradually until finally.
to His Excellency nodded to Mr.
tached the West Indian Ward to stop and stated that he Squadron of the British tleet, in was perfectly right. It happen command DEMERARA of Capt. Ingram, ed there over and over again; it arrived in port on the mornid bad happened in the House of of the 15th inst. from Santiago Commons The question was de Cuba.
The Valerian visit was to pay ture of Demerara Your Excellency. permite me to thank the Cuban government for call and to Webber: Your Excellencycourtesy say one word.
the honour conferred on the British Navy in the placing of CIGARETTES GOVERNOR AND SOME OF THE already spoken on the motion.
His Excellency: You have bust in the Alameda de MichelELECTIVES CLASH DURING sen in Santiago of Sir Lambt of finest Turkish and American tobaccos, blended THE PROCEEDINGS, Mr. Webber: And it am not Loraire. commander of the allowed to speak on it will British gunboat Niobe, who speak on the next motion and threatened to bombard the port ENDS THE MEETING express my opinion and express of Santiago it the Spaniards perLIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
it bitterly, It is a disgrace. sisted in executing any more of His Excellency Brings The Luethoo: the Cuban revolutionaria taken be (Me Ward) is nere we ought to have during the war of Cab iadeprisoner on bord the Virginian, Day Session To An an explanation. Not because a Abrupt Termination member 8208 vp and says that pendenca, Me. Ward nne no right to speak The Valerian is expected to that he should be stopped. stay in Havana over the coming The Port of Spain Gazette in its think that in future wben the week end and a feative program issue of December 5th records items under a particular depart has been arranged by the local the following: ment are being dealt with the British colony, including a din At a meeting of the Demerara huad of that department should ner and dance at the British Combined Court on Tuesday last be here. If Your Excellency Club on Saturday for the others IT WILL PAY YOU uuring discussion of the Esti would permit me to say it we and a sports day for the men mates, and officer of the Agricul welcome Mr. Ward here to give when there will probably be a an explanation of the items a football match between the under discussion.
Rovers athletic team and a pictsMr. Strickland: beg for ed am from the cruiser.
permission to bear Mr. Ward. The crew of the Valerian exHis Excellency: thought pressed themselves highly pleas.
heard a Hear, bear!
ed with the cordial reception Mr. Webber: Your Excellency and entertainment received in Opens only hears bear, hear, when it Santiago.
is used by a particular member.
This His Excellency: regard it as An Idle Hour One of the greatest insults to be given to the President.
Mr. Webber: And you took it. BY A, B, in the Gleaner)
His Excellency: Yes, took it Is there more sorrow in this world as an insult.
Than tears onn wash away?
Mr. Webber: You took it as Is there more prin, more grief, more ill, an insult from the whole Court Than life can o er repay?
because when that one member Is there more greed and envy too, epeaks you take it as coming More malice, hate and crime, from the whole Court.
Than honest deeds, and acts of love, Mr. Brassington said that a All good we can define?
member bad agreed with him Shall we compute them, to find out that in the past when His Excel of which the most exist, lency summoned officials to at. The good or bad, the gain or loss, tend the Court they attended and Aad can we them resist?
gave information to the Court through His Excellency: As Our cradle is the starting point, far as he was concerned no insult Brought there by prins severo, was intended to the Chair ard And awful doubt and fest.
peril of soms other life, though he was in fault he was in company with many others. Through youthful days or more or less He could not remember any We varying, ils aurvive.
AVE you ever lost the cap from your tabe of official attending and addressing and changes fleet, or changer take the Court, place, dental cream? Ha it ever dropped and rolled To manbood state arrive.
Mr. Webber (to His Excellenaway in the sleeping car or hid under the washcy. You would not hear me Theo quickly Pass from ataga to stage, stand at home?
because have spoken already And as we mova alone, but you still hear the member No passing hour, but has new care, Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capfor Essequebo (Mr. Barring. Like birds, their diffarent song.
tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure ton) although he has spoken Quite a few doomed to poverty, until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the three times: Somo to the cripplo life, tube.
Mr. Brassington (to Mr, Wet. And many find the tide too strong, ber) apologised.
Die besten in the strife, We now furnish you with a package of the same high standard as its contents.
His Excellency leald it was too There are the rich and strong ones, much to assume that they con sve ne er a care, it seem, trolled the maintenance of But all that glitters is not gold, THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn. order.
Not only pure gems gleam.
Mr. Webber: am a member Some plod through life, with honest toil, of this Court.
Find failure, stand aghast; His Excellency: the Court To see their works; the seeds they now, stands adjourned until 11 o clock Their lives best efforts lost.
to morrow morning.
To, somo, all current run their way Mr. Webber: thank you. Unlooked for, and unsought, Honours and wealth, and power and This was an abrupt terminePraise.
tion of the proceedings. the But every tide is brought.
time being 8C Gleaner.
We struggle on, as best we msy, Seen Iroa bound by fate, LEBLANC Vašil our lives, last hour oomes can we. UNDERTAKER CORNER AND 18th STREET NOTICE Member of the Universal Negro Improvement to send in their contributions Correspondents are requested Association African Comtot later than Thursday evening munities League to ensure publication.
Universal African Black ross Nurses if you like beautiful hair use Spoclal Rata for Members.
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