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on Suntimulations success in the unis race with Doris Mortos do ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM pointed out by the defendants and president of the Committee tha who Year Prime has WAS Brilliant And Un with Lead Us in third position.
The turfites who risked always to Phillips, when that man was. 1923 Carnival To asking Walrond why he had qualified Success on dark horses were ampis rewarded at published in his newspaper the Be Monmoth place pool. The winning borse report in which it was said that Was The Juan Franco Race paid 30. 00 on the ordinary the lady Otway could give truth Fiesta.
pool and 19 70 for place.
ful information about Dr. Lord murder, as was declared by de Under a most glorious sun ber of turfites were badly disapIn the third race a large nuwCoteau and Baptists, and it is On Wednesday night of this Phine and with ideal opportuni bernica BIG AND the cise that all the efforts made week, the tirst cannon la canec.
ties, the racing at Juan Franco polnted as it was expected that to identify that off thin tall man tion witu tbe Carnival celebrawas a brilliant Estrella would have carried been protitlesswas for way. The pretty girls were one place. but Avispa well ridden vocata, in spite of the fact that very popular and hard working in holiday galore. The grand Murray, showed himself at this with excellent judgement by be ought to have been the first Deputy of the National Assemand main witness on the prose bły, we stand was an exquisite basket of refer to Colonel Don flowers, and all who were absent distance of seven furlongs and DUKE OF BALBOA CUP cutor side, especially as from Manuel Alvarado. and he is certainly missed the greatest to be the superior horse of those with an equal handicap of 120 lbs what is gathered from de Coteau determined that every possible social event for the second meet and Baptists statements. he means will be adopted to make Ny of the New Year.
went off to this race, 1999 WILL BE CHIEF FEATURE must be very good friend of the celebrations this The Colon turfites were well the hers, becanse he went to ask most gigantic and memorable In the fifth race, No Se was represented, among them pro: Mutuel with Lord for the favourite at the Pari Walrond why he had published success of the preceding years.
the genial and MA minently TO. MORROW the report we have referred to.
Tae National Assembly. Dlable Atlantic et Dentist, second place, but Inglaterra was Who is that man? Where is be! already by law. voted a large Dr. Stirling Before the in excellent form; and in spite These are questions that every sun of money twards this big starting of the first race Mr of the gallant effort put forward Sunday, January 14th 1923 one wbo reads this case should Theodore McGirnis entered the by No Se, the allowance of 28 15 ask himselt. It seeing as it the national event. The Carnival is grand stand, and was, greetud home the winner.
favored Inglaterra, who came were an invisible being who cipal cities of tae world and the being advert sed in all the prin with vociferous words of ap: AT THE coyers the whole case with a All American Cable Company pls vse, Hail the. Duke of First Race was won by Dainty misterious vestment.
has promised to forward daily Bribca. It has been de with Adelante second, Seennd ended that tomorrow a Panama Race by Trapichito. Checkers Juan Franco Track Then the statements of the to the principal newspapers of witnesses on which the prosecu the Americas 400 words bearing derby of it wile will be run in second. Third kace. Avispa first tion is based, which refer to that on the activities of the coming horror of the Duke; and also as Estrella second. Fourth Raceincorporeal being, are doubtful festival.
Jangible demonstration of a San Pablo tirst, Maiachin second because of this, and consequently fare well on bis anticipated trip Fifth do not inspire this Supreme. The contest for quean is sharp to China and other eastern coun. No se second, Sixth Receand enthusiastic.
Tae American Court with the conviction of the tries, Flapper first, Delfin second.
Legion Carnival and the Panama The first race was a dreamland Seventh Race Zipi Zape arst, truth that the phrase in wbich Carnival will work in unity. For of Surprise to the tarfites, as Checkers second.
LADIES FREE the libel is supposed to consist, this purpose the huge damosthe barrier was lifted; Dainty In the first race, the Pari was actually said by the defenstration on Wednesday night who had been hitberto doing Muivel paid 30 00 on the winant and much less in the way the was the first item on the opening badly, with 80 lbs up led the ping borse, and 19. 70 for 1st witnesses say.
of a program which will be of pace with fully three lengths, place and 30 on the second Suming up: This Cour: does very much pleasure and interest abead, foilowed by Adelante and horse. In the fifth race 10 one. If Great Britain can miers are followed with such not conscientiously find enough to this community.
Ceterge. The racing continved was paid on the winning horse not look forward to resuming intense anxiety.
evidence in the accusatory state On the Atlantie side the same in this position for two furlor gs. and for place 300 and 90 pormal trade relations with ments, and Therefore, adminis spirit of revelry and enchuwith Lead Us, making a des respectively.
the Continent of Europe, then tering justice in the name of the siasms is being demonstrated in perato effort catch up the couctry is over populated FULL REPORT Republic and by the authority of the Carnival festival. large field.
On passing BRITISHJECONNMICS. Special ecorts our trade within with industrial workers. By by the Law, REVOKES The sen number of young ladies are in the four furlongs post (Continued from page 1) tence appealed and ACQUITS hard contest for the honour of Adelante came on almost equal the Empire and with extra Eu cribed sentence, if it were not the defendant from the charge the reigning house of deus moterms with Dainty, and in mak. Continued From Page 1) ropean foreign countries can for the fact that mention was not on which he was brought to trial mo. The Legion on that end ing the last furlong for the win ish workers into industry. If, on perhaps be expanded to some even made of a detail undoubted. This trial is based on article No. are also working together with ning post, Dainty Jockey who the other hand, do solution can extent. But such expansion caoly of great importance the 73 of the Law 52 of 1919. the Panamanians, and a bright was riding carelessly, rode gut be found, and if we have, in con not repair the loss of European case, which is that the libel in Let this be communicated time will be in store for all at the bend of the last curve, and sequence, to contemplate the markets. These are some of the question was not told by the copied and returned.
pleasure seekers.
Adelante with the slight advan spectacle of the distress coun. crucial reasons why a practical defendant to the witnesses abova URRUTIA DIAZ DAMASO Below is the starding of the rage showed half length abend, tries of Europe steadily slipping settlement of the Reparations mentioned, as one would think but the light weight was doing deeper into economic demorali question is regarded as absolute frən the wording of the Judge CERVERA. M, GRIMALDO leading candidatas tu all the Carnival Contest.
well for Dainty, and she came sation, then we must recognise ly vital by everyone who knows decision under review, but to AURELIO GUARDIA. MANUEL beck in an admirable pace that large scale unemployment the structure of this country tall thin man, according to what HERRERA SOSA. SRIO.
reaching the winning post in British industry is not a economic life, and why the dis de Coteau and Baptists say, and To this decision Justice If you like beautiful hair use bail iegth ahead of Adelante, passing phase, but a lasting cussion of the inter Allied Pre colored man besides, according Urrutia Dalz dissented. Croleine Halc Producer.
Race inglaterra ne tirat. First Race starts 2:15 to with his

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