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PRICE Cts. Cy FRENCH COMMERCIAL KINGSTON IS SCENE OF BIG FIRE MINISTER TO FEDERATEU. COVERNMENT NOT IN FAVOUR OF PLAN the forum by The euss the Utoa still u was to give es which she to was a ent who order for goo vocalist pressuro on Says Sale Of French Co Suggestion To Link Up lony To Is Sheer The Windwar: Isands Nonsense.
With Trinidad Total Losses are Estimated In The To Get West Indian Islands In Vicinity of Ten Thousand Pounds. na direct, West India cable des The Times of St. Vincent ears: patch from New of Settlement Of War Debt.
January 12; states that on au. this Island with Trinidad and The Gleaner of the 19th it bacon watch drew. epoca Preneho ringular clony ole sine tokat the Chamber of a dicam inspection tour of discussed at a inent Dirset West India cable despatch from Washingt, reports, a serious in which toorstrom far and near, and Grand Banks, Alberto Barrant, lure and Cocomerce held on January 17, it is stated that the United SiatesAdminizirana a whethe hall adzan powertal French colonial the tous llon the followink res lutions was undertake to acquire the British and French posBSI in the minlater, arrived Wodnen tay h ember and not look with lavor on the proposal made in the senstein in Area Kigsten T: streams of water seemed power night lo u ust. less to make an impression.
bere yesterday on of the French liae. He will leave unalo mou ly passed. West Indies, it is stated at the White House. The President, is Commercial Kingston had an Messrs Nanco and Milke came today for St Pearre, where he 3, it resolved that this Char. was said, does not think it would be a practical plan to propose to other big fire 8t ni. bt when on the scene abou: halt an hour will spend weeks.
ber is in four of Federation Great Britain and ance the cession of these possessions to the thousands of pounds of wicker after the brigade. Th ra was decided to discuss the with the colony of Trinidad and S, in part or full payment of their war debts to the work furniture, tipe embroide out much fire on the low or was liquor question and dismissed the Tobiga, provided that the goods, betonging to Mr. Jabla to save his books, te the amount the sale of St Pierre pracoat au onoidy be maintained ries, ts pewriters and other dry of the store, Nancy: Saliery belonging to Mr and you jwelry cases, desks to the United States or Canada end that one crestere tid ministerio Death of Mrs. Gibbons. Dun Eusebio Harrera Doas sheer no tion be than that and Ing Good Work Milke, who also occupied At about 11. 15 the dia had will return via Halifax to France the present, and said that he was takink uime al the preinises were practically Th Barbados Herald of the practically barat iteoll out on POSTON OF GRENADA out of his Parliadestroyed. The loss 80 D er. reports the death of so far as the upper story, and was under for this trip The Grenada West India of Mrs. El thi Gibbons of has en quite busy during the moutary vacation.
Hon Daputy Esebio Herrera could be learned is more or less control.
the 23 instant says. It is not MC. Wynfred Gobins Eltor past week attending to various rd insurance.
Mr. Ninco told a Gleaner yet kaow: when the Governor Pooretor of the Globe news persons the risk could not be ascertaine. orter has be bad fully 9000 ANOTHER BIG RACE will proe ed to read o paper which sad event took place foro, the Province which ba hai of tha companies carrying Jron Bois del last night.
of stock in the building and car: proposed Trinidad residenc, Janotty lane. the honor to represent.
at ber MEET TO MORROW rledigurancs, bus be was afraid Windward Islands It was about 30 wben a be was uad:r insured.
with in the early hour of Tu sday het verandmotºrennidem, a ning the December na penzieht of his kindweeb are Anong who have water policeman, travellin on a late bour Mr. Milles was Turtites will again be treated We are looking at the tota Dicard had been ili car, saw mke Cuti Buldfron tire and water and at the Jan Franco track to Wa estute for Ta be trylaz to save what to another exciting race program now as an oficial proosal. It quite a lengthy period with a dro Mirtendo and Jose de the upper windows of the anlady of of a painful sent from and trying Seran) who premises in Harbour StreetWestern side of the doy bile build loses, but is understood that he interesting events has been pro what scheinis the Mars, yet despite the great BC18 charged with criminal ing at the north west corner of is also lo su red.
on the question before nysical suderings and discom ofences and were a wa uing trial jected and it is expected before Mark Lane and sentia ua alarm.
see Federation is one of pink Tae building, which it sore very exciting tiois, few of our platform. We are out to subjected, Toe briguria under Supe intend learot, bel ng: to a ddr Crutch new horses have been included West Indian Unity. We are al ha remained cheeriut to the last but sen ir Herrer his securels The Gad pailla and Chief Oficer and an inspira top to the sixious free pardon for bin and an and sorrowing relatives his admission to the Dinn, quickly responded an inley, of Panana, isi reinforced in the program, and as there ou prest thy iintity a few mutes cas an opening badly damaged, the roof and action at Juan Franco before it scheme is prawunded to: a re in concrete structure. was borses have never been seen in Grenada urrounded her. She leaves tive Santo Tomas Hospital. No less until suildren tomon her Gibbar and very much lik dis through the iron door the iron shutters being burnt out. Is anticipated that there will be Store. vsi volume of smoke It could not be learnt last night some surprise sprung, SAP Rise the other paty.
e of iner Miss Any beginning of things.
00 well known a cateur de has galued a large circle of rolled out, and the of one and whether it was insured. The Panama Carnival Queen It is not impossible to find at berd bed. The others triends.
which there was plents, turued On Squads of polica under Inspec and the perican Legion seen that a Spa hern Islands Poler. ure out of the Colony. The a NOTICE brigade mer plied a hose, but the tire.
the main fire was on the upper The origin of the fire ia un with the popular Carnival airs Grenada. ward of Teinida larga xathering of mucnars charming presence, and along Coposed to any box of making at afterason in th: presence of a for and it had evidentis made known. ne store was locked by several bands of music it is what we want no is to have The Worlem in extends sincertha Correspondents are requested schem befo great bendwas before discovers. up at the usual hour.
the e us to see how cond 15ct to our brother quito send in their contributions will be ableze. So all abroad for it makes for equal partner in this sad sad hour of nito later than Thursday evenings Soon a glare came throngh te FURTHER DETAILS. Juan Franc to morrowadau ship, and clear ouons for a bereavement.
to en ure publication upr irou chuter aod tha roof In its issue of the 20h inst, don you miss it.
culment of its terus in case it Bad in in response to calls more for the same paper says:Lects with popular dissatisfacDet handscames and supplier window As stated in resterday Gilean. Arrival of Young Finzi tichting were tion.
JAMAICA ATHLETES WILL SAIL ia Harbour Soreet was sut er, through and boso perse best of Kingston on Thursdwholesale Pharmacy was a very happy than cured in the com nercial section FOR PANAMA Mr. Finzi, of the City 172 East India ts are Sencuple of minutes before the resulting in the almost and throgn to Death For SPORTS TO BE HELD AT KENSING. their beball, in which he threw roof at near the north westera distrucuon of the wicker works during the past few days, when tenced out a challenge to our tuin that end and it was clear that the bg furnitnre, embroideries, type he received the glad news from Murder and Arson TON PARK TO RAISE FUND3 articles, Jamaica on Wednesday la 3: that wicker Stock nstly writers and other he hoped to meet them in Pin stocked by Mr. J. Nanco, at Mrs. Finzi had given birth to a fucature ware doomed Taese.
AND TO SELECT MEN ma some day, and to defeat them Harbour Street, and a bouncing baby bəy, and that Fears Wara Speed ly Con considerable quantity of jwel mother and son were doinx well. from Lucknow state that the SPLENDID IDEA. biasell. The time is therefore London, Juy. 10 advices even as they had lowered the colours of and firmed lery beloaging to Mr. Milke. Friend John is surely smiling death has been Further investigations made shot through, diarent drawing nigh and it is intended imposed ou 172 Indians accused Flames pirts of the iron roof lighting terdiy, reveal the fact that The Wast Indian Committee of the non Cooperation et riot Moving publio of Jamaics that afternoon d Fabruary for tbe of turder and are00 a result This is a reminder to the sport bold an athletic meeting at Kensington Park on Saturday up the surrounaing area for the fire originated in the upper some distance and making a Tot during noxt monta a representa, Purpose of deciding who should Continued on Page 4)
ins Chauri Cosura last The West Frdion Committee Ebruars, 138 were originally and manners will be selling to be Pawnega stod represent the tive cu of athletes. Thur day, Februrry on the charge.
Electric Lighting Women Life Problem Carrington con mencing at pis big at the resinance can be number were acquitted and for skin this forundraamat big Won this be a record in eeting Club All members are asked to letos ud did welie awaiting athl tio uerung be held here east 1w) Clare at the very course, attend prompty.
shortly. Panam the land of his AND WATER FOR BOJAS sunshing and farned by the with the parus, regardtess of This first meeting of the two breezes of two oceans. calls whether they win at this trial Women Life Problem Cluh for During the present week wis year was held at the Club CUBAN afte: us, and we re going to send our meeting or not; bacause MARKET AND CROP adresu a terenu sa ideiermaines et riding, it could not be aro 180 representatives.
Sta: hared years of consistent ed representative of this paper had house during the week and took the opportunity of an interview the form of a business meeting CONDITIONS.
to win laurels for this is and that because a race or with Hon, Eusebio Herrera in consequence no programme and ain certała one and all as afternoon was won such Deputy of the National Asseas of the club, bid fair to be live market has been very firmow! bur Buation was arranged. The new officers will look forward for the arrival men should not also represen: Havana, Dec, 39 The local bacones ulv, representing Bocas del ac ira, the of results of the meeting us. Indeed our laterest would The first question the scribe wires as subsequent bappenings ing to the recent activity and an important factor. Miny will become with profound interest The ba at stake and our sporting asked senor Herrera was bow will doubtless snow.
of nam jopardized wera this the increased buying interest on the tha cune caters are reporud are the projects of law propound of Naber, brought to the Case. The new président means part of Und States buyers. dissatisfied with ed for the purpose of installing business and backed by her able Producers show little desire to wa 10 wage: ca cycle from the shores of Tae magting at Kensington electric and providing water the present time Panama in the persoas Baroid Park (10ks) 17 dage hence) there.
bester for the town of Bocas proceed and willing Secretary, it is pes sel! particularly first suzar ara than those olis, Schloss and Down99; ao me deserves the full support of ig. In reply, be stated that Jieved that success is assured.
wanufactured. aus been colier in cer. when usar was selling in the and a walker everything was moving smoothly distacca and inter clocil tests, and it and satisfactorily.
son why such to sections, there have been ne gibourhood of two cents. Bryan in company the persons of showers. seriously is are tained that labourers is with must by remembared that even the necessary He further said, have the should not come forward. Foan resulting pleasure to inform you that the cially, Panama is in ficutting sist that iras Duch as sugar is muerend Bres, respective is to great good is derived from ly. Thuis six this venture, certain selling ws have passed all the stages and di cane, the Assemply, and the Presi toh thane some of the coun: ing for periods. It is also report: bhoud increased, and the ce Palama Athletic Association, on will not in the slightest ba ang belog forced to stop grind Bevelha as considerable higher arrived here, accompanied by a gatest harma will follow int than a year ago, their wages De. M, Fyde, President of the Tae meeting on Fabruary 3rd dent of the Republic has given has been some talk of the the his assent. The sum of 250 tries in Europe, North, en interiering wiib cutting cane insibility of a concerted movement November, 1921. and until the Club affair. It will be hell for or South America, and therefore, ts been voted for the building such a sound inancial invest certain sections. Fifty one mills on the part of labourers within the the purpose of deciding just how of the aqued act and the installa left our shores to many men should go, and who tion of electric ligt. ting. Sehement ought to awaken in this are grinding.
the near future. It is possible February happy Harrera was seen very busy place some of our captains of that any labour disturbance on tim: was spent by all three the moon will be abu ve peoBeekice to arrange a company industries. The plans and speci.
cieds wili go towards travelling Recent advices from Duetinge sh: premier, effort ant other expenses. So that you eto com base fications are in the hands ot have laid particular stress on grinding effects on the market when they cartainly did well. Attardand not evsa the ataletes Caba ta. Island uncing the early being on November 1921, will be helpi ag Jamaic. If you who for carrying out the works and Senior Eusebio Herrera who is insuficient labour on plaalatiora inasmuca as there has ba paid by monthly redemption working assiduously to bring for cutting cade. Tols so far practicall; na scenu alation of taon raus which was unsily won themselves, as they la their espacially in the marabands of the Panama Goveri about the success and resuscita has not had much effect on new stocks at Sports and suplies by Byan. Hollis, the chan pion very going will also be doing: mnt. from the Bocas revenue.
Tois is a vers sound business tion of the Province of Bocas crop operations but reports from last year have been virtual rider, made a fno epeech at their little bit for this beautinuk tu vestment, and there is no rea del Toro, ładut tut when field wu. ly cleaned up.
the farewell meeting heli on isle of springs. Gleaner CUL work somne.
Setence at to Wheel and LO.
wonder to for mora of the results early days of which and capital continued the more in an year, real.


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