
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 1923 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands LYNTON TO THE SMOKERS KING BEE MAGNUMS Same KING BEE MAGNUM Call and see us before purchasing Coupons Regardless of the BENGER FOOD Ing Of Do You Know Creamy Milk House Found On Fire: tunda and from DAIRY MEN JAMAICA spiration and full enjoyment. SS SSSussies SSSSSSSS The Doctor is doing the right thing Legislature May Meet In Coming WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Treat to Prisoners OF Month No. 78. New Market Street The prisoners at Glendiary were treated to the usual RETAIL DEPARTMENT luxury of inusic. on Tuesday last ESTIMATES, IT IS SAID, WILL BE No. 107, Bolivar Street (Boxing Day. by Capt. Hancock, THE FIRST ITEM ON THE Governor, who gathered them ORDER OF BUSINESS. THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY together and set in motion gramaphone to lively records The Gleaner has good reaThe prisoners were delighted son to believe that His Excellen FULL SU and are boping for more of the cy the Governor will summon medicine at no distant the Legislative Council for the Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, dale. In his last annual report We Will Continue to Cash the on the working of the prison, tb.
despatch of business either tbe first or second Tuesday 10 Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, Cuptain made various recom February mendations to the Executive for The programme of ibe improvement of conditions work is ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES within the institution. There now being formulated. It is stated that the Estimates will be was a most distinct humanits rian note sounded in the recom the first to be taken on the mendations and as Order of business and then the as to wbither they will be seriously noticed Amalgamation Bill will be con elsewhere.
is yet to be seen.
In England ridered.
and other big countries there The third item to be disbas been considerable prison DURING THE ENTIRE YEAR 1923 cussed be the proposed and the change in the Island Constitu reforin in recent at a crimal idea has got abroad tion. The Governor will also be nal is human for that. He is sending a Message to the Counpermitted literary pabulum; be cil about the proposed raising of is favoured with tobacco; and Expiration Date Shown Thereon 600, 000 to carry out certain the cinematograph has even public works in the island. It SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR in vaded bis forbidden domaios.
has already been announced in Capt. Hanc ck is evidently in BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Co.
this journal that the Secretary Infanís, 179alids and the Aged sympathy with the new attitude of State for the Colonies is of (Panama. Limited tne opinion that the present time is unfavourable the floatEvery tin contabs an interesting leaflet of the TRINIDAD sercissus SSSSSSSS a Colonial Loan in the marvelous use of this great Food.
Mocher Country, having regard to the unsettled condition of Europe, and the views of the Purely An English Preparation. Ceibo Win, an aged Chinaman, was recently before the City Legislature will be sought as to dagistrate Court, Port ofbow the loan (or any part of it)
MANUFACTURED BY Spa, Trinidad, on a charge of should be raised.
BENGER FOOD, LTD a temptin suicide by drowning.
Another important matter to MANCHESTER: GLANU Sub Inspector lsce who ap be discussed will be the prepeared to prosecute explained That Dairymen League prosed extension of the responsi.
FOR SALE AT the ci cumstances under wbich bilities of the Parochial Boards; be unfortunate man ind at and it is understood that a con The American Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN tempt so rash He felt fere ce between representatives disgusted of life by his inability of the Parochial Board and His to obtain sui abie employment Excellency will be held prior to aad (apparently a firm believer. CONDENSED EVAPORATED)
the meeting of the Legislative ia la transmigration of souls)
Council for the coming financial year, Aumsament For Lunatics. Enough of getting back to China The difficulty which confronts by obtaining a passport for the Is manufacture the City Council is in respect to o her world.
what are another public instituby 72, 000 Farpresentative of this journal heardon the Lunatic Asylum iht The China man who said mers yesterday, it is propos to ask Omer in charge is sparing he was poor like a hell was twelve ownning the Executive to sanction ffort to lighten the lot of the years in the colony and had been MAN IS HELD BY TOLICE yeague about 1, 000 000 scheine which was put up nany persuas in his care, sice. Hla had no friends and no them sometime last year, Cracket and wbist parties are suppor.
cows which proMalvern, January 10. At mid low regular diversions, and the The City Council decide tha night on a recent Monday the BARIKEN SLEGU duce nore forward of the joms Direct Shipping From St, cry of help! help! fire! tire! there should be a grading of the was heard in the district of rates. This would make those anticipate these amusements Lucia To Canada.
the no disguised keenness and ONLY Sweetened Condensed of their beds in haste, to find the area to pay a diferent rate from pleasure. Dr. Hawkios has now Mr. Cook, representasobe one step furber, and on THE house and kitchen of walling on fire. Tbose debry the old woman who owo a bu in Smith Village. With, trednesday last invoked the aid tivo oftve Canadian Government She spot found ihe occupants o Browney Brass Battalion Merchant Marine bus informed BEST?
to the strains of these plus de cial Society of St. Lucia that he old tae Agricu sural and Commerthe house cutside crying and city fathers feel that they woul sh uting for help. Iinmediately have more noney to sp nd, and ourners of ngiw re allowed to gyrat, in their is asking for a fortnigbtly ser Try it and be help was rendered. Mrs. Small consequently they will wa pecaliaris fantastic stic and Ca by th: ling next year with ing stated that she was awake impress on the Governm nt the wa when sbe heard a sound outside, Gecessity convincea of San citions ariedades. Mucts vigour was tas. er and larger ships equipped and pedal Hour best carry fruit from Dominica islayed.
28 if a person was coming in the scheme regrading the rates Agentes. FIDANQUE BROS, SONS Не yard. Shortly after she saw a asioisy oginult y were and St. Lucia to Canada.
light in the room. She called witnessed. Irene Castle would required a gurantze from local ISAAC BRANDON BROS BARBADOS ber husband, and asked hia aava bared and lara muca, patars that they would supply And even though tempo was not fru u Apni next onward 20 000 L, TOLEDANO, Colon wbat light was that. He aneticalously observed. there bunches of bananas a fortnigbt.
swered that it was the light of was no lack of enthusiasm, per (Continued On Pagn 5)
the moon reflected the room She said: No ooks like tire. Cricket Team To They then rose and found the house on fire. It is alleged the St. Vincent.
the fire started to burn from the outside. Jost pb Le was ar.
Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 rested the same night, and car Arrangements are at present Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000. ried to Malvera station. where ander way for taking a team of he is now in custody to be local professionals to St. Vincent examined on the 21th Inst engage in a series of cricket Gleaner.
matches during next month Cha invitation is extended by the Water Supply Scheme Con of St. Vincent, which has arranged games for the 23rd and 24 January, and is Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York Crry Oumed by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OP New YORK At the December meeting of for to matches to b: the Trelawny Parochial Board, played against other Clubs the Clerk presen tel reports, Flannigan, than whon there is plans, specitications and esu 10 10 beter known professional mates, prepared by Mr.
cricketer Depository of the PANAMA CANAL in the coboy, will Perkins, in connection with the tourists and he has Dornock water supply scheme asked us to appeal through our the summaries were perused, columns to the sporting public and the matter was referred to for subscriptions to make the Direct Representations through air oun Branches and those of the special water supply com toar assured. St. Vincent wil THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in mittee to report on in time for bear the cost of entertainment the next meeting in that colouy, but passages ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN TALY BELGIUM In connection with the matter. have to be provided by the local CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES on the suggestion of the Chair: nen, at their own expenses, and recommended it is for this particular purpose man, the Board ARGEITINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO the Government to obtain 9) or These passages will cost no that subscriptions are asked.
USUGUAY AND VENEZUELA (4) boxing outats ior use in the colossal sum. The men neei u island.
luxuries. they are enthusiasts anxious to find some outlet for City Council Is After Grad their Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World thelie ocricketing ability, some Ing Parlsh Rates httle opportunity of demonstratlog their talent. We will be to rective, to record and The Gleaner of the 18th inst. to pass on the most modest cor ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Bates thet the citizens of King tour is deserving of encouragethe fund. The ston have been clamouring certain traprovements in the ment. We appeal to the public INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM parish: and it is hoped that to pass up their pence. The provision will be made for some team hopes to leave the coloury of these on the civis estimates on the 17th January. 00TL DVOU LI rita MILK Grom Produceerd Co OPERATIVE AS GROCES. UTICA, NY, USA ASSOCIATION, INC VEIS International Banking Corporation also arranging captain the pleased to


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