
or Save That Tooth!
British Trade And Industry.
Dɔ not extract an aching tooth. decayed tooth if it has at least BY TAKING two good walls can be saved to (By RICHARD LATHAM. give you good service for many FOR years London. December 1922 ali the measures taken by the Il your teeth are loose with British Government since the pus seeping around the neck of WONDERFUL CURE FOR ar to promote trade and there the teeth, giving your breath an by, employment, the moes tensive coor zou are suffering mportant from the point of BLADDER IRRITATION from Pyhorrea Alucolaris, This view of export trade are the can be cured. Do not bave them rur Acte compendiously known extracted unless there is Vert as the Overseas Trade Acte.
It Conta ns East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood little connection between the 1920 to 1922. The purpose of and other ingredients bony tissue alveolar and the these acts is to deal with the tooth.
abnorwal position of trade the If you are interested in saving world over by bringing to the Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours your teeth see Erdinary processes of com perce he assistance of vernmetal DR. JOHNSON credit, at the sam time pr not Surgeon Dentist ng emplosment by speediny a BUY BOX TO DAY 139 Central Avenue lageing wheels of iod istry Two of these act treat of other AT THE Го Over City Pharmacy export ade, to CHORRILLO DRUG STORE which this article is contined.
No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
If you like beautiful hair use The meaning and scope of these Pasures et be Kauged Croieine Hair Producer.
by chronological them (1) First, then, comes the Principal Act, the Overs as Trade (Credis and Insurance) Act of 1920.
The purpose of this iu stat in in the premble to to it is the re establishing over ea ad It provided that with this object in view where it appeared to Board of Trade as the CIGARETTES British Ministry oi Commerce is is called) advisable so to doby reason of circum stances arising out of the war the Board webu might make arrangements for granting to persons domiciled in or companies registered under the laws of the United Kingdom credits for he export to certain countries of goods wholly or parily produced or manut ctur. in the Unite Kingdom. The was further authorized to uadertake the business of the nsurance, and re insurance of such goods. The countries pecified were eight of the new tates of Central and Eastern Europe arisen from the wer, togelber with Georgia and Power was given to the Board to add other cou tries and precautions were taken to prevent credits going to non British subj cts firms. wenty six million pound, was Ax as the maxmum a nount of credits to be outstanding at any time and an advisory com nictee was constituted to assist banana INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS. meeting to discuss he Board in administering the business with a financial mag SURPRISINGLY GOOD act.
nate, one Mr. Coben, a Jew, who said he was able to interest (2) The foregoing principal Act (Continued From Page 2)
Covent Garden in the matter was amended, and extended, la Mr. Westall tall from St. Lucia was Vear by the Overseas The gociety decided to request volumes. legislative grant of unable to attend, but he supplied (Credity and Insurance) Auendthe Administrator of Agricul 600 ts voted annually for its valuable data. Oo his arrival Lent Act, 1921. This short ture to report on the possibility maintainance.
here, Mr. Marryshow mentioned measures empowered the Board opportunity sce: the of idea to certain persons who so good that it is to be hoped Determined Suicide. should have been interested in insurance but, that the islands will be able to the project, but it was received to guarantee export fulfil their share of the bargain.
OF with that chronic Grenadian list of Amst determined and even pessimism which predicts all the other hand they will look countries To the mentioned in the for some sort of gurantae that tully successful etort was kinds of farciful difficulties principal added thay will fare better than did made by a photographer named in the Lerritories of the British Enpire Jamaica which the other day Joseph Guiseppi of Port of our life. Meanwhile the British Protectorates and the sent a cargo of bananas to Spain, Trinidad to end his life Mr. Westail information tell British Mandatory Territories.
Canada only tind the market on the 14h cember.
with First on fruitful ground in St. Luca, carried in stock (8) The third Act is the glutted by bananas sent from lisbing his throat with a razor, and planters are planning ahead Trade Facilities Act, 1921. This the United States.
the sucide next jumped from a in that colony.
Act dealt with other matters 16 Our representative says that crete basement and find that Banana Meeting lasted be to a con chan export trade, being chiefly fine Selection of concerned with the guaranteeing War Memorial At Marine ing the job nt wholly feel the details, cost etc. were work several urs, during which. returned to a beight of 22 in.
by the Government of the in Square.
and again launched himself to cerest and for principal of loads ground, fracturing skull ed out.
to be applied towards the carry Taken to the Hospital, he Since that time, a young At a recent meeting of the arin of capital undertakings, AND e. undertakings involving Trinidad War Memorial Com died twenty minutes after ade Grenadian in Rland has been capital expenditure. But includ mittee it was agreed to erect the mission. Domestic troubles interesting hun sell in the matei in this a Memorial in contemplation on were said to have disturbed his ter. He bas bren in commuciextending the operation cation with leading planters in of the Horrified the small Savannah to the east mind.
spectators JUST RECEIVED (wo aforementioned acts to all of the Prince building. The witnessed the acts, but were the island, bus, we understand, with fright countries whatsoever to no result also Com twittee had previously decid. too paralys. to xtended the time during which to male Marine Square the prevent him.
There is no doubt, whatever these acts could operate. This locus en quo, but certain disad that bang is wanted; that ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Act further removed the restri vantages have subsequently Gren famous fruit soil is con origloally imposed providing arisen to the efectutation of the GRENADA able to produce banana of the SHIRTS TIES COLLARS bat credits should not be given üriginal intention.
right siz; and with excellent to non British sulcug or firus.
flavour; that snigs will call al.
most any where for supplies. 4) This trade Facilities Act Deep Sea Fishing Revived. Chance For Grenada. What is necessary now is thit of last been AT THE PALAIS ROYAL year bas just planters get togetoer for busiby the Trade Facilities Deep sea fishing ness, and arrange with outside and Loans Guarantee Act, 1922 revived in Trinidad after lapse TO CULTIVATE BANANAS TO markets. With the necessary PERREIRA passed in the pass recent short of three years by the pioneers of guarantee of development on ession of the new Parliament.
the industry. Messrs Grell Co.
this side there will be proper This Act likewise dealt with CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner h Street, ANAMA Lid, The fish scbooner sent out SEA MARKET.
machinery put at our disposal other watters than export trade, such as the loan of Austria, but daring last week of the Damefor the success of the scheme.
contained a clause amending Tera banks return to port with The West Indian of a recent date 1200 tish weighing 7, 500 lbs. The says. It seem to us that the the Overseas Trade Acts of weather was unfavourable. time has come for the planters Mr. Donovan Appeals to the properties owed by my 1920 and 1921 in respect of the priod for which guarantees of the colony to meet in confer. His Countrymen.
dear wife all have been eaten under these acts may remain in Public Library To Havet starting Fruit Industry.
np by the newspaper all have to consider the advisability disappeared. The tine has come force.
Greater Authority. Snatches of talk over the tele The Grenada Federalist of when should retire and seek Sucb, then, are the four acts phone now and then. can get December 2od has the following: rest leave it to my countrywhich regulate the granting of After nearly forty years of men to make the remaining day!
Legislature to give the Direct anywhere; small experiments Credits of tbe Government to tors of the Trinidad Public by an individual planter or two active service as Journalist and of my life comfortable and my CIGARETTES assist export trade. Two (1 and 2) It are useless. Planters must or: Politician, the time has come will be Library greater authority than are useless noticed bear the they at present enjoyed is at pre ganics and get down to solid when should seek rest in retirement a pleasant one Dame of Overseas Trade waile GALWEY DONOVAN.
From retirement. do not say that under 4)
two (3 and are embodied in sent consideration. The business in this matter.
Library was established in in 1851, documents in our possession, have rendered any service to Best on the Market (Continued on page 1)
building it now occupies a Grenadain called Trade Facilities Acis.
Hill Prison It remsins now to explain thu at the corner of Knox and Pem represeаtative of this paper in Streets cost 15 000. It is a England, we are convinced that, twice in the culminal dock in procedure which individuals and Rent Receipt Books in Span. ASK FOR THEM firms can popular institution. In 1885 there it rightly launched there is a defence of truth and honesty obtain the facilities were 348 subscribers and 12, 600 Sao tature for a banana industry and jastice hese may count Ish and English foraia at the granted by these measures. Its volumes; wbilst in 1920 there in Grenada. Mr. Marrysbow for nothing. Th. little property clear, we hope that, subject to Workman) Prirstry.
ELIAS PRETO. Agent (Continued on Paye 8)
were 1340 subscribers and 28. 754, was asked in London to sto me by my beloved mother. Trado of fruit. The Only the Best and undertakely to erant credits Act were Men Furnishings way of change for any landing English Woolens and ing out of White Linen Drills Act was claure and ed to be.
amended has been ence BOOST EMU the to and the then breke


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