
PAGE FOUR TAE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANTA 27 192. Com mércial kingsion THE WORKMAN that more like it!
10 It is POIO Brdry Of On HY le KINAIR upon them.
WILL QUY HI DISINI eryth AR QUE feel the hithelin it to Olon (Continued from page story of the buildir, and th fres quickly Dread. Four Pabited on Saturdays by Ratne for dette en splica the wicke lurrure srdce WALNUT on Correspondence on all matters articles of an is femalle nach que sad corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited Statements were taken yesterblitt Box 74, Panama All cops for publication muss ir day but to light could be to how the fire orinated.
written on one side of paper only srd fifteen (15)
SATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOZ must be accompanied by the name of Mr. Narco estimated Lis Joss in Os Year 40 78. cy the writer, not necessarily for publics. the vicinity of between 000 BETTER 81x Mouths 20 ton but as a mark of good faith. and 19. 000, and he carried 26600 woh oh insurance desde cigarettes Three 60.
we do not undertake to return Toilows. The Ryal Yorkshire es Ooo We. orejected orrespondence, Insurance Couraty, 18. 000; be Lancabire, 000, atid The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS Worli Auxiliary Company in the Republic 1, 000.
stated that Mr. Milke Ines is in the vicinity of 00 and 800. and the stock THE PRESENT DAY CARNIVAL. ex red by insurance. He had a rely up to a few weeks a botit lapsed as be decided to transfer bis insurance. FortunNow that the Carnival spirit is broad cast among the chamway in the iron Bates his more ive ck residents of the Isthmus and has taken hold of aliele. The txobaidige were words be men of our population it is not in appropriate to draw a Mr. Crutchley, of Panan. They contrast between the carnival of to day and that of by gone were insured in the Ryt times. The fact of evolution has placed its stamp on the insurance Company for 1, 00, and the insurance Company will amusements of the peoples just as surely as it has left its impression on the species of mankind and brute.
only pay approxima ely 1500 on the store that was destros cu, viz: The carnival, wbich is an institution of European 993 Harbour St.
criginality, runs back to the tiine when converts from heathenism in their efforts to resist the corrupt indulgenPANMA DISTRICT ces of their former practices which market the festivalio the spring time were given permission by the ecclsiastical authorities to participate in mild amu ements which acted Order Of Druids Friardly as a kind of offset against the temptation or desire to Soeety los allation of Oklcers mingle in the affairs of the unconverted.
Every cigarette full Then, as uutil recently, the carnival was a time of the lastalinion of of one of the weiht and full size absolute merriment in the week preceding h dnesday, Pino Order of Druids during which time the participants unleashed themelves to plein Sturdav Jary 20: from all ethical restraints and indulgel in various twins of 23 the bedroom Street Central, be tolein Brother fun and frolie, day and night. Under proper sanction Mad ty they carried on their enjoyment until the solennities on talled to Go Bo Chris Crbin JPDGM Liggett Myers Tobacco Co.
Dies Cinerum brought to an austere end the dissipations of terrok Deret Groud Mwer. that means quality.
a number of days. Soal y pity District Grand Maser.
how Lilledley (P. DGM Distit Aileg rical floats and other representations depicting lawarHe Contin subjects of antiquity and showing skill and ingenuit Satin Serey PizHI Giube The lastalan were among the leading features of the celebratin The Crywu performed by Br Jan pe ple spent time, energy and mo ev in making these id bs Buty to remony was performed by most CHURCH SERVICES.
toats attractive and imoressive. And because Jime: I, Roboti PDGN.
study which they afforded much interest was entered my the Brothers reared to the DJ. Pet.
Roger, Bombay Grea, Aiter Han aid justice to the ceremony tha bra bra rain to be to European countries were the custom originated and Lyol sou unotie Toast week elins provid.
un pa vided, after which is button and enjoy the good (Sop un esimi Saray)
St. Paul Church, Panama on the American continent where it wa, transplanted with it STRAIGHT the immigrant, very little more than the spirit of blank Several specchioa were made for tha Hlynania QUEEN 10. a, The Litany er jo meni was thrown into the affair. Brilliant as die EVERGREEN LOOGE Mo, besh and prey of theolodzona order which Forwara berly 103. Ehrist and seran in festiv ties re, they bore no bing more than the idea of a 10, 242, 0, Of WW on. broging to a pm toly Baptista Farewell to the flesh. carnis vale) except the su: eiusmod cijeyebie funzija.
30 Stady Sol gidilary fact that the industrial could not be overlo ked HOB since the foals and other representationis necessitated skill Listal New Officers 39 Everett and ability Ta Memorias NIGITENGWE Rostor KNAR LASING The main idea in the old time carnivel was enjoynen Tine alatina fie perfthe St. Alba s, Paraiso, and nothing more. It was fun, run, run Mon, women ard Gea de No. 1041, GUOOF, IL Vuia tras In Loving Memory o! our say 33 pin STORE WIL QUIN children tumbled over one another in the with ani folic to place at the star rith it with th ir masks and theit cos ums, luoicrous and gay sa The este instal. de who folla lap in Jusus on Ja. a PNG ICEGALS Priat in charge is die hail, 21 Street, cal po blived friend Caroline Andain. 7, 1) Eveus dies But such times have served their day and are going fuo uy 23 1922.
Li Sabias Mission many places the carnival is a thing of the past, and in such Dorns, Warden; Amblin, Not gone from us in memory n, in Church School places where it has survived it has akun on a ff rento; AI RING; Not one from ut ia lova 4;15 Brons and ad from color, in som instances so complete as to leave no trace o CISNG; Dons Bat on to the Father s, bomo A, NIGHTENGALE Priest ia obargo Star of Gulana Lodge No. 16 its former and or ginal character, 16;J Sok LSVG; S Yearwo abore.
10. Instalis Osors Ia Patama to day, the carnival is more than a time wc; WT;T Headly LOUISE JORDAN, of fun and amusement, it is a business proposition. The Balvel riding, NG AMINA JORDAN, st. Pater Church La Boc. On January 14 ar of Gaisas Lod 35 Cak PNG; Gilib hold their installatia when the folox.
interest manifested by the various commercial and civic vot; Prescott, N MOTHER Morming Prayer Holy Commaion, insgend of ins were prent. Ai ar organ zations is proot that a serious complexion is no Sormon Il am tha usul ceremony the eflita for the given to the whole affair. The carnival committees in foly Baptie en uing term wers duiy installed.
Sunday School 30 pm Panama, in Colon and on the Canal Zove bave taken on GRAND OFFICERS Chural Evensong with Sermon 7:30 the subject with improved ideas as to its usefulness. It is MULCARE. Brotor Bro. Ba her, M; Pard, Lyter; no lorper the empty noise making nerve racking thing is Wrner, D; Minoy, Sety; Barker, Barnabas Church Empire used to be, but it bas been given a high per centage of Trons; Paith, GSD; Prine. GID; business which makes it a matter for study and attention. Mornaforayer and adress 11 am Rosch, Indoor Guard; Lindiy, Suo:lay School pin Chaplain.
There is only one unfortunate elenient which remains Evening Prayer and addrew 30 p:c OFFICER INSTALLED to mar the blithesomeness of the combined business and FOR MULCARE Prizret in chargo Bros. Week, G; Hward, pleasure occasion, It is the voting for queens which alDM; Aiko 18, Seaty; Gilkou, Auss.
ways give occasion for rancor and such like unpleasantness Bartholomews Church Las, Soory; Biyno, Trew; s. vory, The eagerness of the various committees to bave their Juan Franco Race Track Cascadas D; Nishila, ID; Wilans.
choice win sometimes makes them fake recourse to exMoroing Prayit, Litany address Ilam used; Beeta. Tyler: Palya, Suoday School 2;30 dim pedients that are both unfortunate and unw. se. It has beco Chap; Lord, II.
Evening Peryer and address 3:30 known that young ladies, who before the carnival bad T MULCARE Priest in charge Grins and Chuckles beea close friends, had afterwards become estranged through the indiscret ons wbich accompanied the enthuSunday, January 28th. 1923 Ilo uh dan at where do you live?
84 With my obt!
siasm of their individuals supporter3.
Panama San Miguel St Ho And where do your mother lives?
The carnival decorations by the boys and young men buiding 18 Sbo With me!
from the school of aris are exhibitions of rare skill and Gospel Serm 30. 11, 30 a. , 7:30 God, ou whers do you both live?
ingenuity. Strangers to these shores on viewing the sunday School pm Bas why you dot know we live to archways along the principal streets of the city of Panama Bailey Pator gether in our wel HORSES NEW are always struck with the high class of workmanship He Ye daar oue but where is your hous Sbe il. Il. why in Paasma, sur executed by the natives of the country who are still tak Church Of God G St Colon Soene ende abraply ing their courses of instruction in preparation for publ. lue. They show what the people of the country have American Legion Carnival Queen ode 7:30 Gospel Sermon been able to do within twenty years.
Sunday Sobou Young People Meeting; 30 pm.
The stores and other business places enjoy good pat.
and Panama Carnival Queea Sis. E, Brewster Pastor Evang. Vespera.
Souday evening at Reading New Providence roong e during the carnival season for it is the one time in All new leve both young sod Grace the Occasion the year wben everybody, old and young, high and low, Gospel Sermon 11. 30 a. 30 old. 30. Preaching Service.
gets in the ring for a good time. The costume makers Sunus Sehool pm Bu Elliot, Paster, The Sav: tion Army La Boca and builders of floals make advantageous business; the Gatun Sorajay 5:30 a Prayer caseting cocheros and chauffeurs register no complaints about bad 11 st Bergen Masor Watley business at carnival time while the muscians come in for a Gospel Sermoa 11, 30 sm 7, 20 good share of money at this time, LADIES FREE 7:30 Mrs. Enigo Bennett Sunday School pta Then, the outside world is brought to know, through Georgo Griffith Christian Mission Of Panama the Carnival boosting, more about the cosmopolitan comPanama 11 a 7;30 JW. Burke Supt reunity bere, and of the babits and manners of the people.
Saventh Day dventist Church Cbavilio 11. a Trotrop 7:30 WILD The friendly intercourse which, of late, has developed which sets the wheels of our local commerce in rapid revo STREET CALIDOSTA ROAD, Book 11 am 7;30 Bis Coope Miin between the Panamanians and foreign residents reveals lution, the merry sice of the question remains on the surslogary (nsar Isthmsis. PANAMA.
itself more evidently in the carnival days time than at face, but beneach there is the iact of cold, bad business in Paraiso llam PPollard 7:30 Mosley anyother time in the year.
which all who nave the most popular a:victes do the greet bah Schcel: 11 35 General Wersluis Colon 11 a Jones 7, 30 Josh Boyce Sebhest (Saturdry) 45 Sub Gatun 11 am 7:30 Sis Mottie The whole business feature of the carnival is one est busine3s. p. Banish Cies; 30.
Rov, J, W, BURKE Supl. eux RSS Te.
145 Cert Alente has City 10 Loltre treet, Colon ALL ABOARD!
TO MORROW FINE RACES First Race starts 15


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