
ARITH CPAM AVERAGE MAMES OF TEACHERS SO 81 84 77 SINS FO 72 do do do də 73 SS and 67 quest 61 67 50 d)
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05 50 SL Leonard Maria Le Hibi Hluter to 65 37 145 do 50 50 218 216 20 40 uo do do do da do de do che 05 20 17 14 O Agust 642 Bidio Die Brug 30 1 40 10 de 01.
10 41 فی 18.
Cemal Studies It is lý Cụt 16 10 13.
10 co ATLANTIC SIDE LEBLANC UNDERTAKER Commarder Wat Below is a st of sucers ul candites in order of marit gan 1070 with the Inter Schoo Examinations held in Toon on Friday Cet ber 27: 22. 100 he maximum marks for each subje. 5) per cant is tha mini nun marks of the CORNER AND 1616 STRERT son Presents total egregate obta inal cra pass in the 7th, 6th and 5th grades, and per cent in the 4th grads. Capital letters Member of this indicate excelence in the wicts as follow. Asthmustis, A; Gra amar, 2; Sygiene, C; Writing and English Univrsal Negro Improvement FETITION TO GOVERNOR OF STT VIT Association African omPANAMA munities League NOM LE PLUNE REAL MAMES.
ENGLISH HYSICAL TOTAL NAMES OF SCHOOL On the oth ipit. Commarder Valter33 African Black 7035 Narsa Watson of the Colon boys ir tt Clar bel Lue Hing B D 82 84 91 337 84 25 Kort St. Joseph Grammar ut et Color e me over to this Courage Special Rate for Ma nbars And Wiline Red 83 33 625 sid do city in the interest of Ger Larly Muud Byrr Clark ABC LO 325 81. Cuen who was arrested Ballo Gady. Len CB 70 95 232 do magaetic influences as exercise Psrama a li tle while go and over mea, and for their deastic who it was rumoured had been STANDARD VI skull. The arguineat adduced by cot vietà ard tentered for a a President George Rome 185 85 293 74. E. Kort St. Jonsph. Great the speakers on the negative was Derid of the year. Cousin; is a Chill 19 Edgar John 46 92 296 74 do do resident of Colon where he lived Aspiration good. Mr. H Wakers, the Edward Low 78 SI 64 289 72. 25 do une foremost speaker emphasized lots with his mothe at soath Fr ok Wat A0 75 50 268 the fact that wowca are tas wiese Comarder Molly Am Cumberland 65 250 proper creatures and the only Watson peticed his Excelercy Charity By vis Maria 33 79 235 58. 75 one to stand beside men, t)
for the release of the tey Periute Loda Stewart 39 41 66 201 50. do soothe their SORTOWS.
and that be be transfered to the make the intrapoy Bat whca it By Institute under his perETINDVRD comes to political strata they are sonal care, Patience Line Archibald CD 64 73 85 803 75. 75 Kerr St. Joseph. Grammar usable ts Wita mea ca CD Merris Chames Cost der Watein was kind. Aitakip 70 50 88 72 do do accuat of their political and Chritopher Bison ly cented by the Governor boWater Jacket 70 74 279 69 J. Drummond He also Marie Mephenon 78 265 cataliacapability 60 25 interram that the tiy bad Recki Kert St. Joseph Grammas prate vat tast they cannot rale Vincent Hou Let been before Ile ccurt is yet. Victory 91 261 85 02 də do ine attairs of aitoa witavut Macell virgen 70 245 Be was baresd a letter to the wine do do Submarino having mea as their cuasesor Sincer Jeho 73 213 6075 Fourth Circuit Court Judge 10 co do aud Saide, alter both sides bad Mytle 210 do which was a guest that the Harrissa do udly debated the mater, the Lines Supers 236 to Drummond acting Pekeat appealed to the 225 Jer Time 56 25 Institute, The Judge oi ile K.
St. Joseph Grammar house to think un lac arguncat La. Fay Drums 2019 52. 25 above court pointed cut that do adduced on bota sides, thereby Edna Ekiza Pays 207 cemited 42 51 753 Drummond cousin lid Iho Biviteir decision accordingly STANDARD IV Aites the votes were takes it Bericos Crimes of house robbery old that the trial would take Do ty 02 Gwer coine Rowe BCD C5 FO 84 resulted in the winding of the 313 78, 25 Kerr St Joseph Grammst plece on the 27th in tara side Aitor tus the Everest Ednord Archibald BD 60 83 66 Brgeuve 289 72 25 do premised that alter the trial of President taca thauke the mana Claro Yung AD 78 70 64 286 715 do the bos he would be harded to Mary bers and friends for the interest AD 77 55 285 do the pot ce department and sunt sunebino Geraldine Watson Suowa, anu tortuer kad atica. с 45 64 45 64 79 61. 25 to the Institule.
tion and decisio Nellie Len May Tuc subject CO 09 04 247 6175 da do Samrud Gurtlet and Arthur White Rs. Comen Padds foot 45 announcu for 62 De 15 603 242 Alen so boy who robled the Nelson Owen Stitley EO 2:0 00 adurcsses.
lostitute ard TAD away to Dot Muriel Chong E7 238 89. Pua a fortnight so were Reliner George Joren 2:6 59.
arrested by the quest of Com Voule Lue le Mullins 57 GATUN, 8575.
do lutute Watton and sert tack to you tendera Hanom. 2873 MJ. Bley Phl ntripe Shaol Colon.
Dick Idwin Trott 226 265 E, Kerr Gaust Salvatit Army Very FINANCIAL RETORT or Daly Risetts 225 56. 25 do EX ENDITURE FROM MAX Endurence Activ. 1o DEC. May 1905 Gew Ayrtle Evans Tae vicinity of High St is 6ะ Rozette Can CH Juno 214 735 Suyuti regious Nis Les July ther Son Jr Medro 100 29.
Sber 07 42 Bei ey Pantone School Wou: Ocibule 14:30 je Fe K JUD. Uratowa 15 titere will Norber 30 GRT Victor Wong 41 2010 rodad nusis acound co burto rе a Den 51 d)
redits to that we Inhenay 1913 Day 37 Mrs Biley Philantiocis School.
Jurys bv Total 108193 Bilar 100 travel over so many Drummond roayasta 12 Gwisdom do Lou 161 4115 A Kurt St. Joseph Customar waking up welusidus ou Installat on dy Privsi Jotos 10 19 Piesan lanser, nos ar do do expose oita di Telefony Testetin cities Wibe Mint Biley Pritenie fchool lite are hard work a diet Norio bir erti Nd Lego Juche Trost!
PUU held En Mi 46 də GUC. of OF do And Uni Leke Hatlon Tunc TE Born to Mr. and Mr. FU Htet Men Nummerd 18 Jetty, le fik weet to Sunday 21 Awiwly 171 MJ. Baley Phil ropa Ceho efir is its rid o form and coord Deuty, fully 170 AK St Jo Gr Donc 06 Oy Oy Mr.
Jibaok is 22 do Dideply do R: POR, MXG; God Luck lust TO 80 151 Mfs. Bailey Philantr pie School Mancial 520 Dpt 101 Hinson, W1; Cury. NG; Suubeam Mes e da 45 45 23 4075 ker St Jach so walem. no tou Kit WU, Ek, W; Revor this town. bu is no Olivier, RNG: Aldron.
Waring broad sa 02 WT; Bird, I. Wicca, WC, lat tuprova neat whilst nou.
eve, PING.
JUAN ILLUECA te chere to its credit from Laler and babu aro log ca The army we performed in a Boca School misliti bend perive tether by La curune with the yearly Bre her Bue. DM etc by nine Atorney. at. Law working plan which calls for a Musical No. 44 Central Avenue Etertainment Jiny, PM. NG, after which February, the Presido han Clubnouse Secretary bers and visitors Terited to be basqueting huli bere an ijoy biv time TELEPHONE 64. Bux No. 76 Aastructed the Macagement Transferred to La Boca.
Com aittee to TVB speat, Practices in; ail Courts of mendations for the carrying out Pana ins. little nonsense now and then of the same. mein bar o?
The rezident: hero join in ex toe Installation Ceremony English Spoken Fluently Is relished by the best of me?
Counmittee bas inunated to pressinz trete taelinestol gratis several well kcown artists will tato banks and appreciattoa be asked to contribute to the ser try on this ocor on of 1) Me JT Waller, Clubhouse KING GEORGE LODGE program The Atben. seum having his a double function, nam ly, inititi takes over the obligations of the his recent transier to Buss former Literary Society, bu nas been nere for one year and Suiver Clubsouse Mr. Waller On Friday epiting the 19 instant and Databatur, at the Fl. war of the the lines of the Riya King Gelte Vlachaus Lesoom.
ordered and received three gold Lede Ny 31, 0. 01 GB medais from the Up! ud States ortog which timna be bis ca be usuni formalities being otseryd Let whoop it up and make this salle de bor eficere for the compresory to digning the iOA, for the winners of the Eleca sto sared himself to tires Contest bell some 101 od visitors of the 2018 tera, bere wis quite a Iguacht of year Carnival the best ever under the auspices of section of this town. How.
sisters and trothers from tte vitae lodge was declared rency for that that genial, coarteous and ktad?
Society, and Das been declied varias carages ne 10 dger to witness the rotereny wiatpurpure nu it was crita lucuya wab.
Jus a bitch to include the o nduwed by the Disney presentation at the clubnousa Pere, aceia Bao. James, aspisicd by si This part of the evening pooedthese medals in de prograu o tee sing with the essentialis of the Ganding bung en led, the instala of Ko gbotto Lavy Kniebte PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY the musical entertainment wbiennents of cultural progress to dur; when the folware afflicts were ttiota tur the worin Jaruary June is to come off as aiready mention which Gstaa takes secoad AT YOUR SERVICE ed installed in their various offices: gan when the following officers 10 place.
Brobert Ardrewe, WC; Kelly, tostailed in their ir respective thies, Bros. E, Cherry, NG: EL Lune Mrs. Waller comes in for quite VC; Ellis, RS; Frencis, RED TANK.
larga share of the guests Buke, Trebe; VG; A. Campbell, NI: inty as such. Musical items Prelate; Campbill Cond; Rue Des odai, PNF; we Abraam, PNG CANAL ZONE achieved by her darling husA on the program mere: Piano 9:los ecked)
Daud, as to all ta varted activi188; Burton, 088; Sisters RN The regular weekly meeting of thes she did her part uadincang.
PD; Qiuealand. of F, A, Lyne, N. Pro anor and Guiller: the Red Tank Clubhouse Literis, aud otseliny, de care anino som ni plano Donaidean DIR; Betly, Alles, win ek etou. e 1; Nstis, of T: Wati, mae semper. Advounts Welcosa we; Cumberland and Master ary Society, was held on Mondia wita do Grls 139 va rede of L; Pie, Condre; Mait Thou W; MDR Artbar. day Ligotlive in of all Dobi Kigo: Colaunch, Hong titles No; La Boca Athen clame of business prevented the for the purpose of transacting wa9 ara conversant with the its discussion of the French advance its We ks, RSVG; Tr, L3VC; The chiel good works which have been Puse.
aeum ha he kant vailey which was Should womea fea ure was a debate, namely, sc muis, acc pished oa bansit of wa After the installation of officers the aud Jito let.
02 the evening. This have and P. degrees wee conferred Bro. Emen Bet, Dibicios Master, 3, Alton, strict subject will however, ba dealt political on Bro, Andrews, and Sister Nesisted by Ben PLANS MUSICAL EN CERTAIN with the text meeting when this Mng its with mea. of For and Mrs. Waller, it is Walters, desire and anticipated Phillips, the Grebam, this caed the eveniak pro. Ceutsty, pide the ceremony wa ce Vz. B. Hunter, while Messrs. Tazale, Lawson, En y will meet with a super naMENT and Dyce oa the of this gram when sil penubers went to the most efficient nuo wi aisa civo some demonstra touet mat! wbere they had an enjoy on th, brethren uto. Ca the proper understandir affim Morrison bespoke on the areas of success in thuir 237 present me to the bun gust be Will Present Gold Medals to of the Dictionary for the parpose able time.
affirmative The argument of labour.
and catc! o the very sumptuou: Winners or Elocution Coatest. of getting the correct pronuncia daced by the speakers of the Initiation and Installation repasi put tion ned accontastion of words. alhrmative was good in its It British Consulate Notice Bro. a. uudere was appoint:d The regular wekly meeting It is a pleasure to report the it was filled wita instructions and intelligence a few on Tuesday biche last amidat Toast Maser for the cenniowe do ot the LBC Athengautam sa rapta bercase, in the member women in ancient and modera The British Consulate Gaaral lolda putu ber of Odate tiowa from ibe made ao bo performed that duty crkt day night. the President. Mr. Craswell of the state of the in disebab They commented on the would be 21 of boformatica Rchard ser lodres, Loyal Perse verstco Lodse abis. Specsues Wanadanges in tali Raynolds, presiding Mrs.
Gyvern nent School of La relatious women have from time is alleged lo bara besa employed No. 10, 105, of ibe Grand United Order the wall bourse the reming and a King, Vice Presides who has of Ocdiellow working under the Cotna swaling naisted that he islo been appolated orary Boce. With Me Cragwell toelof the pressure of life burdea. Oonpany and to time displayed in the interest; wita tas Darten Golu Piazis, cook up the additional Athenaeum DOW has three They praised them for their recently to have died mittee of Management in England, Luld lite bou bu Harry Pest 11 HO 11 وی در فرد یان نا لما لاقانه تنها با له سه د و از ورقية. co 61 113 40 31 18 37 21 21 29 11 Arduinis ratio 35 41 41 الأثاث NONSENSE!
subrois recoma NUF SAID BOYS!
umea WY N, Beifon, quadrla.


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