
PGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATUPDAY JANUARY 27 tong WEEKLY LONDON LEITER. sexe S6XSCOXS0SSS sssxSSSSSSSS 58. 00 This Means Money to You An Eventful Period.
There have been plenty of political events to occupy our attention in London. The con versations, fraught with such vital importance to the Eutente anu to Europe, between the four Allied Premiers. bave taken place in our midst; across St.
Georges Channel, the Irish Free State has started on its Career; and at Lausanne the conference on the Nar East has reached its most critical stage.
Panama Carnival Colon Carnival 20. 00 FIRST PRIZE 10. 00 SECOND PRIZE 20. 00 FIRST PRIZE 10. 01 SECOND PRIZE FOR THE BEST Lausanna FOR THE BEST Lucky Strike COSTUME Lucky Strike ceived Wielory SON American Legion Carnival Lucky Strike Lucky Strike able to refrankly Minis: IF THE CARNAVAL T: Lausanne Conference was.
of course, primarily a gathering for schising a pictul settle ment between Turkey and the powers which hd be in a state COSTUME of war witu her The eil et of the very thorough dubbin Which Turkey Slavian nad sent ben fused in the Turkista mind at all event the easy American Legion gained by Mustapha Kemal over the Grocks four months Toe Turks sine, then have bad Carnival to adapt the English phrase.
a little too big for their ft 22 However, the Confere co baxan PACIFIC SIDE ATLANTIC SIDE mesed on all sides to the ex. thanks. as ti agreed ceprional skill displayed in 20. 00 FIRST PRIZE 20. 00 FIRST PRIZE very trying circumstances by Lord Cuiz The British Foreign 10. 00 SECOND PRZE 10 00 SECOND PRIZE Secretary has always knowo that extremely intricate problem FOR THE BEST FOR THE BEST of the Near East as well as be baak on the back of his own hend.
There is not a phase of it which he has not completely mpstered Coupled with thie this Inumate koowledge of detail, Lord Curxon has shown Simselt COSTUME to see the problem broadly, COSTUME and in a very little time he TRY AND COPY IT placed he suspicion with which IT MEANS MONEY TO YOU the Turks had regarded British OPEN TO ALL MEN AND WOMEN policy by a sense of corndence complete that ismet Pasha very early contacted the habit The Honorable Judges of the Four Carnivals on the day of the Parade have very kindly consented to act of conig round to talk things as Judges for the Eight Best Costumes and distribute the 120. 00 over cutientially and with the Britisb Foreign TRY AND BE LUCKY. YOU WILL BE THEM YOU SMOKE ter belore he took any detinite step in Conference To Lord ISSSSS 559 Xs8 26ssies sexsicossos sexcones sexsesses, Curzon, too, must be attributed the unity of front wbich the Allies displayed in a problem London and Wasbington with which bau Liberto been parucu respect. WILKINSON farly notorious for revealing Why Sterling Is Strong.
riits in the allied lute.
Contractor Russia and the Black Sea, It is not without significance and Builder that the American exchange for sterling has now toucbed 457 House No. 20 The arrival of the Russians dollars Within ühirty cents of to participate in the discussion gold parity. The strength of the IS FAST APPROACHING 28th NOV. STREET, of the Straights did not improve is the logical sequenc of SAN MIGUEL the amenities of Lausanne.
strick adherence to the recog Russia scheme was, in fact, national finance, nised standards of British O, Box 411, Pinama, RP It is all the to turn the Black Sea into a pood in which to quote one jour more amazing when it is remem walis phrase, Russia would be bered that this the pike among the carp. Tur: cupport and that factories which So do your shopping early and you will get unemployed to Plans and Specifications Free key (assiduously flattered among other things would proto keep our intruders. Jeaving duce revenue are standing idle the best Bargains First Class Workmanship the Black Sea ard Danubian Guaranteed.
very much at the mercy pro are working at very low of Russia both in a military and prosture. It is impossible for Lord Curzon very people outside this country to DO YOU NEED soon revealed the inner insignit realize how severely English corce of the Russian scheme and people have been Toler submitted that of the Allies, the position of their nation.
to maintain the strong financia!
Not demilitar je the Straights placing them imposed such a burden on its country in the world has under an One cannot wonder sin with a Turk as chairman. citizens.
therefore the sllow impeded merchant dels English taxpayers refrain from through the Straights Then why be satisfied mit the passage of a limited exhibiting any sigas of wild number of warships into the cathusiasm when it is broadly with less than the best Black that national suggested to him that Good Sewing can hardly be antol interests might be safegua ded due to him from other done without good thimbles, by countries should be by the Allies of such a nature as to renounced. This lek of enthus Among other things at our store you ll find a nice assortcor vince any open mind that no siasm is even more casily under schemes of agression were con he had to borrow from America realised that (1)
ment of Thimbles in Sterlin; Silver, Steriing with Gold Band templated by the Allies; that their desire was to prevent ag to these other European counthis actual money which he leot and 14k. Solid Gold.
gression by Russia or anyone tries. 2) that he is is bimselt else.
They are Heavy Weight and pay.
ing back that money to America; correcaly dosigard.
and that the countries who We also have Toimiles for Turkey Future ish big to to renounce their debts are not Panama imposing taxes Tailors in Serting Silver. Sea them at upon their citizes as heavy as The fact that the Coited States be bas to bear. This is the FULLER as well as the lesser powers of averaga Englishman view of RINE WATCH WORK ENGRAVING AND REPARINS.
Eastern Europe supported em the situation; it is only right that phatically the allied view on the it should be bourno to mind.
people bas come to the sad con Flying in The Mountains. achieved in South America by 122 Central Straits question adds force to clusion that it is the only way Ave, Captain Aracena the well known this point. Incidentally, it was of washing the extremist.
Obilean aviator Accompanied not without its effect upon the Irish Reprisals.
They represent less than one The aeroplane flight across by Mr. Seabrook British per cent of the Irish community the Atlantic, the flight to. Aus mechanic. and flying a British ish and English for sale at the Turks. There is one point which Rent Recslpty Books in Span the wise among the Turks have and their only importance Ites not entirely overlooked. It is No sooner had the Irish Free in the fact that they are tralia and many other wonderful de la Haviland machine, Captain Workman Printery armed med feats in the world of aeronautics Aracena set off from Santiago that their country is is bankrupt State come into legal being and use their arms unscrupu: are credited to English airman to reach Rio de Janeiro. In and that they will need assistance than the extremist assassin lously. It reprisals is the only and British made machines. spite of heavy storms in the in the future of financial and element set going a scheme for weapon they fear and Heaven Nevertheless. do not think Cordillera, Captain Arscena few tricky air currents which are technical kind if this enlarged murdering all the deputies to knows, the new Irish authorities that air men 8, 200 kilometres and almost always encountered over was at high peaks can fully appreciate Turkey is to be anything other the new Parliament on the have learned that gentle methods exclusively interested in deeds length defeated only husk. Most second day of its legal exist. are in this case of no avail. then of this kind performed by man kilometres from Rio where his then 120 how brilliant wig the effort.
countries in similar plights look ence, they killed one and seriousa (although one regrets to say 10 of their own race.
De Haviland aeroplanes injured in a good record. Incidentaily, of wounded second have Rossi (save the mark) Ce bat toote third day, the Free State capital. call be einployed.
On the reprisais must be in the ci indeed are race apart what landing necessitated by thick hen teengaged in a trails orange ly It is ever language they may happen wards either London or washing authorities executed four of ton or both. It is obviously extremists leaders as a reprisht. an affair for Irishmen alone; to speak. As an example of this fog. It was a piece of wretched Channel service between trans found that much interest was luk following on a magaiticent 100 000 miles without inishan or and Paris hu lwn well over more likely be forthcon trg if it was a measure which every. and Irishmen have come to this shown in aviation circles here at efort; for only those with exper. forced landing anda it is still in urkey treats views o. cne regretied; and yet most conclusion.
the remarkable flight racent; tence of the wind gusts and splendid Aying coadition country hay 11 of was States Daval sense Walk Over Shoes ARE THE BEST MADE hem another ir harassed pe American Bazaar Stores wish Colon a English in tren tho


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