
ARTV JANUARY 27 1923 PAGE SEVEN Improvement Schemas.
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy. They satisfer Chesterfield Excellency ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN 4th 5th 800 och 5) IT.
You Cant Lose It!
Interesting West Indian News.
The best Tonic in the World (Covinued from page 3)
DEMERARA VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up The Argosy of Demerara says: a run down constitution.
The Hoa. Naseruento; Mayor It promotes digestion, improves the appead Mr. Woolford, Town tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
Clerk met His Excellency the Governor on the 25th to view DOS. One small Wine glass before each meal or of the receipt by the Governor times a day.
of a telegram from the Secretary of State for the Colonies in respec of the city improvement schem.
Chesterfield cigarettes The telegram is a reply to on contain the best of Turk.
recently despatched by the ish and American tobaccos.
Guver sur as the request of th: Douglas (acting Mechanical En. Ho Ro Co Products They give you the rich, Couacl asking the Secretary of gineer) be sent to Port of Spain, State to reconsider his decision Trinidad, to examine a certain Contest.
spicy aroma and the disapproving of the road scheue type of pump which is now in smooth, mellow flavor you and sanction the necessary loan operation there with a view to.
want in a cigarette.
in connection with both the sew their recomendation for use in 100. 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY Try them today erage and road schemes, being this city.
guaranteed by the Government and 20 per cent of the cost being that this report has been circulat We are in a position to state IN PRIZES.
met from public funds. ed amongst the members of the January March 1923 ConIt is understood that the Sec Council and the majority have retary of Sate has replied viv approved of the report as a test Ends March 31st, 1923.
ing his approval to both schemes consequence of which the combeing undertaken together on mittee will leave for Port of Spain Rules Governing Contest.
crtain conditions. In view o in a day or two where they will The nature of the telegram remain sufficiently long to carry requested an inter. Put a thorough examination. Euch purchaser of in view with the Mayor and askea Ho Ro Co Products will be givfor certain intormation con Constable Ends His Life, en a coupon.
cerning the progress of the CIGARETTES All coupons must be placed vegotiations between the Counin sealed envelope and want to cil and Viscouat Ducsford. The Trbune of the 5b ult. Alexander Sanchez. General of finest Turkish and American tobaccos, blended The information supplied by:8. Early yesterday morning tir HR Products, the Mayor and Town Councu PC. 3438 James committed Box 879, Ancon. CZ, not wil be telegraphed by the Gov uicide by shooting himself at later than March 31st, 1923.
eroor to the Secretary of Ste Cve Leary. It is alleged he was LIGCETT MYERS TOBACCO Co. The competitors in a matter that was of the Diving the attention of his largest number of coupons will Water Pump Recommend uperior. The body was re awarded the priza sws.
moved to the Mortuary when a 1st Priz ed for Jamerara. 2000 post mortem examination was 2ad 17 50 nade by ine Police Surgeon 3rd 15 00 18 The Demerara Daily Chronicle before being taken by his role 12 50 30 of the d instant says: Ives to Hopetown, West Coast 10. TO The Water Works Committee Berbic where 6th the interment 7th Tas rade. 00 Durecer ly sent in a report to the Town Council asking that 500 sub com ittee consisting Franchise Granted To WILL PAY YOU 1essrs Nelson Cannon, 1000 Parratt (Councillor. and Women, Three competent judg will be appointi ta enec Some time ago the Demerara coupons on April 5th, and award ata Dyers Association passed the przs to the successiul resolution approving of the winners. Tae nnesotaa wia Monical franchise in the city ners will be published, being extended to women.
08 was forwarded to to the Govern nent through the Town Council means for a general curtallinent Recently the Association receiv. of public expenditure? da communication from the suggest this to his Excellency tae Government stating that the roor 10 good falo; This Secretary of State bad approved prompt action upon it may proof legislation being introduced vent him: when the time cin: o grant the franchise to women, for to leave the cəbəny, from Iso of their being eligible for leaving us with a legacy of deht: election as Ccuncillors. bearing in mind that be louad a substantial surplus in all the Presidencies, except Domine, Heads of Department day to faulty adininistration by Interview Governor Late Administrator. Vary por show for Orowa Colony GoyerOn Wednesday, 20th instantanent.
deputation of Heads of Depart ment of the British Guiana Civi! Asks But Fair Service ibe Officer Administering the Goverrment Hon. Settlement Lobb C, G. in the Governor cffice. Public Building, to OF HER DEBT TO AMERICA discuss matters with the withdrawal of the Dirret West India Cable increase to civil servants for the year 1923 as despatch froza Washington daud decided at the recent session of Jaruary 8th states that Great the Combined Court. The de Britain wants a fair business AVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of putation impressed on His setilezdent of her five billion Excellency dental crcam? Has it ever dropped and rolled the very serious efect doller war debt to the on such term as will the reduction in Belaries will och tero away in the sleeping carcr hid under the washbave on public servanta generally least possible decorare in tha stand at home?
cost Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capwhich still obtains and appeal a tries, the British Chancellor ot to His Excellency to initiate se me the Exchequer declared to tas tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure measure by which relief will be in an address before a jnt granted the public.
meeting of the British and until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the His Excellency gave the deputa. debt funding commissions.
tion a smpathetic bearing and We are not here to ask for We now furnish you with a package of the same promised that the matter will favours or to impose on your receive his immediate attention. generosity said Mr.
Bald winhigh standard as its contents. We want a fair business settle THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
ment, quare deal, a settle DOMINICA ment that will secure the the payment to the last cent of those credits which the US The Dominica Guardian Government established in the On The Firances of MonU. for us their sociales in the war.
tserrat Mir. Baldwin address was in reply to one of welcome by Says the Dominica Guardian of Secretary Meilen, Cualment recent date: The Public tinances the Uured States Com 55. of Montecrrat bave got to be in a TH LEAD) Ect very bad way, their surplus of declared that the prompt paysome twelve odd thousand pounds ment by Great Britain of Oce just about four or tive years ago, tu cred million dollars of inhaving dwindled to only 2, 661 terest during the and some shillings. But how mouths pending a final arrangecan it be otherwise with the mect was, to bis wird, concler sive proof of the right suits of 3, 662 less a decrease of 1129 fancial integrity, wbich he was.
should have been the proud to say Lad always an imat: decreasing (net) 2, 520, What is speaking ner, way about) and the revenue ed both of tbe two gitat Eoglisb nations.
wrong with the aguinistration these Presidencies? Does not the Creoline Hair Producer is the situation suggest the appointment of all round Finances world best hair toric and vi Committes to devised ways and not soil or stain clothes.
KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE Opens Way nis BIJOBS CAPTIVE CAP EINCH ONE Pepbam private mati in temporary HA produce the KOV KOLYNOS past three DENTAL CREAM Public expenditure inere increasing


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