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Britis Trade And Resolution Cf Sym Juan Franco Race Young Ladies So Court John Wallace Industry. NOSTROLINE pathy.
Meeting cial Club.
Thousands have cured themselves with NOSTROLINE HOW kepaniterug from Nowe ani hot dior or by u lug it bewonally. You should do so Price to by draw, da which are PCR ba dong and are bon should be Toe HELD SEVERAL CEREMONIES (By RICHARD LATHAM. Prevents and Cures The Literary Denartment of RESOLUTION pussed at a (Continued from pages) meeting of the Colored MAY BE PULLED CFF SUR the Young Ladles Social Club had a very lively debate oa Court John Wallace No 9111, On turday the 20th last, at COLDS CATARRH Teachers of the Canal Zone PRISE, the approval of the advisory Tuesday evening last. The sub. OFa most pleasing feature Pablic Schools held at con ttee credits may be prantLa ject being which is more Boca, Canel Zore, on Satured to all persons and for all cocoa day, January 13, 1923 rela The races at Juan France on essential to bumanity, sleep or be regular meeting way the Try VOST LINEI tell your friends Orle, bui we must amplify this dedication of the new altar which tive to the deats of JOSEPH Sunday last did 201 create be Mrs, A, cock was on the also a nw candle stick. This love. was built for the Court room, Bold by Chelst overywhere.
statement by saying that for 05 BROOKS late of Paraiso same amount of interest al evi Mrs.
Harold Matthews Ch, Chemist, liitos, Glas certain reasons Brisb Colored school, who breath thusiasm as on the previous afirmative and Miss Ferron imposing ceremony was perform Ceylon and the Straits Saule ed his list in Ancon Hospi week. Toe mente, together with Russis.
attenuance was on the negative.
The fact ed by Bro, Rev AF Nightengale Sold by all Drug Stores are for the morcet excluded tal on Friday, December, 20, much smaller and the entries brought out in connection with R; assisted by Bro Jonas 1922.
did not bring the same amount this subj ct were equal, so that Wilsui POEM ad the from the scheme, it inust be the judges were obliged to eat of officers. The cushion Birthnight Celebration.
lot excitement as on other occa decide the debate was the regular added to that these facilities are WHEREAS 16 has pleased sions, wbicb was on the altar was acro ded in respect of all goods Almighty God in His infinito as neither side outclassed the sented by Bro Alex Sanchez preBritish made and wisdom to remove from cur The first raae was very dis other, and who is Secretary reduced other than munitions of midst our fried and co worker, appointing as the jockeys on the Tag enthus asm which pre also one of the founders of the Mrs. raid, on Saturday night At the rezidence of Mr. and war.
JOSEPA BROOKS who for Cattle Industry horses made availed during this meeting was Lodge. The name of the Court last, quito an enjwable birthTo administer tho acts there many years was a teacher in the race between themselves by has been established in Lindon service of the Panama Canal; leaving the starting post and all of the speakers rose to the Brother Trent was the builder of honour of their five year old never before noticed in the club was beautifully painted in gold, nigbt party was pulled oft in e. in the City 73, Basing, and racing the whole distance of the occasion, Biblical and historical the exqaisite piece of work the four urlones without being sent faets were brought to bear out buildren of the daughter, known a hall Street, EC2, au Export nas Aril. Mr.
WEEREAS by his death the away by the starter Credits Department ApplicaThe altar and for o Laurie apoaser perform. tha the speaker arguments woich he deserves appreciation duties of currean for tha should teaching profession is lost a lc was very much disappointed Special mention must hero be of the Court After the dedic. evening. very beantitat pro.
EU bitted Dated valued member whose interests through the exporter banker were bound up in his work; are of opinion that it was a frame and the bank s recoin uenda arranged consisting up. Jessie was left made of Miss id Hall as a be attached BE IT RESOLVED that resounding. Pand therefore, at the debater, who although being the initiated and added to the chain of songs. recitations, datorios and speeches Tog various items Department does not entertain the Colored Tacbers of the right start she roun peu hoine an stallest of the participants, did of Forestry. Tae installation tbe followed The ware satisfactorily rendered application cacry Canal Zone Public Schools, and easy witner with Casey making mat fail to impress her bearers, ing of stocks enher in to the Assistant Superintendent, ut, second place. Pool paid 40 Bath leaders were stern, it was ceremony was performed by Bro Rod applauded.
JTM Wilson who was assisted United abroad, nor this our first meeting after his and 270, and 10 respecuves unanimously said that a batter freshments were served does it eatertuin applications in demise, take the opportunity of or place Time min. The subject could Dect of goods to be shipped expressing our sincere regreto Jockey Club should inflct penal chosen, The 20 bave been by Bro Nightengale, Sanchez and very much enjoyed at the evening was Applewhite. Forde, Clarke unJohn Humphrey PC Ringers, ning us brought to a cloza. Tra and end of which an eajvyable eveea consignment. There are two the sad event, and of conveying ties on the Bach doubtably one well spent riders for son systems of guarantees (2) gen to the bereaved wife and children recklessness and negligence.
There was music, youth, 1180 Bro JT Eiwards of Court hot and hostess ware deliza:eral credits, which not our heart felt sympathy and Second race, Adelante first, lity. Ambitions, socialism and Mzpah No 9193 and Bro Alfred fully pleasant an courteous to kty POR Court Paradise No Notheir guests.
involve a a separate reference to cocciolence in this their te voto second. Pool pa 360, everything that would make one 92 Department for trans vorrow and bereavements and on winner, 200 and 6) or there will be a mock Court cor do the banquettug roen Dady Grant, and amongs thora Atter the installation each feel at home, On Tuesday next ui otficers and members reThe singing was instructed by action, and. eredits in respect we pray that Diving strength pincu pool. Time min.
of specific It is Bud consolation be afforded tbem ducted at the same place to Ware justice was done to the who took part were, Masters lapurtat to note that applies to bear up under their frrepara estrena secara pero para 83 which omhordeanoja hila meline kood things provided for the Bid han de Gaiteens who did credite Third Gloria. Geo, Hooligan is charg tions for general will ble loss; ably in. Miss on the winner, Time 20.
only bo entertained in respect Henrietta; This is expected to occasion. Several toasts were Barey was also very entertaioBE IT FURTHER RESOLVgoods not yet shipped.
Fourth race, May Be first. be a very interesting case the given and the funcion came to a ing. Among the lastro menta)
period of the credit sbould, ED that a copy of the resolution be sent to his bereaved 200 on the Winner, for place both State Client Friends ning was spent.
Pegaso second Pool Paid ATTORNEYS are hard as work close; a vary onjyable deve performers Miss Gitters possible, not exceed six months widow. and deserves a meed of praise. Tha bat renewals will be permitted publwhed in the local Press. 97 90 and 00 respectively.
are invited to listen to this case.
guests were Misses Gyula necessary, provided that the Officers Installed Fifth race, Chomba Loco first, bourne; Simmons, Ferby. Gill e edit dous not exceed twelve Grins and Chuckles The following form the present ad. Mrs Waller, Mrs Gittens, Mes Graha, Mr and Mrs Bares.
norths in all For specific bill It must be further nosed Niagara second. Pool paid 20 :80s actions credit be that in tbe case of specific place pool paid 90 on the Customer at fruit stall Have you any minis ration.
For he and Mrs Guiditus. Messrs Back burries longer than 12 months, but in transactions the Department will winner, and 20 ou the second Brotber Norman Fenty C;R, Gladstone Brown, Holder, Small, tre horse, Time 20.
Government require that billa should be Saller Sure Sir Here ys are Doxill S:C;R. Alex Mes. onben Bor Jones, Bennett and Hall. guarantee does not cover the accompanied by a letter of Sixth race, Lady Peerline tary, Juba Humpbey Treasurer large no cabes of children were full amount of the bill of guarantee from the importer first, Glorita second. Poil paid Customer Bit those are Red Bautuel Applewhite Sub Sculary present ais.
exchange but na amount which bark (or othor satis iactory 90 on the winner, and the seller Why dont ye kaowl black berries kdward L, Taumpis 8;W. Walter Weeks may not exceed eighty five per evidence) to that corect that they place pool paid 70 cu cach are always crd when they aru steen. J;W Elvin Layne 8;3 Benj, mis you like beautiful hair tsa tant of the total amount of the will be accepted horse. Time 56 sucs.
ripilt Buicher J;3 J, T, M, Wild Kieper reolina hair producer.
to taste the Kingdom or the CA


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