p. 1


WAS noon.
where in not too bath and invest VOL. 10 No. 26 PANAMA, SATURDAY, IEBRUARY 3, 1923.
Prica Crs. S. Cy.
WEST INDIANS HELD THE WORLD A TIMELY DRINK BILL WARNING FOR MURDER IN Estimated At Three Hun Women and Childran GOdred and Fifty Billions ing Abroad Should Be of Dollars Carefui William Shakespear and ConstanBlaze Spread With Such Rapidity It is conservatively estimated recent les of the Jamaica tine Dyer Accused of Killing tha te aggregate indebtedness Gazette contained the following That Great Building was Desof the governments of the world Rev. Eason.
is spproximately three hundred important warning:troyed in One Hour.
and fifty billions of dollars. Women and children leaving MINISTER WAS ONE OF CHIEF WITNESSES IN em todo tward the billbind of course and other pared abre NOTED HOTEL WAS ONE OF THE ISLAND Toe world drink this island travel abroad els THE CHARGES AGAINST MARCUS GARVEY. dollars annually. What the by warned to be careful in LANDMARKS.
world spends needlessly for accepting situations or taking would arrangements to go to lodgings New leans, Jan. 12 Star Line, will not seriously arink it can be seen.
The Jamaica one and half past hour, Department of Justice agents affect the prosecution of the song order to death hot brincipal es others are reader ned the waith 29. inst. just to hand reports guests Ware with the bank wbito and interest may be by Rv. Eason investigation, the bidding of the defendant de garding tussen the various governments of the strangers whom they may maer toe te palete destruction, ww tire le sitting on the verandah, or of famous lounging writing Bitiro Zoo Arrican Method Uited States District torna, warura This alone contraste the destinadosh pa more abia ad green Hotel on Saturday alverno sn that the cry of tire came from it Esi scopal Church of New Nas well Mattuck. Ti ronco leaders of the countries of the destination. An organized group late January, thus:the porter from at York, have directed evidence ut fity other witpeag on world in a great camphain to of unscrupulous persons is daily With absolutely am sing door. It is said that against two Jamaicans negroes the Government list who will briox about Prohibition overy engaged in alluring women and Shief of Polica an Patrol be able, it was and to supply where. Freedom from the children, by plausable prom 994 rapidity: indeed, in less time saw smoke issuing from un as tost world burden of debt mun for the Uaited Negro Im the sam, testimony of temployment or cheap com than it takes to tell, the Consant apartment in the second op of open the way for immeasurable modation, to houses of ill repute, Spring Hotel, one of the stal wart the western wing of the hotel provement Association, but tbus expected from Esson.
iar they bave not been able to Mr. Matsuek said that the human progress in many folds with the intantion of conpelling landmarks Jamaica, one of the and shouted dire! whereapol Davetiate the veil of retic nce Fideral authoritte, have known tidanced in the way of education, Your proper course in all cases Country, went u progress which cannot now be them to lead immoral lives great tourist resorts of this thaalam was taken on.
ula which is raised whenever they for weks that runtWees sanitation, bealth and economic of doubt is immediately to seek a Saturday numes Fire! Ta cy reunded early and through the sparinu: hills in an attempt to bring Marcus Garvey baing make to intinian Govera afternoon.
into the case.
went witnesses, and that sererat ap zuilding In addition from the advice of the British Consul inside of one hour was a com in tant. Woul Firei lae echo would come in the place to which you are ple e mass of ruins and sm bul was de pressing bat tnere was no Police aid say that before o them hed states their lives World Prohibition the benefits that cannot be travelling who will, free of cost dering embers which barely tina to discuss it. Toere was in terms of in all cases, afford British sub served to indicate where once ja time enough to move and Garvey, self styled Provisional the prosecution in any way. Blions with which economic jeets the proper advice and stood a palatial and comfortable move rapidly, as the smoke and President of Africa, bad inspir. One witness, Mr. Mattuok was results can described. The guidance, and and modern hotel, a truly historic heat made it quite appearent that ed the assassination in order to old was held up by nero American Insue.
chilren about to leave Jantuica spot in Jamaici.
the hotel was in the grip of a fire remove a witness in the mail jinitor who passed platol are further warned against ac. Three or four pieces of stone Andand if you didnet ved out fraud case growing out of the gainst his beart and uttered a investigation of the stairs of uw ber of caball tic word) British Consulate Notice cepting ofers of employment masonry reflecting the good as quickly as you could why you abrosd made to then by or on kuangship of the olden days, mixbla bave been buard of the Black Star Stamship Lid which wignified that death would a subsidiary of the Garvey Assopeedily follow any act The Aeting British Consul babail of parsons unknown to was all thara was to be 89 of akan detri Tae creaking joints of timber anale oc. ciation. The minister 12 nental to the accused man. Ia Cala would be have left the morning of January vas reported that negroes Heatna Anderson, the guardian it they do aucupt in mediately at two o clock on Saturday after thai chad seen its day beato in of Clifford Grant, who is stated. to say nothing of for New York, New Orleans and elsewhere had he resident at Calon, would communicate with th, Britisb hust, the furious oaslaught of Garvey cases were scheduled to cted violently toward others It was a swift bliza, presunt the funes.
go to trial. He preached in their face who had complain call at the British Consulate as Council at their port of destination. Heralt.
inga most picturesq 1e appear Those who were negro church in New Jean ance, as tanned by a stiff south panicky atter the alam, began Nºw Year Night of having been induced to soon as possible. block uy stock in the Black Suar Line eisterly witd, it sweat through to remove such furniture and away from the church two conand through the structure and stutt as they could manag. but negroes et pped from an alley ceived and operated by Graves The Milk That Is Grip Eight Races Listed for bedrede hoe moeten son turned and they opened and his fellow detendants. So de buildings, kitchen, that arnoanted to mighty little, when compared with what the fire. One buliet entered Esot these complaints, it was said, everything to ruins To Morrow head and the other his back.
botel carries. The guests, and been persvaded to ping the Market.
by Laundry And Golf Houss tney nu nbared betwan Atty Will Shakespear, the Polic son, who had served the lone Left.
and six y. bad little or no chance Chiel of the association, ac Garvey enterprises as a lecturThe attention of our readers Tomorrow at Juan Franco His interest, it was explain The only building that was of saving anything from their cyrd og to crodentia found in his room, and Fred. Dyer was due mainly to the coas directed to the Advertisement there will be thg usual torso Jatt on the grounds nearby was rooms not even. Wellery or Creamy trulman, were Milk racing, as the Jerey Club is the laundry which did not join clothing for some cam out with arrested iction that he was helping the Dairymen tw the the bare sults on their backs.
appears jeople of his race a that which another taking good advantag of the the main structure, and days later. Eason died before he could identity the prisoners exarded himself in the light of column of this issue. Accord dry season, endeavouring also to pavilion of the Constant Spring and nothing more. Sune came ing to undisputed statiscics to keep the Carnival season full of Golf Club which stod to tha without a jicket or a hat to tas but three wittesses furnisbenefactor.
nad this milk is guaranteed by lite and fun.
lawn to 100 ou at the rapid shot While Leaving Church. 70, 000 firmers Now York Eight racss will be contestod the police with positive identiti Fortunately the outburst cude rushing liams en veloping, like Mr. Mattuck said that when Sale They own approxi andare informed thure will in the broad light of day Had an aray ia missed formation. Shakespeare and Dyer har Sison discovered that his work inately one million cows Tocor be no erdot excitement. it occurred all that at pirat, there mig at was in troot of it, puwer.
malutalued a silence character Dainly in the interess of a small porated by which Dairymen bare been resist.
istic of their race, loss of life, and less to stolidly lique of wants to several persons would surely Inside of one hour from the declaring they are innocent, and denying that they were sunt acturing for the cause and began Taey own the cows, the farms, enjoy cool, refreshing and have been injured but it happen fire started all that was laſt of campaign against it. supplying the milk plants. Poey sell fresh plasan Sunday afternoon, no ed on Saturday at a time when Coastaat Spring Hotel was New Orleans to kill Esson.
he Pasernment with plums milk, evaporated milk, condo is place can be compared to Juan all were on the alert. and there smuldering embars a quick Elson formerly was affiliated the information on wbich the ed milk and other diary pro Funco around these vicinities. was no loss of life the only case and completa destruction, for with tbe Universal Negr ndictment was based, and be ducts. Th y have an interest It is pleasant view and wbt of injury baing to Mrs. Boyd, a tunately attended with no loss of Improvement Association, promised to leave Now in the production of milk all that is more pleasant than to look guest, who broke her arm. lite occurring as it did in the said before bis death, but re rleans on the last day of Dway shrough from the cow to ot on the placid waters of the broad ligat of dıy.
Wulaey, another guest.
Lady, signed when he became dissatis citic, the giant mantains inber for this city to assist the the store Th y are in business Cause of Fira Unknown.
fied wih Garvey Methods Hovernor to the prosecutiou. On to stus.
The efore they will around, and most of all the pret escaped bs ja aping over from one of the upper floors and was The origin of the fire is During his sermon the night New Year Day he spoke in undoubtedly still nothing but the ty vom 30 of ali shads the shooting he had criticised church at Ferre and First bast, and of a dedutie saadard colou, races and nationalities saved from Injury by a young mystery so far and perhaps will the Garray methods.
itreets, New who Orleans, It started by frequent and quality, this popular man who happened to be on the ever remain so.
all accounts in a room or the ap.
Won Stoy Trial riticised the methods of Garvey When you buy Dairymen pleasura rusort.
purlenances thereto on ad bis associates, League porated Swift Devastating Flames ConIudeed within a few years Naw York. January 13. Th second floor of the hotel above The story of the tira as told the billiard room ia the westera densed Milik to day, to morrow, Juan Franc) will become one of Murder in New Orleans of th As Eison was leaving the aud next year. you can be sure the rost reputed race yrack in by those in the hotel at the time wing. Whetoer sons sm. ker clergsman, WH Mr. that it will be good and that the the world.
depicts one of those swift bad dropped Bison, who was to be the chie attack said that two begros standard they bave set for a cigarette, or occurrences that, coming with electric installation was defecwitaess for the Government Villiam Shakespeare and Con their producte will be maintainsuca saddeness upon one. takes tive aod caused the blaz. no one e teria do reus Garvey and cantine Dyermen hendet. Ask for Dairy man dreamy Distinguis sed Clergyman was not aing to do but he childhood suddenness almost the breath away. Toare CAO CB0uas it caune wita that others indic. ed on charges of Decause the murdered 1030 Mills and see that you get it.
Using the mails to defraud inves asde a statement to the effect that sent evea as fast as possible in the midst of theories wiid. The only thing To Visit the Isthus tors in the at. ck of the Black. Continued on page 8)
exsite ment.
New Thoroughbreds t) do was to get out or. as the 1t was between a quarter past sayi goes get wider Arrived T10 Rav. mos urnet, Soro Atiastic and Pacific West India Committee Elec Wednesday evenior last the Flacas Will Arrive.
Oifiers the owners of race hornes hare Missionary society Londou, is Reached The Seventeen. Lara At Chorrillo Lodga that they will expected striye the support and maintain racing to isthmus Mile Stone.
At an electioa recectly beld the same standard on the isto reary the Wednesday, FebHall 3) will adresa a We heartily congratulate our Ders thing here is in readithe following efficers were mus as it is in other advanced mentir Coion Wesleyan entaw the Central American Bugce of the Internaal!
To morrow eyeping at 30, Mr.
Ditor the coming of the returned: countries. Messt3. Espinosa Oure on tha evening of the Exoress of Bocas del Toro on Bible Students Association, will United States feet. There is Rev. A, F, Nighter gale, Chair stable and Heuriquca Delvalle saate Chrnud another in Panams its arrival at the seventeenth deliver a lactare at the Chorrillo to be an Innd man (re elected) Dr. S. Car stable were increased by the onsdav zaight the 8:b at 30 mile stone of its journalistic Ldge fall. Tha Subjøet ad pouncattack of the canal defenses.
Brors member of It is expected that Secre: Flogton Vice Chairman; Mr. arrival of five crack thorough both career. Well way it look back ed is. re breds, four coming from Jamai The Dascending Klogtary Weeke will be on the Fairweather, Treasuror, elected, from. The dom. public ste trend to obvery. Secretary. re elocted. Mr. reputed American mare forget tor of duty to attend. Toe general achievements and be comforted her hlised seadision forced to ou vre and stock and to obserye Headles. Asst Secretary.
e Not, and Baby Queen Prot pablic is also cordially invited to in the realization of its continued Bible Standpoint the Locure in how much the canal these very trying Jamaica go to Mr Raul Espinosa present at the meeting.
doended on as a strategical times. The path of the journeand Crusader. Buck dancer and This is a rara opportunity for list is stevn wil many thorns ulon la case of war, Next Sunday big Carnival the horse from Cuba go to Mr. meeting and besring one of the aud as our time covoured con any suggestions that our readers The business people in the race meeting at Juan Franco, Ivalle.
The horses are well moss tingchshed ininisters of frere rightly says in his aniver are willing to make, city are making preparations to known and wish Mr. de La the Wesloten dat ist seh, sars editorial is boman to We wish the Central Americaa Batert. the Irrge number of Denn who will visit the city that bonest business be done pated that tho turlites will soon again to offered, or which may meet the viewed fent of chamoin the legitimate canya Paz horses coming it is antici an opport Way Los ert sad il we fsil in any time to a long and succesful career to fa un diay to day. It is hoped with them as an incentive ior see some first class racing 138 ct round for many years the facral recte of its a herents in sister that bey be treated right and auothor visit next year. Juan Francu.
will to take into cuadoration province, ia north east, Feast Cation, Raliy, when 0n9 and the or gro hurch he was shot twice.
on aecial and 1ssh us to can be be the ومكث بها


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