
PAGE TW THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1923 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands LYNTON KING BEE MAGNUMS. Call and see us before purchasing Coupons BENGER FOOD Regardless of the Expiration Date Shown Thereon epito Lilies The Amaican Pharmacy JAVIER MORAN JAMAICA for further improvement; and it the cricket autorilts of the sister colonies are agreeablet Rope Factory In Operathe aplication which has gone TO THE SMOKERS WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT forth from the local Oilcatt tion la Clarendon Courcil Jana ca adinissir OF No. 78, New Market Street to Wert indisn Cricket Compe.
will mean that not only RETAIL DEPARTMENT iger interest be mal ENTERPRISE OF THE JAMAICA this colony in the CORDAGE COMPANY IS CELP No. 107, Boiivar Street grana old rame, but the inter TO THE DISTRICT.
cbange ol visits by cricketers THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY of the principal colores in the GIVES EMPLOYMENT.
roup will help considerably tovard paring the way for FULL SU untiation of West Indian And Uses The Sisal Fibre laterests. Herald Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, We Will Continue to Cash the Which Is Grown In The Dry Areas.
Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, The Legislative KING BEE MAGNUM ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES Council Mas Pen, Jany. 25. Jamaica being purely agricultural SUPERINTENDING MEDICAL OFF.
country, any enterprise that OUBOS the establisbment of CER WILL GIVE UP BEAT AS 1. ctories and workshops musi NOMINATED MEMBER necessarily be of help and bene elsewhere.
fit to the people and country The rope factory established The Herald has good reason May Pen by the Jama:c. Cordto believe tont Hon. Dr. LxnDURING THE ENTIRE YEAR 1923 age Company is on such actory.
gle, Hunt, M;G, SuperiotendThis factory, gives daily log Medical Officer, bas asked his em ployment to about fifty of ibu Excellency the Governor to relieve him of his du les as a NomBines and others of the town.
bated Member of the Lepilative end turns out a very fine que of ove superior to many of SPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR Council, it bing his desire that be should permitted to devo e she klnde imported in o the Infans, la ralids and the Aged nis time to the needs of the im BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO Co.
coitan de, artment over which Toe sisal plant from which the (Ponama. Limited be presides fibre is obiali ed, grows luxu Every tin contains an interesting leaflet of the It is ur derstood that Sir Leslie Paniyin the diiest soil and marvelous use of this great Food, Soooossssso SS S03ES most arid climate even along proposal put forward by Dari us acquesced in the Ina Wre there seems to a du a, buả. to trace of Boi!
Purely An English Preparation.
duit, and 80 when the Council considered the Argaves next to toeets next month or thereabout Daize and Creoline Hair Preparatiu. is potatoes, the most for the annual session, the meMANUFACTURED BY dical Userui ut the natural palun. Service will not be retropical America Positively Superior to all others on earta.
th BENGER FOOD, LTD presented by its bed as bas buen the case for a considerable Try them and be convinced, placa by Butacats in the INCHESTER: EILAND Awave ottae Amarylle, Deo ears. The They are the Mast. Preparations of the World.
00 nen: will only send an uthe to family closely related to the FOR SALE AT the Council when the media!
Different from all Others It is a well kuwa fact ellules are being discusstu tuas in Mexicu bere there are Prices of all goods the Uited States of America 30c. 8C res of afferent varieties, the It is learnt that Dr. Haas has all Foreign Countries, 60, Agaves supply the Da Ves LOL uever been saiatied with having Olly with food and drink but to spend six or eight months ol Creoline Hair Producer also with mediche, paper ana each year in the Council wbich Straightens Trough, harsh. aky hate with or without hot combs.
chine in three circular row of and with this ecd in view con le tale for ropes.
The varu iwepty each.
and without chanics. NOT MADE OF VASELIVE. Coadius 10 means that when he returns to Thirty nomun cation has been addressed bis oltice co tuust endeavour to porceat won all than is posible put into say over preparation Dont valued for itu tibre and 61 is kial in the world. Aatchia pissos ad provui. vidauss, wice is Krown in Jamaica is Dobias are required for at to the Committee in Barbados Uveriako god deal of the la ouuce tins, shu Sud Agave; Agave Sisa ca rop, and eighteen for a which controls that particular arrease in work; and this is anyhalt inchi repe Laulue plalt which yield tue of the Jamaica Cordage ComThe trade mark competition on the subj ct.
Creolina Day Dandruit Remedy tuing but ea isfactory in so far sisal help from which ropes are pany very good scalp treatment positively moves Dandruff, Tetter a dark skin ranatog Tb9 announcement will, ita the regular duties which he is called upoa to burtorin are chaand Band, it is altiseptic. Grows hair 100, sapatay torde. believe forma la ounce bottles.
through rope and ibis is certain, Mid Clarendon is em Uber em thy colouring with call of in terest by crick ster in cerned.
tion of Dently said for the production dark tot one of the bobbisz ull parts of the colony. Jamaica Ram ur bas it that the Hɔn Jackson Manufacturing Co, of Manufacturers and on bis pláut and in this respect Tudiuapo betore putting it in the rope for some r94900 or other, Gideou is to be lovite to All up to daw Drug Swros carry stoor u Croie.
there are boundless possibilities ak making macnine.
for this perist.
The rope for years main ained a position return to the islava Vodaci turned out by th Jamuca of slation when it comes to the nominated Member in the There are already three or Cordage Company in appear development of cricket and place of Dr. Hant.
four du corucamuk pians in the ance and by test superior to the paris meraliy In Last night it was understood of Indies.
Etusiasts BOOST mom Another one being erected at a quorter inch imported rope tus Hon. Wn. Morrison President bar of the Council a gentleman LEBLANC са су to the Dynavne ter napred of the Cricket Council. Messrs who is tau nead of a puble)
UNDERTAKER CORNER AND 18. STREET diatrict for the last twelve company sustained a woman water to the Willow rice familien sought to lose de persoanexperienced ta tu rops by the Jamaica Crduge Linton, Jas. Casely, have chainbar of the odicial side of again that CIGARETTES recantly Member of this bundred weight.
months, the sisal industry afford forty eight sough the Gyveraor permis bse produse of the factory Swad seeks to enter inter cluser so to resiga bis seat, is being Rast on the Market Assosiation Afri: 11. valuable assistance. When the Universal Negro limprovement ed aves of the plants are foils will mattress bacing Tue British Gaisna, Barbados ana taat in visw of recen: eve sis de relatiaship with players 5)
a viso 30 the report goe, mature, they are cut with sharp moet libres comad out are pass Trinidad; and this, they pointed sijuid cooliae bis engias to krives, close to the stem of the led through another machine munities League plants. They are then teisen to which furcaer cleans them and out une gada vain, cauld only his particular dep tuunt, Tao ASK FOR THEM tha decorticating plant, where breaks tuem up into appropriate os vasos Vedricky jatercbanke Governor, no weyor, dachina Uulversal African black r035 Nursos lugenious machinery strips the lenghts tur mattress making ISISS, Cricket to Jamaica bus witbiu Continued on Page 3)
ELIAS PRETO, Agent Special Rate for Mombas, lesby pulp from the fibres. The Taa mati resses made from this proved considerably fibres are then washed to rid naterial bas bea wested Bulu them of any giutioious sabstance found very satisfactory, B, taat might stick to them. then tween the hein, tields, the de they are laid over bars in the sun cortivating Dists and to cop In a couple of days they are weli factory a goodly pubar of Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 dried they are then collectd and hands are daily employed so Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 003 taken to the bailng room wbare rope on sking industry od they are compressed into bales of thelp to solve tal u.
about 350 lbs, each mnt problem in tuis con The bales of fibres are then Pao poleers, Messrs. Diales sent to be rope making factory, and Ene Anderson. bave been Here the tirst process is to pass most perder viag in their enda them through Boltening vour to make the enterprise wba.
Head Office: 60 Wall Street, New York City machine lo this macbice, ail the iv. and bey bugster with che Owned by Taz NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK pulp and glutinous substance promoting companies deserve that bave dhed on the tibresite success Wuica is clearly fall off leaving them soft and promised to tau ven ure. His pliable. The fibres are then Excellency the Governor with Depository of the PANAMA CANAL pa:sed to the combers Here torna upea the Ropa Factory Strong Min Lash Them on Wednesday the 25. instani, Tarough when aty promiant visitors will also be present, long upright iron prongs which Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of are closely stuck in the stand forming ac mo, In the combing THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in process all broken and short Gricket Contest ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN tiores are separated leaving thuse ITALY BELGIUM of full length.
CUINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES Having been well combed JAMAICA NOTIFIES BARBADO: ARGENTINB BRAZIL CHILE CUSA PERU the fibres are rendy to be hand HER DES. RE TO ENTER THE PORTO RICO ed to the spioners, At the COMPETITION, URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA present factory there are ten spincing machines with accoun modation for two operators.
Many weeks ago the Herald Each operator has ber fibres annonaced that some of our best Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World art und her waist from whicb knowu crioteters had been con.
she feeds the spinning machine, sideving the question as to The Juil bobbids of yarn are wbether or not Jamaica should removed and empty ones take seek admissiwn to the Wea their places. The full bobbing Indian Cricket Competition. In ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE are then carried to the rope can now be stated that the making trachine. This machine cricket Council of this colony INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM is the master piece of ingequity, is favourably disposed to srds To make a one fach rope sixty the proposal that Jarunica should Dobbins aro placed in this ma seeks to bror tio coro potition; 455 West Tenta St.
toe West During the period of ecoronic sau nue suma size browo, je suis alorriso, department, and who has been EMU years, International Banking Corporation the


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