
Do not extract an aching tooth decayed tooth if it has at least BY TAKING two good walle can be saved NOTED HARLEM MAN HAS give you good service for many FOR SPECIALIZED IN FINANCE DR. SANGER CAPSULES years If your teeth are loose with Now Represents Colonial FinDUN steping around the neck of WONDERFUL CURE FOR thatth. 102 your breath an ance end Trust.
menor you are suffering BLADDER IRRITATION nou Plura Alveolaris, T(From The New York AmCADD not have them sterdam News. Auk. 30th 1922)
Men in Harlem who bus Xtrac dans there is Ver It Conta ns East Indian Oil of Sandal Wocd spectel d in finance and who the and other ingredients bouy tissu vir and the are able to cope with the very tooth.
best tinanciers of the country, race or color, perhaps can be If you are interested in saving count on one fingers, Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours your teeth see teorge, tavellox salesman for DR. JONSON Holman Company, Banking BUY BOX TO DAY 06 Dentist securities and Underwriters for the Colonial Ficate and Trest 139 Central Avenue Copacy, enjoys this distince AT THE Over City Pharmacy CHORRILLO DRUG STORE In January Mr. George was seot from Colombia Univerzity No:48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
If you like beautiful hair use to represent his class an Cicle! ne Hair Producer educational lecture in the MeW. Howel Hs sutject being on the necessity of my and ducation to any people or artre After the meeting was over the President of the Colo nial Finance and Tut of 300 Madison Avenue. Nw York, who was present called and ongratulated in, and remarkd in his congratulation that he CIGARETTES ooked like young man of wenty seven years old, but peke like a man of fivy years head of time. In the course of heir conversation Mr. George was offered a position as ravelling salesman of one of the banks of which his admirer is president, George accepted be po ition and was employed va probation until be could satis the bonding company of his character before he could be come a permanent member of the salesmen staf. Mr. George was Cended by the following nen whose names he cava as reference: Gen. Geo, Goethals.
ormer Chairman and Chief gineer and Governor of the Panama Canal. Gen. Goethals was appointed by President Wilonas Chairman of the United States Emergency Fleet Corporation) Gan. Biach ford, commard og Panama Ustal Department, Capt Frank Wood. Department Adjitants Panama Canal, Sevens, Secretary to the Governor of the Panama INTERESTING WEST INDIAN NEWS. ance on the legal stage, have Canal, displayed suca confidence, such SURPRISINGLY GOOD. Mellvatne, Executive Secretary ability and taladt. Young Clarke of the Panama Canal.
13, of course, recognised to be Copeland, Chiet Clerk of the (Continued From Page 2)
possessed of intelligence above Panama Canal, Putron the us university permit Assistant to the General Menagthe gentleman in just as dangerous 13 a very sick career was distinguished and be of question to give up bia seat ia man. In fact beismers so as he way to the fore in all er of the Submarine Boal Corbu his bar the Council, poration, Port Newark, is able to move abou: examinations and But we have and Gruber. owner of the Spread the disease.
kaown scholars of no less repu Equity Manufacturing Company Report all cases at once to the Station to prove wholly ineffective for inis city. On the recommenAbout The Kaffir sanitary Inspector, or District and imocasus in the legal arena dation of the abore named men, Lo stable or to the Medical Mr. Clarke is not of these. He OF under whut Mr. George worked Рcx Onder of Health has a powerful style of diction, gave satisfactory service, a Obey strictly all orders given possesses a wide vocabularly, a bond of 25. 000 was issued.
by the Medical Meer of Health. resonant voice and a knowiedge Since Mr. George connection VACCINATION IS CERTAIN of his business that might weil Gat Vaccinated at once it you with this institution he has sold PROTECTION AGINST have not been vaccinated within be eavied by soma of his seniors the shares of this bank to over the last five years.
There is no blustes about him, THE DISEASE three hundred colored persous carried in stock and urless ill health rears an in Harlem and in other cities obstacle in bis path of progress during bis spare hours.
The Herall states that the fol BARBADOS he is bound to, arcive. Ladeed it can almost be clained that he Jowing leaflet is being issued by arrived in this case. Certaia it fine Selection of the Chint Sanitary Medical Czarist Refugees WanOfficer GC Strathairn :Under the headline Notes and is that both on the legal and the This is a serious disease which comments the Herald reports laying he has made an indelible impression. He received a dering on Open Sea cause great loss in money to this the following:colony in that visitors will not The week bas not been devoia popular ovation from the crowd AND come to the island it Kafar Pox of interest and excitement, inas. and was carried sboulder high CAN FIND NO FRIENDLY is present. It also causes a much as it can lay claim to the to his Chambers.
PORT, great number of dia hs. It is hunour of accommodating both therefore a dangerous disense the Court of and Sessions and The refusal of Sir Herbert to And JUST RECEIVED Shanghai, Jan. 10. Sixtren and all the people of Jamaica, the anoul Agricultural lock up a jary over vigot, in ships of men women and chilshould help to get rid of it from Industrial Exibition at Queen order to obtain decision by dren without a country ara the island.
Sessions were nardiy exhaustion and disconfort, was We knoir tbat it is spread by thrilling yet they wandering off across the ses, cannot be an exhibition of that sympathy ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY seeking a place to land.
cont ct with a sick person or by convicted of being excessively and conmon sense peculiar to contact with things that have coil. There was some scope for him, and yuca as will meet with They are the last remnants of SHIRTS TIES. COLLARS been touched by him, and we a smile; a little for a sigh, and very general approval. Ta Trini the Czar retainers, the Whita know that the disease comes out just a trifle less for surprise. dad juries are very frequently ETC. ETC. ETC.
Guards of Siberia. The Rd in a person fourteen days after there was the Army drove them back wurd, customary penned and it would seen in sur the Japanese troops leit tbera he has been in contact with a loquacious uld offender, with the rounding noi peculiar for en AT THE PALAIS ROYAL and when they last citadel, cross examining aie of a veteran fort. Jast last week, at the Trini.
Vladivostok, fell a few weeks Vaccination is a certain pro counsel and the address of a dad Asszus, one juror of twelve.
tection against this disease, boro advocate, who prepared the forced to remain in over night S, PERREIRA ago, they were literally swept into the sea the vaccination has been success. way for a long sentence alt for created a bit of an impasse by reful. We know this because we himselt: and there was the fusing, at peril of his safety, to CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA Japan denied haven and they came bere, ragged, hungry do not get disease, and because actor prisoner. who could fall at be locked up in the room set we do not get cases among the boy nis woafal failure to faict Court house. When told to retire, even their fuel exhausted but wil an create trifling sensation a side for the purpose at ta with plenty of arms.
sbey treat patients.
and his successful attempt to be resolutely refused The Government has ordered It is the duty of all persons in toan. They were all there. threatened to sleep standing in Act of 1908, with respect to the port of embarkation for ship zations bave supplied them away, and Chinese organi Jamaica who have not lately been there was room for a sigh at the the penal. box. He was an asid lapding ot animals froin Jamaica munt to Barbordos, being taken Charity provided some food vaccinated, to get yaccinated fact that a big majority of the matic kad snorted at the ill where there ha: been an out chrough an jalected area or had Part of ammunition. without delay, and so help to offenders were inere voulbs, and ventilated surroundings and his break of foot and mouth disease, not doen covered in any boat sweggled ashore to barter for this disease.
surprise lawyers. calls for. vessel, cart vehicles Vaccination will be done with furnished for many in the ed, called them mortuarytion of a Certificate, signed by a used in connection with the cow. bread and they out charging for it by any Mediextraordinarily clever represen. Eventually the Registrar of the Government Vaterinary Surveyance of sick animals.
To day they put out, bound for Do one knows wbere, unless cal Officer of Health or District tation made one of the junior Doart, on whom reated the re Keon of that Colony to the effect (Continued on Page 7) it be Manila, looking despairingMedical Officer; barrieters, Mr. Henderson sponsibilily of deciding the that. Sach animal had aut ly to their leader, Admiral We have found in some places. Clarke, ip beball of the accused situation. the Judga baving for a pariod of six months inw Stark. If they go to Manila they that people hader caso de dues en Boyd and Carring in breaking abreses estane dot people bide cases and even in the Roberts vs. already retired was forced to mediately prior to embarkation, the jurors been within an area in which Rent eceipt Books in Span will be held at guarantine.
Some, however, including 330 another and 80 spread the and entering case.
accomodated as the Ice Bouse Foot and Mouth Disease was ish and Engis fora e at the orphans. got ashore on yarious disease.
tel for the night.
known to exist or to have exist Workman Printry.
pretexts and are being barbourThere is also the idea that We are in no way concerned ed in the International settlebecause a person has it in sight with the merita of the case, or its In the Ofizia! Gazette of 14th ed within the previous meat. The Russian colony hopes months.
fort and is not ill with it, that result, but we must state that December, appears 20 order there is no need to isolato himn. few young barristers, in their mada by the Goral Board of (6) Such animal had not If you like benutiful hair use the ophans will be permitted to go to the United States in care of This is quite wrong for be is first really important appear. Health under tue Public Health wilt being conveyed :o the Creoline hair producer. the Red Cross, Only the Best and Men Furnishings English Woolens White Linen Drills Park.


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