
SATURDAY, FEBRUUARY 1923, that سوار ہو کر رہ ہیں: amount POLO nil pire Lo other meets KINAIR WILL CE MIN Making the Athletic THE WORKMAN Meet Success Sicon the day of November 1921 colisted on Saturdays by Rsies for Advere smeri on. pp lioa ballad on thesrted stoletos in nuo sad sorder of Street, Psaama, of public interest invited We albe oice Central Ave Hon. Correspondence on all matiersbestee of Param toerepet in erite oftets a James the question do bar berope.
We will All copy for publicaties sus te this tentera Jest PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and. The swems to be een (3)
KATES OP SUBSCRIPTION muss do acompanied by the name o now then at any other tive; fruta Oce Year 40 Cy the writer. Got Astarlly for publies the Glocker of Januvy 29 that ito Bix Mooths 20 ton bts of gond isitb.
Vi on probally wil the cigarettes Three 80e. place to reture sorvety 12 isi deed gratifyine; Оо rejecte sorpreco mus vel enthusiastic about therodus of her repris stati The Liberty of the Press is the pailadico JUNIUS tam and cene in pansus; a bf mret for tistg funds and sck cting the in the Republic nost material to sell reduced me tº SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1923 hip rates are one of the good thin dreated for helping the bose from tl.
Isle of Spring. Padama slo ir meiry AN INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITICN. at the bought of this long expeted mste tut am afraid not tall so wrious but the recore of its representatives et be rate of the visitors, and there creme to bo na inclination in rome One of the most practical items on the business pro quarters to conden we of the setion gratome of the coming fleets entertainment is the arrange the Unique Cyeln Acciation who has ment for a fair, or shov, which is under way opposite the become rropeneible for the eucare of the of Chinese cemetery in Coco Grove. The fact that several nietrust of itu taumbers because they are Det or attach wertain opportunities for business will present themselves to the king overy precaution to avoid fai uro.
public bas prompied the idea that a fair would be the The use of this mort dependa right sort of thig to attract the men of the United States irgely upon Picador. Public co opers Navy, while visiting these ters.
Lion and a well organised team; regordToo much cannot be 210 this plan as its very po latter feel confident our Vnde good escont of themselves; character speaks for itself, of erurse, it works according aware of conditions in Paneta ing to the announcemer is made some weeks ago. Local the Association bus refrained from products, industrial and otherwise will, it has been said, proaching the public for fiascial aid; be placed on show at the fair. This will give the men in however, Decero ry to refer to the an oportunity to see, at close range, most of the things or caly criticians regard ng the prices fixed or doittance to the nee. Posters which they have only read or heard betore.
nw on display and the city show Ety cigarette full The fleete will bring to the tropics thousands of men 100, 750 and 509, le is required that Wediull size for the first time. Naturally, these men will cerire to se contenen gribe into the stond pay all of Panama that can be seen in the time they will have 31, 00. Lacus 750. ondebildreu 50c.
The track enclo ure will be redond leave from their ships, and it is certain, if not ail, some of more entering alergued to pay 75 Madby them will possess a rarural curiosity with regard to the cente, general adaut no tho Ligget Myers Tobacco productions of the country.
grounds will be 30 Lt Surely that hs.
No greater opportunity could be offered them than to price are we thotbore asked ia orig creles view these products and works of industry and art in and for telo th. a ked general collection at one point. It will belp them to save or similar in une and make thur money xo farther. These are con Weet lidies. It may be some of SiGcations which will evoke the appriciation of the sailors be criticism are pared without tickCHURCH SERVICES New Providence and offices of the flets, for while the business men are the writer en body think they are exterions disbutts Think kopirg to get a ushirg time out of the fleeis, the matter the cost purchasing prizes for two Gospel Soron 11. 30 am 30 ai tailitating the visitors should not be overlocked Doreets, transporia ion, en ein (American Episcopal Church) Sunty School pm Sis Elliot, Pastor.
somsinti nee for our visitors; antal (Scxagesima Sunday)
Gatun CZ track, murio adveritement and We wish to give the men of the navy a warm and St. Paul Church, Panama STRAIGHT Ev Due tomps and you are bound to Gospel Sermon 11, 30 sm 7, 30 hearty welcom, but we should seek to give them comforted that a braincious ableric occia am, Holy Communion QUEEN HAIR Sunday School pm QUEEN and enj yment in return for the profits that we hope ton has placed bese posere on the 10 sm, Ma ns 10 30 Holy Euebarist and comes George Griffith make out of their stay amongst us. The projected fair reets in ito interest of true athletios.
Celebrant Preacber, tbe Rt. Rev is u qi stionably a clear and farsighted thought and apar be Uniquo. Cele Aurociati a base de James Craik Morris Biskup of Seventh Day Adventist Church from its business side will prove a most successful ven ure, publie that it is wor hy ot true wo preu o ecninced tb Panama Canal Zone.
IBUTOS STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, reciprocally gratis ying to ibe promoters as well as to their timember the com ng wet is not so pm Holy Baptiem p. Sua ay School (near labriaa Park. PANAMA.
fair wbich interests he Association 30 Evepong sermoa. bhath (3. runy) 45 sm. SabNew sod in the industrial life of the country is being site JAMAICA. PANAMA; Preacher the Rt. Rev. Harry Carhah Behool; 11 15 sm General Worabi broken and it is the augur of progress and culture. An in the Aviation to Boemary ca: son, Bishop of Haiti.
orativa aod you may be assured of 30 pm. Spanish Class: 20 pm dustrial and art exhibition is the one thing needed NIGETENGALE Rector Young People. Meeting; 30 a.
now in Panama to further its advancement along economic Vesperu. GREAVES, St. Alban s, Paralso Bunday evening at Rarding lines. Exhibitious are ducational, economic and practical.
11 Foly Eucharist Bermon Clse. All are welcome both young and The products and works of art collected and placed 10 Activities of the st. Poter 2. 18 Holy Baptism old. 30 Prenobiok Survive.
gether at any o point make a focus of a country te Church Girls Friendly Society7:30 Eveusong aod ad rem Baaday Sebool sources and sbow be abiliiy of the people.
The Salvation Army Bocation of this fac: sho will come to The best ant dote against indolence and laziness is the NIGUTENGALE Prlen in charge Sunday 3:37 sm Prayer meeting reasonable terms with Franes.
cultivation of energetic activity, and this is best promoted Last Thursday evening very La Sabanas Mission 11 am Sal Mayor Watley The possibilities of another war when the efforts of a struggling people are encouraged lot on the lawn of St. Peter interestiak debate was pulled p. Church School 7:39 Mrs. Easiga Banget on acoount of the act of Fence was not overlooked, bar and commended. People are placed at their best wel Church La Boca; by six mem. 4:15 Evensong and address in the meantim, tha Franchen they know that their work and labor will be seen ano bars et thuis Friendly 4, NIGHTENGALE Priest In ebares Christian Mission of Panama are under great ecvnoinic stress judged by a scrutin zii public. They plod on with the Society: Tae subject for debato Params 11 Tavlor 7;30 Was the Al girl of long st. Peter Church La Boca.
in a wrecked Country. contidence that recognition will be given their efforts and was Wilson Germai territory hu3 never they feel a sort of sausfaction in the antic pated apprecia day? Misres Brow, Matine and addre. Il 20 superior to the Al girl of Chorito 11. ll 7:30 Yard been destroyed acd their indus.
tion of all whose privilege it might be to see what they Brooks and Newton, cham Suoday Subol 30 m.
LB ca 11 am Wilen 7;30 tries are near pornal. Only oay have done. Browser Speaker registered dopraat pion the side of the modern Chr Everong with Sermºn 7:39 Pirasollam 7:30 Rwlins of the action of the Preoc The fact that an industrial exhibition will arous girl, and Misces Woodrufio. Wednesday, the 7tbioet the Re Re Gstacit an Job Boyce 7;30 Miller grounds that the repatriations interest in the economic life of a country is strengthened, Westerosc, Bad L, Campbell Harry Robert Careon. DD Bebopolca 11 sm 7:30 Burke Supe payinents to 009 were pig by the further fact tbat it will make the people seek the The subject was fairly well belook Menters and friends are heel che side of the girl of yesterday, Haiti, will prach at St. Peter at 730 Edir Rev. BURKE Supt.
sibly fixed out of proportion of Garmany paying capacity and, test, latest and most improved methods of industry. In calyse by both sides, and cordially nvited to attend the Bervise secondly, the p33sibilities of agriculture, manufacture and skill people who are ambi. strong points were shown up and bear bichop Carson, who leaves for tious enough to seek their personal interests and that on both sides. marked amount his new field Dext friday LA BOCA ATHENAEUM another was.
Toe cracons of opinion was that under tha MULCARK Rector circumstances França should not the country in which they live will not lose any opportu o vigorus thinking wene display el by Misses. nty to receive and appropriate any education which wil. Westerman, and Brooks in Barnabas Church. Empire scussed Occupation of ba blamed.
help them forward in the lines of iheir pursuit, and when stablishing their points. olera Mowing prayer no udarens 11 am Ruhr District. very instructive illustration this is done only the best advantages can come to those sion, self con mand and courtesy Sunday Schol Cufirmation Clase on how to secure th: best repeople and to that country.
wera greaily evidence Last Tuesday zight the La sults from the Dictionary was Boca Athenaeun sort and dis Critic by Mr. Suater, Shen, there is the possibility of greater productive soughout the debate, Mr. Evening Prayer and aldese 30 p: dita Cule and MULCARE Priest in charge Amag other things ha ne among the citizeos if a country where competition ulcare were the judges, who, cussed the French occupation pointed out of the Rubr District of Germany dificulty in sumulates energies.
after somming up gave the Bartholomews Church Las for the purpose of collecting of ceruin words on account of getting the correct procunciatio Cascad 15 This is true in industry as it is in academics or civics. aurel to the defenders of the girlf other days. Tbo ja iges Morn eg Prayer, Sermon Holy Com country. At the request of the of vowel sounds without the reparations from People are always actuated by the spirit of rivalry to per Dade it clear tout their decision the latter the variation and contradictioa moon, tiam form acts which ordinarily would be left undone or even was not the issue of personal Sunday Satul de Confirmation President, Mr Ceaxwell led in proper understanding of the Clase the discussion. Mr. Cragwell diacritical mark and accents, uvattempted. The pecychology of imulation is no exclu Opicion, but of the inescapable 2;30 din who was in the Allies army ste pit ciple to Europeans, Americans or Asiatics. People light of the argument adduced Evening Prayer add address 3:30 daring the World War said by. Ag already announced in these in this cime with all its depressive is fluence can scil President of the society T MULCARE Priest in charge was in possession of practical columns te Athecaeun will boli demonstrate that inbabitants of Central America maysrenste goce very stimolaiknowledge of the devastation of wusical Entertainment at the French territory by the Gar Clubhouse next month the data become as active, industrious and business like as people ang wo us to the girls, pointing Panama San Miguel St unaon. After sanning up he has been xad for the 17th. The spy where else on the globe.
out the uselulnesa of sucu bui ding 18 thought that the French are program will be made up ot An annual industrial exhibition in which prizes are the society was sung at this Gospel Serca as 11, 39 a. ca 7;30 debates. The parting hymn of jastified in their action. Several vocal and instrumental selection awarded for the best productions of agriculture, pastoral juncture, and the girls bade Sunday School com speakers followed and dealt from some of the b:st artists on farming, manufacture and other works of art and craft good atxbtia the true friendly Bailay Pator with the merits and demerits of this end of the Isthmus.
the case, viz; Germany whipped Leacock, Director of manstup is always an incentive to intelligent and up to spirit. There were about twenty Fance in the war of 187 and the Musical Art Association of date workmanship and application. These exhibitions are four giris presen. Church Of God G St Colon exacted indemnitles which the Panama City was swung other common in Europe, America and in the West Indies.
French made sacrifices to pay. visitors 11 30 7;30 mpel Sermon at Tuesday nighi If you like beautiful halt use Sandwy School p.
Germany Why can they not become the rule in Panama. was an agressor in meeting.
Sis. Borr Pastor Evane. Belgia, invaded and devastatas late war.
There can not be the slightest doubt tbat success in Creoline hair producir.
She overran every way will follow the enterprise if it is undertaken by ted Franca and it took force to Creoline Hair Producer Is the efficient leadership and worked out under careful manage Chamber of Commerce and the Rotariaus will take the bring her to the point of reason.
It is hoped that the proposed fair at Coco Gruve suggestion from the promoters and institute an Annual who won the War ben sha is Garany has not yet realized world best hair ton Ic and will swill prove so successful that the city fathers, the Industrial Exhibition as a Nationul affair, made to come to the full realizz not soll or stain clothes.
DRESSING the new discovery that straightens eu Hinky. Nariyar QUEEN feeds the IMG motshelping it to Tow lons and IGE month UK FI 311 keep the heat Use QUREN HAIR DRESSING AT have lol. WAVS buit, Costa 10. large Rood drug stores al BREWXRA RESS: Se, to se STORES Whsesle Queen drents 195 Central Avenue, sama City 100 bolivarrach. lol GU1000, in pm

    FranceGermanyWorld War

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