
Athletic and Cycle Meet ta JAMAICA vs. PANAMA AT ISTHMIAN PARK months GENTS. 00 Stand Track Enclosure 750.
Grounds o 250 NONSENSE!
CLUERCULE ACTIVITIES English, French, Spanish, 22 25 It is with pleasureillan weitLatin, Geometry, Algebra. ing for the information arabe Tre Trust Sunday Berrien of th: Literary 6th talon to whoro 3t may mga as bild ou bu evening of Su TERMS MODERATE trious Order of Mosaic Templars of the Grand Noble and 26th Inst, at 00 pm bring in charge Apply to o uerica, the Order of which for hve ing. The main reak Tes School. Monday, bu o looksłupon with pride the sons and daughters of e ceaslon was Mr. Viedo: da and Friday Fuller, el rk of the District of their own initiative; that it Quater or aster Office, Pedro may be said of the Fourders Mice. Mr. Fuller gave rather Well done thou good and faithScouts, and command of ful servants.
tle seleme yet ir spirit address, Scoutmaster, Brossard and In these trying 10h his text from the 5th chap Woodman, alsots large number more and more to the test, whes times when our faith is put tert of Saint Mark gospel, of school children. ucurbing taere is no other help save that Hedvised the sudience to ever relatives and friends. The body of the Divine, when the bread Dar in mind that the Christ in taken the all power, all others feil but Chures ad operal core Templars of America stands Georve winner is gone: The Mosaie (briet never tails. cannot fail.
mong performed by Mr. out as a boom, as sibelplog band Alus Christ as the best physican: Laurie Cathecist. To the hus. as firm as the Rock of Gibraltar for proof of this be drew the and, children and surviving to Widows, Widowers and op attention of the audience relatives, the residents at Gatan phans or its members in time of the healirg of the woman with tender their sincere condolence Deed. In this city, the Eleader the is ue if blod end the raising ia this hour of bereavemeat.
of Jairus daufber. emple No. 913, of the above mentioned order has recently Mr. Rhoden of the Parsino was Wesleyan church Riso. Mrs. Louisa Burte. Widow)
Confirmation Class Started of the late Prince Hunte 200. 00 present and kid in prayer, which was flled with inspiration for benedit froin death both yourk and old. The in 0. Lorie Catebist of St Policy of the order wh ch the munity is vers greatful to the ve Church High 8: desires member in bis lilo time contrigentlemen for their inspiring and fins parents and guardians as buted 13. 75 during the instructive sodresses and as those who intende to be period of two years and nine praters and bope to have these confirmed to know that confirmar Astonishing as this Bentlemen with us again ere tion class is now open and those statement seems to be its truta wishing to become long.
communifulness can be traced from the e ne and followers of tbe widow bersell and the wall pext Surday the Society Un hopes to have as the speaker Protestant Church ein meet him knowo obiicers on the Eleazar for the occasion, the Rev. Odle after service on Sundays and Temple. Now is the time more of Parama. Rev. Odie conducts LADIES. 75 on Wednesday night after the ihan ever we are pointing you regular week service, to the only fraternal organize Sunday School at the Clubuion that helps sentensively Louse. The parents of the disand without doubt which by trict will be doing their children CHILDREN. 50 ptrat del of good by having Commissary Undergoinz was or means is within reach of Repairs al them attend both Sunday School ind Sork Service, Surday QUELLY, School e tomei cs 300 pm, and Worly Scribe The Commissary division in Song Service 530 every this town has been raced under Sunday, repairs, and the work on ari COLON BOYS INSTITUTE or cording with commendable The Red Tank Clulbouse rapidity. The building when Literary Society: met at the 30 completed will present a modern Rid Tan Clubhouse, Monday and business like appearance Plans For Big Parade On Ribt. Jantars 29th. 1923, for The new Acooundations will be February 4th 1923.
their regular meetit.
interest and enthusiasın 18 very much appreciated by the large tumber of silver en.
Mr. Lculs Tayale, President, shown by these laws in the To morrow, Sunday Feb. 4th ployees.
in opening the meeting said activities of the club.
1923 at pm, the banner of the energother things. ibat be Meeting called to order.
Institute will be unveiled at the wished to thank the Editors of Tourist Enjoy ad Themselves Goverror Arosemena and other Government Park at Colon, the Star Berald and ibe Mr. Davis in the chair, Mr.
Workman for their kindners Stephenson, Sec. Very imporofficials will inspect the boys of in publishing the transactions of tant business pertaining to the wellare and advancement of the The tourists who passed the institute in their new Sun the Literary Society. little nonsense now and thin through during the present day uniform, it is expected that After the regular business cl club was dealt with to the entire satisfaction of the bous. The week, visited this town. There great number of people will the Literary society was trans chalrman after telling out Sito the Is relished by the best of men kere over two hundred cars turn witness the Beled the following programme members bow bappy he felt to which took them sight seeing ceremony, w88 rendered by the juvenile see such large attendance, They er jiged themselves im and adult members.
started to call out the items a: mensely and expressed their Programme By Juvenilo listed on the program wbich was admirat le delight and interest in Tomb to the Memory of Members, all they saw in Uncle Bam. land Edith Haynes.
musical one. the Canal Z30. Pinde Bekesion Mias Warow Bong. by Mr Davis Master Tayale Address, by Let whoop it up and make this Recitation Mr. De Bourg Colon, Pisno Selection Mise Yard a. Piano Selection, by Mise Yard st Clair Cup League In year Carnival the best ever January 29th 1923. Riotsion Mise Murray Bong, by Mise Ettle Jemininon Competètion This is to notify the public that Piano Eelection Min Baith Pinno relection, by Mias Genio the tomb erected over the re. Recitation Min Cragwell Carmsical, mains of Mrs. Edith Haynes The St Clair Cup Competition who was Miss Yard Song Fony, by Mire Yard PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY laid to rest at the League is now three weeks of Mount Hope Cemetery on the Recitation Mire Chandler Ronding Health Educatico (Dr.
AT YOUR SERVICE and with the last dissatisfaction 16:9 December 1911 was done The President then compli Prank Crane) by Mr. De Bourg between the Wanderer Ochrough the medium of her mented each ore of the juveniles Bong, by Mie Entie Jeuninn and Sussex for the cup Mother Mrs. Ostbrloe Balloy.
for their splendid contribution to All the items were well rentrophy the members of Cornwal the programme. He laid partico dered and deserve moch praise. do not intend coming back Iar stress on the excellent rendi Mr. De Bourg in his address to the League and trust nothing DO YOU NEED tion of the recitation of Miss will ever come in the way of carried his hearers to the Crag well, and the song rendered iountain top to find ambition disrespect with the clubs to the THIMBLE?
by Miss Yard.
coming opening games.
and told them that a life without Prog aime by Adult Members some AIM Is nothing more than Mudolin Solo Mr. Baintene a mere existance He spoke of Arnold Headley Injured Rearing Selection Beli! Mis the great nec ssity of reading as Sepinton steans of improving ones sel. bigblz baneticiel and enjy IF IT NOT THE BEST Reci min Drep of Water Me able meeting brought to a crise.
We are sorry we have to T, Purg report the unfortunate accident Roding celectica Gratitude, mu the male members played basket ball until 40 ra.
Dairymen League which happened to Mr. Arnold Law on einplace of the Light House done without good Thimbles, Hadles. known as Skive) au Good Sewing can hardly bo Recitetin Bingen op de bine Mr. Wason Department. Monday 29th Gatun Mrs. Gale last while performing bis daily Among other things at our Bang Reading Selection The Lelungo, Mr. (CONDENSED EVAPORATED)
occupation along with their store you li flnd a nice assortDIED em loyees, removing several ment of Thimbles in Sterling cask; there was a getting away Silver, Sterling wih Gold Band After several at the members Is manufactured of some of the pile, and which and 14k. Solid Gold, had tendered their cor gratula resulted in Arnold getting a tions for the entertainment It is with sad regret that we by 72, 000 Far broken leg. He is now an inmate They are Heavy Weight and was unanimously dee did that have to put on record the death the at the Ancon Bospital. It is correctly designed.
the same kind of programme belor Mrs. Rhoda Harris, mers ownning learnt that he bad suffered We also have Thimoles for the subject for the next meeting beloved wife of Mr. Charles league about 1, 000 000 other violent shocks and is now Tallors In Sterling Silver. Ses pighi, leby: 5, 1928, All are Harris an employee of th Munila critical condition, Welcome cipal partment This sad evert cows which prothem at emember our Song Service, took place on May 29th of duce The deceased was apFULLER y trening at 30 The Jang.
Role trom Panama will be parently in good health up to the Salvation Army VU BATCN KORK ENGRATUL) AND REPAIRIRS.
Luo speaker Come and hear him, ilth of the same mouth and was ONLY performiog household Sweetened Condensed 122 Central Ave.
Health Activities.
duties. when she becarne sic IN CAMPAIGN OF LECTURES THE Ne and was burried oſt to the bospitel. She was hit by a paralatie England. The two distinguished from inspected herds Captain Parnell, the titular visitors have by their clear and The members of the Red Stroke on the left side from BEST?
head of the Salvation Army in impressive manner in ea poundTark Health and Athletic Clab which despite all the medical this district, begs to announce a ing the Goppel truths, brought met at the Clubhouse on Satur assistance she received, sbe Try it an be series of devotional meetlngs about a revival in the lives of day evening the 271b Instant for breathed her last; leaving a which are now being conducted the lukewarm and indiferent the purpose of boldidg their hueband, stater who is Mrs.
convinced on the Atlantic side of the around the vicinity of Colon.
regular weekly meeting and also Roach; and three children to Isthmus, at the Silver Club Major Bax Divisional Commanto go through the Agentes. FIDANQUE BROS. SONS bouse and at the various places den of Panams and Costa Rica cal exercises ard corolar physt mourn the loss of one who was the darking of the bousehold.
of worship in Colon. These was present also sad ISAAC BRANDON BRO3 The class toys went The funeral procession left the be did meetings are being conducted very much to enliven the spirit through the revular calisthenic residence of the decaased on 41. L, TOLEDANO, Colon by Colonel Hilary. Territorial of Holiness at the lectures. We xercises accompanied by Mr. Tuesday xiternoon 8 tc.
Commander of the West Indies, welcome She distinguished Davis on the Piavo, Great beaded by the Baden Powell Bus)
and Colonel Cunningham from visitors NUF SAID BOYS!


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