
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 1923 sores DCSW 58 British Trade Andrea Industry.
This Means Money to You Panama Carnival Colon Carnival 20. 00 FIRST PRIZE 10. 00 SECOND PRIZE 20. 90 Fi25T PRIZE 10. 09 SECOND PRIZE FOR THE BEST By FICHARD LATHAM)
Londos, Jauny 1923.
Ar solution, the far rchin etc so which are as yet realized by the general pu. has taken ace in the year that stoles in the proprietor shard aangevent of the Briti railwayseth term Britib bere being used to de sgaatonly the railways of England, Scotlind and Wales.
Since the establishinent of the Irish Free State and Uister parlamenta the railways of Iroland have been removed from the uw of the Westminster Parliament. There would appear to be required new term to show whether in all manner of statements John Bull Oher land is included or Lot, ad factor trust be kept core Stantly in mira when trade statis Iesna tie ke are under FOR THE BEST Lucky Strike Lucky Strike COSTUME COSTUME this Orocs య American Legion Carnival American Legion Carnival Lucky Strike Lucky Strike COSTUME THE CARNAVAL urder The immediate corse of this revolusion is the Railways Act of last year, arct directly ariing from the war. During the wer British Railways were cerat by the Government and Great ECDODs in working PACIFIC SIDE ATLANTIC SIDE were efected by making all the railways substantially che unit.
When 20. 00. FIRST PRIZE 20. 00 FIRST PRIZE htne srived for the Govern ert to tard lack to the 10. 00 SECOND PRIZE 10 00 SECOND PRIZE several proprietors the railways of the country, it was widely felt that there could be no return to the old town of often cutFOR THE BEST FOR THE BEST threat con petition and decoro mical working The Twional 24 tion of the railways did Dot con self, still less the creation of one monopolistic corr pary. Yet the experience of the war légime net to be COSTUME TRY AND COPY IT lost; so arose that typical British in IT MEANS MONEY TO YOU compromise scheme embodied the aforesaid Railways Act.
OPEN TO ALL MEN AND WOMEN This Act provided that shi the railways were to be omelgamated into four groups or com raries, The honorable Jurges of the Four Carnivals on the cay of the Parade have very kindly consented to act roughly cortid to the four quariers of the country. There as Judges for the Eight Best Costumes and distribute the 120. 00 were (1) the North Western, YOU WILL BE IF YOU Midlard, and AND BE LUCKY West Scottish TRY SMOKE THEM.
Bicup. 2) the North Eastern Eastern, and East Scottish group Eksekeskseksi VODXS3 SS 8998 Sesy SKESS SS SS5055X20X5 (3) the Western group; and the group of Southern railways. By the terms of this act an Amalga groupe, and purposely omitted ing cargo, The steamer was in mation Tribunal was set up with from the Rillway. Act, are the Dort but two days, and la power to effect compulsorily the underground railways of London, two hours of loading 10. 059 bags amalgamation of any company which incidentally, were never of potatoes were placed on board.
with its respective group should controlled by the Government Cincident with the arrivel of that many prtor to January during the war. These railways the steamer in the Port of St.
1st, 1923, not have come to from part of a powerini. com biae, John Schree ter, commer.
Volunary agreement with its in which are included tran ways cial agent of the United Fruit ditions of the amalgamation. All bine is now engaged on an er fellow companies as to the cons and motor omnibuses. Tois com Company, ad Captain AF.
through the past year these tensive developement prograinIS FAST APPROACHING Davidson, the general manager voluntary negotiations have been m, programme which of the concera arrived to bas going on between the railways been wade possible in part by investigate the prospects for a service between s: John and of the projected groups and the the assistinca acorded by the Oua and also the southern spportiorment of the salaries of use of Goveromeut credit ander the old companies in the capital the Trade Fue lities Ace.
States. Cipan Davidson thaks of the four mammoth companies Several extensions of So do your shopping early and you will get prospects aro od for a ling have from time to time beer ground railways are on hand, operating at least doring tha announced. Despite the large and various stations are being the best Bargains winter port season. The stes car was loaded froin the new frost number of Railways involved enlarged and equipped and difficulties of a most corn modern improvements, sucbas proof potato warehouse erected recently by the federal de art.
plex character, truly remark. moving, stairway. Improved able measure of agreement bas types of motor omnibuses are ment of trade and commerce, been found possible, and little being destinguished and the Indications are that the new remains tor the Amalgamation group is evolving an improved line will be au inestimable boon Tribunal to deal witb. All the type of tramcar waicb is to the potato and bay growers amalgamation schemes have had lighter than earlier types especially. Toe potato market to be so framed as to come into and calculated to Rive in New Brunswick is more conbeginning of July next, but ibe operation not later than the quieter and more economical gested than has been known since some years prior to the balgamation Tribunal may it it running. In the opinion of many competent judges the underthinks tit, after consultation ground service of London has war.
Growers and deslers who with the Ministry of Transport, long been the inost eficient Then why be satisfied have been cofing with the federal department of trade and order an even earlier date for transport system in the world, 40 the operation of the groups. and the projected, and recently commerce in a quest for new with less than the best markets have been unable to Tois grouping of the railways realiz d, schemes will tend ti secure adequate does not exhaust the provisions better even the past high stand transportation. The Vaited of the Railways Act. One very ard. The total costs of the new Fruit Company officials stars important section el the Act is developments will be between that there will be no further that whica established the Rail six and seven million pounds.
difficulty about steamers, if the way Rates Trioural, wbica is making a total of about sevencargoes are satisfactory.
a ready functioning, and is, of teen million pounds spent on course, a toat er of This despatch will set a good interest to the trading communi war, this sum no less than prime extending this systew since the many people thinking. for it ty. The Act Lays down that in tive million pounds has been shows that the most powerful fixing the coarges which the guaranteed by the Government company in the West Indian trada railway companies may make under the Trade Facilities Act, a is alive to the possibilities of the the Tribunal sball tis these so as fact which eloquent of the Panama developement of con percebeto produce a standard revenue importance attached to those tween Canadi and the West This latter is to be quivalent to provements.
Indies We have said ag ia and again that what is necessary the aggregate net revenues of e companies in each group for te proper developement of this stus 1913, after making a Children Must Loara Fathers often are unfair to both must think your father is your able significance comes from Candle for a large corporation is tae idautification with provision and econora. cal working of the comboys and girls, whila mothers are friend, and thas, deep down in John, during the present for the transports tion and man panies. Charges are to be subhis heart, he has the spring of month. It is as follows:kating of West Indian products.
We hid hoped that there might teet to review from time to time, TO BRING UP THEIR PARENT3. unfair only to girls.
aud on two or three occasions in father has a soft spot in Although the Canadian Gov. be found in Canada business the past year important reducbis heart for girls his ernment Merchant Marine bao men of suficient foresight and tions in the freight rates have Harrogate Bagland, January dogs and her hakes both dufter Development Of not sent steamer to transport breadth of vision to undertske been affected, to the benefit of 10. At the Rotary Club meeting alike. When a father punishes, potatoes from New Brunswick to the orzania tion of such core the mercantile community. With today soos and daughters read he has no originality at all. Ha Trade the souchern states, market poration. The fact the the mapy sateguards in the act papers discussiаg their parents merely punishes in the way he that is being developed, the Fruit Company is now looking the British manufacturer and and parents in general, Mies was punished by his parents United Fruit Company has in indicates that if Canada cantrader would appear to have no Mortimor, daughter of the club e years ag. Parentb3eb needs to UNITED FRUIT CO. OPENS quietly slipped in and opened a not supply such an organization, reason to fear an abuse of the secretary, read this keep up 10 date, for the discip LINE FROM ST. JOHN, new line between St, Juba kod then one is likely to coma from new method of txing charges. Fathers has no idea how to line of to day is not necessarily TO ISLAND OF CUBA.
the outsida.
while the fexibility of the new bring up their children. The tha discipline o! tomorrow The United Fruit Company is ol undoubted advar tage to mother acts as bader betw en The Canada West Indian Maga ties for some time and decided world best hair tənls and will has been studying the possibile both tbe rai)way macagements the father and the chtidran. The Boys and girls you must learn Creoline Hair Producer is the and their cliects.
mother feela moie, although she to bring up father. That does cine for December says. Ato tast the feld by sending the bioedios arart from the new knows loss, than the father. not mean chuek means you news despatch of very consider se. Bruno to Bi. John, seek wist or stela clatha, with Walk Over Shoes ARE THE BEST MADE means of American Bazaar Stores Colon youth.


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