
HE WORKMA SATUF DAY FEBRUARY 1903 PAGE SEVEN billion JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy, have hesterfield Decon pledge to They Satisha LINETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
be 17:3)
ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN bron against justice.
tha Lidy Alter 5. 00 50 You Can Lose it!
Interesting West Indian News.
The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 3)
GRENADA VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend Married Women ed in Dability, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Vote in Grenada a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appe The Federalist, in its last tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
10 writs as though women heve bot got the vote ia Grena DOS. snilm glass before each meal or billion da This is settled beyond times a day.
doabt; women, otherwise qualiti Chesterfields el. will be able to vots from thirty years ol were smoked age.
We think, however, thirts last yearyears to high. It sbould be nearly twenty tive years as in Jamaica But there is one point of ed. Lady Astor rose and sald: Ho Ro Co Products 23 million which we are not quite suro: been haunting tot every day What will be the statue of precincts of this bouse for three Contest.
married women as voters? We days, in order to get a word 09 feel that any married womao: the cavy.
It the TASTE whose husband has double the have a chance now that the 100. 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY am glad that!
neighborreatul To come or property Prime Minister hus toucael un the TASTE!
qualification, sbould be allowed the subject. She weut on to IN PAIZEJ. vote. In the majrity of cases lead tor a higher rate of wages we will find that the obligations for married men to the navs. January March 1923) Con the was of wile alone do not permits owing t) their family responsiDarried women to by an income Dities and a she waxed warm tost Ends Marca 31st, 1923.
earner or property owner, and on the point an jo terrupter and cost quently, a yott, 60 from the Ministerial Bench cried that she should to be handicap out: What a novel suggestioc! Rules Gyvarning Contost.
ped debarred aciu. lty 1u can wady Autor quickly replied: with voting if she cares novel but not a bad suggestion.
do o Fartharmore, it weSome of the best things We bave ch purchaseri of ia CIGARETTES mistake not the bridegroom cams from navel suggestions at HoR Products will be giver asked the coupon.
bide in the mariage service circumst ove in this House, but All coupons inust be plaed that he shall endow her with all you bound to put up with me. in sealed envelde aod sat to his eartoly goods. It is usually it must be said that, quite gal Alexander Sanch. General were olarney, but that is doliny, there were chers for tailer Ho Roco Products, reason why it shouli not take on the placky little winan from the Bx 879, Ancon. cz. nel seolance of practicability in Ministerial side, in waich the lacer thaa Marca 31st, 1922 the case of having the site vote incorrupter joined.
ex qualida lag cuptitor Lady Astor plead for somet nuncul cupo is will uusia cone of property th consideration in the case Perhaps tais is a nov sugges married men, wo plead the same of awaria) 12. Give out noraity is no argument Deu.
1st Pos thing for married 200 Divide laugo it be. V Vi visited cannot recall at this moment 3rd 151)
19 942 of Cather was Great Belain does on this 12. 50 50 10. 00 Atayan we ty point, but we contend that a AR Lloyd Growoman, wife of a trian, who, in 8. 00 banc nour and all thory religious, moral, social, is in spakng of the work of the of one tiesh with her husband, IT WILL PAY YOU that contre ce which a should be allowed to vote if her 10. questiju vi ihusis was discuss hasband is in a position to quality ner.
Three competent jis will by appoint check the ANTIGUA coupons on April 5th, and award the priz! to the successful owners. The names of the wionors will be publish.
Antigua Water Include the tragic thines of a Opens Supply century ago when 300 head of horned cattle died, and water This The outstanding event of the was sold in St. John a at a past month ia Antigua bas been bucket. and the pseudothe success of the water boring tragedies of the past year, when operations. These Operations friendships bave been severed were undertaken by the Trint and familles divt led by biter dad Drilling Co. Ltd. who sent quarrels as to who should have their geoloxist Mr. Scout. te last available bath before the to select suitable sites. In this water was locked oư at work be bad the valuable co Apart from present benefits, operation of Mr. Forrest, coreover, the striking of water of Antigua.
opens up possibilities of future The first well was punk near Irrigation, which, should they Seaforths, and after 150 it. of materialise, would be of imalluviuin had been pereirated mase bees to the sugar ia very large volume of water was dustry in Antigua. IC. od untered which rose 142 ft.
in the casing. Vofortunately tbis water proved to be brackish TRINIDAD And was eviden ly contaminated by, saliniferous beds koown to exist in the section of that Historical Pageant.
volley. The scientific in porto auce derived from this boring is the corroboration Dr. An historical razeant of Trintdad is beingorganized by charitTAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of Wayland Vaagbao of abie workers in the neighbour dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled the submergence of the Antigua Barbuda region by about 120 branca ing colony in aid of the local away in the sleeping car or hid under the wash.
28 indicat by the depth of th. Leagua. The naceant will inof the Child Welfare stand at home?
Sllavium posit, which is below clude the following events:present sea level.
Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capAnother test well wag tben Prologue Court of Spain; For.
jis tive a ad which holds the properties of Kolynos secure sunk higber up the veller near dinied and Isabelle with until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the Bendeis. At a depth of 40 ft.
Columbus, Fra Juan Perez tube.
quite an important supply was de Machene, and Secretary struck. the water being of ex and otbers.
We now furnish you with a package of the same cellent quality and raising 20 1, Columbus in the babin of high standard as its contents.
in the casing. Exhaustive pump Sunus Maria, ing tests have failed to make Indiana on ehore, from a THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
any appreciable impression ou the level hunt. ee strange vessel. Landlag of Columbu?
His Excellency the Governor is to be congratulated on bis en Sir Mitar Raleigh raid terprise and that his urticing xod bazniag of St.
Jefforts to secure a much needed Joeph.
water supply for the country The coming only districts are at last been Tradias 11 capitalation, signally successful.
1) Apadecc. Sir The largest reservoir bull: st.
Fraccia. sigaing of Walints at cost of about ca treats: Pieton 22. 000, and designed to suply fiss Gwerror; the country districts is now dry Telerid etc.
in spite of the recent rains, and Thero il ba graad Ginale of has indeed been o little use qulayat ular asture, in during the last taree years of troducing outlens history. Ad1.
drought. The two new reserved to this will be tropical scenes; voirs recentlconstructed near moonligot, tira His, beautiful Sweets under the supervision of gardeny, soft muste kod fairy Mr. J. Essex are provin dacces, valorble additions to the towa NOTICE The rolving of the water problemn marks a red letter day in Correspondente na requiestal the history of Anriqun, wbich to send in their contevivos always been unrsed with to lernthan thrusy ovaalags drought; the records of which wune publice. On.
DO supply.


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