p. 8


EIGHT RACES ora Excitnig Mule Races West Indians Held dignissed from the Univers el esting and the pools in some of 1, 766, 113 Executions By N359 Improvmn: Association the events were landsome.
for ainety nine years. Capitania the Jamaica tilly, Soviet in Year. Continued from Page 1)
Cae u sasl en ny crowd of the sel again with glory when she koown as Devotion, covered ber833 viation is endeavouring to tha: he believed they were htfacea his death up the org established a new record over Special to the Mail and Empirs assailants. He said that in zition, and unfortunate map bere achievements of the preWashington, December 12 Shakespeare possession police found a badge which pro el up to the time of his dauti the hal. true to his character, vious week.
Listed to be Pulled off Between Novem er 1917, when Archambaru won a splendid the Soviet Government e me into clained himba chier of in eid avouring to make out out race with Cortez from Risas, power in Russia and the end of police in to ver al gry that he was killed by an one who was galiaally ridden by AT THE 1921. authorised Xeentions Improvement Association and 430 inter with the Universal Valencia: aggregated 1, 766 118. Thesa Alrican Communities League. Nagro Inprovement Association, gures are said to be oficials.
The co defendants of Garrey more than any one else, In the seventh race, Flapper Juan Franco Race Track Porrons executed were thus Elie Garcia, secretary; knew that the association does got away a full lergth abead and classified by Soviet authorities.
Gəorge Tobais, treasurer; and not indulge in lawlessness and kept this to the finish, winning Farmers, 815, 100 intellectuals Orlando Thompson, vice murder, bat Elson owa con Oasily.
355, 260: soldiers 260, 000; labur.
president of the Black Star Lina science no doubt led him to fear TO MORROW First Race. Glenrock first, ers 192. 350: officers 54. 650: gen.
of which Garvey was president. the association after he took darmes 43. 500; property owners Like other ex cutivo om zers, San Pablo becord, ridden by The trial of Garvey and the solemn oath to be a true and Burke, start was fair won easily.
12, 950; police officers 10, 500; ethe: defendants, said Maitatal servant of his race and Time 01. Pool palo Glenrock Sunday, February 4th. 1923 physicians 6, 600; professors and Mattuck, will begin February 40 530 San Pablo 90.
the organisation teachers 6775; priests 1, 2, 5; and Eason bishops 28.
e ne arning his share in selling all those who know the man Second race Lord first, Dele!
It is not definitely known soek of the Black Star Line, but intimately were not surprised at fin second. Winder, ridden by whether Czar Nicholas and bis family are included in these 55, for four furlor gs. Fool paid bag pity him for his sad end.
Government t:11. The statistics.
va her witoesses who are expect Men who claim to b9 race Lord 90. 90 Delfin 90 ed to fill the gap made by the leaders ought at least so to live Third race. Zipi Zape list First Race starts 2:15 murder of the clergyman, as to make their lives an ex. May Be second, very bad start.
Advertise in The Workmaz ample to others. Secret Serrice agents are Time 114, 6ya furlonca. Pool It pays.
ir quiring into the matter in New The Negro World extends its aid Zip Zape, 32 90 290, May Orieans and reporis are being sympathy to those breaved.
Be 40.
forwarded here. If there is any NASAL CATARRHFourth race. Capitana ürst, plot ng inst the safety of wit Dºn neses will be exposed before How The Various Races Alta Mae second, first performaace, start pood, won easily four Thoth. t:eally becom the trial forbags, lime 62 lat. Pool paid amat disessa sanking adequately proteste!
Were Contested At 10 on Capitanes 10 on Whet Guy Paper Say Alta Mar 20.
LADIES FREE The Neg:0 Vol which Juan Franco. Fifth race Cortez firet. Nia.
Marcus Garves gara congd.
Start good. Six foga) in its issue of snuary farlo udder by Archambeau 15th, Baye: Tine 20. Pool paid 14 00 DO Koua time con JOCKEY FINED plnes poul. Very sensational rected th 19. Universal Negro ave, PRIDE OF THE GEM Taylor LCG; Bros. S, Nurse Impian Association, who and Gibson who were also to WAS. oon the orgaui The horse races on Sunday Boss but pres. Every Sixth race Trapichito first, be installed were absent, Bhe tanto vendit tione last convention in last came of successfully and Adelapte second Winner ridden No. 283 Installs Installing Master was Bro.
Go! Srecise to dny August 1322. for plotting and livers of the noble sport of by Pedro. Start fairly.
consortiog with enemies, and for Kings were out in large num Six furlongs. Time 32. Pool Grubam who did the cere.
conducs anbecoming a gentle bors to witness the various paid on Traplo (tə 50 2, 50 mony with feelings and interest mao, was shot and killed in New events which were satisfactorily on Adelante 70.
Newly elected otticors were After the installation the memOrleans last week.
contested. There was nothing to Seventh race Flapper first, installed on January 23 last for bers went to the banquet rooin From information gathered, thwart tha ardaor and enthu trella second. Six furlongs the ensuing term. Bro. and enjoyed themselves bringing Kostrolina Lalertarias, curton, Bristol the man was killed o er an Riaans of th a tortesThe bot lying race from start to finish. Isaacs, WMSister Jarrett, te close a well spent evening.
leged wocasn aunir. It is alle ting at the Parl Mutual bota at iTime 23. Pont paid on Flap M; Bro. Simons, Fin.
de este sent mixed up in the the field pool and in the grand per 70 23 80. On Estrelia Bro. Da Costa, Treasurer; and. doniestic the usurile tand 1799 very brisk. Approxi: 82 50. The deosed hole wou en won ba trocautely over a thounand people Valencin 10. 00 for rough riding Baymond: IS. White, og ish and Engilah ferate at the Stewards Ened Bros. Downes, Chaplain; Ront lecslpt Books in Span.
quented, and chief, on vialem, were present, this second Sister Ramsay, RMB.
cate. 2: chance and Toa contests we a very 1912 should be given aleo to Chagres. Smith; LM; G, McFarlage, RM; Workman. Printry. Sold by all buc Seres USUAL PRICES tot sl Ontarch poison you svatus and denne. with til etw. Banish 51 Nost ta.
plex Hotely ty en met un for it Its or wykle Setia Carhaix years hree Web Vesti In this Birt in dolie me more con AN Int. icas sve tule Naul Catarrh. Jest Herudover bo trils that so troale crying to attract attention iait! and you feel to benefits Most or hasil Mersin Ask for it kly. To on the real thing, Prlee is. 2d. Sa.
er luy pot, BASI rem calde MR.
lantare IN OTROLINE 60


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