p. 1


PRICE Crs. S. Cy.
two Acciety and to Stakes Kis: Cruelties At Bandits Surprised, Shoot His Majesty King and Kiled Judge and George Policemen.
Duke of! York Will Soon Marry Guest At Press Luncheon BanLady Elizabeth Bowes Lyons. Direct West India Cable Manila, Jan, Last night a quet in Jamaica states is described. who enfrom London dated, January 29 pliarren discovered suspici04e1er to the Acierican BRIDE TO BE COMES TRONI HISTORIC HOUSE: the Evening News as an deavoured arrest. The loiterer REFERS TO ANNEXATION OF WEST INDIAN MATCH PLEASES TO PEOPLE attempt to assault the King was shot and killed the policema.
ISLANDS FOR WAR DEBT, made to day by a crippled ex The Judge Borrom 90 Al on paine alberi Duka be York, 15. rahmatre. with the glish Queen arrived at St. Pancras notor car along tin8. vard. the London Daily Telegraph ardenes sklenibirer of toran Still London. Jan. The berr. bine cots seat of the Earls of soldier when the King and comparlogs, who were driving in of Eaglish Stats, end Ncond son of the King and Castle of steatblam, in Durham, station from Sandringham this hearing the. to President of the Empire Pres communities of our fellow eith scen, to Lady zibeth Bowes the Evisa residence of st. morning. The newspaper saya bandit as he was a remding to Island of Jamaica on Friday last, and privileges of the Baltid investigaw, The Judg: killed the Association, arrived in the zins, en itled to the 83:09 righe Lyon. daughter of the Lord of Paul in Worts and the London the soldier who had been sitting soape. group of other bundet on board to Orca and Commonwalth, is one of them Btrathmore, la ottically sounC bouse at 20 St. Jame Square.
ed to tonight Court cu colar, Lady El bath was born Aug dashed towards the Royal couple who were concealed in the rocks was rac lved on board strip by a Applausa. by statement issued fron Yorkust 190. Her mother, the waving his crutch threateningly by the sea wall not fire on del gation represenistive of the Cottage, Sandringham pusding: daughter of the late Rox. Charles and bad got within a few yards was fatally wounded. The bandits the Judge party and the Judga professional, commercial and Whilst your constitutional or It is with the greatest olea. Waktu Cavendisho Beactinel of the King when stopped by the then decam peu tu motor car.
jurnalistic life of the island.
rangements in this, the greatest of Ducal of Portland sure that the King and Quran muried her father when he arentplago in the world, y police.
in the day he was the vary in their form and to none Later a detective discovered guast o: a press loncheon given extent to their substance, you was announce the betrouhul of their Other accounts by beloved son, the Duke of York Lord of Glams, July 16. 1881.
body Eabeth Bowes Lyon, Lady Elizabeth has two link agencies describe the incident there suburb The bandits fired honour, which was attended by of the Bel ish covenant, you are news the band in a huse in a nor as the My, tie Bank Hotel in bis all have the essential liberries the daugbur of the Earl and sisters bota marired, and of and killed the detective, and they albe prominent notables of the the captains of your fate, and Countess of Strathmore and four surviving brothers, two of merely 19 an attempt His Excelleac, ao sure but you mean to have Kiaghoroe, to woich union the whom are married. Her brother soldier to attract the King have not yet been captured. The stand from Inhabitants are greatly excited down.
Kink has glady given his con. Warcu was killed in the World sel? placed this construction on of outlawey in the Pergus ostala in in your own hands the moedig the Blacks attention and the soldier bimby such a daring manifestation heart of Guest, Lord Burnbam reiern feel, bowever, that to keep out In mply to the toast to the of your fuzure. Applause. War, was also married. Her elu the affair.
reported engage The first in the much belated question of hold on your lections. if year ment of the Duke and Lads est brother. Patrick, the present the sale of the British zboth these prostowed a few wordt aangetator tere Peniten Panama Greatest To morrow Rac States ia selecount of the war bukle to show oute verse amor West loyalty is proof ever against of Glamis, warried th3. old eantry moatby after the Princess Mr bad been guests Dake of Leeds. They hav Glacis Carnival Cele ing At Juan France, Castle, on whten occasion Lady sous and two daughters.
in terms which should interestere alive to your opportunities Eizabeth acted as borless on Populatlin Satisfied, bration.
evaty West Indian o matter (Appiause. As turn over the beball of ber mother, who was London, Jan. 16. Newe of the trɔw at Juan Franco whe e er be be Lord Barobam extat news of the island Setoly ill. This is the first Duke of York betruthal to there will be grand raciar of suis: worca Mr. Oandall, toe able time siccu the days of Charles Lady beth Bowes Lyon his Today the Carnaval celebration Some of the lately import Just before reached America Liberian, has written. find in bad visited the castle.
11, that a son of a retgbieg King been received with unqualled satisfaction by all sec. in cf common The city has been thoroughbreds from Jamaica and theiredo been a debate in the the old letters. What will United Suates Seoste, raised by surprise, the constipa parasse gorgeously decorated and Between the young hostess the community.
In the racing of to porrow Secator Rid of Missouri, in even in tb days of Oomwell.
and her mysl visitor close The Dukes formally proposed to bed at nights will present The friendship matured. Lady Biz. Lady Elizebeth oa suaday a tar quite fairylike appearonce will be the first eveut of the big which he and a few others hud Pray do not for The Carnaval com nittee has program which will be continued advocated the purchase of the worst of i: Is ut ibis repronik West Indies by the lot the forvotton conies a be: w29 frequenly foro, noua last at her father country done all that willing hands and until the month of April 22. 00 Government of the was chosen to be ones. uear lwyn.
The collow Uited the British 0:04 is. se note of the Princess Mary bid 100 day th: Duke proceeded to minds can do to stimulate public in prizes will be cmpeted for, osiales, or rather thur apprepis true to tuy than the st AB Gaids. Thosem wine in Saudrugam to acquaint bis interest and enthusiasm this su nine mouey voted b3 the Lion as a part payment of the years, that of any time It is expected that this year Panama government elrele soon perceived that the patent and obtain luvir sauc oue Duke friecdship had riputa. The engagement is expecte lebration will surpass those of course horse racing and a better war debi! There is no wewe uiswry. If you except country ber of toe Bri. ish Parliamcat tragic iacidunt in the draak ng who believes more entirely in tois island, your affairs bave 11 deeper sentiment, and ined to be comparatively sbort, former ye. rs in solendor and brood of horses in the King and Queen, it is under oud the wedding woich to ali artistic beauty. The attractions will be included.
the saving virtues of Anglo never bvi anytalog Ik sd swd, watched the development probability will bs at Westmins will be many and varied. Ever. very interesting programme American Iriendship thau de; qu. ts constructive cars at the of this love match wita a nympa ver Abbey. may taku place be item of its well planned program has been arranged. The several in tact, look to sumeching less uand of which are suit count fore the summer. thetic interest.
entertainment, Carnival que ps will honour the topid tuan out present relations, the inperial Perlis:Dat during The Barl of Strathmore, inter en hy latem and excitin et This day sport with their presence. Cood thougа they may be, but the last six decades. Applauses Cride Com From Historic year Carnaval is to be the will be one purse of 100all this talk sale barviewed to day, said the eugage climax of advertisement for this these and other witractions on ter of the West Indian Islard Indies have not been fortunatec the West House.
cu came as no surprise to him, country.
the card will make to morrow is a Parliamentary imperti wo use our Parliamentary ban The formal angounement of as it was obvious for some time the engage nent of the Duke of that things were drifting that strated the same amount In Colon, they bave demon an ideal day for turcea.
Dence. Happily there is no kuat, in caichlox the spealt York to Lady Elizabeth Bowes way. When asked if it was true of Six principal events will be great paper nor responsible er eye. am not one of those Lyon disposes of the rumour tout the Duke bad proposed interest and enthusiasm. It is contested all of which will give society in the United States that who oelieve that what govern weie s, Duplished in The Daily twice previously the Ea laughe said that when the history of much much pleasure andi nter takes it seriously. To say, as weats can do is hall as impure Now of Jan. 9, identified Lidyed and replied, with a humorous this year festival is written iti est.
will Senator Reid did, that we block tant, or as effcure wout Elizabeth as the prospective twinkle in his eyes, That is be seen that Colon way head ed the mouths of the ssissip peuple do for themselves. Ap brise of the Dake elder sowerbing about which cannot the magnitude of its celebration WOMAN WORK ROOM Canal is all bunkum. We staad. Self Reliance Is Much Bettas aboulder with this city in pi and Dutralise the Panama plause. brother, the Pripes of Wales, talk.
heir apparent to to the throne.
as Great Britain bis always, difference of 15, 000 yearly The friendly er operation of the Than State Kelanca for real and Universal freedom Lady Elizibeth Angela Mar will be made to tue Duke in Legion Carnaval on the Canal Distributed Diplomas guurite Bowes Lyon Zone, the combined demonstra is the come by bio matage. At pres tions which have be planned of the seas. Nor can it even be (aprlause. but taera je ove youngest daughter of the four ent be relieves an annual said that the new servic: subject of which have already teench Earl of Strathmore, who count of. 000. This sum tixed for the last day of the Carnaval At the Woman Worls Room bootlegging cua be set cowu spoken here is scalerencs, and teach his ancestry back to by the terms of the civil list Act cel brations; will bring about a on last Saturday night, tho to our accouat, the other day ia that is the facilitios for comment Bir John Lyon. Obamberlain of of 1910, will be raised to 25, 000 Krand and memorable, specacu annual breaking up came of Cuba saw many cases of cation between the colonies and nevre with much satisfaction and wolsky being on board taa mo. hor coustry ia was the Bond in the last quarter of on us toartage, the fourteothentury. He was Among the stories told about be forgotten in the bistory of pl 2230m, Tha hall was beauti tradiug vessels, al nouga hare Laborisl Goverameut bus aelek this country, at at det bed wib Foreviot, Lady Elizabeth was one related fully decorated with ingenious not any but a spiritual idea for utev nin a grandmotherly way artificial towers and cariosities What ports they were bound bat, think, in este motherly and they with Głemis Castle. tuday by her two brothers. who the scene of the mu der of Kink staced coat on vae occasion, when Violent Earth Shock Re inst tasoa.
made by the young ladies of the App ause. There are certain spirit or yuaes past. She hard surjects that sheuld be taboo 10 ly troubled at all Dutcan Shakespeare a party of Americans acbeth. The castla is stiil (Continued from page 37 (Continued on Pave 6)
corded in Kingston Five stud pt under the the governing bodies of tae tuition of 8:12 Norman Fargo. graduated in stenography Bishop Carson At St. Peter La Boca states that a distant earthquake from the Blocation Dapartman The Cleaner of the 4th inst. and fee ived their diplonovas Races Last Sunday. That lucky Strike of great intensity was recorded pha recitations in English gi en Costume Wednesday night the 7th tust himself and the congregation he about no ostarday 3rd, inst ladie were very much appre Sunday last, brought out a fac on the King ton Seismograph by three Panamsian young The racing at Juan Franco un quite a Isrge Hr of memwished the Bishop, Fod speed. Tnect var cnrienced to ciated for the clearness and representative and attractive To day the Carnival bers and in cared out to After the singing of a byma the be show. neord about petieai graep of the Anglo crowl. Quite a large number of Seasur it so begins the Lear the RI RR Carson, Bishop ascended the pulpit and 11. 30 orticued until Saxoa procuci tian.
Bishop of siti, who had been announcert One of the popalar turfes both ladies competion for the 120 caste boukad as the preacher for the isles shall walt upon me, and on tilt of the round was about 42 Merchant of Venice. 12 months ously absent, But in for ble usta Tos about 12. 45 The extreme the young ladies recived The and gentlemen were conspicu przes for the best Ink Strike conse: Costume, offered by that enter evening at St. Peter By the my arm shail they trust. seconds of arc. for the transverse ago she neither real nor spoke qience of the big Carnival races pr zing and live wire corporatione Bes La Boca. At the close ot(Isaiah 51:5) The biskop waves, on the Eust West com glish. The school has more waich are to come of, it is the British American Tobacea replying to the Rector remarks ponent, and 23 seconds on the than justides iti existenca. belived that they are staying Co. Ltd, operating in this city. Erensong the Rector, Rev. said he was greatly moved by North Souch component, The large number of West Indian away so as to bave the fuli The management of this como Maleare, made some touching the patbetio references just direction probably to far South. girls are being trained in the enjoyment of that season, pany, always alive to the is remarks relative to the splendia made on bis behall. aod tuan ked institution 201 soraa bave la che sixth race Chagres terest of the pablic, loses na worie done by the Biebop during the Rector and to congregation his tenure of office Arch for their thoughtful musidera inspiring, contincing historical selves in the Ati bebu, setored brilliant victory patrons the chance of makalready distinzatahot theo splendidly ridden by Archam opportunity in afording it deacon of Panama. Soaking option.
discourse past and and artificial fl. var. Sfora over Doris Morton and Estrella ing some easy love. And las the work before the Bishop he present moral. social intello Julia Paisa Ann Braua, who was prime iavourites. Ad therefore ottered i20 io Casa went on the assumption and He was happy, he said, that be tual pohtical and spiritual Garrido, Directes Direc: the lifting of the barrier Doris to be compated for by kiri var emphas zad is, that the shop was going to his new tie là with statas of the country le would tar deservas do praise for Morton led, the pase, followed Carnivals, two prizs at the Paes goes to Eaith to succeed, and his the assurance that behind and soon be going to ag is second their good worka, ne pastatu closely by Chigres and at the tic and two as ibe Atabiu end conviction was that the Bishop beside him, thinking of bim, and Bisbop a residənes. At the lations.
end of the first two furlorgs We auticipata that these will would succeed beyond the. nosi praying for bin, would be an clogs of the service thg Bieho Chagree took the lead wito be some effort made by compet sanguine expectation of any of Brity of friends and weilar turned to the vaye of the Rat Racelpt Buoks in San Estrella pressing hardig frestors to strike the Lacky P188.
his trous friends and wisher, wbich wou greatly churah, di with admirers on tba Isthmus of cheer him. He the deal with and it ial Ish and English for sale at the secoad pleca, which she secuted. They are ot boye, lat watek atthaniae with Chagtes lead for that Lucky Strike Cort Panana and olsewhere. For 01: lust Luulollus a very lucid, way atki Work. Petay. isgaoui une lagtb.
ta so ia th pu, aboat the in Were on the


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