
PAGE TWO TIE WORTMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 1923 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands LYNTON Call and see us before purchasing Coupons Book Binding!
Cook Binding Department TRINIDAD WILKINSON sssssssss Contractor The Sweepstake TO THE SMOKERS Epidemic.
Plans and Specifications Free FULL SUPPLY of the but has circa atbority for suaung that th First Class Werkmanship Government is now considerire Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, We Will Continue to Cash the what form of action must be Guaranteed.
Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, taken to suppress the procu KING BEE MAGNUM Du hawking in public and on!
ALWAYS ON MAND AT MODERATE PRICES Leasions of cances in WeerCyril Morris, Hibernia, Essiquebo.
stakes. In adlotteries Readers of The Gatteare, Naturally, the news of the we prerume, familiar with the disaster caused quite a furore epidemic form into woich the in the city, and in spite of the general promotion of rafi elsewhere.
fact that intelligence was obsweepstakes and lotteries bas tained ouly at a late hour, touch degenerated, thus making it consernation was created among DURING THE ENTIRE YEAR 1923 hun possible for the Constabulary ihe relatives. particularly the to wink at this form of trans women foik. of men now on gression of the law. Sometime their way to, or supposed to be Regardless of the in November last we stated that in the diamond fields.
the Government proposed to Expiration Date Shown Thereon teke action in this matter in con fequence of certain iepresenta NEW MASTER FOR DEMtions which we were inform ERARA COLLEGE.
were about to be made to the Government (Panama. Limited Why throw away your old, but no Mr. Daniel Selected.
Pending the decision of the Governmert as to what form Besos ESOXSSSS S0168SW new or amending legislation will doubt interesting, books when you Mr. Daniel has been select Make a public notice will soon be issued by the Constabulary warn ed by the Secretary of State for ing the public of the law with can have them neatly bound at tbe Colonies for appointment as respect to raties, lotteries and a Senior Master of Queen Col Creoline Hair Preparations sweepstakes; the promotion o!
lege, Demerara, and left Eng.
land Positively Suportor to all others on earth.
which is forbiddenexcept in the for that colony, Daniel who is very young man Try them and be convinced.
case of charity and then with the soas educated at Lady Manners They are the Master Preparations of the World.
School Bakewell, from 1910 1916 lency the Governor.
In the latter yeur be secured 1st Different from all Others It is understood that any law Class Honours in the Senior Cam Prices of all goods in the Uited State of America 50c. enscted will not affect the right bridge Local Examination. He all Foreign Uuntries, 60c.
of a private party to dispose (in attended University College Nut some well defined instances of CENTRAL AVENUE tingham. 1916 and 1917, laking Creoline Hair Froducer bis property nor will it interfere the Intermed ate Sc. of Lon Straightens rough, barsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, with the operations in this res don in Botany and Mathemaand without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELIVE. Coolsias 10 pect of the Trioidad Turf Club, and No. G Street Lies in 1917. Between 1919 and percent more all than is possible to be paint way other provation of its kind in a world. Patandi la was wat peuvosi baldaess, 1921 be attended the Unversity lo ounce tins, of Manchester, and in the last Fruit Depot For Frederick mentioned year obtained bs Creolina Day Dar druff Remedy Street BSc the deceased at No Cadiz Rad rented the matter to the nours.
degree, with (Victorie) very good calp treatment positively renoves Dan Truft, Tetter and Fozema. It is satiseptie. Grow Lacks the scalp nositay Bel mort. The deceased was 25 palice.
In ounce bottles.
In keeping with the decision years of age.
LIST OF THE MISSING, Jackson Manufacturing Co.
of the Agricultural Society at its 185 West Teoth St, Manufacturers ang koro The names and addresses of Dredging Operations At All Up to dave Drug Stores carry stock of Croid.
Indianapolis Io. Tetire beld on the 13th Apr DEMERARA the missing men are as follows: last year, a Fruit Depot will Konawaruk River.
Suortiy be naried al No. 31 Joseph Waiterien. captain of Frederick Street, in premises the crat) Bartica.
The Demerara Chronicle states Furni.
teren couple measts Jade Demerara Boating Jas. Barrett, 237 South Road Which is situated in the Konawa. LEBLANC Todd and Son We understand Disaster City, ruk river, and which had beep UNDERTAKER that the ground provision Depot presently carried on near the Edward Padmore, Don Amstel carrying on dredging operations for several years has closed CORNER AND 16ih STREET Lighthouse Jetty will be remov ed to the new premises as the down tempora ily, thus addinx BOAT SINK IN CABURI Simon Adrian, Blankenburg. to the already lengtby list of CIGARETTES Member of the Government bas need for the RAPIOS. c, old site, In conjunction with the those unemployed in the colony.
Universal Negro Improvement provision depot there will be car Roboobeer, Brown, Rid. Continued On Page 3)
sed on in the new premises a Best on the Market Association African Com Thirteen Lives Lost.
ley Gore aod Clement Phillipe, Teta! market for local truite, Leonora.
Herman King, 281 green vegetables and plants in Camp Creoline Hair Producer is the munities League pots. show window ASK FOR THEM is also Nows reached Georgetown on Street, City.
world best hair tonic and will Uultersal African Black Cross Nurss to be fitted np so as to make thursday afternoon last of an Ramke la wan, Drepaul, Huis to attractive display, Suitable alarming boat disaster which not soll or stain clothes.
Boxes and ELIAS PRETO, Agent Dieren, Essequebo.
baskets will be occurred in the Manzaruni Special Rate for Members.
stocked for sale to enable pur river on Tuesday, resultirg in ehasers bo wisbing to remove the lost of thirteen lives. Sach their purchases. It also official news as came through to hoped at a future date to develop police head quarters and to Mr.
an export trade with Barba Evan Wong, the owner of the Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 dos and Bermuda and a Branch fated boat, was of a sparse Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 093 Depot established in Barbados. nature, but through the Chronicle Workmen are engaged in ar news service they were able to tanging the necessary fixtures place before their readers some and in all probability the doors details of the tragic affair.
will be thrown open to the pubTelegraphing from Bartica the hic during next month. The special correspondent stated: establishment will be under the On the 10th inst, Mr. Wong Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK management of Mr. Gboat Buckeye left Bartica for Freeman, Sc. Director of the Karupung District with Agriculture.
cargo and 25 souls. The boat was under the charge of Capwin Joseph Watterton with one Depository of the PANAMA CANAL Sudden Death In Henry Bury as bowman. Au went well Street unul the Caburl Rapids were reached on Tuesday lass at about p. While crossing the Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of The Pudden death occurred rapids the boat sunk by the yesterday afternoon about 15 stern prec pltating all on board THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in clock of Miss In West lately into the water. Thirteen were employed in the office of Mr. drowned in the rapids while ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM Maynard, House and Com the remaining twelve were CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES mlosion Agent of No. 69 Henry rescued by Capt. Dates of Mr.
Street, Miss West was ailing for La Verra employment, Capt.
ARGENTINS BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO the past two weeks and only on Date was on his way to Bartica URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA Saturday sat had turned out to and had there reached jast ia dae work. She was returning bome to pick up the survivors who yesterday afternoon ftom work would surely here pertsbad when she felt badiy and stopped 140, Dispite the tact that Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World into the tailorshop at Henry his boat was fully laden street of Mr. Goddard, She baring 60 passengers ha too complained of her heart and a the twelve fortunate survivor to nevere pain in the chest and Mootoost Hole and there bsodai was given sest soon after them over to Captain Francis ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE which abe gasped and died, De. Morray who was taking the bmt Hayes was quickly sent for and Aphrodite to Bartica The was survivors including the bowman INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM dased the body which aboequeftly taken la Repues arrived a Bartics yesterday Clark coach to the roaldence of without any further mobil and BER Bathing (toy gatta BOOST EMU International Banking Corporation HO


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