
Treat Yourself Mail Service By Air Between America And Cuba BY TAKING Do not extreet an aching tooth decayed tooth if it has at least two good walle can be saved to kive you good service for many THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY EROM IRINE LINE OOLUNNOT ARRIVED AT CUBAN CAPITAS ON THE IN DR. SANGER CAPSULES WONDERFUL CURE FOR BLADDER IRRITATION WITH INITIAL CARGO It Conta ns East Indian Oil of Sandal Wocd and other ingredients If your teeth are Icose with pus seeping around the neck of the teeth, giving your breath an offensive ocor you are suffering from Pyhorrea Alveolaris. This can be curd. Do not bave them. rac. unless tbere is vers it connection between the hnny 1980. alveolar and th onu.
It you are interested in saving you can fiber DR. SO. JOHNSON SUR on Dentist 139 Central Avenue City Pharmacy In Addition to Mall the Air Craft also Carried Some Passengers Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours ief jo 24 hou BUY BOX TO DAY AT THB CHORRILLO! DRUG STORE No: 48 Street Corner Ascon Ave.
11 you like beautiful hair use Croleine Hair Producer.
CHavana, Jourry 12 Yente day saw the insuguration of ganer air muil servion between the Uaited States and Cabe when the airliner Colonez left Key West at 120 e. and arrived in Havana exactly hour and 13 minutes later with 900 prands of correpondees which wa. delivered in the hxus at 10 and sent ons by local delivery very shortly after wards, In addition to the mail, C Columbur carried as sneak pue sengers Richmond Harris Superintendent o! the Air Me Service of the United States postal department. Ira Michael Pistonster of Ky Work and Charles Riddo, Prest dent of the Aeromarine Airwaye Inc. and others.
Ainoak the personagens wat ing to recelve the Oolumber were Barst, Consolar al of the United States, Postmaster General Cartaya.
The installation of service is partly due to the working of General Engeh L1 Crowder, who, alt studying conditions here, decided the time and money would be muod to the con nercial and busto Interest by this new methnd of traseportalon, 01 taking the matter up with Pistmaster General Work, investigation was inmediately nada sad it dec ded to establish siste weekly service between Bas West and Havana, the initialt ly to commence on January Ihl.
Working in conjunction the East Coast Rulwy, tha Car umbus awaite the arrival of the train from the north, carrying mail for Oub from all the States from Maine 10 Porte amounting to something 20 000 letters per day, whieb are sorted on the trip down. Os art val at Key West, the sacks are rushed aboari tha air liger Bad pull for luvana.
Under this new arrangement the business people of Havana will get their American about mid day, giving them to ple ilma to transas: buions and send replies by return ot mail, all within 24 hours, ODE with SURPRISINGLY GOOD that త ఆట JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WTH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards Olny the Best Men Furnishings OF carried in stock Ho Ro Co Products Contest. fine Selection of English Woolens 100. 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAT IN PRIZE3.
White Linen Drills ejected in AND January March 1923 Con ener Good Assortment test Ends March 31st, 1912 JUST RECEIVED Rules Governing Contest TO SELECT FROM AT THE. MA ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Eich purchaser of in WORKMAN PRINERY. R Cu Products will be given SHIRTS TIES COLLARS coupou. All coupons must be placed ETC. ETC. ETC.
in sealed envel 103 and seat to Alexander Sunch. Ga zo season, thus avoiding the disa operating at Dover, Ch, Church AT THE PALAIS ROYAL tailer HORCoplas Interesting West Indian News bliver to which they were since its connection with the Box 879, Ancun. CZ, Bof the past when Colony and a ater than Macca 3116, 1923 inter communication between thereabout, will be opening an PERREIRA The cupstitors of the (Continued from page 8) 12 dae two ovuntries were almost office to the City, In the rooms CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9: Street, PANAMA largest nunbar o cuas will Impossible to obtain. Should formerly occupied by Messrs.
BARBADOS the Webster S. Line maintain Gddes Grant. Ltd, at the be awarded the priza as fotiras: ity service, is promised. Arcade, Broad Street, from 1st Peiza 2003 2nd 17 planiations in Cahe should ex wiil accept the despatch tele3rd 1500 The Wanderer ii of the Web perience litale dificulty in ob grams and from all parts of the same year after reenace Evening School 4th 12. 50 the labour. This But in that we 5ch last night with nearly two bun ibis priory will benefit as it considerable interest to th Vms of liecessity. Tbere 6th 1190 90 ered Barbadians, who go to usually does not only from remit. Suneral community, and particu napoeal. The Western 7th 00 Jabour on the plantations there. tonces, bat also from the direct larly, to the mercantile element u nisbos the means CHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL 8b 00 The Cuban crop opened in expenditurn of the emigrants as it means the furnishing of Abd wall, we are sure, 9ub om Th11 50 December and labourers are who will be constantly on the direct efficient and rapid com recei e the patronage which an CALIDONIA 10th 250 very much in demand for the move. We must hope that munication with the distant up co dato service is entitled to.
reaping season. Prices are good Fortune will be kinder on this places of the earth. The new Three conpetent gadgas (Contenust on Page. by appoiat English, French, Spanish, Doapons on April 6tb, and ever to check the ed wight improve as the prog occasion to our people, many service will place this colony in reets of the crop are brighter of whom, through no fault of distinctly unique position ut they were last year, and their own. were subjected to freres, and with a little vanity amongst ito West Indian con Latin, Geometry, Algebra. be prises to the successful NOTICE owners. The names of the wie sugar is expected to come back inte a title of its own. Regular various vicissitudes in their first we might consider ourselves, in Ders will be published, TERMS MODERATE Daployment for about months venture.
this particular direction, as the guaranteed to the emigrante hub of the West Indian universe. to send the contri usio Teacher si sool. Monday, psh and Eazilsa forte at the Correspondents are requested Apul to Rənt Recrlpt Bɔo la Spin who, should they desire, will be esebled to return home promptThe Western Orion Telegraph of the Lumours and exvepera vot twiertaan Toursday evebieg ds at the close of the reaping Company, Ltd. which bes ben tions of the old Order of delaying to ensu. e publication. Wednesue and Friday ewana. Printry. ed remte Devo 1960 and


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